The Frontier subscription Cam paign has been extended and will run during the month of February. Come in and pay your arrearages and you can get two years in ad vance for $3.00. This applies only to subscribers living within the state of Nebraska. SPORT NOTES Bystander O’Neill High School continued this week to prove that they arc one of the best class B quintets, in the state. They beat Oakdale j Friday and last Tuesday they | trounced the great Ord five 41 to, 24. Ord, this week, was rated eighth best in the state according to the World Herald and the great; victory which O'Neill won ought to raise them to at least tenth place in class B. Right now 1 want to congratulate the Eagles and 1 think they are the greatest basketball team in the history of O’Neill High. Last week w'hen 1 predicted the District class C Tournament 1 said that Spencer would beat! Spalding Academy. I will leave it that way now but if I could pick ^ it again 1 would pick Spalding1 Academy to win. Spalding Acad-! emy won their own county and i last week they won the Catholic1 School Tournament down at Grand Island; they beat St. Pat rick’s of Sidney in the finals 31 . to 19 and they surely ought ty rate a good chance in the tourna ment, although I will stick to my selection and say Spencer will beat them. 1 am writing this Wednesday afternoon, before the Tournament starts, so of course I do not know how it will turn out. For a minute I will get away from the basketball news and take a second to write about thp fight Tuesday. Nobody excepted Bob Pastor to defeat Lem Franklin but he did and by doing so he has earned a crack at Louis. Bob has fought Louis twice, the first time Ooing the limit and the second time being knocked out in thcf eleventh round of the fifteen round battle, and because Bob did everything but murder 1 at least figure that Bob Pastor has earn ed himself another shot at the heavyweight championship of the Give your eyes . the benefit of the new scienti fic method of examination and diagnosis. See Perrigo Optical Company I it Golden Hotel, Monday March 9th. PERRIGO OPTICAL CO. world with Joe Louis. Now getting back to basketball last week I said I would pick the class B state Tournament being held at O’Neill March 4, 5, and 6. Here are my selections: First game Wednesday 6:00 P. M. Ainsworth to slaughter Atkinson; Creighton to boat Bassett; Neligh to beat Plainveiw and O’Neill to beat Val-1 entine. In the second round Thursday I pick a tough game between Ainsworth and Creighton and I pick Ainsworth to beat Creigh ton, and O'Neill to beat Neligh i (probably a slaughter). Friday! night I predict O'Neill to be i crowned District champs and they j certainly deserve to win the Dis trict Tournament, if anybody does. Last week I predicted four games: I picked Saint Mary s to defeat Plainveiw but they lost this game in an overtime 27 to 25. I predicted Sacred Heart (Norfolk) to defeated Saint Mary’s and they did. I predicted O’Neill to beat Oakdale and they did an I pre dict O’Neill to beat Butte but Butte could not play so thfey played the great Ord team and slaughtered them 41 to 24. So I can’t count the Ord game but I Ihit .666 percent for the week. See you next week. — Meat her Curtails Receipts Monday; Prices Hold Steady The heavy snowfall held back livestock receipts at the local auction last Monday as many figured that bad road conditions would make the marketing of their livestock difficult. However,! the buyers who were on handj were here to buy and gave prices that ruled fully steady to strong with a week ago. All classes mov- j ed readily and the market was active despite the fact that the crowd assembled here was con i siderably smaller than usual. A few good lightweight steer! calves sold around $13.50 with the bulk of the meduim to good kind ranging in price from $12.50 to $13.00. Heifer calves cashed mostly, from $10.50 to $11.50. One load of outstanding heifers reach ed higher to $11.80. Yearlings were not very plenti ful and the price looked about WATER SUPPLIES..- __ Let us explain to you how easy it is to get the windmill, water system and other water supplies you have been planning on. Now you can secure them on very low cost easy terms with payments arranged to suit your income—you may pay semi-annually, an nually, quarterly, or, if convenient, on monthly terms. The cost is so low you ean not afford to put off making these Improve ments now. Be sure all your water supply equipment ia Dempster for years of depend able service. No. 13 Annu-Oiled Windmill—Rugged—Dependable— Powerful—Efficient. IS better-built features Water Systems sad Pumping Equipment—Por deep or shallow wells. Electric motor or engine driven. A sis* for every home or farm. Com* in for complete Information. ho*i FRANCIS KELLY, O’Neill, Neh. steady with that paid here a week ago. The bulk of the cow offering sold mostly from $7.25 to $8.00 * with a large percentage placing in the upper brackets. Breeding cows sold by the head at prices fully steady with last week. Heif ers were strong. Hog receipts, likewise, were much lighter than usual with prices showing the current up ward trend. Top on choice butch ers was $12.85 which is the high est price paid here this season Other butcher hogs ranged from $12.75 to $12.80. A few pigs show ed up and brought fancy prices. The next regular auction will be held on Monday, March 2. A no-host party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sullivan Sunday night honoring Edmund Vitt of Los Angeles, Cali fornia, who is here visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vitt. Mrs. Elma Evans and Mrs. Harry Clausen went to Omaha Sunday to attend the State Beauty Convention at the Fontenelle Hotel. They returned home Tues day evening. William J. Biglin of Omaha, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Biglin of this city, had an appendectomy at the St. Joseph’s hospital Sun day. He is getting along fine. The Merrimyx bridge club had a 1:30 Pot Luck luncheon at the home of Mrs. Art Cowperthwaite Tuesday. The afternoon was spent playing bridge and Mrs. H. G. Kruse won high score. FFONEY in bank if means you have cash for instant use at any tiir , while we assume he re sponsibilit; • keep ing it saf in the meantime. O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK Capital. Surplus and Undivided Profits. $140,000.00 This Bank Carries No Indebtedness of Officers or Stockholders. Member hectare! Deposit Insurance Corporation Mrs. Helen Simar and Miss Marion Knapp spent Sunday in Atkinson visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones took Mrs. Jones' mother, Mrs. Nellie Peterson, to her home at Polk Sunday. Mrs. Peterson had been visiting at the home of her daugh ter for the past six weeks. Joe Saunto of Sioux City. Iowa, was an over-night guest Wednes day at the home of his brother and taster-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred •ojunes James H. Gibson of Chambers filed Wednesday, February 25. on the Democratic ticket for re-elec tion for Supervisor of the fifth district. Mrs. Guy Cole of Emmet and Mrs. C. F. McKenna of O'Neill went to Lincoln Saturday, and while there Mrs. McKenna at tended the wedding of her neice, Miss Mary Ellen Mayne. The re urned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Dexter en tertained three couples at their home Sunday evening. The even ing was spent playing gin rummy and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Calvert won the prizes. Mr .and Mrs. A. Mathis and Miss Marjorie Gravbiel spent the week-end in Lincoln visiting friends. Miss Roma McLaughlan spent the week-end in Lincoln and Omaha visiting friends. “BEER RETAILING CONDITIONS IMPROVED IN NEBRASKA” nVHATDOYOU) THINK OF THE ( AVERAGE RETAIL BEER OUTLET, .MR SORENSEN ? Says Former Cornhusking Champion: pTUE PLACES\ I I'VE SEEN ' APE CLEAN AND. RESPECTABLE*/ Otto Sorensen, 1939 state cornhusking champion, now farming near Blair, says: “I have noticed an improve ment in beer retailing condi tions since the beer industry began in 1938 to check up on its own retail places in co operation with the authori ties. Farmers around here who know abont this work are very much in favor of it.” Thu Committee appreciates the help farmers have given by patroniz ing only reputable dealers and by reporting law violations to the State Liquor Control Commi -ion or to the Committee. Won’t you co-oper ate in this same way, too? Nebraska BREWERS AND BEER DISTRIBUTORS COMMITTEE CHARLES E. SAND ALL, Stott Director TIP First National Bonk Bldg. Llnco,n With the WITEp MEWEM WDOtTRiir POUHP*