The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 05, 1942, Image 6

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    Sharpening the Eyes of the
Army and Navy Vk ith Lenses
Listen, my children, ami you shall hear of a little cog in this
great defense program machiru>ry of ours that plays an unspec
tacular, but vital, role in the whole defense setup. It is the manu
facture of optical instruments for our armed forces. It was thought
that the lJ. S. would be up against it when the supply of German
optical glass was cut off, but this was not the case. The optical
division at Frankford Arsenal in Philadelphia, where some of these
photos were taken, non- has a staff of 200 persons.
On the bridge of the mighty bat
tleship, North Carolina, Rear Ad
miral Olaf M. llustvedt and his exec
utive officer, Commdr. A. G. Shepard
§ (left) hold binoculars as they observe
the effects of the firing tests at sea.
The bithe machine at the left is used for centering lenses and
grinding^the edges through with the optical center. Right: Look
ing for flatcs in /tarts of binoculars as they are assembled.
The girl at left is cleaning optical elements that trill later be
assembled into a battery commander's telescope. Right: Ttco
pretty maids check on finished prisms and lenses.
Field binoculars in actual use. A soldier is spotting aircraft
during maneuvers. He tells his partner what he sees and the
partner relays the information to headquarters.
■ Short Story of the Week .—J
This \oung Couples Parents
Offered Some Marriage Advice
DELLA KEITH pursed her
lips in Indecision. It was
Saturday and on Saturdays
Gordon Black, whom she
had known for years, and who was
her next door neighbor, displayed
considerable annoyance when any
one had the indecency to disturb
him from indulging his hobby, which
was taking apart and putting to
gether broken-down automobiles.
Still, this was important.
'‘Hello," she said. stepping
through the gate and standing near
Gordon’s legs. The legs wriggled.
Six feet and two inches of male
youth emerged from beneath the
car. A grease-besmeared and an
noyed countenance stared at Della.
"Lo, Del," said the youth, and
"Got something to talk over with
you," Della said. "It’s about us.
Father wants us to get married."
Gordon grunted. "Mine does too,"
he said unhappily.
“You got it too, eh? Well, what
are you going to do, let your father
tell you whom you’re going to
"Not by a jugful, I’m not!” The
youth sat upright. "What does he
think I am? Telling me whom I’m
to marry!"
"I thought you’d feel that way
about it. I don’t like the idea, ei
ther. Father said a lot of things
about family friendship, and how he
agreed with your father when we
were kids to marry us off when
we’d grown."
Gordon’s eyes blazed. "Well, he’s
a little late for that stuff! You
“And now,” said Della, “now that
we’ve won, Gordon, I suppose it’s
all right to tell?”
can’t get away with it in these mod
ern times. I'm going to pick my
own wife. Just because we’ve seen
a lot of each other since we got
out of college is no sign we’re in
“Of course not. Fact is, I was
lonesome and you were the only
man available.”
“Same here. They’ve certainly got
a nerve. Dad said he’d give me a
week to decide. That’s a laugh!"
The youth's head disappeared be
neath the car again. “See you to
night," he called. “Dance at the
country club.”
Della nodded indifferently and
went back through the gate. A week
later she and Gordon confronted
their parents in the library of the
Black home. The conference had
been called for eight sharp. It was
now 8:45.
The elder Keith looked up and
glowered as they entered. The eld
er Black silently indicated chairs.
“You young folks.” began the lat
ter, “probably can surmise why we
asked you to come here." He
paused. Della and Gordon stared
"Both of you," the elder Black
went on, “have reached the mar
riageable age. And as you proba
bly know, it has long been the wish
of Mr. Keith and myself that his
daughter and my son should one
day be joined in matrimony. Noth
ing would give us more pleasure
than thus to have the families unit
ed. We have watched you closely.
We find that you are happy in each
other’s company. You are conge
nial. helpful, kind. In short, we are
convinced we are making no mis
take in demanding—requesting—that
our wishes be fulfilled.”
The elder Black took a long breath
and sat down. The elder Keith nod
ded in silent approval and stared at
the victims. “Well, what have you
to say, Gordon?"
Gordon crossed and uncrossed his
legs, glanced at Della, winked and
regarded his father ludicrously. "I
say, father, that you two old cod
er-gentlemen are acting quite ri
The elder Black glowered. “Take
care, young man! This is a serious
"Serious for you, perhaps, but de
cidedly absurd to me. Father or
no father, no one is going to tell
me who I’m to marry.”
"And you, Della?"
“Absolutely preposterous! It’s sil
ly and—old-fashioned. Why you’d
think we were living in China or
somewhere! ”
“Then neither of you will respect
our wishes?"
“Your commands. Your wishes
don't enter into it."
The elder Black stood up and im
pressively removed his spectacles.
“Children, you have no idea what
this means to Mr. Keith and my.
self. It has been our dream for
I more than 20 years And, I warn
you, we'll do everything in our pow
er to bring the union about. We
believe we’re within our rights. I
ask you again to reconsider."
“I’m sorry, Father, but I feel that
such things should be left entirely to
Della and me, without outside in
"In that case, son, the firm of
Black & Son, attorneys, is no longer
in existence. You are .discharged,
ousted! You will also be cut from
my will!”
Gordon grinned. “Cut away. You
have the final say-so there."
“And you, Della," said Mr. Keith
severely, “will receive similar treat
ment. Of course, for the time be
ing you may remain in our home.
But you need expect no inheritance
from me; your weekly allowance
will also be discontinued.”
Della stood up and her face was
grave. "Very well, Father. My
answer is the same as Gordon’s.
I’ll not submit to any such tyran
She turned and started toward the
door, Gordon close to her heels.
They were part way out when Mr.
Black spoke.
“Gordon!” The youth turned and
waited. “Come back in here. Both
of you. This thing has gone far
enough. Mr. Keith and I thought—
hoped you two would fall in love. We
wanted you to. And we got tired of
waiting. We tried to force you into
this thing—by threats. I can see
now we were wrong. After all, ev
ery one must choose for himself in
such matters.”
Gordon came across the ropm
quickly and placed his arm about
his father’s shoulder. "I’m sorry.
Dad. I didn’t mean to hurt your
feelings—but, well, I’m glad you see
it our way.”
Near by Della was clinging to the
neck of old Mr. Keith. The old men
looked at each other and grinned
sheepishly. The two young people
looked at each other and smiled hap
“And now,” said Della, "now that
we’ve won, Gordon, I suppose it’s
all right to tell?”
Gordon nodded. “Of course. No
good to keep it a secret.”
Mr. Black and Mr. Keith looked
puzzled. And Della said happily,
“It isn't that Gordon and I don’t
love each other. We do, very much.
It's simply that we’re like our old
dads — stubborn and independent.
Nobody was going to tell us what to
do. Not even our pops. And so
when we first got wind of this thing
last week and were told about this
proposed conference tonight, we just
slipped away and got married that
very day, without anyone telling us
we could or couldn’t."
(Associated Newspapers—WNU Service.)
Four-Eyed Fish Look
Above, Below Same Time
Fish do not have eyelids, and for
a simple reason—they live in the
water and the water keeps their
eyes moist.
Most kinds of land animals have
eyelids. The main purpose of the
lids is to guard the eyes from dust,
or anything else which may come
into them. One way the eyes are
guarded is by blinking the lids; this
spreads a bit of moisture over the
surface. You and I blink our eyes
more than we might think, unless
we stop to take note of it.
Ordinary fish go into the air so
seldom that they do not need lids
to guard their eyes. Even the four
eyed fish has water close by; it
dips its head often enough to clear
the eyes which are kept in the open
Four-eyed fish? Yes, that's what
they are called.
Four-eyed fish are from six to
eight inches long. They live chiefly
in salt water, but sometimes go
into rivers. One place where they
are found is Surinam, or Dutch
Guiana, the home of the Surniam
toad and other strange forms of life.
In markets of Brazil, four-eyed
fish are sold to housewives who take
them home to cook. It may be that
most of those housewives give little
thought to the amazing kind of fish
they buy. No other kind in the
world has four eyes.
From one point of view, we might
say this fish has only one pair of
eyes, with each one •‘double.” Yet
a band of color cuts through on each
side, and gives the eye the work of
two. One looks downward, the oth
er upward.
So the eyes on each side are sep
arate. and the name of "four-eyed
fish” can hardly be called a mis
take. We may wonder why, in this
special case, Nature made the eyes
that way.
The answer is to be found in a
certain fact: the fish has the habit
of swimming and floating at the
surface of the water. It needs to
be able to look up and down at the
same time.
To see insects above the water,
it needs eyes which look upward.
These insects supply much of its
There are little "bugs" and other
game to be obtained just under the
surface of the water, and to see
these the fish needs down-looking
(Released by Western Newspaper Union.)
Your Yank
TF YOU want a composite picture
' of ‘Your Yank,” i.e. the average
young man starting service in the
United States army to defend his flag
and his country here it is, accord
ing to a recent compilation of official
figures by the war department.
Your Yank is five feet, eight
inches tall, weighs 144 pounds, has
a chest measurement of 33V4 inches,
wears a 9%-D shoe and a size 7 hat.
After a few months in the army,
however, the recruit has gained in
weight on army food, wears shoes
one-half size larger and has an ex
panded chest measurement. This is
indicated by tests of average re
cruits, although complete examina
tion comparable to that given upon
the individual’s entrance into the
service is not routine.
To keep this average soldier in
fighting trim for the first year, the
Quartermaster corps spends $404.65,
of which $175.20 is for his food;
$162.05 for clothing; $15.79 for in
dividual equipment; and $51.61 for
barracks equipment. Weapons, am
munition, pay and other expenses
incurred during his training are not
included in these estimates.
The army spends about 48 cents a
day, or $175.20 a year, to feed him.
The American soldier eats at the
finest army mess in the world. On j
a weekly basis his garrison, or
peacetime ration consists of the fol
lowing average quantities of basic
Jo Private John E. Lawton, 21
year-old lad from Everett, Mass.,
fell the distinction on November 19,
1940, of being the first in the nation
to be accepted in the army under
the Selective Service law'. He is pic
tured above in full army uniform
and carrying away his duflle bag
at Fort IJevens, Mass.
foods. 4 pounds, 6 ounces of fresh
beef; 14 ounces<of chicken; 1 pound,
12 ounces of fresh pork; 7 eggs; 9
pounds, 3 ounces of fresh and canned
vegetables; a little over 1 pound of
cereals and dry vegetables; about 2
pounds of fresh and canned fruits;
14 ounces of coffee; 4 pounds, 6
ounces of potatoes; and 4 pounds of
fresh and evaporated milk.
Clothing needed to outfit the en
listed man when he begins duty costs
the government $107.89. Mainte
nance cost of clothing for a year is
$54.16, making a total clothing cost
for his year in the army of $162.05.
Clothing issued to the soldier in
cludes 8 pairs of shorts (either cot
ton or woolen), 8 undershirts (usu
ally cotton, but 2 may. be woolen);
9 pairs of socks, 3 pairs of shoes—
2 pairs high brown service and 1
pair low dress oxfords; 6 pairs of
trousers—4 cotton khaki and 2 wool
en, 6 shirts—4 khaki and 2 flannel,
woolen, or O.D , 1 woolen overcoat;
1 cotton field jacket with woolen lin
ing; 3 herringbone cotton twill jack
ets (to soldiers not issued one-piece
work suits), 3 pairs of herringbone
twill trousers to go with jackets; 2
pairs of canvas leggings (when not
issued boots), 4 neckties—2 black
woolen and 2 cotton khaki; 1 herring
bone twill hat to go with suit of simi
lar material, 2 caps—1 woolen, 1
cotton khaki (except in tropics); 1
woolen or serge coat; 1 cotton khaki
web waist belt; 1 pair of woolen,
O.D. gloves; 6 white cotton handker
chiefs, and 1 steel helmet.
When he enters the service the
enlisted man receives 1 toilet set
containing shaving brush, tooth
brush,- comb, safety razor with 5
blades, 1 pair of suspenders; 2 iden
tification discs with 1 yard of tape;
2 hand towels; 1 bath towel; 2 bar
rack bags; 1 canvas field bag; 1 car
tridge belt (if armed with rifle); 1
pistol belt (if armed with pistol); 1
mess kit; 1 canteen and cover; 1
pack carrier; 1 cup; 1 fork, 1 spoon;
1 knife; 1 haversack (if not issued
field bag), 1 web pocket (if armed
with pistol), 1 first aid pouch; 1
! strap for carrying field bag.
Pattern 7142
you’ve a beautiful crocheted
dinner cloth to set off your fine
china! Make this heirloom cloth in
Always keep perfume in a dark
place. Daylight will affect every
odor differently, according to its
formula. In extreme cases per
fume turns bright red as soon as
it has been exposed to the sun.
♦ * *
Leftover stock from cooked
vegetables contains valuable min
erals and vitamins. Save it to use
in soups, stews, and sauces.
* * •
Salt meat requires longer boil
ing than fresh. Put it into cold wa
ter, quickly bring it to a boil, then
let it simmer.
• * *
To bring out the full flavor of
raisins, dates, currants or figs,
soak them in a little boiling wa
ter for five minutes. Two table
spoons of boiling water for each
half cup of fruit will be satis
* * *
Keep your furnace, flues and
chimney clean. Dirt and soot cut
down furnace efficiency. Cleaning
once a year should be enough, but
if you burn a high-soot coal, your
furnace may need cleaning twice
a season.
More Raleigh Jingles
Raleigh Cigarettes are again
offering liberal prizes in a big
jipgle contest running in this pa
per. One hundred and thirty-three
prizes will be awarded each week.
string. It's filet crochet that has a
clear chart to follow.
• • •
Pattern 7142 contains instructions and
chart for making cloth in various sizes;
illustrations of It and stitches; materials
needed. Send your order to:
Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept.
*2 Eighth Ave. New York
Enclose 15 cents In coins for Pat
tern No.
Swore in 9 Presidents
Roger Brooke^Taney, chief jus
tice of the United States Supreme
court from 1836 to 1864, admin
istered the oath of office to more
Presidents than any other man,
says Collier’s. He swore in Mar- .
tin Van Buren, William Henry Jk
Harrison, John Tyler, James K.
Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard
Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, James
Buchanan and Abraham Lincoln.
Best for Juice
afu/Sb&w uae/
California Navel oranges
are seedless. They peel in a
jiffy, divide easily into firm
and juicy sections!
They are ideal for lunch
boxes, recipes and berween
meals or bedtime eating.
Their juice is richer in
flavor. It has more vitamins
C and A, and calcium, more
health in every glass.
Those stamped “Sunkist"
are the finest from 14,500
cooperating growers.
Copyright, 194S, California Fruit Grower# Exchange
Help Defend Your Country
By Buying Defense Bonds
/home, remember,the
♦ Per Cake: Vitamin A— 2000 Units (Int.) Vitamin B,—150 Units fbit.)
Vitamin D—400 Units (Int.) Vitamin 0-40-50 Units (Sh. Bour.)
All of these vitamins go tight into your bread; they are not appreciably
lost in the oven. Ask for Fleischmann's Fresh Yeast—with the yellow label
Let’s go to town
—at Home I
NO TELLING what tomorrow's weather may be. It fools the best fore
caster. But we do want chintz for the windows. We do need a car- j
pet sweeper, a new percolator, and a new end-table in the living-room.
And we don't want to slosh around rainy streets to hunt them. Problem: |
How to thwart the weather man. Simple enough! Let's sit down by the
fireplace and read the advertisements. Here it's comfortable and snug.
We'll take the newspaper page by page, compare prices, qualities,
brand-names. Tomorrow, rain or shine, we'll head for the store that has
what we want, and home again in a jiffy.
•"Buying at Home"—through the advertising columns—gives you wide
selection, more time to decide, and satisfaction when you decide.