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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (April 2, 1942)
VOL. LXII O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 2, 1942 NUMBER 47 SOUTHWESTERN BREEZES By Roir.aine Saunders The venerable Nicholas Murry Butler, president of Columbia University, is quoted in the opu lant Washington Evening Star: “The was my last for an indefinite time or it may, through economic exhaustion, come to an end earlier than many anticipate.” Every 12-year-old among us knows that much about it; which illustrates that the words taken from the tongue of the great and leai ned for publication is often mere child ish chatter. Our first war gave the U. S. A. its first president; the last war produced a president; outstanding military service produced other presidents. The present wai even now starts the president makers talking McArthur. After the last war there was but feeble response to movements to place the leaders of the expeditionary force on a pinacle; there was room in the public fancy for only one hero, who later became somewhat of a byword and a derision. To day there is widespread adulation of a new hero-even the ladies forming McArthur Clubs. The country’s clergy have turn ed prophets in great numbers. All seem to shoot at the samp mark, but few if any agree. Many are wise above that which has been written. Time has pro duced a few authentic and many false prophets. King Ahab had 400 of the latter, against which stood one lone genuine messenger. I have heard one who is on the air at Los Angeles each Sunday at 6, over K. F. O. R. Lincoln, who is worth listening to. There may be others. And the male quar tett connected with that program, known as the Voice of Prophecy, imparts its matchless touch to the celestial strains. After shirtsleve weather early last week, we slipped back toward the north pole and for five or six days experienced the novelty if not pleasure of steady storm as the first of April approaches. I bought a half dollar s worth of seed that hot day with the thought of gettting an early start to show my friend J. D„ and his garden committee, some real products, but 2 to 3 feet of snow has drifted the garden ground; so now I may enjoy an indefinite period of lux urious loafing. What has hap pened to the birds— neither living nor dead has been seen for a week, which may imply they hust led out of the storm zone. At a spot a half mile from the ranch, A1 James has supplied a large family of prairie chickens with grain rations all winter and these, with the many pheasants, have probably made it all right. Our Atkinson mail carrier did not get over the schedulded route for a number of days, finding difficulty getting down highway No. 11 to Amelia. To get their mail those residing on the route relied on one or the other of accommodat ing neighbors to bring it from the highway. There came to the Breezes mail box a short time ago what looked like a letter with an O’Neill post mark on which a cent and a half postage is due. I have not paid it, nor do I expect to. The “letter” was a printed document surround ed by a pica blackface border. There is nothing to show who is the author, where it came from or why the sender has it in for me. Wadding through many weary paragraphs I learn that those two frightful bugaboos of our younger days, the sugar and money trusts, were the cause of our trouble over in the Pacific and not the “semi-divine” Nippon at all. I look back to those hectic days when populist orators were scaring us out of our boots as they frothed at the mouth and shock a violent fist denouncing “imeprialism,” trusts, railroads and kindred evils. Somehow we managed to keep our feet on the ground and heads erect without state and national dole. The trust’s sugar was a nickle and a dollar of the money trust’s filthy lucre would buy a week s supply for the house. Our country has ever been a fruitful field of ideas, denunciations, hairbrain theories and the like as well as solid sense, which uually prevails in the end. The story is told in a magazine of the 1,000 mile horse race in 1893 from Chadron to the World’s fair in Chicago. The story as ABOUT 100 OF HOLT COUNTY'S YOUNG MANHOOD LEAVES FRIDAY FOR INDUCTION INTO THE U. S. ARMY The Following Holt County Residents Leave To morrow Morning, Friday April 3, 1942, For An Induction Camp. The following boys will leave here tomorrow for induction into the Armed forces of the United States: Boy's Leaving April 3, 1942 100—Vincent Edward Obermire, Atkinson. 210—Eugene Joseph Chmiel, O’Neill. 283—LeRoy Joseph Dobrovolny, Atkinson. 478—Floyd Ray Roberston, Dustin 554—John Albert Bogart, Chamb ers. 565—James Warren Conard, O’ Neill. 570—Bernard Howard Pond, In man. 573—Frank William Bose, Stuart. 625—John Richardson, O’Neill. 637—George Thuer Nekolicjak* Ewing. 621—Reinhold Reimer, Inman. 1064—Lloyd Glen Liedtke, Cham bers. 1108—William, Edward Venker Page. retold is correct in all but a few details. Doc Middleton the writer classes as a cowboy. The only range riding Doc ever did was to steal a horse. The riders had three horses each instead of two as this story puts it. From Chad ron to O’Neill the route followed the railroad. From O’Neill the riders worked east and crossed the Missouri river at Sioux City. The Evans hotel, now the West en, was thrown open by Wes Evans as reception headquarters add half the town gathered there as the vanguard of this group of what an eastern writer called semi-barbarians rode in. One rider was “out” when he got here and his horses were stabled in Mullin’s Bros, livery barn while the owner of the three splendid bays looked for a rider to continue the race, myself among one or two others being considered. Though setting type at that time for Dennis Cronin and Clyde King I was accustimed to the saddle and they offered me a leave of absence to take these horses through. Clyde have half a mind to swing aboard a horse himself. I decided not to go and as I remember Hary Gillespie took on the job. I have probably made some unwise decisions throughout the years but there was once that wisdom prevailed over what must be admitted held a fascinating lure. The railroads have had a long breathing spell without having to defend in a suit for damages in Holt county. When the late M. F. Harington was in active prac tice it was a dull session of court that did not have one or more such suits before the bar. At one time Rhody Allen went around with one hand tied up and soaked in arnica until the Northwestern cashed in for a supposed injury rather than bother with a lawsuit. One of the notable cases was over a certain M. D. of Stuart who Jost his life under a freight train at the Northwkestern station in O’Neill. Probably to Judge Dono hoe of Omaha belongs the credit for saving to the county the ex pense of imported railroad suits. I believe the last case of this kind that was tried in the court room of the old court house was brought here from Omaha by the late Arthur Mullen, a slice of some thousands of dollars from the Northwestern railroad being the meat sought. One “Roselip Char le ” that Art had picked up in the railroad yards at Omaha being the injured instrument for these de mands. Judge Donohoe, known among us then and now .as Jim, was in the case as an attorney on the side of the railroad. The tak ing of testimony hung on for some time and then the lawyers went at the job of talking the jury toj sleep. What weight the volume of testimony and oratory may have had with the court and jury was knocked into a cocked hat by Jim Donohoe’s closing sentence:; “If you gentlemen of the jury) find for this plaintiff it will be an invitation for the Roselip Char- i leys, the Denver Anns and Cock- j eyed Joe’s from every where to saddle the expense of suits for fancied damages onto Holt county.” Mr. Mullen was on his feet to object before the sentence was completed. But the thing was done. Charley got nothing.; 1787—Ephriam Van Dover, O’ Neill. 646—Roy Allen Yarges, Stuart. 662—Lester Sydow, Stuart. 697—Buster Edward Urban, Ewing 706—Everett Clayton Norwood, Ewing. 714—Frank Anton Bohn, Ewing. 763—William Elmer Alder, Dor sey. 829—Joseph Marion Schneider, Stuart. 877—Frank Bernard Fritton, Em met. 893—Gilbert Dee Grass, Page. 921— Richard Hansen, O’Neill. 922— Alva Curtius Parks, Page. 928—Otto George Naber, O’Neill. 938—Homer Luke Blain, Middle branch. 969—Roy August Hoerle, Ewing. 1001—John F. Kazda, O’Neill. 1010—George N. Medlin, O’Neill. 1046—Melvin Sanford Thorin, Chambers. 1103—Jay George Crawford, At kinson. 1135—Charles Leroy Young, In man. 1235—Lawrence Walter Rudolf, Stuart. 1409A—John William Luben, Emmet. 1414—Harold Alfred Green, Chambers. 1436—William Lloyd Herman, O’Neill. 1475—Wilbur Leonard Sydow, O’Neill. 1511—John Emmett Carr, O’Neill. S-1549—Leland Orvile Spry, O’Neill. 1617—-Gayland Hodgin, O’Neill. 1639—Victor Harold True, Ewing. S-1705—Orville Marvin Metschke, Ewing. 1730—Elmer John Olberding, Stuart. ! 1740—Joe Bartos, Jr., Emmet. 1830—William Bryl Beck, Atkin son. 781—Forrest Cyrus Farrand, Op portunity. 8— Raymond Nelson Johnson, Stuart. 9— Elden Leroy W. Prawitz, O’Neill. 43—George Frank Kramer, Stuart. 53—Carl Charley Spangler, Clear water. 57—William Herman Riege, Jr., Page. 109—Nathan Elmer Pritchett, O’Neill. 125—Hugh Coday, Atkinson. 171—Harold Eugene Sanders, O’ Neill. 208—Paul Arthur Head, Stuart. 230—Lee Leo Wells, Redbird. 239— Leslie James Andrus, At kinson. 240— Claude F. Abbott, Amelia. 211—Dale Edward Asher, Page. ,286—Lynn Alvin Frost, Stuart. 311— Edward A. Disterhaupt, At kinson. 312— Peter William Donohoe, O’ Neill. S-319—Kenneth Duane Schmidt, Page. 356—George Bernard Ziska, Stuart. 389—John Dari Thompson, At kinson. 396—Earl Chester Porter, Atkin son. 418—Chester Elden Jungbluth, Chambers. 434—Henry Joe Schmuecker, At kinson. 452—Peter Nickolas Sojka, Page. 463—Edward Gerald Dvorak, Stuart. 486—Charles L. Ames, Atkinson. 537—Frank Frederick Weichman, Stuart. 595—Harry R. Wayman, O’Neill. 765—Theodore William Back haus, Atkinson. S-1023—Neill Roscoe Ames, At kinson. 1091—Moran Andrew Pettijohn, Stuart 1100—Robert Harold Manning, Atkinson. S-1133—George Casper Winkler, Atkinson. 1265—Vernon Russell Lorenz, Page. 1288—Manuel Pedro Haglan, O’ Neill. 1345—Toofie Abdalla, Stuart. 1359—Robert Gregory Keating, Atkinson. 1570—Leonard Peter Muff, Clear water. S-1595—J. I. Smith, Atkinson. 1601—Thaine LeRoy Humphrey, Atkinson. 1709—Maurice John Cavanaugh, Chambers. Order Numbers Of 3rd Registration Order Seriel Name And Address No. No. 10709 T1 Benjamin Franklin Wayman, O’Neill. 10500 T2 Edward David Etherton, O'Neill. 10311 T3 Frank Henry Disterhaupt, Atkinson. 10746 T4 Guy Lowell Johnson, O’Neill. 10855 T5 Alfred Edward Kazda, Atkinson. 10716 T6 Willis James Russell, Page. 10284 T7 Dennis Luke Tomjack, Ewing. 10184 T8 Ora Elbert Robinson, Page. 10538 T9 Floyd Joseph Schonebaum, Ewing. 10557 T10 Clifford Wells, Redbird. 10689 Til Edward Mathews. Ewing. 10863 T12 Paul Halstead Ludington, Page. 10586 T13 Dan L. Troshynski, Chambers. 10260 T14 Harry R. Van Horn, Page. 10542 T15 Marvin George Van Every, O’Neill. 10859 T16 Peter Fraham, Amelia. 10350 T17 Harry Edward Ferner, Emmet. 10888 T18 Harold Dyer Kirkland, Atkinson. 10253 T19 Emil Peter Heeb, Atkinson. 10137 T20 George Larry Kilcoin, O’Neill. 10489 T21 Edward Charles Beed, Chambers. 10804 T22 George E. McCarthy, Atkinson. 10727 T23 Joe Louis Soukup, O’Neill. 10182 T24 Charles Dale Potts. O’Neill. 10110 T25 Howard Irvin Slack, Dorsey. 10096 T26 Joseph William Bouska, Atkinson. 10607 T27 Clyde E. Brainard, Stuart. 10561 T28 John Plin Wilcox, Stuart. 10665 T29 Arthur Sidney Ellis, O’Neill. 10740 T30 Edward John Rezac, Stuart. 10022 T31 Carl Ludwig Lorenz, Inman. 10859 T32 William Joseph Morgan, Atkinson. 10052 T33 Ernest Marian Harris, O’Neill. 10235 T34 Alex H^ad, Stuart. 10659 T35 Omar Oliver McClenahan, Ewing. 10639 T36 Clark Lloyd Willson, O’Neill. 10615 T37 Clarence Everett Wintermote, Chambers. 10699 T38 Raymond Lewis Bauer, Atkinson. 10127 T39 Fred E. Boettcher, Atkinson. 10080 T40 Ralph Michael Tomjack, Ewing. 10528 T41 Henry W. Dierks, Atkinson. 10515 T42 Henry Earl Hutcheson, Stuart. 10897 T43 Virgil Martin Ratigan, Stuart. 10666 T44 Arthur Conard Doolittle, Amelia. 10808 T45 John J. Bernard Heinouwski, Atkinson. 10728 T46 Ralph Stockwell Coburn, O’Neill. 10719 T47 Edward John Coufal, Stuart. 10861 T48 Carl Lewis Smith, Jr., Amelia. 10165 T49 Kenneth Lee Martyn, O’Neill. 10681 T50 Asa Charles Watson, Amelia. 10106 T51 Donald William Krotter, Stuart. 10927 T52 Joseph Michael Kokes, Atkinson. 10061 T53 Michael Alvin Miller, Redbird. 10013 T54 John Elmer Weichman, Stuart. 10035 T55 Alden James Atkins, Atkinson. 10572 T56 Alvin Tangeman, Chambers. 10556 T57 Eugene Lloyd Cullen, Page. 10795 T58 Oscar Rayfhond Kenny, Amelia. 10754 T59 Blake Ott, Amelia. 10441 T60 Ruben Ira Leon Peltzer, Chambers. 10433 T6i Ira Lester Livingston, Atkinson. 10513 T62 Sid Farewell, Ewing. 10119 T63 Rolland Emmett Dewey, Clearwater. 10658 T64 Leo William Hines, O’Neill. 10429 T65 George William Schindler, Ewing. 10741 T66 Louis Winifield Taggart, Chambers. 10198 T67 Herbert William Ruroedt, Ewing. 10158 T68 William Leo Neubauer, Page. 10015 T69 Floyd Earl Luber, O’Neill. 10362 T70 Thedore Breouthower Friedrich, Amelia. 10844 T71 Bernard Van Vleck, Clearwater. 10789 T72 Walter William Prange, Stuart. 10549 T73 James Charles Graham, Emmet. 10668 T74 Jerome J. Brabec, Amelia. 110410 T75 Ernest Christian Weller, Atkinson. 10568 T76 Eugene Ray McIntosh, Page. 10086 T77 Henry Carl Orstrum, O’Neill. 10403 T78 Arthur Boogs Carmony, Page. 10569 T79 Charles Percifal Cadwallader, Inman. 10270 T80 Lawrence Monroe Merriman, O’Neill. 10455 T81 Clarence Leon Sisson, Ewing. 10839 T82 Kenneth Milton Adams, Chambers. 10551 T83 Clarence Elmer Cunningham, O’Neill. 10173 T84 John D. Carr, Atkinson. 10591 T85 Robert Earl Stevens, Inman. 10544 T86 Walter Oziro Calkins, O’Neill. 10166 T87 Bmil Nathan Johnson, Atkinson. 10048 T88 John Edward Sladek, Chambers. 10065 T89 Everett Ray Key, Atkinson. 10874 T90 Lloyd Joseph Pichler, Chambers. 10582 T91 Paul Walter Summerer, Ewing. 10404 T92 Elmer Woeppel, Page. 10724 T93 Ralph Alex Simpson, O’Neill. 10258 T94 Andrew Oscar Spangler, Clearwater. 10543 T95 William Elvin Martin, Chambers. 10324 T96 Samuel Robert Robertson, O’Neill. 10435 T97 Tim Read, Chambers. 19418 T98 Ora Emery Downey, Page. 10714 T99 Patrick Henry Keys, O’Neill. 10186 T100 George Clasey, Page. 10558 T101 Garrett Frank Kallhoff, Ewing. 10838 T102 Harold Earnest Canaday, Page. 10646 T103 Victor C. Rockford, Amelia. 10841 T104 Oscar Boyer, Page. 10303 T105 Vernon Clauson Sageser, Amelia. 10113 T106 Edward Roy Rotherham, Ewing. 10525 T107 Edward Erhart Weber, Stuart. 10483 T108 Charles Everette Standage, Amelia. 10228 T109 William Fayette Gemrnil!, Ewing. 10788 T110 Gordon V/ard Cooper, O’Neill. 10063 Till Fay Elder Persons, O’Neill. 10481 T112 John Z-umbrus, Page. 10300 T113 Donald Madisor Hopkins, Inman. 10559 T114 Frank Leopold Burival, O’Neill. 10780 T115 Louis James Bartos, Page. 10893 T116 Maurice Joseph Cavanaugh, O’Neill. 10917 T117 Ren Jack Kraupa, Atkinson. 10820 T118 John James Barrett, Page. 10395 T119 Robert Earl Chaney, Stuart. 10256 T120 Ottmer Valentine Poessnecker, Atkinson. 10484 T121 Anthony Bernard Sobota, Inman. 10602 T122 Henry A. Hansen, Chambers. 10337 T123 Carl Frederick Ketka, Atkinson. 10314 T124 Fay Allan Miles, O’Neill. 10885 T125 Carl Frisch, Atkinson. 10827 T126 Richard Erwin Albers, Chambers. 10436 T127 Theodore Carl Baumeister, Atkinson. 10103 T128 Joseph McKinley Grenier, Star. 10005 T129 Fritz Henry Naber, O’Neill. 10577 T130 Robert Harold Williams, O’Neill. 10010 T131 Willard Robert Greenwood, Atkinson. 10326 T132 Harold Seymour Leise, O’Neill. 10142 T133 Harley Roland Everett, Atkinson. 10472 T134 Joseph Dewitt Price, O’Neill. 10463 T135 Richard Straka, Stuart. 10590 T136 Ernest Spahn, Ewing. 10419 T137 Charles Carl Broeker, Ewing. 10062 T138 Sam Banks, O’Neill. • 10692 T139 Leo Richard Funk, Clearwater. 10405 T140 John David Cotton, O’Neill. 10152 T141 Charles Lester Hull, Redbird. 10610 T142 George Grant Post, Dustin. 10560 T143 Edward Joe Deseive, Atkinson. 10870 T144 Horace Elwin Smith, Inman. 10168 T145 Charles Foran Pritchett, O’Neill. 10105 T146 Howard Edwin Pettijhon, Stuart. 10621 T147 Gifford Lee Bachman, O’Neill. 10701 T148 Dale Arthur Perry, O’Neill. Order Seriel Name And Address No. No. L 10837 T149 Wayne Wesley Hickok, Atkinson. 10925 T150 Arthur Henry Fritz Prange. Atkinson. 10781 T151 John Edward Donohoe, O'Neill. 10358 T152 Joseph Mike Scripter, Atkinson. 10431 T153 Floyd F. Barnes, Atkinson. 10370 T154 Clede W. Trobough, Atkinson. 10400 T155 Frank Stanek, Jr., Amelia. 10401 T156 Ernest M. Lieb, Atkinsson. 10809 T157 Carol John Isaacson, Ewing. 10193 T158 George M. Hubby, Atkinson. 10757 T159 Jess S. Hupp, Dustin. 10345 T160 Daniel J. Murphy, O’Neill. 10144 T161 James C. Kirkland, Amelia. 10685 T162 Calvin D. Keeler, Atkinson. 10531 T163 Loren A. Nelson, O'Neill. 10181 T164 Ray L. Anderson, Atkinson. 10584 T165 Raymond F. Seger, Atkinson. 10349 T166 Ernest P. Johnston, Amelia. 10057 T167 Frank Deseive, Atkinson. 10448 T168 Thomas Lloyd Gallagher, O'Neill. 10524 T169 Louis Putman, O'Neill. 10323 T170 Delbert H. Hoxsie, O’Neill. 10518 T171 Clyde McKenzie, Dorsey. 10359 T172 Clarence J. Butterfield, O'Neill. 10131 T173 Joseph M. Deseive, Atkinson. 10438 T174 Henry A. Freeland, Amelia. 10342 T175 Kenneth E Childers, Chambers. 10002 T176 Gerald E. Gotschall, Atkinson. 10124 T177 Melvin H. Klingler, O’Nill. 10240 T178 Dallas L. Wadsworth, Dorsey. 10014 T179 Jim E. Ziska, Atkinson. 10933 T180 Gerold J. Sazarna, Page. 10642 T181 Guy J. Parsons, Atkinson. 10882 T182 Homer J. Ernst, O’Neill. 10416 T183 Floyd W. Brainard, O’Neill. 10676 T184 Orville Siebert, Atkinson. 10698 T185 Theodore J. Gutormson, Atkinson. 10029 T186 Clarence S. Hicks, O’Neill. 10771 T187 Clifford C. Riehart, Chambers. 10908 Tlb8 Lawrence E. Jonas, Atkinson. 10453 T189 Edgar Jungman, Amelia. 10476 T190 Edward E. Jones, Chambers. 10644 T191 Forrest Lester Clark, Atkinson. 10406 T192 Frank E. Bollwitt, Ewing. 10760 T193 William B. Grubb, Chambers. 10733 T194 Martin G. Heimricks, Orchard. 10869 T195 Floyd L. Adams, Amelia. 10571 T196 Frank R. Hawk, Ewing. 10100 T197 Wdliam A. Schindler, Ewing. 10255 T198 William E. Farr, Emmet. 10517 T199 Albert J. Heeb, Atkinson. 10383 T200 William L. Nelson, Ewing. 10239 T201 John J O’Connell, Emmet. 10167 T2Q2 Frank M. Porter, Chambers. 10805 T2Q3 Henry P. Miksch, Stuart. 10121 T204 Alfred E. Uursell, Chambers. 10407 T205 Roy L. Haynes, Page. 10294 T206 Leopold O. Lenz, Chambers. 10651 T207 Robert Glenn Tomlinson, O’Neill 10266 T208 Henry Martin. O’Neill. 10850 T209 Ralph B. Mellor, O’Neill. 10906 T210 Edward L. Harvey, Page, 10745 T211 David O. Bellinger, O’Neill. 10016 T212 Clarence E. Potter, O’Neill. 10092 T213 John L. Sherbahn, O’Neill. 10545 T214 Stuart Hartigan, Inman. 10386 T215 Lee C. Blake, O’Neill. 10652 T216 James H. Gibson, Chambers. 10271 T217 Edward Everett, Ewing. 10347 T218 Herman E. Anderson, Atkinson. 10446 T219 James W. Rooney, O’Neill. 10283 T220 James Einil Rehak, Atkinson. 10/49 T221 Andy O. Carr, Atkinson. 10564 T222 Charles E. Yarnall, O’Neill. 10191 T223 Charles E. McClurg, Dustin. 10353 T224 Daniel Paul Page, O’Neill. 10898 T225 August H. Oberlc, Dorsey. 10670 T226 Elmer A. Oetter, Amelia 10279 T227 Fred E. Babutzka, O’Neill. 10125 T228 Elmer L. Sterns, O’Neill. So?« Francis j- Hanel, Atkinson. 10421 T230 Roy R. Gilg, Atkinson. 10634 T231 Anson Faquier, Chambers. 10439 T232 Orland H. Fry real, Atkinson. Soo? C. Spann, Atkinson. g 10616 T234 Frederick Martin Conway O’Neill * 10339 T235 Ewalt A. Miller, Star. ^ 10272 1236 Neal D. Sloan, Chambers. 10669 T237 Mark F. Gribble, O’Neill. ** inneo So®® ^ar* Coxbill, Atkinson. 10068 1 239 Arthur W. Coover, Page. T240 Ira C. Elder, Atkinson. in7M Soio William Schipman, Chambers. Solo ®°hn P- Kallhoff, Ewing. Inlno S®*® Leonard Kramer, Stuart. 10007 T244 Joseph D. Daas, Chambers «g SS ?Ia/ W. SchSth, Middlebranch. 10209 T246 John F. Dick, O’Neill « * S?1I Robert J. Batenhorst. Stuart. John w- Pointer, O’Neill. 10341 T249 Dan Dalton. O’Neill. 10806 T250 John C. Jardee O’Neill K T252 William J Mel’ch! Sin. 0«5? £ranz C Magnusson. Stuart. 10051 T254 Joed,FeSCihlarUbRedb^dkmSOn‘ IS SI PauM?! Werner'1Ewmg^tkinSOn' 10858 T257 Otto L. Terill, Pag* *0363 T258 Henry A. Dorr,Page, imno S Harry T. Moore, Inman, fjij? rim Paniel J; Sullivan, O’Neill. £581 Edward L. Hood. O’Neill. 10470 Chester M. Ross, Spencer. Ralph W. McElvan, O’Neill. 10083 T264 John B. Calelly, Amelia iSiS gg Eugene W Ro&, Chambers. 10682 rim Vlha» H’ ^lnze’ °’Neill. 10474 rill l°Th,? Henry Sobetka, Inman. 10843 T26Q iam C. Pinkerman, Dorsey. 10843 T269 Clarence Ernst, O Neill. 10496 T270 Tom A. Boucher Atkinson 10790 T271 Jacob H. Levi, Stuart Ull PlulipE. Johnson Stuart. 10408 T974 ?au Hartigan, Inman. }nfqo Zlli ioseph L Hatnik, Stuart. 0307 rlVk ?aymond F\ Wilkinson, O’Neill. }S I2i8 Francis Kollman, Stuart. 1 T278 ggfff JSS? 8Sre' S,Uart 1035? rlnn V-AHalva. O’Neill. 10720 rim p bert £■ Chichester, Page. 022? rim £rer,c* Bt’ SXeei’ Stuart. r 103Q0 rill Kelvin h Hood' O’Neill. 10175 T284 Ernest W Larsen, Spencer. 0845 T28S dames W McNulty, (5’Neill. 10554 T2«« Glenn E. White, Amelia. 10773 T2R7 rfWfd Henry Friedel, Stuart. * 0723 T2fl« Charley J. Tasler, Atkinson. 10712 tIm r 1VGr ^ faring, Emmet. 10374 T9§? George H. ShaId, Stuart. iuj/4 r29C James A. Miller Emmet 10343 T291 William F. Hoh^an sfuart 10914 T292 John F. Rosno, Ewi'ng 10054 T293 Raymond Robert Dexter Amelia 10504 T294 Mervin H. Butler EwTng 3’ (Continued on Page 5) *'