The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 19, 1942, Image 4
ML—— 111-- .. .-—i . -..- .. —*,^- ^ -, „ .- - „., -„----_ ——„ ■■■-, ---tott__--._._,_____ _____ ■ The Frontier subscription Cam paign has been extended and will run during the month of February. Come in and pay your arrearages and you can get two years in ad vance for $3.00. This applies only to subscribers living within the state of Nebraska. r . /* * % H ' % « . ,,, \,C *' BRIEFLY STATED The Catholic Daughters held a social meeting at the Golden Hotel Tuesday evening. The evening •6 PROOF. STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKEY. SCHENIEY DISTILLERS CORPORATION. N.Y.C was spent playing cards and high score was won by Mrs. Mary Zas trow, Mrs. John Kersenbrock low and Ms. Leo. Hausman all-cut. The hostesses for the evening were: Mrs. Clyde Wilson, Mrs. Mary Zastrow, Mrs. Frank Sucky, Mrs. Wm. Martin, Mrs. Joe Bazel man, Mrs. John Hickey, Mrs. F. J. Fisher and Miss Margaret Steck meyer. K. P. Hoffman left Sunday even ing for Omaha, where he joined the U. S. Navy. MrH. Hoffman and children remained here with her mother, Mrs. Wm. Welch. Mrs. J. H. McPharlin returned Friday from Omaha and Sioux City, Iowa, where she had visited relatives for a few days. Mrs. John Jaszkowiak and son. Dwight, of Rushville, came Sun day to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jaszkowiak and fam ily. On Monday Dwight Jaszko wiak went to Norfolk to join the U. S. Army. Mrs. John Jaszko ANNOUNCEMENT! Margaret wishes to announce she has installed a new' Permanent wave machine, the Killing Koolerwave Machineless, the New Creme \\ uve, and two new fast drying hair dryers for her customer’s convenience and service. Phone 102 Margaret’s Beauty Salon WORK'« DEFENSE Opportunity for Men 18 to 50 to Train to be AIRCRAFT INSTALLATION MECHANICS FEW WEEKS' TRAINING at Morton Aircraft Corporation prepares you for air craft construction. Get into the higher brackets. Factories seek workers to build 63,000 planes this year, 125,000 in 1043. We train you at skilled AIRCRAFT IN STALLATION MECHANIC by method that is simple and easy as outlined by lead ing aircraft pfants Only school in this ter ritory offering this type of training. You train in our own factory making actual parts, not miniature parts. More than $50. 000 worth of equipment and machinery for your framing. 2 5,000 square feet of floor space devoted to students. FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE. To date, our records show 1,083 Morton grad uates now working in 30 major aircraft and defense industry plants. TUITION LOW. Get complete facts on LOW-COST factory training at Morton’s. Your newspaper office has been appointed our "Recruiting Sta tion" for your town. Stop in at your news' oaper office for details . . . TODAY . . . Loam Now If Too Can Qualify For Training At MORTON AIRCRAFT CORP. APPLY FOR PERSONAL INTERVIEW AT OFFICE OF ! wiak returned to her home at Rushville on Tuesday. The Eastern Star held their re | gular meeting at the lodge hall i last Thursday evening. Mrs. Edna , Kruse was elected and installed | Treasurer to fill the vacancy caus ; ed by the removal of Mrs. Ida ^ Robertson to Ainsworth. Mrs. Sarah G. Norton left Tues day for Omaha on a business trip. Mrs. R. H. Shriner entertained the Pinochle Club at her home Fri * day afternoon. High score was ! won by Mrs. Art Cowperthwaite. R. J. Rakowski entertained his employees at a 7 o’clock fish din ner at the Western Hotel Friday evening. Miss Marion Knapp spent Sun day with her mother, Mis. Fran cis Knapp at Atkinson. A group of friends from Inman and O'Neill surprised Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Bergstrom on Saturday even ing by going to their home to help them celebrate their Silver Wed _ ding Anniversary. The evening was spent playing pinochle. High score for ladies was won by Mrs. Gifford Bachman of O’Neill; Chester Youngs of Inman, high scores for the men; Mrs. C. C. Bergstrom low for ladies and Wm. Hartigan of Inman low for the men. Mr. and Mrs. Dorance Crabb and daughter, will leave Sunday for Denver, Colorado, where they plan to make their future home. They have rented their home to Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hayes and they plan on moving there around the first of March. Circle II of the Presbyterian Church will meet at the home of Mrs. Dwight Harder on Friday afternoon. Mrs. Oral Fox is as sisting hostess. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Sherbahn were called to Wayne Tuesday morning by the death of Dr. Shcr bahn’s mother. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Brown enter- j tained the Contract club Sunday 1 evening at a 7 o’clock dinner at a local cafe and cards at their home. High scores for ladies were won by Mrs. H. J. Birmingham, and Mrs. W. J. Froelich, high scores for men were won by Ed Galla gher and W. H. Harty. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McDonough left Wednesday morning for Clyde, Kansas, called there by the death of Mr. McDonough’s father, L. M. McDonough. Mrs. R. L. Arbuthnot and son. Jack, went to Omaha Monday. Jack returned home Wednesday and Mrs. R. L. Arbuthnot remain ed to visit her, daughter, Miss Roberta Arbuthnot for a couple of weeks, before going on to Birm ingham, Alabama, to visit her other daughter, Mrs. John DeHall and family for several weeks. Miss Marion Dickson arrived home today from Davenport, Iowa, and will spend sometime here with her mother, Mrs. R. R. Dickson and sister, Miss Marjorie Dickson. Francis Welch of Norfolk visit ed his mother, Mrs. Wm. Welch, and sister, Mrs. K. P. Hoffman and Marie Welch, from Sunday until Wednesday. A. Jaszkowiak took his brother, Dwight Jaszkowiak of Rushville, to Norfolk Monday, where he 1-— joined the U. S. Army. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Armbruster were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Raymer at Atkinson Monday evening. ANGUS BULLS FOR SALE I have been convinced that Advertising Pays. Last week I Advertised 37 Head of Angus Cat tle and have sold 35 of them. Have left Two Registered Angus Bulls, eleven Months Old—and One Bay Team Geldings, Weight 2500. RAY SIDERS, Opportunity, Nebraska i TRADI IN SB TiOOR LAMP I on a New,Modern I.E.S. Lamp Now ctuAtnq &U/L, OLD LAMP • Your last warning I Our "Old Lamp Round-Up Sale" ends soon. Ii you have an old lamp, why not bring it in and receive credit for it on a new I.E.S. Floor Lamp beiore our trade-in oiler expires. Don't delay—inquire today. "DISTINCTLY NEBRASKAN" I_