The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 26, 1942, Page 8, Image 8
MISCELLANEOUS *— ~ ■1 ■ ■ ■ '' — — - hr. Fisher, Dentist 3-tc "TOU WANT EXPERT AND EF- | Cicient handling of your live, htaack. insured responsibility and fvompt returns of proceeds? Then consign to FRANK E. SCOTT COM CO., Sioux City, ^la.. the firm with a 29 year re cord for dependability. 41-tf FOR RENT T)R RENT—Three room apart ment.—R. H. Parker. 21-tf "FOR RENT—1440 ACRES well Improved Ranch 5 miles south west of Ericson, Wheeler County. *Now occupied by Daily. Rental ■$750—Also Caster County, Ne braska and Bennet County, South Dakota farms for rent.— AMOS GRANT CO., 212 South 19th St., Omaha, Nebraska. 40 J SALESMEN WANTED available at once RAW leigh Route of 800 families. Only reliable men need apply. Good profits to willing workers. No experience required to start. Write today.—Rawleigh’s Dept. NBB-252-Z. Freeport 111. 42-1 FOR SALE _^__— I "X. D. OR Worth-Mor minerals give better results. Sold only by your dealers reasonably priced. 42-1 3-MODEL D John Deere tract ors. One late 22-36 on steel. Four reg. Farmalls. O. S. Klop slad, Sioux City, Iowa. 42? 1 1938 STUDEBAKER COMMAND t*r good condition, good tires.— See Margaret B. Clauson O’Neill. Nebraska. _2w L. G. GILLESPIE Insurance of All Kinds O’Neill, Nebraska W. F. FINLEY, M. D. Phone, Office 28 {PNeill :: Nebraska doctors BROWN & FRENCH Office Plione 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment Glasses Correctly Fitted Residence ( Dr. Brown, 22S Phone* I Dr. F'rench, 242 First Publication, February 5, 1942 NOTICE OF REFEREES SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the District Court of Holt 'County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said court wherein Mabel H. Gatz is plaintiff, and Clinton J. Gatz, and others are defendants, this being case No 13822, directing me as referee to sell the following described real estate, to-wit: Commencing at a point 21M inches west of the southwest corner of Lot 26 in Block 16 of the Original Town of O’Neill; thence north 170 feet; thence east 21M inches; thence -south 75 feet; thence east 11 feet and 9*4 inches; thence south 95 feet; thence west W feet and 7 inches to the place of beginning, and, Lot 25 in Block 16 of the Original Town of O’Neill -«xcept a strip of land 2114 inches -wide on the east side of said Lot 25, and. Lot 11 in Block 21 of the •Original Town of O’Neill, all of the aforesaid being situated in the City of O’Neill, Holt County, "Nebraska, I will sell said real • estate at public auction om the 9th day of March, A D.. 1942. at 10:00 A. M , of said day at the front door of the courthouse in O’Neill. Ne braska. Terms of sale, 16 per oent cash on day of sale, balance an confirmation. ,MnT.T WILLIAM W. GRIFFIN -39.5 Sole Referee First publication February 26. 421 Sidney W. Sm<1h. Attorney Omaha. Nebraska LEGAL NOTICE ■'To—R*chard E. Rice;-■ Rice; real name unknown, wife ol Richard E. Rice; the heirs, dev isees legatees, personal repre sentatives and all other persons ■interested in the estate of Rich ard E. Rice, deceased, real name unknown; the heirs, devisees, • legatees, personal representa tives and all other other persons interested in the estate of Rice, deceased, real name un known, wife of Richard E. Rice real names unknown; and all persons having or claiming any interest in the Northwest Quar ter (NWV4) of Section Twentv •two (221. Township Thirty (301. "North Range Eleven (111 West of the tlth P. M„ in Holt County. 'Nebraska, real names unknown "The above named or designated persons, and each of you, will take notice that the Penn Mutual Life ’’Insurance Company, a corporation, has filed its petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you, the object and prayei of which petition are to ouiet the tfitle of the Penn Mutual Life In » \|sr.ri.>» ,j surance Company, a corporation, in and to the following described real property situated in the County of Holt and State of Ne braska, to-wit: Northwest Quarter (NWV«) of Section Twenty-two (22), Township Thirty (30), North Range Eleven (11), West of the 6th P. M , against all claims of each and all of said persons and to permanent ly enjoin such persons and each and all of them from claiming or asserting any interest in, right or title to or lien upon said real prop erty and to remove the clouds referred to in plaintiff’s petition from the title of the plaintiff in and to said real property. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 6th day of April, 1942, or otherwise judgment and decree will be en tered against you. THE PENN MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, By Sidney W. Smith, 42-4 Its Attorney. (First Publication Feb. 19, 1942) SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein Federal National Mort gage Association is plaintiff and Bernie V. Dailey and Bernice T. Dailey are defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O'Neill, Nebraska, on the 23rd dhy , of March, 1942, at 10 o’clock A. M.,! [the following described premises in Holt County, Nebraska: The North Fifty-six (N58) Feet Eight Inches (8’) of the South One Hundred Thirteen Feet (SI 13) Four Inches (4') of Lots Seven and Eight (7 and 8) of Block Thirty-five (35) in the Original Town of O’Neill, as surveyed, platted and recorded, in Holt County, Nebraska; to satisfy the sum of $2,144.15 found due plaintiff and interest thereon and $22.75 costs of suit and accuring costs. Dated this 19th day of February, 1942. PETER W. DUFFY, Sheriff 41-5 Of Holt County, Nebraska. H. J. Lohaus returned Wednes day evening from Omaha. (First publication Feb., 2fl, 1942.) Julius D. Croniq, Attorney NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 2873 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, February 25, 1942. In the matter of the'Estate of Elvin E. Cole, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the Executor of said estate has filed in this court his final repor and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard March 19, 1942, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons inter ested may appear and be heard concerning said final report and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS W. REIMER, 42-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) Bob Mitchell ’41, a graduate of O’Neill high school is a member of the 90-piece Drake university con cert band and appeared with that organization in its first concert of the season Sunday afternoon, February 22, at 3 P. M, in Roose velt high school auditorium, Des Moines. Alva Winchell of Omaha spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Winchell. SPECIAL OFFER! ^BUY NOW AND SAVE, PRICE REDUCED TO , M MOOT STRAIGHT ROURRON WHISKEY. » SCHENIBY DISTILLERS CORPORATION. N.V.Cj Mrs. Wm Biglin, Mrs. O. W, French and son Dale, Mrs. Pete Morgan and Mrs. F. J. Dishner went to Lincoln Friday, where they visited relatives and friends over the week-end. Some of the ladies attended the R. O. T. C. ^ Symphony Band concert Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Armbruster and son, Bobbie, spent from Sun day until Tuesday in Norfolk at the home of Mrs. Armbruster’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Dob ney. Mrs. Floyd Wolfe of Winner, S. D., and Miss Liz Carson of Red bird are visiting at the home of their sister, Mrs. Carrie Hunter this week. Miss Anna Toy went to Herman Sunday to visit at the home of her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Swanson for a week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Donohoe en tertained thirty relatives and friends Tuesday evening at a 7:00 o’clock dinner at their home, hon oring Harold Donohoe and Wal lace O’Connell, who left on Friday for the Army. Mrs. Pearl West and daughter, Mrs. J. R. Miller went to David CASH TO LOAN! -ON AUTOMOBILES PROMPT and COURTEOUS SERVICE Central Finance Co. C. E. Jones. Manager. First National Bank Biulding O'Neill. Nebraska. North Central Nebraska Hereford Association’s Annual Bull Sale Sale Held in Heated Pavilion at BASSETT, NEBRASKA SATURDAY, MARCH 7th •> .V. SIXTEEN MEMBERS CONSIGN 42 - - EXCEPTIONALLY USEFUL BULLS - • 42 22 yearlings, 18 2-year-olds, 1 3-year-old, and 1 8-year-old. These Bulls are of the best breeding — Battle Mischief, Pioneer, Paladin Domino, and Real Prince Domino blood lines. For Catalog Write W. E. Ripley, Secretary and Sales Manager Sprlngvlew, Nebraska cInsFmeISs Tmums no: • Get In touch with your nearest Consumer* Public Power District office today and ask for your copy of Consumers "Twins'' scrap book, an attractive book and necessary for your entry in the contest.. This book ta FREE to customers of Consumers Public Power Dtatrtct. e Periodically, beginning March 5, 1M1, Consumers "Twins" will appear la advarttsemants In your local newspaper with a mes sage These advertisements will be available to you In colorful reprint form—TREE OF CHARGE. Eech month, when ycu pay your electric bill, aak for reprints of Consumers Twins "Jingle ads" for tha currant month. Than take them home and paste them In your scrapbook. e When your book Is complete, with all of the "Twins’* ads neatly pasted In the space allotted for them. WRITE A SHORT state ment (not more than 500 words and not less than 100 words) on the subject: *T ENJOY LIVING ELECTRICALLY BECAUSE ." Base your statement on the material contained In your scrapbook, plus whatever personal observation you rare to make concerning the pleasures vou enjoy from LIVING ELECTRICALLY. • THE ORAND PRIZE will be a $50.00 United States Dalonse Sav ings Bond—awarded for iha best 100 to 500 word statement plua the neatest scrapbook. • ADDITIONAL PRIZES—one prize for each district of Consumers Public Power District—will be $10.00 In United State Defense Savings Stamps—awarded on the same basis as Is the Grand Prize. • You compete, first, tor the prize offered In YOUR district. Then, ot the district prise winners, one will be selected tor the GRAND PRIZE. m A committee of competent, impartial Judges will examine the entries and make the awards. Decision of the Judges shall be final. After the contest has been finally judged, your entry can be reclaimed tf you will call at your nearest local office of Con sumers Public Power District. The statement you write, how ever. becomes the property of Consumers Public Power District, and may be used for advertising purposes. e Announcements concerning the contest will appear from time to I time—including the closing date for the contest and the ’'dead line" before which yon must submit your entry. Watch your local newspapers. keep a scrapbook. Well, here ■ your chance to keep a scrapbook ;*•!—perhaps—gel paid for It. More than $200.00 In Defense Bonds and Stamps will be awarded to the successful entrants—and one of them might as well be YOU. Read the simple rules for this contest in the adjoining col umn . . . then call TODAY at your Consumers local office for your FREE scrapbook. No box tops to cut out—no labels to salvage . .. Just paste one of cOnsUmeRs 'Twins" ads in your scrapbook every now and then. At the conclusion of the con test submit your scrapbook together with a short statement beginning: I en joy living electrically be cause . . and you may re ceive one of several valu able awards. It costs NOTH ING to enter. Why not try I WATCH iku NEWSPAPER NEBRASKA’S 0'OJL STATE WIDE ELECTRIC SYSTEM City Friday to visit at the home of their daughter, and sister, Mrs. J. C. Thomas and Mrs. Thomas. They returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Gunter are moving to Orchard Saturday, where Mr. Gunter has employ ment in the Orchard Creamery. Ms. Alice Cole of Richmond. California, came Tuesday to visit at the home of Mrs. Esther Harris for a few days. Mrs. D. Hammerlin will leave Friday from Columbus, where she has accepted a position in a Beauty Parlor there. CLASS “B” DISTRICT BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT March 4, 5, 6, 1942 GAMES WEDNESDAY NIGHT Ainsworth vs Atkinson.6:00 P. M. Bassett vs Creighton ..7:00 P. M. Neligh vs Plainview ..8:00 P. M. Valentine vs O'Neill.9:00 P. M. SEMI-FINALS THURSDAY NIGHT Starting at 8:00 P. M. Finals Friday night and probably a Class “C” or Class “D” play-off starting at 8:00 P. M. Admissions 20e and 35c tax included on Wednes day and Thursday. 25c and 50c tax included Friday night for finals. Adult season tickets will be 99c tax included. OUTLAW GROCERIES POTATOES No. 2 01 1 C 100 Lb. Bags _. y li Iv • We also have fancv No. 1 POTATOES While Cobblers or Red Triumph. LEMONS Large |no 6 for_I UU PEANUT BUTTER 2 Lb. Qt. Jar _ ' CANDY - PEANUT BRIT TLE - ORANGE SLICES FANCY JELLIES and Good Mixed Candies *IU PEARS EQft Gallon Cans _ UUU PEACHES - PLUMS PRUNES Q1n 2 - 2 V2 Size Qt. Cans *J I U Bring Us Your Butter Nut Coffee Coupons. PENJEL or SURE- 1 JEL Pkge._ lUO JAR RUBBERS Q 2 - 1 Dozen Pkgs._wu MASON JAR 01/* CAPS 1 Dozen_4 1b SYRUP is a good buy now. GOLDEN TABLE SYRUP Gallons 1 Gallons OQft 2 _ &Ub GELATIN POWDERS Butternut or Black- *| 4 bird 3 Pkgs. for .... I 4o 111 . 1 ■ i OYSTERS - Fancy Steamed - Willpoint OQn 16 Oz. Pint Cans 4db BINDER TWINE O. K. Brand Made By International Har vester 04 QP 50 Lb. Bags _ FREE OMAR FLOUR Another Carload of Omar Flour. Buy 5 Sacks, 1 Now, 4 anytime within 6 months. Then you get one 48 Lb. Bag Free. Omar Flour is guar anteed to please you or your money refunded. The same old low Price. fl* 4 f* Q 48 Lb. Bag_«f) I iUU FRESH FISH AND OYSTERS of all kinds. Fancy Whiting Head- QR „ less and Dressed Lb. Z\!l/ MACARONI and SPHAGETTI 10 3 Lb. Bag_ I «JU OIL SARDINES C Oval Cans 3C SARDINES - Mustard or Tomato 11a Large Oval Cans ... lib ALASKA SALMON Oft. Large Cans _ ZUC VINEGAR AQn High Test Gallon ._ ZJb CHEESE - AMERICAN or BRICK CQn 2 Lb. Cartons_ vl *J b LONGHORN CHEESE 07a Lb. _ LI b PURE LARD Armours or Cudahy's 1 A _ 1 Lb. Pkgs .L l4C GOOD OLEO Lb. iOC BACON SQUARES 4 A _ Smoked Lb. _ I *tO ■)LD MISSION FLOUR 48 Lb. Bags I iZ\J I “LUBRIGAS” At New Deal Oil Co. Lubrigas--A new Lubricated motor fuel Removes carbon-Starts easier and more Power-and Saves Fuel. Gal. 18 l-2c CREAM We are buying Cream again at the Asimus Cream Station