The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 26, 1942, Image 3

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    Seized Front Enemy Aliens by FBI
f w
Shown here is some of the material seized by Federal Bureau of
Investigation agents in Newark, N. J. The FBI men co-operating with
local police seized many enemy aliens in Newark and vicinity. The
material includes fire arms, short wave radio sets, photographic equip
ment and other contraband which should have been turned over to the
police. Photographs of Hitler, swastika banners and other pro-Axis items
—not exactly contraband—were included in the haul.
Price Czar Is Sworn Into Office
Here Leon Henderson, who will keep the ceiling on prices, is shown
taking the oath as price administrator. The President’s appointment of
Henderson was recently approved by congress. Photo shows, left to
right, associate U. S. Supreme Court Justice Robert Jackson administer
ing the oath of office; Donald Nelson, Mrs. Leon Henderson, and Leon
Australian ‘Jumping Off Place*
Here is a view in Alice Springs, Australia, the jumping off place ot
the continent’s own strategic “Burma road.’’ From the railroad here to
Port Darwin on the north coast, through the barren desert wastes of the
“back of beyond” rolls the four-lane defense highway which carries
the sinews of war from the industrial south to the north coast.
Burning Midnight Oil in Officers’ School
At the command and general staff school at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.,
the only one of its kind in the country, officers of our army go through
stiff training course to prepare them for command and general staff
duty. Here a trio of student officers are shown in their quarters prepar
ing solutions for the problems of tomorrow.
Nazi Agent
Aviatrix Laura Ingalls leaves the
federal court in Washington. I>. C„
where a jury of ten men and two
women found her guilty on charges
of being an unlisted Nazi agent. The
famous flier faces two years’ im
prisonment or $1,000 fine, or both.
Indies Naval Chief
Vice Adm. C. E. L. Helfrich, of
royal Netherlands navy, now com
mander of allied naval forces in the
ABDA-Orient Pacific Indies. He suc
ceeds Adm. Thomas Hart, U. S. N.,
who was relieved because of illness.
Heroes of Luzon
Shown above are two generals
who have been personally decorated
by General MacArthur with the dis- ;
tinguished service cross for heroism
in action. They are (top) Brig. Gen.
Albert M. Jones, and (below) Maj.
Gen. Jonathan M. YVaincwriglit.
Sure Shootin'
Appearing in his new uniform for
the first time, Lieut. Gen. William
S. Knudsen, U. S. A., (left) inspects
a Garand rifle with Undersecretary
of War Robert Patterson. Knudsen
was appointed a lieutenant general
by President Roosevelt recently.
Il's Not Such n Iioiijj NX ny to Ti|>|»ei'iirv Now
An historical occasion—the vanguard of the great American Expeditionary force promised to Britain by
President Roosevelt, lands at a North Ireland port. At left is a general view as first troops land. Right:
Men of the first A.E.F. of World War II march through the streets of the unidentified IMster city at which they
landed, after safe voyage across the Atlantic. Inset: The duke of Abercorn, governor of Northern Ireland,
raises his hand in salute as A.E.F. soldiers disembark.
It Blows Hot and Cold for Hitler’s Hordes
South African troops of the British Imperial forces make a close examination (left) of a huge German
Mark 4 tank captured on the desert. Of especial Interest is the huge short-barreled cannon mounted in the
side of the tank. By way of contrast, picture at right gives some idea of the intense cold of the Russian
German battlefront. Red army machine gunners were photographed In the firing line as they slowly pressed
the German hordes back.
Scanning Western Sky for Hostile Wings
For the first time since the days of tiie Civil war, the Pacific coast,
the only part of the continental United States so designated, has become a
theater of war. Throughout this district the armed forces are on a con
stant alert. Above photo, showing 155-mm. gun, illustrates the activity.
Preparing for Second Attack on Hawaii
This approved picture shows U. S. army tanks maneuvering over the
rough terrain of the Hawaiian islands, as troops in occupation prepare
for future eventualities. A hot reception is assured for all comers—if
and when.
Forced Landing
Two marine fliers escaped injury
when this low-wing monoplane bur
ied Its nose in the recreational area
of Falrlawn park, Anacostia, Wash
ington, D. C. The aviators were
Maj. R. D. Salmon and Staff Sergt.
Andrew Marshall.
Mask the Bushman
This photo, made in Australian
territory, shows a native being in
troduced to that blessing of modern
civilization, the gas mask. The war
rior seemed quite pleased with it.
Disease Costs Hon Kaisers
$20,0(10,000 Annually.
fProfessor el Vetetieaty Science,
Umvetaily el California )
Hog cholera is admittedly one of
the most destructive of ail animal
diseases. The yearly cost of this
disease has been estimated at be
tween $20,000,000 and $.10,000,000 in
the United States alone. Within the
past few years the author has de
veloped at the University of Cali
fornia college of agriculture a new
tissue vaccine which is expected to
cut this annual cholera “tax" very
This vaccine is known as BTV and
is now available from commercial
companies. It has been used on
more than 100,000 hogs on the Pacif
ic coast and in the Middle West.
BTV is composed of finely ground
glandular tissues from hogs infect
ed with cholera. These tissues are
taken from the hogs at the height
of the disease and then treated with
eucalyptol. The result is a vaccine
which cannot produce cholera in a
hog but does produce an active im
munity to the disease.
When BTV 'is used, vaccinated
pigs can mingle with unvaccinated
pigs without transmitting cholera
to them. Furthermore, pigs harbor
ing latent infections, such as pneu
monia or enteritis, at the time of
vaccination are not subject to the
danger of flare-ups of these infec
tions due to the lowering of body
resistance This danger of lowered
resistance followed by death from
some secondary infection has been
one of the major drawbacks of the
serum-virus method of vaccination
for cholera.
The vaccine is not intended for
pigs that already have cholera. It
should be given only to swine that
do not have the disease. Since a
period of at least three weeks is re
quired io build up a satisfactory im
munity in the animals, pigs which
have been exposed to cholera or are
suspected of having it should be
treated first with anti-cholrra serum
to make sure that the infection is
checked. Later they can be given
the tissue vaccine.
At present this vaccine is not rec
ommended for garbage-fed pigs, al
though successful experimental re
sults have been obtained by admin
istering the vaccine before and after
By Floranc* C. W«*d
(Thu is on* of a sent* ol articles show
ing how farm products are finding an im
portant market in industry.)
Research on Hemp
As soon as science can produce a
hemp plant free from a narcotic
drug, this crop will offer a good
market for farmers. Unfortunately
the plant, in It* present form, pro
duces the narcotic, marihuana. The
misuse of this drug has caused the
passage of the federal marihuana
act which forb.ds the growing of
hemp except under federal super
v ision.
Because of the restrictions, less
than 1,000 tons annually are grown
In this country although in former
years the growing of hemp fiber
was a flourishing industry. In 1859.
Kentucky alone produced 75,000
The word “hemp” is sometimes
applied to about three different fiber
plants including manila hfcmp and
Bisal hemp. The common variety
grows well in the United States, at
taining a height of 3 to 20 feet and
sometimes yielding 800 to 1.000
pounds of fiber per acre. The plant
is cut by machine and allowed to
dew-ret on the ground. Then it is
collected in stacks and sold to the
|iemp mill. The mill dries the stalk
hnd removes the fiber in a “hemp
Cordage, which can be made from
hemp fiber, is one of the urgent
needs of the defense program. Hemp
can also be used in making ciga
rette paper and this commercial out
let has already been opened. From
the seed a useful oil can be ex
tracted and when mixed with other
seeds the hemp can be utilized as
bird food.
Research is already under way to
find a variety of hemp that will con
tain only a small amount of mari
huana. This work appears promis
ing since some plants have been
found to produce only small quanti
ties of the resin.
Farm Notes
Crops that require cool and moist
conditions in storage are the root
crops, carrots, salsify, parsnips,
turnips, rutabagas, and winter
* • *
Faced with a declining supply of
available workers, farmers have
been able to keep their hired men
this past fall only by sharply in
creasing farm wage rates.