The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 12, 1942, Image 1

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    —The Frontier
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By Romaine Saunders
The prairie in the southwest
I was blanketed Sunday by four]
| inches of snow.
As I understand daylight saving. I
what you gain at one end you lose |
at the other.
Dr. Gill of Chambers was out
this way Saturday evening on a
professional call.
Haven’t seen that there is to be
a penalty forv stocking up with
sugar, honey and candies.
iff It may be all right to bestow a
L medal on General McArthur, but
f maybe he would rather have rein
!| forcements.
Warnings from many world
f capitals that war is the chief
L objective of the nations is now
[ echoed across our own fair land.
The call of our company to go
catch old Sitting Bull was a false
alarm; More than could be used
responded to the war cry, Re
member the. Maine;” the Kaisei
took to flight without calling any
of my age group to go across; this
present call to arms again finds
me a lookeron, but if there is a
field of activity where an old
timer from the prairie can lend a
hand in defense of liberty for all
mankind, just send on the orders
A Correction:—Whether the
operator got mixed at the key
board or was unable to make out
the name, an unfortunate error
occured in a paragraph last week
which mentioned the death of a
pioneer resident of Atkinson. The
name is Anna S. Miner, not Min
en. This was Sophie Anderson
who a few about Atkinson may re
member. But I would not know
just why the operator should take
the word “album” in a line quoted
from a peom of Riley's and invent
J The night is starless. Out of
a poll of impenetrable darkness a
low wind moans across the land.
The blood-congealing cry of a
tramp cat out in the night is ad
ded to the far-off note of a lone
coyote. Lights glow dimly from
windows of neighboring houses.
A sudden white glare along the
road from the headlights of a
motorist heedless of wear on tires.
The pioneer spirit of neighborli
ness is gone. Neighbors no long
er “drop in” for a visit. Instead
its a trip to town to see a movie
or other attraction. Much has
gone out of the simple joys of
living since neighbors are no
longer neighborly. After a look
out into the night I drop into an
easy chair by the flickering light
of buring wood to muse on the
smiles and heartaches of life’s fit
ful drama, while the lady turns
on the music.
“He that receiveth a prophet in
the name of a prophet shall re
ceive a prophet’s reward.” A
scholarly and devout member of
Father Cassidy’s parish, D. A.
Doyle, said he believed in listen
ing to a man with a message.
Both have passed from life's acti
vities—the one from the spiritual
guidance of his people, the other
from his saddle and horses. When
an itinerant street preacher came
to town, Colonel Doyle was an at
tentive listener. He had the Irish
i love for the music of words, but
said no man ever finished a shadey
story in his presence. When the
outstanding Person of the gospels
sent forth the twelve “to the lost
sheep of the house of Israel” he
told them a fate more terrible than
that of Sodom and Gomorrah
awaited the city or household that
rejected their message. The coun
try is over run today with men
and women with a message. I
give such as come my way a re
spectful hearing, but reserve the
right to sift out the error.
So you think there would be
no war if the sisters were running
things Hunters say it is the
lioness on the African veldt that
rends and kills, the female bear
in distant Alaska that knocks the
daylight out of you. But are not
the sisters sharing the running of
things? Isn’t the aggressive Mis
tress of the White House strictly
•" the swim" of world
_in , Cncon B Anthony,
Remember busan d.
that feminine firebrand, and her
cohorts who held out the ros y
O’Neill’s Eagles came back from
the Page defeat to smother their
age-old rival under a score of 34-i
16 at Atkinson last Friday.
The Balers managed to keep
the wolf from their door during
the first half. They held a one-j
point lead until Ted Manzer, Eagle
forward, made a goal in the last
thirty seconds to put his mates
in front, 8-7, at half time.
O’Neill flashed back in the
third period to count six fast
points before Atkinson (Xrnld put
up an effective defense. Before
that disastrous quarter was over
the Blue and White led by a dozen
points. The Eagles coasted in the
last period to win by an eighteen
point margin.
Coach Howard Dean of O. H. S.
used many substitutes and his
second team part of the time in
an effort to start an effective at
tack, but the Eagles missed fire
during all the first half.
Lewis made 12 points to lead the;
Eagles in scoring.
Starters for the Eagles were
Manzer, Lewis, Calkins, and Mc
Kenna. The second team, which
worked during much of the game
included Wolfe, Yantzi, Wetzler
Vincent, and Osenbough.
The O. H. S. Eagles chalked up
victory number twelve last Mon
day night at O’Neill with a 35-28
triumph over the fighting Butte
O’Neill’s five had the game
securely in hand only in the last
few minutes, as they overcame a
20-19 Butte lead at the three
quarters mark With a rush of j
baskets, holding their opponents';
score down.
This game was one of the closest j
of the season, despite the winning
margin. The lead changed hands j
many times; Butte led at the end
of the first and third quarters;
O. H. S. was ahead at the half
and at the end of the game.
Eagle supporters, confident in
their favorites’ lead, 15-10, at the
half, were caught napping when
Butte went ahead in the first min
ute of the third period. The gym
nasium was a bedlam of noise as*
the teams raced neck-and-neck
to the close of the quarter, where
Butte led, 20-19. As the Eagles
broke away in the last quarter
Butte, fighting stubbornly all the:
way, could not keep pace with the
smooth Blue and White attack.
Warren Burgess, aggressive
Eagle forward, connected with
nine points to lead his team.
Couch had eight for Butte.
Coach Howard Dean of O’Neill
used three substitutes to great
advantage, working Wolfe, Wetz
ler, and Vincent into the starting
lineup of Burgess, Manzer, Lewis,
Calkins, and McKenna.
St. Mary’s Grades
Wins Majority
St. Mary’s Grades have gone
through the season so far with a
fairly clean record. They lost their
first game to Inman 21 to 12. They
won their next in an overtime
over Amelia 18 to 16. They lost
their next in a very close decision
to O’Neill by a score of 13 to 12.
Then they hit their winning steark
defeating Orchard 15 to 9, Atkin
son 13 to 6 and then playing
Amelia High on their own floor
they won a thriller 11 to 10. They
play Inman there the 17 and then
play O'Neill the 20. Next comes
the Grade tournament which is
to be held here. Lets wish them
tints of national and world per-;
fection to follow when they had
the ballot? Should a mere man
be so lacking in gallantry to now
intimate that the sisters were only
fooling? That the course of poli
tics has moved into the realms of
bliss if not perfection since the
ladies started the march to the
polls with us need hardly be chal
lenged. They say over in Europe
they are doing everything, even
knocking them out of the sky, and
the young German fraulenes are
endeavering to replace each fallen
soldier with a baby. Maybe all
this is repellant to the true nature
of woman—an unnatural cooper
ation with the barbaric blood lust
of man. Maybe her more tender
sympathies and finer moral fiber
have for the time loosed their
moorings to soar again to trans
cending heights out of the world’s
baptism of blood and ruin.
THE VOICE OF LINCOLN DOWN THE AGES—“I always feel inclined, when I happen to
say anything to soldiers, to impress upon them the importance of success In this contest. It is not
merely for today, but for all time to come, that we should perpetuate for our children’s children that
great and free government which we have enjoyed all our lives. . . . Still, let us not be over
sanguine of a speedy, final triumph. Let us be quite sober. Let us diligently apply the means, never
doubting that a just God, in His own good time, will give us the rightful result.”
Miss Doris Mae West, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. West of
Scotia, Nebraska, and William
Francis Ryan, son of Mr. and Mrs.
G. J. Ryan of this city, were mar
ried in Omaha last Saturday, Feb
ruary 7, 1942, in the Cathedral
Rectory, Monsignor Hunkeiier
Mrs. Ryan is a graduate of the
Scotia High School of the class of
1941 and for several months was
employed in the Johnson Drug
store in this city.
The groom is a graduate of St.
Mary’s Academy, of the 1941 class
and while in school was noted
as a basketball and foot ball play
er. He joined the U. S. Navy the
early part of last month and had
been at home waiting call to
duty. We understand that he was
to leave Wednesday for the west
coast, having been called Satur
These young people have many
friends in this city who extend
congratulations and wish them
many years of happiness and pros
Missionary Society
Elects New Officers
The Missionary Society of the
Presbyterian church met at the
home of Mrs. L. A. Burgess Tues
day evening. Mrs. J. R. Miller
was in charge of the devotions.
Following the business meeting
Mrs. J. M. Hayes led an interesting
discussion on Missionary work
among the negroes. Reports were
given by Mrs. R. M. Sauers, Mrs.
Oral Fox, Miss Elja McCullough,
and Mrs. Paul Shirek. The nomin
ating committee presented the
names of the following members
for officers for the following year,
and they were duly elected by
the group: President, Mrs. Paul
Shirek; Vice President, Miss Elja
McCullough; Secretary, Mrs. L. A
Burgess; Treasurer, Mrs. J. P
Brown. At the close of the busi
ness meeting refreshments were
served and a social hour enjoyed
by all.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. McManamy
moved here from Council Bluffs
and will make their home with
Mrs. McManamy’s mother, Mrs.
Frank Kubichek. Mr. McManamy
is the representative in this ter
ritory for the R. J. Reynolds To
bacco company.
O’Neill High School, after being
defeated for the first time by
Page High School on the letters
floor, won two games but these
wins were not enough and O’Neill
besides being beaten for the first
time were put out of the first ten
in class B in the World Herald’s
selection. Their last game Tuesday
when they beat Butte will not
count in the standings until next
week and if they keep on winning
they will still have a chance tc
go back to the first ten and all
the people in O’Neill hope they
can continue their sucesses.
Last week we picked four bas
ketball games and out of the four
I got four right and so that gives
me a 1,000% for the week. This
week O’Neill High and the Saint
Mary’s Cardinals will play one
and two games repectively. I
predict O’Neill to beat Oakdale
I don’t know much about the
Oakdale team but I think they are
pretty good this season. Saint
Mary’s plays Ewing here the 13th
and this ought to result in a vic
tory for the Cardinals. Even if the
thirteenth falls on Friday.
Tuesday the Cardinals will go
to Inman and this will be a very
close ball game, but I pick In
man to win this one, although the
Cardinals have a very good
O’Neill High in class B, and
Saint Mary’s Academy in class C
both received District Touran
ments here and this is a great
accomplishment for the city of
O’Neill. I am sure that the Athe
letic Board won’t be sorry and
O’Neill and Saint Mary’s will do
their best to make the Touran
ment a success and I am sure that
the people of O’Neill will also
do their share and hope that both
tournaments are huge successes.
See you next week.
Melvin Ruzicka, local Gamble
Store manager returned Wednes
day from a two day convention
held in Hotel Frontenelle, Omaha
on February 9 and 10. This is one
of five meetings which were held
this year and which brought to
gether Gamble Authorized Deal
ers, Gamble Store managers, Sup
ervisors, Fieldmen and some forty
five Gamble Home Office Execu
tives and Manufacturer’s repre
IOld Age Disappears
I When I^ove Appears
That age is no barrier to ro
Jmance was again exemplified at
the office of County Judge Reimer
j last Tuesday when he issued a li
cense to F. H. Osborne, 78, of Nor
folk, and Miss Lucille Worford, 29,
of this city, and then joined them j
fin holly wedlock.
The groom was a former resi
dent of this county, living in the
Dorsey neighborhood but about I
twenty years ago moved to Nor-j
folk. The bride had been in Nor- j
folk for a couple of months attend
ing a beauty school, and had been
staying at the Osborne home there
while attending school. They will
make their future home at Nor
Emmet Boy Selected
For Naval Academy
Thomas J. McNally, of Emmet,
has been recommended by Con
gressman Stefan as First Alter
nate to the United States Naval
Academy at Annapolis. The prin
cipal, for whom Mr. McNally is
alternate is Robert E. Weidner,
of Norfolk.
Thirty-three young men in the
district took the examinations for
these appointments and the nom
inations have gone to the boys
who made the highest grades and
Mr. McNally made a splendid
showing in getting second place in
this examination and he is en
titles to the congratulations of'
Holt county residents, for he again
put it on the map.
Old Time Forger
Gets Ten Year Stretch
Joe Olsen, of Rose, Nebraska,
in Rock County, was before Judge
Mounts Wednesday afternoon,
charged with forgery and the pas
sing of a forged check. He pled i
guilty and was sentenced to ten
years in the state Penitentiary, on
each count, sentences to run con
currently. This was his fourth
offense and he will not do any
more forging for a few years at
least. On February 9 he forged
the name of Ray Warden of
Amelia to a check for $80.00 and
passed same on Joe Dass of Cham
bers. He was arrested by sheriff
Swanson of Rock County and
sheriff Duffy brought him to
O’Neill. He is about forty-eight
years of age.
The city of O’Neil] will be host;
to two of the district basketball
tournaments, as announced
last Tuesday by Secretary Webb
of the Nebraska High School Ath
letic Association. The O’Neill
High School team in class B, while
St. Mary’s Academy team is in
class C, so the O’Neill High will
be hosts to the Class B players
while St. Mary’s will be the hosts
of the Class C members. Super
intendent C. F. Grill of the O’Neill
High School, has been selected as
the director of both tournaments, j
being selected by the N. H. S. A.
A. directors.
The class C. tournament will be
held first. It will be held the
last week in February, the exact
dates and the pairings of the teams
will be made at a meeting of the
coaches to be held in this city the
latter part of this week. They
will also select the officials for
the tournament.
The following teams will com
pete in the Class C tournament
here: Butte Lynch, St. Mary’s,
Page, Spalding Academy, Spencer,
Springview, Stuart.
The Class B tournament will be
held in this city the first week in
March, the date for which will be
set at a meeting of the coaches
of the schools represented to be
held in this city next Saturday
afternoon. At this meeting they
will also make the pairings for the
tournament and select the offi
cials. The following teams will
battle for the district champion
ship in this city: Ainsworth, At
kinson, Bassett, Creighton, Neligh,
O’Neill, Plainview, Valentine.
Gregg McBride, one of the
sports editors on the World Herald
is of opinion that there will be
some lively competition in the
regional basketball tournaments.
He rates favorites in the eight
Class B carnivals, according to the
early listing, as Creighton and
O’Neill. In the Class C he lists
Butte and Page as the favorites.
We are not much of a judge of
basketball players or teams, so we
will leave that part if it to “By
stander” who will probably make
his selections next week, after the
pairings have been made.
The citizens of O’Neill are glad
that the two district tournaments
have been allocated to this city.
O’Neill and its citizens are hos
pitable and we can assure the
young athletes from this section
of the state that they will receive a
royal welcome and their games
toyal welcome and their games
will be largely attended.
Automobile Thief
Gets Five Years
William Rothleutner, of Clear
water, was before the district
court late Wednesday charged
with automobile theft, and pled
guilty to the charge and was
sentenced to five years in the
state penitentiary.
Rothleutner was charged with
having stolen a car from Warren
Schmidt of Ewing on August 2,
1941. While he had been suspect
ed of the theft the car could not
be found and it now develops he
hid it in a hay stack. As time
passed he dismantled the car
throwing the body in a pasture
near where he lived and used
the other parts in his own car.
The scent was then warm and he
was arrested on February 10, by
Deputy sheriff Bergstrom and was
brought to this city and he pled
guilty, with the result stated in
the opening paragraph. He is 23
years of age and this was his third
City Campaign
Is Opening Up
That there is soon to be a city
election was brought to light the
first of the week when petitions
were circulated around th6 city
for the purpose of placing sev
eral candidates in nomination.
Petitions are being circulated for
the following candidates:
For Mayor, John Kersenbrock.
City Clerk, C. W. Porter.
City Treasurer, Ed Quinn.
Police Judge, Charles Switzer.
For Councilmen: First Ward,
Dick Rakowski, to succeed the
late R. L. Arbuthnot; Second
Ward, John Alfs, to succeed him
self; Third Ward, Mike Johnson,
to succeed himself.
On the list above there are only
two new names, Charles Switzer
for Police Judge and Dick Rakow
ski for councilman from the First
ward, the others being candidates
for re-election.
Long Pine made it 13 out of
fifteen Friday when they beat the
Saint Mary’s five 28 to 21. Long
Pine has only lost two games one
to Ainsworth and the other to
Wood Lake and the other day in
a return game they beat Wood
Lake. Long Pine was handicaped
by having two of their best play
ers missing, both guards Max
Johns and Dick Odbert. Saint
Mary’s was very cold under the
basket and it really should have
been a win for them, although
Long Pine played a good game.
Saint Mary’s started out with
a bang and held a 10 to 5 lead
at the end of the first quarter and
at the half Long Pine had crept up
but Saint Mary’s had a one point
lead 15 to 14. After returning to
the floor after the half it seemed
like a jinks hit Saint Mary’s and
they made only one basket the
entire third quarter as Long Pine
made 8 points and the score at
the end of the third quarter was
122 to 17. In the last quarter Saint
Mary’s was cold under the basket
: and they made four points to their
I opponents seven and the final
I score was 28 to 21 in favor of Long
The starting lineup was:
St. Mary’s: Guard, Kubitcheck;
Guard, Higgins; Center, Gallagher;
1 Forward, Harty; Forward, Grady.
Long Pine: Guard, Luehers;
Guard, Wheeler; Center, Arrow
smith; Forward, Krouse; Forward,
Krouse played the best floor
jg^me for the winners and Gall
agher and Kubitcheck for the los
Sunday Saint Mary’s Cardinals
went to Spalding in a private
bus to play Spalding Academy
quintet and lost a hard fought
game 20 to 17. It was a very good
game and one of the hinderences
to Saint Mary’s was their oppon
ents small floor, for they couldn't
seem to get started and although
Spalding was.ahead most all the
game it was a good game.
Tomorrow night Saint Mary’s
have a game with the Ewing Tig
ers here and Saint Mary’s wants
to win their last few games before
the District Tournament here for
they want to be a real threat in
the Tournament.
Farm Account
Books Are Popular
Farmers and ranchers have
found that an accurate account
ing system is a very valuable as
sistance in filing tax returns this
year. At the present time over
fifty books have been placed in
the county by County Agent
Lyndle Stout. There is still plenty
of time to start your 1942 books.
New books and assistance in start
ing an accounting system may be
obtained by calling at the County
Agent’s office in O’Neill.
Mrs. Dean Selah entertained
the Last Minute Bridge Club Wed
nesday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. Emery Peterson. High score
was won by Mrs. George Mitchell,
Mrs. Robert Brittel second high
and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson low.
Lunch was served at the Elite
Marriage Licenses
Frank H. Osborne of Norfolk
and Lucille E. Worford of O’Neill
on February 10, 1942.
Robert Harold Manning of At
kinson and Leona Elizabeth Cam
in of Naper on February 9, 1942.
Hospital Notes
Mrs. Frank Hawk and son dis
missed on Friday.
Mrs. Robert Smith, jr., and
daughter dismissed on Sunday.
Mrs. J. C. Carney dismissed on
County Court
Mark Kenney of Sioux City, la.,
was arested by Patrolman Meis
trel and charged with failure to
display proper plates and no oper
ators license. He appeared before
the county court on February 9,
1942, pled guilty and was fined $25
on count one, $1.00 on count 2,
and costs $3.10.
Herman E. Anderson was ar
rested by Patrolman Meistrel and
charged with no Nebraska license
plates. He appeared before the
county court on February 10, 1942,
pled guilty and was fined $2.00
I and costs of $3.10.