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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1942)
' ... I Neb. State Historical Society The Frontier VOL. LXU O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1942 NUMBER 41 . "■ ' I—I— — — - . .1 I . M -- I. ■ ■ I - I . .1 I ■ —» SOUTHWESTERN BREEZES By Romaine Saunders A deep blanket of snow Sunday replaced what the sun peeled off the day previous. The sugar bins will be empty long before the country school teacher’s four-months vacation runs out. The president says the paracites should get out of Washington. In case of general compliance, who will be left? It is said the facts of Pearl Har bor are to be with-held from the public. The public has a way of tracing out the cause from effect without official announcements. Out of the New Deal camp voices are raised in a call to per petuate the party majority in con gress. Perpetuating the slogan: Moab, to the spoil! Because of higher living costs the C I O’s want more money. Nothing has had as much to do with making higher living costs than this same C I. O. So the actors, song writers, radio performers, horn footers and what have you are offering their "tal ent” for defense. Have the re cruiting officers run out of guns? We have sniffed the fumes of gasoline too long to revert to horse drawn vehicles. If the automo bile is ever crowded off the road it will not be by the horse and buggy. The honorable secretary of Agri culture is telling farmers to get out of debt. Another government agency, the Farm Security Ad ministration, says come on and get in debt so you can produce more to eat. ; Three men are serving sentences in the Nebraska penitentiary on conviction of criminal relations with a young girl. At the trial the girl named fifty other men that were involved in the offence. Where are the fifty? It has been many moons since public sentiment struck the ham mer blows that are being dealt the pension for members of con gress and the executive. Now we will see what the public’s senti ment can do with its public’s officials. Cut the first one foot off a yard stick and lay it to the other end. It’s still a yard long. Setting clocks ahead an hour adds nothing to the period of daylight. With war industries operating twenty four hours a day, where does any saving come in? That other great war brought a period of sobriety to America and our troops marched to victory over a fallen foe. In this greater war the beverage of madness flows unchecked in amber streams across the land, while the milk man must shift as best he can to reach the cottage doors of the nation. Those silken bantiers on walls of home and office flaunt their mockery of prayer, “God Bless America,” when it seems more fitting to say, Lord be merci ful to us sinners—beat back the tide of soul defilement, of boast ful bigorty, of greed and gluttony, of lust and crime, and receive us graciously. More and more uses are being found for the country’s weeds. Some years ago it was thought you ought to be shot at sunrise if a Russian thistle was found on your place. Live stock nutrition experts maybe have gone a little too far in their claims for the this tle as a feed but its value is com monly recongnized. See those bunches around over the prairie in the sandhills district that resemble pineapples and have a root as tough as a mule’s jaw? Soap weeds. Yes, and a very dainty but efficient toilet soap is now out that has its back ground in our Nebraska soap weed. If you have crossed those deserts out to ward the Pacific Coast you have seen the desert plant a scientist says is to save us from a rubber famine. And nothing has been found for pasturage for sheep that quite equals sandbur grass. A week ago nature decorated the southwest with a scene of matchless charm. No pink glow O’Neill Pioneer Dies Last Wednesday In Omaha William J. Dobbs, 87, with his wife accidently overcome by gas in the bedroom of their home, 6736 Florence boulevard, Saturday, died Wednesday morning at Nich olas Senn hospital. Mr. Dobbs, a retired auditor, was employed at the Masonic temple. He was a Mason, a Royal Arch Mason, and a member of Nebraska Veterans of Free Masons. Mrs. Dobbs, still in the hospital, survives.—Omaha World-Herald. Mr. Dobbs was a resident of this city during the eighties, being agent for the Northwestern rail road. He was always very promin ent in the civic affairs of the city in the early days and had much to do with the settlement of this section of the state. He prepared several state fair exhibits, with the cooperation of O'Neill business men and in some cases these ex hibits were shown at state fairs in Illinois and Iowa. He left here in the early nineties and since that time had been a resident of Omaha. American Legion Auxiliary Elects Officers The American Legion Auxiliary met Monday night and elected the following officers: Mrs. John Davidson, president; Mrs. Axel Borg, first vice president; Mrs. George Rector, second vice presi dent; Mrs. J. M. Higgins, secre tary; Mrs. Ralph Fritton, treasur er, Mrs. Ed Flood, chaplain; Mrs. Dean Streeter, historian; Mrs. Roy Karr, sergeant at Arms. On Tues day night they met with Mrs. Jane Larson of Pilger, district presi dent, and she yrstalled the officers. Also present was Mrs. Fred Sel lery and Mrs. Kreigler of Neligh. Any ladies in O’Neill or vicinity, that are qualified to join, may make application to any of the above officers or to any member of the organization. Hospital Notes Harry Hollenback admitted Monday and is getting along fine. Richard Sholes admitted Mon Richard Sholes admited Mon day and is fine. Mrs. Lloyd Hoerle of Chambers admitted Wednesday for medical care. Leonard Young dismissed Wed nesday. Mrs. Harold Parks admitted Sunday and is a medical patient. Mrs. Phil Ziemer admitted Wed nesday for medical care. Mrs. Ralph Reynolds and son, Mike, of Stockton, California, Mrs. Frank Dvorak and daughter, Kay, of Atkinson were guests of Mrs. Francis Murphy Friday. of sunrise at break of day; an overcast sky through early morn ing hours had ridged the prairie, the trees and bushes, roofs of buildings and wire fences inch deep with frost. The day remain ed calm and the decorations clung in powdered beauty until the sunshine of another day trans formed it to sparkling gems that presently melted away. The night sky had been studded with glow ing celestial embers, the shining bands of orion high in the south east heavens, and while the gloom of early morning spread a curtain jover the planetary scene, the brush of nature touched the earth with a delicate loveliness. God had alloted us another picture and another day. No doubt the life span of a large number of persons has been lengthened beyond a few hours in infancy because some unsung representative of medical science knew what to do at the critical time and did it. This often under primitive conditions far removed from the conveniences and pro fessional setting of the modern hospital. In the Charley Smith family down toward Burwell a girl is now coming into young womanhood whose life was in the balance when an infant of a few hours. Dr. Gill of Chambers at tended the mother at the birth of the child. At a later call he found that the only hope to save the baby was a blood transfusion. And these under primitative conditions the mother who gave it life gave of her blood to save the life of her child. I don’t know how many cases of this nature Dr. Gill has had since then, but he did a like service last week for a new born son in the Fredrich home in this community, the blood of the father | being transfused to his little son. DISTRICT CLASS C TOURANMENT HERE NEXT WEEK A district Class “C” basket-1 ball tournament will be held | in the O'Neill High School Gym nasium next Wednesday, Thurs day, and Friday nights. At the, meeting of the coaches and superintendents last Saturday morning it was decided to seed Butte, St. Mary’s, Spencer and Page. The remaining teams were placed by drawing for the first round Wednesday starting at 6:30 P. M. On the first night Butte will play Springview, St. Mary’s! versus Stuart, Spencer against Spalding, and Page will oppose: Lynch. The semi-finals will be played Thursday night starting at 8:00 P. M., and the finals on Friday, night with the losers of the semi-1 finals playing at 8:00 P. M. for third and fourth places. The; Championship game will start at: 9:00 P. M. It was decided at the meeting last Saturday to have an all tourn- j ament team to be selected by the | referees, the official time keeper and the official score keeper. The referees for the tournament are Mr. Hornby and Mr Burgess from Martin, South Dakota. The Nebraska High School Ac tivities Association is providing the trophy for the Champion team. The O’Neill Commercial Club is presenting a beautiful trophy to the runner-up team. The winning third place team will be awarded a appropriate trophy by the O’Neill Public School. Members of the Junior Class are decorating the gymnasium with a new scheme to add to the color of the tournament and fittingly entertain the schools and fans that will be the guests of O’Neill. The winner of this tournament will be paired with the winner of some other District Class C toui - nament for a play-off game the, following week at a District B or A tournament. The winner of the play-off game will go to the Class C state tournament during the second week of March. Board Of Directors Elect Officers The Board of Directors of the O’Neill Production Credit Associ ation held their organization meet- j ing at the association offices in O’Neill on Tuesday, February 10. The following were elected: D. C. Schaffer, O’Neill, President; C. F. Clark, Burwell, Vice-President; James W. Rooney, O’Neill, Secre tary-Treaurer; and Edith J. David son, Assistant Secretary-Trea surer. The Executive Committee elect ed by the board were D. C. Schaf fer James W. Rooney and M. F. Gribble of O’Neill. The other members of the board of directors of the association are Otto Krupicka of Spencer Otto Oberg of Ericson. Rouse-V andegraf t The marriage of Miss Hazel Rouse and Robert Vandegraft of O’Neill took place at 9 o’clock Saturday evening February 14th, at the Methodist Church in Ewing. The Rev. George M. Carter read the Services, using the single ring ceremony. The bride was attired in a rust color dress, street length, and her accessories were brown. The couple were attended by Miss Lucille Johnson and Melvin Henry of this city. Mrs. Vandegraft is the daughter, of Mr and Mrs. Horace Rouse and is a graduate of the O’Neill High School of the class of ’39. Mr. Vandegraft is the son, of Mrs Bertha Vandegraft of Cen tral City and is a graduate of the Central City High School of the class of ’36, and a graduate of the Chillicothe Business College. He is employed as an operator at the Western Union. They are residing at the Western Hotel. Mr and Mrs. Vandegraft have many friends in this city who wish them many years of wedded hap piness and prosperity. Mrs. Matt Beha entertained fourteen guests at a miscellaneous ! shower in honor of Miss Hazel Rouse at her home last Wednes day evening. The evening was spent playing games and a de licious lunch was served by the hostess. Miss Rouse received many lovely gifts. SPORT NOTES Bystander O’Neill High continued on the I road to glory the past week as i they tucked two more wins under ! their belts and they are sure of winning the Class B district bas ketball tournament Saint Mary’s won one and lost one the past week to hit 500 per cent. Last week I made a mis take and never picked the two games O’Neill was to play. I picked O’Neill to beat Oakdale, but they do not play until tomor row night. I picked both of the St. Mary’s games right, so that, gives me 1,000 per cent for the; week. This week I pick O Neill to beat Oakdale tomorrow night, as I picked them last week, and to defeat Butte Monday night and keep up their fine record of hav ing won fourteen out of fifteen games, and that is a fine record for any school. St. Mary’s will play two tough I teams this week, when they meet Plainview there Friday and play the last game of the season here against Sacred Heart of Norfolk Sunday. I predict that both will be hard fought games but St. Mary’s will defeat Plainview and lose to Sacred Heart. Here are my predictions for the Class C district tournament to be held here next week, starting at 6:30 Wednesday evening and end ing with the last game being held at 9:00 p. m., Friday. A detailed report of the coming tournament will be found elsewhere in this issue of The Frontier. I pick Butte to beat Springvifew, St. Mary’ to defeat Stuart, Spencer to defeat Spalding and Page to beat Lynch. In the semi-finals on Thursday night I pick St. Mary’s to defeat Butte and Page to defeat Spencer and on Fridiy evening for the second yeat straight Saint Mary’s to be the District champs. I hope I have picked them as good as we did in the Holt Copnty Tournament, but you can never tell. Butte, St. Mary’s, Spencer and Page are seeded and I am sure that the people of O’Neill will be there to cheer their home town team on to victory. Next week I will predict the district championship of Class B, j in which O’Neill High will play. | So long until then. Saint Mary’s won one and lost, one the past week. Friday night j they were hosts to the Ewing Tigers and they defeated them 22 to 13. Tuesday night the Car dinals traveled to Inman where they lost a good game 40 to 30. _ Marriage Licenses Clyde Neal of O’Neill, age 18, and Pansy Porter of Atkinson, age 17, on February 12. Howard Barnes, age 42 and Mrs. Mae Lewis, age 36, both of Elgin on February 13. Robert Vandergrift, age 23 and Hazel Rouse, age 19, both of O’Neill on February 13. ST. MARY'S AGAIN WINS AND LOSES St. Mary’s won one and lost one the past week. Friday they were hosts to the Ewing Tigers who they defeated 22 to 13. Tuesday night the Cardinals traveled to Inman where they lost a very good game 40 to 30. Friday St. Mary’s started slow and at the end of the quarter they were behind 6 to 3. In the second quarter St. Mary’s played swell basketball to score six points ,while holdiing their (opponents scoreless, and so at the half the Cardinals held a 9 to 6 lead. In the third quarter Ewing showed a little more pep, making five points while St. Mary’s made seven points. In the last quarter St. Mary’s again played real ball allowing the visitors only two points while they added six more points to their score and the final score was twenty-two to thirteen. St. Mary’s played good ball the whole game and it looked like they want to be district champs for the second straight year. TUesday night the Cardinals played poor ball the first half, but came back after intermission and put in six points before Inman knew what they were doing, but Inman was not licked and they made a few more points to win 40 to 30. It was a good game but the Cardinals did not have the power to win. Mr. And Mrs. R. H. Parker Have Great Southern Trip Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Parker re turned last Sunday from an ex tended trip to the southland. Mr. Parker was on a business deal which required his presence in Birmingham, Alabama, and Mrs. Parker went along for the sight seeing trip. After the conclusion of his business they made a tour of Florida, visiting all sections of the state. They also drove through the states of Missouri, ; Tennesee, Alabama, Georgia, Lou isana, Arkansas, Oklohoma and Kansas, taking six weeks for the trip. While away they visited several large training camps, in cluding Naval training and air , training quarters, watching twen * ty and thirty airplanes in the air at one time going through their manouvers. Ryland says that is was a sight to enthuse and strengthen the backbone of any American as to the untimate out come of the war. Lloyd Smith went to Grand Island Saturday to get Mrs. Smith and son. They returned home Sunday and Mrs. Smith’s mother, Mrs. A. Ingeal of Riverside, Cal., accompanied them home for sev eral month’s visit. Mrs. C. C. Raymer of Atkinson was in O’Neill Saturday visiting friends. MONEY in bank here means you have cash for instant use at any time, while we assume the re sponsibility for keep ing it safely in the meantime. O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK Capita!, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $140,000.00 This Bank Carries No Indebtedness of Officers or Stockholders. Member hederal Deposit Insurance Corporation Scottvillc Ladies Aid Raise $100 For Red Cross The program and social, which was held at the Scottville hall on Friday evening February 6th and sponsored by the Dorsey Ladie’s Aid proved to be a grand success. | After an hour or more of a very interesting and well rendered pro gram, which consisted of a num ber of patriotic songs, including duets, trios, little boys quartet and young men’s chorus, besides sev eral selections of instrumental music and tap dancing, intersper ceed with a few patriotic readings the boxes were sold by Jack Brady. By his very efficient man ner and untiring efforts the boxes sold exceedingly well, for which we commend him very highly. After deducting expenses we had j $100 for the Red Cross. We wish through the columns of this paper to thank each and every one who helped us make this entertainment a success. Es- j pecially do we wish to thank those j who came from neighboring com- i munities, helping with both the program and social. The Dorsey Ladies Aid. — J. H. Shultz J. H. Shultz was found dead in his bed in his room about 1:30 yesterday afternoon. It is pre sumed that he had a heart attack during the night and passed away, at the age of 79 years, four months and twenty-five days. The fun eral will be held tomorrow morn ing at 10 o’clock. Rev. V. C. Wright officiating and burial in Prospect Hill cemetery. Deceased was born in Ringold county, Iowa, on September 23, j 1862. He came to this county in 1914, coming here from Stanton county, Nebraska, and, with the exception of a couple of years, had made his home here since that time. When he first came] to the county he farmed for a few years north of this city and until the past couple of years had been interested in some residence pro perty in this city. He has two daughters living, Mrs. Modge Felsch, Stanton, Nebraska, and Mrs. Helen Hansen, of Omaha, both of whom arrived Thursday afternoon to attend the funeral services. Nelson-Green The home of L. N. Nelson of Lynch was the scene for a very pretty wedding, Monday after- j noon at 2 o’clock when Miss: Kathryn G. Nelson of Bristow! became the brid«e of Orville Green of O’Neill on the fiftith wedding anniversary of the brides Mother, Mrs. Tena Nelson. Miss Lou Ann Nelson, neice of the bride, sang “Love’s Old Sweet Song,” and played the wedding march as the bridesmaid, Miss Adeline Green, sister of the groom, marched slowly down the winding stairs followed by the bride on the arm of her brother, Clifton Nelson. She was met at the foot of the stairs by the groom and best man, Howard Manson. They marched to an archway of blue and white streamers where Rev. Varcoe joined them in holy wed lock. The bride was attired in a lovely powdered blue suit with navy acessories. She wore a gar denia and sweet pea corsage. She is the youngest daughter of Mrs. Tena Nelson, of Bristow and a graduate of the Bristow High School and the past few months has been employed in Lincoln. The groom was attired in a teal blue suit with a carnation bout oniere. He is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Green of O’Neill; a graduate of O’Neill High School, he attended South Western College at Kansas for two years and the Nebraska Trade School at Milford. This month he enlisted in the U. S. Navy Reserve as a Pattern Maker. He will leave immediately for his sta tion. The bridesmaid wor a wool dress of olive green and a cor sage of gardenia and sweet peas. After the cermony a buffet lun cheon was served to the guests. The three tier wedding cake, bak ed by the groom’s brother, Lyle Green, was a center piece. Wedding guests included: Mrs. Tena Nelson and sons, Chester and Clifton; Bristow; Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Nelson and sons Jack, Andrew and Junior, Bristow; Mr. and Mrs. Varcoe, Bristow; Mr. and Mrs. John Green, O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Green, O’Neill; Mrs. Laurance Temborg, O’Neill; Mrs. Howard Manson, O’Neill and Miss Elizabeth Harkiins, Atkinson. *** O'NEILL HIGH , WINS TWO MORE Friday the thirteenth proved no barrier to the O’Neill Eagles as they added victory number 13 to their record with a fast 38-23 vic tory at Plainview, whose Pirates received their seventh defeat. The Blue and White team, play ing its best game of the year, buried their opponents under an avalanche of baskets from start to finish. The game was barely five seconds old when Harold Cal kins, Eagle guard, broke under the hoop in an oft-rehearsed play to give the Eagles an advantage they never relinquished. The Eagle attack clicked to perfection while the score mounted. The O. H. S. second team entered the game shortly before the second period. Going into that quarter O’Neill led 13-4. The Pirates sliced the gap to six points before the half time. Led by Gene McKenna, the Eagles broke away again with the opening of the third period and before the Plainview five could stop the surge, O’Neill was away to a 32-17 lead. The Blue and White five held its lead in the last quarter. Guard McKenna took scoring honors with ten points. Scoring was divided almost equally among the rest of the quintet. The starters for O’Neill were Burgess, Manzer, Calkins and McKenna. The second five, which saw much action, consisted of Wolfe, Yantzi, Wetzler, Vincent and Osenbaugh. Baton twirlers from Plainview, accompanied by their band, gave a precise, almost faultless exhib ition at the half. O’NEILL - SPENCER The O'Neill High basketball team added another victory to their long string last Tuesday evening in the local gymnasium when they defeated Spencer with a score of 33 to 19. While the score was a little one-sided it was a good game to watch with both teams fighting for points all the way through. , Frontier Readers Who Have Extended Their Subscription Past 10 Days The following Frontier readers have extended their subscription to The Frontier during the past ten days and taken advantage of our reduced offer. The time is getting short for our readers to take advantage of this offer and we hope that during the next ten days many hundreds of them will join the procession of paid in advance readers: Ray Nilson (new) Max Golden Lod Janousek Fred Watson Mary Horiskey Joseph Babl Mrs. A. T. Crumley Mrs. Walter O’Malley (new) Fred Saunto Margaret Joyce J. E. Kee American Gear Co. (new) George Wadsworth George Pongratz William Langan Floyd Ritts County Court Donald Miller of Ewing was arrested by Patrolman John T. Meistrell and charged with over load. He was before the County Court on February 18. 1942, pled guilty and was fined $10.00 and costs of $3.H). Lawrence Nelson of Valentine was arrested by Patrolman John T. Meistrell and charged with over weight. He was before the Coun ty Court on February 18, 1942, pled guilty and was fined $10.00 and costs of $3.10. Melvin Henderson of Valentine was arrested by Patrolman John T. Meistrell and charged with over weight. He was before the County Court on February 18, 1942, pled guilty and was fined $10.00 and costs of $3.10. Frank E. Buckles of Merriman was arrested by Patrolman John T. Meistrell and charged with overload and Delinquent Oper ators License. He was before County Court on February 19, 1942, pled guilty and was fined $18.00 for count I, and $2.00 for count II, costs of $3.10. James McNally of Johnstown was arrested by Patrolman John T. Meistrell and charged with overload. He was before the County Court on February 18, 1942, pled guilty and was fined $10.00 and costs of $3.10.