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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1942)
MISCELLANEOUS )r. Fisher, Dentist 3-tc YOU WANT EXPERT AND EF ficient handling of your live stock, insured responsibility and prompt returns of proceeds? Then consign to FRANK E. SCOTT COM CO., Sioux City, la., the firm with a 29 year re cord for dependability. 41-tf OPPORTUNITY FOR MEN II TO 50 You can be an AIRCRAFT IN STALLATION MECHANIC. We train you in a few weeks Only school in territory offering this type of factory training - simple,) easy course outlined by leading aircraft factories. I Factories seek workers to build 60,000 planes this year, 125,000 in j 1943. Get in higher brackets of aircraft construction. ... at pay that’s tops. _ FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE. To date, records show 1,083 Mor ton Graduates working in 30 air craft and defense industry plants from coast to coast. TUITION LOW. Send for complete facts on LOW-COST training. Postcard will do.-—Write MORTON AIR CRAFT CORP., Dept 1-A, 3227, Harney St., Omaha, Nebr. 41-1 FOR RENT OR RENT—Three room apart ment.—R. H. Parker. 21-tf FOR RENT—1440 ACRES well improved Ranch 5 miles soulh-i west of Ericson, Wheeler County.) Now occupied by Daily. Rental $750—Also Custer Countv, Ne braska and Bennet County, South Dakota farms for rent.— AMOS GRANT CO., 212 South j 19th St., Omaha, Nebraska. 40-3 SALESMEN WANTED WANTED: A GOOD RELIABLE man to supply customers with Rawleigh Products.—Write Raw leigh’s, Dept. NBB-252-127, Free port, 111. FOR SALE McCORMICK DEERING HAND com sheller and grader—like new.—Fay Puckett. 41-lpd L. G. GILLESPIE Insurance of All Kinds O’Neill, ’ Nebraska W. F. FINLEY, M. 1). Phone, Office 28 O’Neill : ^Nebraska DOCTORS | BROWN & FRENCH Office Phone 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment Classes Correctly Fitted Residence Phone* i Dr. Brown. ZZ3 ] l Dr. French, 242 j First Publication. February 5. 1942 NOTICE OF REFEREES SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an order of sale issued by the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said court wherein Mabel H. Gatz is plaintiff, and Clinton J. Gatz, and others are defendants, this being case No 13822, directing me as referee to sell the following described real estate, to-wit; Commencing at a point 21V4 inches west of the southwest corner of Lot 26 in Block 16 of the Original Town of O’Neill; thence north 170 teet, thence east 21 Vi inches; thence south 75 feet; thence east 17 feet and 9Vi inches; thence south 95 feet; thence west 19 feet and 7 inches to the place of beginning, and, Lot 25 m ,Block 16 of the Original Town of O Neill except a strip of land 21 Vi inches wide on the east side of said Lot 25, and. Lot 11 in Block 21 of the Original Town of O’Neill, all of the aforesaid being situated in the City of O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, I will sell said real estate at pubUc auction an the 9th day of March. A. D„ 1942, at 10.00 A M., of said day at the front door of the courthouse in O Neill. Ne braska. Terms of sale, 15 per cent cash on day of sale, balance on “USluam W. griffin 39.5 Sole Referee (First Publication Feb. 12. 1942) NQT.ICE WHEREAS.' Thomas Clinton. Convicted in Holt County, on the 10th day of February, of the crime of February, 1941. has made appli cation to the Board of Pardons for a Parole, qnd the Board of Par dons, pursuant to law have set the hour of 9 A. M., on the lltth day of March. 1942. for hearing on said application, all persons in terested are hereby notified that they may appefer at* the State Penitentiary- at Lincoln, Nebra ska, on sai9 day and -* hour and show cause, if any there be. why said application should, or should not be granted, FRANK MARSH. Secretary. Board of Pardons. RICHARD C MEISSNER. Chief State Probation Officer. (First Publication Feb, 19. 1942) SHERIFF'S SALE Notice is hereby given that by virtue of an Order of Sale issued to me by the Clerk of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in an action pending in said Court wherein Federal National Mort gage Association is plaintiff and Bemie V. Dailey and Bernice T. Dailey are defendants, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the front door of the court house in O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 23rd day of March, 1942, at 10 o’clock A M., the following described premises in Holt County, Nebraska: The North Fifty-six (N56) Feet Flight Inches (8’) of the South One Hundred Thirteen Feet (SI 13) Four Inches (4’) of Lots Seven and Eight (7 and 8) of Block Thirty-five (35) in the Original Town of O’Neill, as surveyed, platted and recorded, in Holt County, Nebraska; to satisfy the sum of $2,144.15 found due plaintiff and interest thereon and $22.75 costs of suit and securing costs. Dated this 19th day of February, 1942. PETER W DUFFY, Sheriff 41-5 Of Holt County, Nebraska. Livestock Prices Advance Sharply Prices on practically all classes of livestock spurted upwards to new levels at the local auction last Monday. Action was very For thorough Scientific Eye Ex amination und Correctly Fitted Glasses' see DR. C. W. ALEXANDER Eyesight Specialist, at Hotel O’Neill in O’Neill, on FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED In Inman evenings and Sundays by appointment, CASH TO LOAN! -ON AUTOMOBILES PROMPT and COURTEOUS SERVICE Central Finance Co. C. E. Jones. Manager. First National Bank Biulding O'Neill, Nebraska. Reefers . . , Wrap-around! Boyish Suifs . . . Dressy Coats! Coats and Suits 10.90 Select your new spring outfit how, while you have such a variety of styles to choose from! Spring's newest colors. Use Our Easy Lay-Away Plan! Spring Styles— Budget Priced NEW COATS Smart reefers, casual wrap-arounds, and dressy coats, here for your selec tion! Gay pm AA plaids or M | solid colors! brisk with plenty of buyers on hand to absorb the day's receipts In addition to the regular supply of cattle and hogs, about twenty five horses and mules were sold. The quality of the calf offering was good. Top lightweight steer calves cashed at $14.00 with the bulk of this class selling from $12.00 to $13.00. Heifer calves sold mostly from $10.00 to $11.00 with one choice load of heifers reaching $11.35. The lightweight cattle were very popular at strong prices. In the yearling division the best Kind paid as high as $11.80. Bulk i of the supply moved at prices ranging from $10.50 to $11.50. Long yearling heifers cashed from $>.50 to 10.50. Cows showed a decided price spurt with the long end selling mostly from $7.50 to $8.50. A considerable number of choice fat cows sold considerably higher and a lot of good breeding cows sold by the head at good prices. Bulls were fully steady to.strong. Butcher hogs frought very fav orabe prices. An extreme top of $12.70 was paid for one good sized bunch. The nominal price on butchers was $12.65 with practic ally the entire offering selling at that price. Sows cashed at $11.75. Feeder pigs were in fair supply and paid from $13.10 to $13.65. Horse and mule prices looked a little stronger this week. A few sheep were here and these sold by the head. The next regular auction will be held on Monday, February 23. From St. John’s The following are sponsoring Pre-Lenten Parties for St. John’s new church: Mrs. L. Sojka, Mrs. S. Bartak, Mrs. A. Mueller, Mrs. C. Thiele,' Miss B. Sehi, Mrs. F. M. Hupp, Wm Kallhoff. Chie Thramer, Mrs.j Wm. Schindler gave an old Time Dance at Deloit Hall. O’Neill Unit Of Red Cross Meets Saturday In order to give every one an opportunity to do her part in the volunteer work of the American Red Cross there will be a meeting | at 2:00 Monday afternoon in the Dining Room of the Golden Hotel. Even tho you do not sew or knit CLASS“C” TOUNAMENT February 25, 26, 27 GAMES WEDNESDAY NIGHT Butte vs Springvicw .. 6:30 P. M. St. Mary’s vs Stuart..7:30 P. M. Spencer vs Spalding Academy . 8:30 P. M. Lynch vs Page ... 9:30 P. M. SEMI-FINALS THURSDAY NIGHT Starting at 8:00 P. M. CHAMPIONSHIP GAME and Loseis of Semi-Finals Friday Night, Starting at 8:00 P. M. ADMISSIONS: Wednesday and Thursday Nights — 20c and 35c, Defense Tax Included. Friday night (Finals) — 25c and 40c, Defense Tax Included. Season Tickets.50c and 85c Defense Tax Included and Meet GOSSARD’S Famous Stylist MISS ARDATH WINGET who will be delighted to consult with you ■ about your figure needs. She will show the new Gossard designs for the longer torso silhouette i.. and suggest the correct Gossard for YOU. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24th ? Special Fittings 9 A. M. To 5 P. M. r • 'i / The GOSSARD Line of Beauty there are other activities in which you may take part such as First Aid Classes, Kits for Soldiers to be filled, Inspecting, Packing or acting on any of the other numer ous committees. Your attendance at this meeting will be an indi cation of your willingness to do your part to “keep them flying*" Mrs. D. Stannard BRIEFLY STATED Wm. Griffin made a business trip to Lincoln Wednesday. The Christian Endeavor held a social gathering at the home of Miss Ruth Osenbaugh Wednesday. .n"‘ ' ’*"'** *<1l> ' —"*■ evening. The assisting hostesses were the Missess Goldyne Sebesta, j Dorothy Larson and Iren* Yocum Games were played and a lovely | lunch was served. Mrs. J. M. Hayes left Sunday; for Gilmore City, Iowa, called there by the serious illness of. her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hewett and! daughter, Arlene, of Rushvillc were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H Parker Monday. Mrs. Richard Bowden entertain ed the Cherrio Pinochle Club at the home of Mrs. Fred Calkins Friday evening Mr* M Johnson received high score. Mrs. C. James second, and Mrs Al. Oaskil] low. Mrs. H. J. Reardon returned to Valentine Saturday, after visiting at the home of her daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith. Jr., and family for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunto visit ed friends in Creighton last Thurs day evening. Mrs. J. P. Brown entertained the Contract Club Monday even ing at a 7 o’clock dinner at a local cafe and cards at her home. Defame Of Your Dollar Make Yopr Own Clothes I SEW and SAVE WEEK FEBRUARY 23 TO 23th You'll Save More Than You Thinkl Make more of your own clothes this Spring! Sewing at home comes under the head of national war effort these days, and it’s no trouble at all to turn out-*a smart dress . . . not with al the marvelous new fa brics and easy-to-use patterns we have. For Daytime Dresses RAYON CREPES Crown Tested Rayon French crepes! Wash able and glowing with color. Floral patterns, novelty figures In a color range to satisfy cri tical tastes. And It takes so little to make a drees—3'* yards for an average sise. And that figures'out only $2.VI. So sew! For Wash Dresses SEERSUCKERS In Stripes and Checks Printed stripes and small checks, new and different for home and sport outfits. Easy to wash and colors rr:r.aln clear and bright. Our New Spring SPRING PATTERN BOOKS Offer Many Suggestions To Home Sewers. For Your AFTERNOQN DRESS f Q&r Fine Crepe Romaiiies 1... ■ Crepe Romatne and Alpaca weave in spun ray oat. Solid color* to suit your indi personality. Lovely fabrics for your smar featuring basic dress. Newly received. FOR TAILORED TUB'CLOTHES QQ Smoothly Woven Chambrays ^ Cl,!!Lbri£,i7ith Vr°re" ,trip*‘ monotone* and multi-colors and with solid color* to match. Highly styled, easy to wa.h, durable. For dress.., slacks, smacks, Tc, FOR SPORT GARMENTS Sturdy Gabardine la solid colors or stripes. Washable, strong, t fast colors. A grand fabric for sport gar- •■ill menls such as slacks, shirts and skirts .... ' ” ^ ^ FOR SHEER DRESSES TwomMy Muelins _ Cotton sheers in lovely and delicate ooior lag In which floral motile and small fig- K W. M — ores are used to advantage. Washable, fast ^ J ^W V colors . FOR WASH DRESSES \ Quadriga Prints America's finest cotton print Florals. new figures, plaids, stripes and also J ^ in solid colors. Needlelsed finish for II easy sewing . | [ FOR YOUR SLIPS Rayon crepe slip cloth in white, JM m tea rose, navy, etc. Non-slip f I _ weaves; 39-40 In. wide. ^ We have all the sc win# notions to | keep your work box * full and to make your home sew In# easier. Low prices. /ijfBfjw,i .>^18 Ml A j£m