The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 05, 1942, Page 8, Image 8

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Jr. Fisher, Dentist 3-tc
ficient handling of your live
slock, insured responsibility and
prompt returns of proceeds?
Then consign to FRANK E.
SCOTT COM CO., Sioux City,
la., the firm with a 29 year re
cord for dependability. 41-tf
OR RENT—Three room apart
iment.—R. H. Parker. 21-u
FOR SALE-—' ---777
Good condition.—Mrs. Lari
James, O’Neill, Nebraska. 43-1
K D. OR Worth-Mor minerals
give better results. Sold only
bv your dealers reasonably
priced. _____
3-MODEL D John Deere tract
ors. One late 22-36 on steel.
Four reg. Farmalls. O. S. Klop
atad, Sioux City, Iowa. 4271
.er good condition, good tires.
See Margaret B. Clauson O Neill,
Nebraska. ^
hand over corn sheller, seed corn
grader, all A-l condition. See
any day but Sunday.—Fay A.
Puckett, O’Neill._43-2
SKA GROWN. Send for Cata
log. The BEST costs no more.
Visit our Nurseries.—PLUM
Nebraska. 43-1
i Insurance of All Kinds
! O’Neill, Nebraska
' W. F. FINLEY, M. D.
Phone, Office 28 j (
| ; O’Neill :: Nebraska j
Office Phone 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment
• Glasses Correctly Fitter!
' Residence f Dr, Brown, 22*
Phones l Dr. French, 242
First Publication, February 5, 1942
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an order of sale issued
by the District Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, in an action
pending in said court wherein
Mabel H. Gatz is plaintiff, and
Clinton J. Gatz, and others are
defendants, this being case No
13822, directing me as referee to
sell the following described real
estate, to-wit: Commencing at a
point 21V4 inches west of the
southwest corner of Lot 26 in
Block 16 of the Original Town of
O’Neill; thence north 170 feet;
jLhence east 21(4 inches; thence
south 75 feet; thence east
17 feet and inches; thence
south 95 feet; thence west
19 feet and 7 inches to the place
of beginning, and. Lot 25 in Block
16 of the Original Town of O Neill
except a strip of land 21 Ms inches
wide on the east side of said Lot
25, and. Lot 11 in Block 21 of the
Original Town of O’Neill, all of
the aforesaid being situated in
•the City of O’Neill. Holt County.
Nebraska, I will sell said real
estate at public auction rm the 9th
■day of March, A. D„ 1942, at 10:00
A M., of said day at the front door
•of the courthouse in O Neill, Ne
braska. Terms of sale. 15 per
•cent cash on day of sale, balance
on confirmation. T
39_5 Sole Referee
(First publication February 26/42)
Sidney W. Smith. Attorney
Omaha, Nebraska
To—Richard E. Rice;--Rice,
real name unknown, wife ot
Richard E. Rice; the heirs, dev
isees, legatees, personal repre
sentatives and all other persons
interested in the estate of Ritli
.ard E. Rice, deceased, real name
unknown; the heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representa
tives and all other other persons
interested in the estate of
Rice, deceased, real name un
Icnown, wife of Richard E. Rice,
Teal names unknown; and all
•oersons having or claiming any
interest in the Northwest Quar
ter (NWV4) of Section Twenty
two (22), Township Thirty (30).
North Range Eleven (11) West
of the 6th P. M , in Holt County,
Nebraska, real names unknown
The above named or designated
.persons, and each of you. will teke
notice that the Penn Mutual Life
Insurance Company, a corporation,
has filed its petition in the District
Court of Holt Countr. Nebraska,
against you, the object and prayer
of which petition are to quiet the
title of the Penn Mutual Life Ih
surance Company, a corporation,
in and to the following described
real property situated in tb«
County of Holt and State of Ne
braska, to-wit:
Northwest Quarter (NWVi)
of Section Twenty-two (22).
Township Thirty (30), North
Range Eleven (11), West of
the 6th P. M„
against all claims of each and al
of said persons and to permanent
ly enjoin such persons and each
and all of them from claiming oi
asserting any interest in, right oi
title to or lien upon said real prop
erty and to remove the clouds
referred to in plaintiff’s petitior
from the title of the plaintiff ir
and to said real property.
You are required to answei
said petition on or before the 6th
day of April, 1942, or otherwise
judgment and decree will be en
tered against you.
By Sidney W. Smith,
42-4 Its Attorney.
(First Publication Feb. 19, 1942;
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue of an Order of Sale issued
to me by the Clerk of the Districl
Court of Holt County, Nebraska
in an action pending in said Courl
wherein Federal National Mort
gage Association is plaintiff and
Bernie V. Dailey and Bernice T,
Dailey are defendants, I will sell
to the highest bidder for cash at
the front door of the court house in
O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 23rd day
of March, 1942, at 10 o’clock A. M.,
the following described premises
in Holt County, Nebraska:
The North Fifty-six (N56)
Feet Eight Inches (8’) of the
South One Hundred Thirteen
Feet (SI 13) Four Inches (4’)
of Lots Seven and Eight (7 and
8) of Block Thirty-five (35)
in the Original Town of
O’Neill, as surveyed, platted
and recorded, in Holt County,
to satisfy the sum of $2,144.15
found due plaintiff and interest
thereon and $22.75 costs of suit
and accuring costs.
Dated this 19th day of February,
41-5 Of IJolt County, Nebraska.
!First publication Feb., 26, 1942.)
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney
Estate No. 2873
In the County Court of Holt
bounty, Nebraska, February 25,
In the matter of the Estate of
Slvin E. Cole, Deceased.
All persons interested in said
estate are hereby notified that
;he Executor of said estate has
Died in this court his final report
and a petition for final settlement
and distribution of the residue of
said estate; and that said report
and petition will be heard March
19, 1942, at 10 o’clock A. M., at
the County Court Room in O’Neill,
Nebraska, when all persons inter
ssted may appear and be heard
concerning said final report and
the distribution of said estate.
42-3 County Judge.
First publication March 5, 1942
William W. Griffin, Attorney.
You are hereby notified that on
the 5th day of March, A. D., 1942,
a petition was filed herein ask
ing for the probate of the last will
and testament of Charles W. Tay
lor, deceased, a resident of Clark
County in the State of Wisconsin,
who died testate on the 25th day
of February, A. D., 1935, seized o|
the following described real estate
in Holt County, Nebraska, to-wit
South half of Southwest quar
ter of Section 17, and North
half of Northwest quarter of
Section 20, all in Township
28, North, of Range 13, in
which petitioner claims a fee
simple interest.
The prayer of such petition is
that the regular administration ol
said estate be dispensed with and
for a finding and decree that said
estate descended free and cleai
of all debts against the decedent
and for an assignment of the
estate under the terms of the will
and for other relief.
Said matter has been set foi
hearing herein on the 27 th day
of March, A. D., 1942, at the houi
of ten o’clock A. M.
Dated this 5th day of March
A. D., 1942.
County Judge.
Give your eyes
„ the benefit of
the new scienti
fic method of
examination and diagnosis.
See Perrigo Optical Company
it Golden Hotel, Monday
March 9th.
Chet Matteson, of Sioux Falls
S. .D-, Supervisor for Gamble
Stores, arrived Wednesday in
O’Neill on business.
“ ’ I - * V
Heavy Run Of
Livestock. Prices Higher
Receipts, ol livestock at the local
auction were extra heavy last
Monday as many farmers and
stockmen, who were unable to
market their stock a week ago on
account of bad roads, brought
them in Monday. Prices ruled
strong in most instances and the
action was brisk throughout. An
unusually large number of inter
ested buyers was here and the
competitive bidding resulted in-an
highly active market. Demand
' remains good on practicably all
The best lightweight steer
calves sold up to $14.00 with the
long end moving at 12.50 to
$13.50. Heifer calves ranged
from $11.00 to $12.00. Quite a
lot of good calves were here.
Iln the yearling divisinon $10.50
to $11.50 claimed the bulk of the
supplies with a few choice kinds
reaching -slightly higher. The
light weight yearlings were in
broad demand.
The best fat cows sold well
above $8.00 with the bulk of the
medium to good kinds ranging
in price from $7.00 to $8.00. A
good supply of breeding and feed
ing cows was here and these sold
by the head at strong prices.
Bulls were, also, strong in price.
An extra heavy run of hogs
showed up and prices paid here
reflected the general price trends.
An extreme top of $12.75 was paid
for choice 180 lb. butchers with
the bulk of the offering claiming
$12.65 to $12.70. Sows paid from
$11.50 to $11.75 Feeder pigs of
which there was an unusually
large number, sold from $13.50
to $14.50 per cwt. with a few
reaching upwards to $15.00.
More sheep than have been on
this market for several weeks
showed up last Monday. These
sold mostly by the head at good
prices. A few horses completed
the day’s offering.
The next regular auction will
be held Monday, March 9.
Arthur King and son, Jerry, and
Miss Alice Sexsmith went to
Sioux City, Iowa, Tuesday even
ing to see Mrs. King, who is in the
St. Vincent’s hospital for medical
Joseph George, Jr., of Orchard
was in O’Neill Wednesday on
Mrs. Bertha Vandegrift and Mr.
and Mrs. Clinton, Bahensky of
Central City Spent Sunday at the
home of Mrs. Vandegrift’s son and
daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. R.
D. Vandegrift.
L. L. O’Donnell, Field Account
ant for the Production Credit
Corporation of Omaha, and Rich
ard Sausa, Farm Credit Repre
sentative of Washington, D. C.,
were here from Monday until
Thursday at the O’Neill Product
ion Credit office on. business.
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Plank of
Spearfish, S. D., arrived here Sat
urday and are visiting at the home
of Mrs. Plank’s sister, Mrs. Harry
Clausen and Mr. Clausen.
Mrs. Ruth Hughes arrived here
Tuesday from Denver, Colorado,
to visit her mother, Mrs. C. C.
Millard and brother, Ralph.
N. H. C. A. of Unit Number
6 held a business meeting at the
Modern Beauty Shoppe Monday
evening. Members present were,
Mrs. Maude Webb, Miss Esther
Gruenberg, Miss Regina O’Con
nor, Mrs. J. Carroll and Mrs. C.
J. Brooks of Atkinson, Bernice
Platt of Chambers, and all O’Neill
Mrs. Anna McCartney attended
the show “Sargeant York” at
Spencer Monday evening.
Mrs. Thomas F. Higgins return
ed home Friday from Oakland,
Where she had attended the funer
al of a nephew.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connors
of Atkinson visited Mrs. Connors’
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wal
lace and attended the Basketball
i Tournament Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Fred H. Butts, who had
been visiting her sister, Mrs. D.
H. Cronin here for the past two
I months, returned to her home in
I Lincoln last Monday.
I Mrs. D. H. Cronin left this
: morning for a few days visit in
j Lincoln.
Attorney John C. Mullen of
j Omaha, was in the city several
days this week attending a law
suit in the district court.
Attorney Thomas Lanagan of
Grand Island, was looking after
legal Matters in this city Wednes
j Mrs. Robert Brittell entertain
ed the Last Minute bridge club at
her home Wednesday afternoon.
High score was won by Mrs. II
W. Tomlinson, Mrs. Wm. Brugman i
traveling and Mrs. Emery Pet-|
erson low.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Welch of
Star spent Tuesday at the home
of Mrs. Wm. Welch.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Bazelman
on Tuesday moved back to their
home at the Sunset Lodge and
plan to open up the Oil Station
in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Boshart and
Mrs. P. J. Lansworth went to
Lynch Monday to see Mrs. Lans
worth’s daughter, Mrs. Lee Van
Hove, who had a serious appen
dectomy at the Lynch hospital
Mrs. Thomas Liddy, daughter,
Judy, and son, Mike, came today
from Long Pine to visit Mrs.
Goldie Liddy for a few days be
fore going to Columbus to join
her husband, who has a position
there with the Consumers Public
Power company.
Mrs. Sarah Wabs arrived name
Tuesday from Stockton, Cali
fornia, after spending the winter
wiith her daugnters.
Mr. and Mrs. Jamefe Rooney
went to Lincoln on business to
day and then win go to Tecumseh
to spend the weoK-ond well Mr.
Rooney’s parents, Mr and Mrs.
J. W. Rooney.
James Carney came up from
Tekamah Saturday to visit his
mother, Mrs. J. Carney and other
relatives until March 12, when he
leaves for the U. S. Army.
Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hickey
went to Gorden Monday on a
business trip.
Professor Kenneth Martyns de
livered an interesting addjeess on
Democracy at the Masonic lodge
Thursday night.
Donald Williams arrived Tues
day afternoon from Denver, Colo
rado, to visit his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Howard Williams and
other relatives for a few days.
The Catholic Daugnters held a
business meeting Tuesday even
ng at the Golden Hotel and after
the meeting the evening was spent
playing cards. Mrs. J. H. McPhar
<in received hign score arid Mrs.
Clyde Wnson traveling. The
Toys, Greeting Cards, Egg
Dyes, And Easter Lillies.
i :|
I Now On Sale Here.
;| We have a big line of ladies
and children’s purses, belts, of
i all kinds. The latest spring
Hats, all at unbelieveablelow
prices. Get ready for the
Big Easter Parade.
_ i
.... ,/• **» *V ■
hostessess for the eve»n,r*K were
Mrs. Ivan Pnrss, Mrs. Chas Mul
len, Mrs. H. M. VonDollen, Mrs.
L. M. Merriman, Mrs. McKinley
Simonson, Mrs. A1 Sauser and
Mrs. Paul Beha of O’Neill and
Mrs. Jack Spittler of Ewing.
One hog sold at the O’Neill
Livestock Sale Pavilion for $82.70
on Monday.
George Robertson left Monday
for Lincoln to attend the funeral
of Mrs. Robertson’s mother, Mrs.
Mary Thomas on Tuesday, who
died Saturday at the Lincoln Gen
eral Hospital. Mrs. Robertson
had been in Lincoln with her
mother during her illness.
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Thomas and
Johnny Protivinsky of Hastings
spent Monday night at the home
of Mrs. Thomas’ and Johnny’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Proti
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dailey of
Emmett and the Misses Helen and
Marie Biglin of O’Neill went to
Winner, S. D., Tuesday, called
their by the death of Toby Dailey,
who was injured in a car acci
dent at Rapid City, S. D., on Sun
day and died on Tuesday.
Mrs. Vernon Lorenz received
a Civil Service appointment on
Tuesday and is to report for work
in Washington, D. C., next Mon
day. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz went
to Jewel, Kansas, Wednesday to
visit Mrs. Lorenz's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Clydd^Bowles for a few
Mr. and Mrs. Arlo Hiatt enter-;
tained twenty guests at a pinochle
party at their home Saturday
night. Refreshments were served
at the close of the evening.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Walling
spent Saturday and Sunday in
Fremont visiting Mr. Walling’s
brother, Chas Walling.
Mrs. W. W. Hixson of Bruns
wick is spending the week at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Heri
Mr. and Mrs. John Rohde re
turned to Cheyene, Wyoming,
Sunday, after spending the past;
week here visiting Mr. Rohde’6
mother, Mrs. Bridget Rohde and
other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen LaPrath
moved Saturday to the Dorance
Crabb home.
Dr. and Mrs. O. W. French
entertained the Dutch Treat Club
to a turkey dinner at their home
Tuesday evening. The evening
was spent playing bridge and
high score for the ladies was won
Mrs. Kenneth Martyns; hig]
score for the men by Frank Par
kins; high score for the coupli
was won by Mr. and Mrs. C. F
Mrs. W. J. Froelich entertainec
the Martez Club Tuesday even
ing at 7:00 o'clock dinner at a loca
cafe and cards at her home. Higl
scores were won by, Mrs. Pa'
Harty, Mrs. C. J. Gatz, Mrs. Ec
Campbell and Mrs. J. P. Brown.
Miss Marjorie Cronin, a studenl
at the University of Nebraska
spent from Friday until Mondaj
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D
H. Cronin.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rumstick oi
Bartlett and Mr. and, Mrs. Car]
Williams and son, Richard, oi
Fremont, spent Sunday with Mr.
Williams’ parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Williams.
Mrs. Ed Campbell entertained
the Contract club Monday even
ing at a 7:00 o’clock dinner at a
| local cafe and cards at her home.
High scores were won by Mrs.
Ed Gallagher and Mrs. W. J. Froe
Mrs. Dwight Harder entertained
the Bid or Bye bridge club at a
1:30 dessert and bridge at her
home last Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Hannah, who
have been operating the Ideal
Market for several years, moved
Saturday to Utica, where they
will make'their home on a farm
near there. Mr. and Mrs. Hannah’s
daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert Peterson will con
tinue operating the store.
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Clocker
of this city are the proud parents,
of a daughter born Monday at
Pierce. The young lady will be
known as, Janet Rae.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Dalhsten and
Mns. Hannah Dalhsten came up
from Ericson last Thursday night
to see Mrs. Hannah Dalhsten’s
daughter, Mrs. Howard Williams,
who is seriously ill at the O’Neill
Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Dalhsten
returned home Friday and Mrs.
Hannah Dalhsten remained here
with her other daughter, Mrs.
Carl Asimus until Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Verzal and
son, of Wane, spent the week-end
with Mris. Verzal’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Quinn.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Dalhsten of
Clay Center spent Monday and
Tuesday here visiting relatives
and friends.
Miss Deloris DeBolt entertain
ed five girl friends at her home
i Saturday afternoon, the occasic
- being her twelfth birthday. Afte
! noon was spent playing gam«
. and refreshments were served.
Charles Smith returned to T;
1 coma, Washington, Friday, aft<
spending ten days with his pan
i ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smitlf
i Sr., and other relatives.
Miss Ellen Lois Wilcox spen
the week-end in Elgin with rel
atives and friendfe.
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Johnsoi
and daughter, Mardell, returnee!
last Thursday from Omaha, when
Mrs. Johnson and daughter hac
been visiting v/ith relatives for
the past three weeks and Mr
Johnson had gone down on Tues
Pvt. Adolph Jareske returhed to
Fort Knox, Kentucky, Tuesday,
after a ten day furlough spent!
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Joe Stutz and R. F. Armbruster
went to Hastings Sunday to at- t
tend a Shoe Convention th«Te L
Monday and Tuesday. '
William Gatz returned Monday ;
from Omaha, where he had been
visiting several days at the home
of his sister and brother-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs, A. J. Schroder.
Dr. A. E. Gadbois, eye, ear, and
nose specialist, will make his
regular visit at Dr. Carter’s
Office in O'Neill on
FRIDAY, MARCH 13. 1942
Glasses Fitted
Central Finance Co. ^ ■
C. E. Jones, Manager.
First National Bank Biulding
O'Neill. Nebraska.
--qPjp'M means “Accounting”
No room for disorder
While keeping Consumer’s
Accounts all in order.
i >
Careful, efficient men and women are charged with the constant responsi
bility of keeping your account, and the accounts of approximately one hun
dred thousand customers of electric service in accurate ship-shape order.
Electricity is not purchased by you in yards or pounds—hence Consumers
record-keeping personnel and facilities must be trained according to systems
that differ from most other types of business. And yet the same sound
business principles must be and ARE applied to keep your records ac
curately inscribed and ef
ficiently maintained accord
hig to the amount of service | ^ J- I I 7 I -I ( T
you use each month.