INM \N NIOXH Mr awl Mv» ttexx*> tVxhw* ecteh*ate n-xt tS-iiy N Y tvh'xxa'x *1 tltSl tout they e*me to Nehtw&a in IP *eitMtm in Mntien ixtinty,, new TthlxMi In UKl they twmt t« ttoti empty* where they have Uvevt evev since ewvpt hn seven ytm w hexx they lliwxt ttt l'awes countv* ixmx\oxr hack to Holt vMunty in ttIMM htuht year* a#o may hoxxRht a home tn tnxxxan Nti-*, IVrhm* is ¥>4 yeaxx oM ami Mr, Uerhins K They live hy themaelxfea axxvt ito their own wnrk Until the last year or tP they took many txiy* xn their ear, which they greatly enjoyed, Mr and Mrs. Perkins received many lovely gifts from their children A dinner was served at noon, the table centered by a lowly two-tier wedding cake, made by one of tnt gnndaiUlgntrr’F. ooau*« mi flowers wcit oti U'o * - = * * •* of friends. In the afternoon pict ures were taken of the bride and greont. also of Mr and Mis. Per kins. their children and pa id children. Those in attendance from away. beside fhetr son and wife, were their grandson. Earl Perkins and family of Lincoln, another grandson. Dwight Per kins and two children from Wind Caw. South Dakota.; a grand daughter. Mrs C. Neilsen of Gil lette. Wyoming': George Roby, from near Chambers and Mrs Lillian Scott from Grand Island. Herman Reimers. who is in the armv. and who has been stationed on the west coast, called his brother Chris on Monday Jtrom St. Paul—he was on his way to the east coast Mrs Jessie McClurg of Stuart is visiting her son. Superintend ent McClurg and familly this week. Postmaster James McMahon went to Lyons Saturday, where he visited his father, returning CEE, i m THIRSTV Lfr- *■: ^ For Sale By “Merri” Dr. Pepper Bottling Co. O'Neill. Nebraska h.'ioo M-md t attof noon rho V M ti A t'hih h Id l holt IVrht HH cliHl ll ihl' I'tHiH' id M« and M»« Rm Hannon Satin nt»hi i. iMioM ft \tw VSOtt hold a td<- wv ml in ihriv |MM tor* Ttonsidixx nlitht F\hi oto v i A V Htl So o'oxx d n m 1>«vm *d and « (ten aid ov onltta onnx\»d 1" M V Mw »""• xx ?>« |Md on, ovMMrttHfr of nxn*n and i-oadinit* afiov xvhioh swnw xxvio t footin' Volin an am dioni-vivd off tho |'tos» xvhioh hroimhi iix fit nil fov iho sm iot> Mis WMtM xwnl in Not folk Friday xxhoro sho aliondt d a nunvimn of iho Homo Rmnomlr* Taohoi* Mis* t'atvioa Watson attix-od homo Monday mom ins finm Washington, l> C„ xvhoir sho is omoloyod in tho F. B I Sho x\ ill visit hor parwxts. Mr, and Mrs. l t, Watson Tins is hor first visit of Mrs Art Renner on Wodnes Crossor was assiktiiig h^Ws. A lovely dinner was erved at noon. Mrs. Renner and Mrs. Crosser were presented with a birthday cake made by Mrs. Eva Murten. A business meeting was held in . the afternoon, at which time officers were elected for the com ing year. Mrs. Murten was elect ed president; Mrs. Anna Clark vice president. Mrs. Stella Keyes secretary and Mrs. Maude Col man treasurer. The March meet ing will be with Mrs. C. D. Keyes. W. H. Moor, who has been with h* daughter at Newman Grove for some time, returned to In man Friday and is making his home with his son. Fred Moor. Laddy Carry left for Omaha on Friday where he will join the army. A family reunion was held at the Carry home on Sun day. Several relatives from Iowa were pressent. The Inman Workers Club met at the home of Mrs. Elvin Smith on Wednesday. February 25. A coveted dish luncheon was reserved at noon. The lesson in the afternoon was on Food Stor age and Lockers. A nine pound boy was bom to Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sobotka Tues day morning. February 24. Mrs. Sobotka is in the hospital in O'NeilL EMMET ITEMS Dorothy Fox returned home Friday from St. Paul. Nebr.. where she has been attending school. She expects to remain for a couple of weeks. Joe Baker of Neligh was a businsss caller in Emmet Friday. Dean Oberle of O’Neill was a guest of Bob Cole over the week end. Jim Purden of Ewing was a business caller in Emmet on Wednesday. ^7h*fl hi'ino Mi-* t iin Polo o oiil to Hondo OM I till' WPok t *ld t" VtMl ho I Pams it tin la attoodtna Ho I *u w'i *,4.. aaugnter and family, he learned to read, something j line a q„w.. ter of a century' ago. I ana s„.4 a .at it is impossible for I him 4. _ .long without its week- j ly visi.s. Georg _ Turray returned to his home in . ..d, S. D.. Wednesday, after visit g a few days at the home of hi? father, R. H. Murray and with other relatives. Mrs. R. J Rakowski entertain ed the Tuesday Afternoon bridge club at her home Tuesday. High score was won by Mrs. J. R. Mil ler, Mrs. Bennett Gillespie sec ond high and Mrs. Lyndle Stout low. The Misses Edna Marie O'Mai-1 ley. and Helen Sullivan returned j Wednesday morning from Chica go. Illinois, where they had been' visiting friends since Friday tHum H rHi it* i ■*»«> bin bM»v bi Rib >*' R - < mu |j (In' JfttcH'lft* Ii* ii( lb' I'"s|im'|Pr r«v,m A**i^*«ibM* r\Ki\^- |h bii If* (i| ihr b • >*M WisHmilii b* tHM ft SlRHlIftltl IMl HMR'IltX* Mir H M KiIWWIIi ’ . > |h» MM IbMiv >.«»»»' 1 *«t 11'ibRtlrti cwiiH* m - r \v 1\h it'i mvlx iM blib m n Mir V' i' MriKRliRHii ftll >1 1 M ft l' b IblHlHH I b'ft VllH'M y.HI'blktS RH I'M Fh'iiUw- neuter fnmi Uw K'mthxMu |X«H Ilf lllX* XVIMlI V " » ft »bNR'i,R»H mllw rI Ihfti i'IT'iv Y\h Max **iM Mir lliHUff Hftll ftiM b*f\ FiMftv fyw S'libm^^^Mj^ ntivtn I MkUaas?*K Spring Stylo#, WOMEN'S C 0 k T S Pitted Rreltn Wrap * around 10.90 S m a r t ly de signed in the new spring manner! Plaid or plain tn fit ted reefer* smart wrap around* a n d casual types * Suitable f o r your every oc casion NEW SUITS for Spring 9.90 Smart Rayon Crepe DRESSES Designed with ' all the gaiety of the season! Hon olulu crepe and other rayons in newest spring styles! 12-20. RAYON BLOUSES Sleekly tailored of soft rayon crepe. White and colors. 32-40. , For The New Season! SPRING HATS 1.98 Smart de signs in bon net brim med types! Wool felt in lovely spring pastels. Spring's Newest Accessories! HANDBAGS Smart new styles in 1 C^B the season’s best color! Daintily Trimmed With L*ce! CYNTHIA SLIPS Smooth fitting, well cut styles in rayon * crepe! Top and hem of lace! Elasticixed For Better Fit! PUMP 3.49 Sparkling new jiy! o; jet b l a «. \ patent a c cent wi;n cris'D rayoi faille! All Men Like "These SHORTS 29c SHIRTS BKItFS Fast c o 1 or broadcloth S h o r t s’ Swiss r i b cotton shirts: Ribbed cot ton Briefs! Men’s Better Quality 39c ea. Boy's Styles — .... 25c ea 2.98 3.98 4.98 Smart styles in many colors and fabrics! Three qualities at three popular prices to fit eve y J purse! Well tailored, full c sizes! »' Mh i # m <>••- r«t im» r»w*> *m i»»v Nt »Hm i« , «ltk « W04 M»« .»wh« kh%*m »h4 ' - m uhu«4 «MM. M P M -• h* w* —* Mnt Kvum K Hki^m «fcl *%m it> M» *»*'.< M ^ il sl ! MiM Att M\* I « | >\tv(■<*.» w ttH' \'M feiukh M *\u **4K K<*« ¥»#• « mtdw |4 Mm INMH'I Mm-v Mta* fV«*Hv* \\hhm»* W*nM w t . ss. M| H L^| • ImA-H % ^ M<* \<*M tiiV^wrc N K'ftNM * » W tt ? I vl tout*** h -'t h%» » * \MWi •**’*'"* v.l fciut* w. v;:.. W •*‘•‘*-"*4 f to -ii ■ »( »** V»U . «U 'k *• 'V lXT*r;r^:.': M*«i, A !(»»*•*. V*>*.* \««!*« * * 1 I»*1 tot *.S tok * l. (Hi iv Hto*to bvMlA tMMf4MiM| # W*k fVtlfcyUifHv ) h* HihhH« ( *s*l SK^hK' W N IN I V M*4 . V • • • • M • - ! ~ -*t 4 w- **mr H^aa y-mfti V« t *<% *•*♦ mk» **•~|Y S*\* *.%*• Vj#*f!*4 %h ^ ^ *** •**** *»< t>-{*s^ }■> V*> - «»* %^% *** r«lPAY MHi SATVmpAY rtwittHU|Y t A LENTEN SUGGESTION! Kitty Jttsxnwtiotts tor wtKvtnv obu.’ *vs at wiir t?n tttvtttts mv fwuttvt in tbv Iwtvi ami H Cm .. OIL SARDINES 2c~.13c PEANUT KRUSH 16 £ Drip «r ffrt fc»r *tuhL r»i iron* our w»>Jw i*t»! viuitiia tub or Ja^ Lb. tin OQc or jar. Mar 2 it 56 isa Entaoyt th« 'cipt^r b % £ * ZZ cant -old Ftusura Month* Light IS? Coffee ST * ET*.57c 111c » NH«fc ^4. Carrot? & Beets &neai 11 Ji, 1S< Navel Oranges, Dozen.25c Texa« Grapefruit, 5 Lge. Size 25c D’Anjou Pears, 6 ! ?e. Size ..19c Winesap Apples* 4 lbs..25c Green Top CarroIs, Bunch ...6c Iceberg Lettuce, Large Head .Sc FOR A BOILED DOWER —Wasfcsd aad Vunc Beets, Carrots, Rutabagas, Parsnips, Turnips . * . «nrrs CORNED BEEF IVORY FLAKES ££.10c CAMAY TOILET SOAP Cak* ... 7C OXYDOL 5?..10c