The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 29, 1942, Image 6

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    Luscious to Look At and Eat, too . . . Orange Sponge Cake
(See Recipes Below)
Snacks, II
“What shall I serve to guests who
drop in for an evening of bridge
or for a chat?
This is a ques
tion I've heard
many hostesses
ask, especially
, often during cold
er weather when
visiting time real
ly comes into favor again. The an
swer is simple, for a delectable cake
with steaming coffee or hot drink
turns the trick.
Your guests will have finished
their supper only a short time be
fore, and since snacks do not come
late in the evening, it is best to
serve something not too heavy.
Light cakes, preferably those with
a touch of piquancy and tartness,
fill the bill perfectly. These cakes
may be baked in one of your not
so-busy moments to have on hand
for just such an occasion.
Hot drinks are favorites in the
chilling weather. If you like coffee,
be sure to have quantities of the
steaming beverage on hand. If
you’re on the lookout for new ideas,
there are the hot fruit juice combi
nations which hit the spot. Either
type of drink goes well with these
dessert-like cakes.
Here’s the first cake on our list.
It's like spun gold in color with just
the right tartness. You’ll find that
the navel oranges which peel and
separate easily into sections will be
perfect for decorating the cake as
pictured above:
'Orange Sponge Cake.
5 egg yolks
iy« cups sugar
V4 cup orange juice
V4 cup water
2 cups sifted flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
Vfc teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon grated orange peel
5 egg whites
Beat egg yolks, sugar and orange
juice until light. Add water and
beat 2 minutes. Add flour sifted
with baking powder and salt. Beat 1
minute or until thoroughly blended
into egg mixture, fold in grated or
ange peel and egg whites beaten
stiff but not dry. Bake in 9-inch
ungreased tube pan in a moderate
(350-degree) oven 70 minutes. In
vert pan until cake is cold. Re
move. Cut in three cross-wise layers.
Gold Topping.
y« cup cold water
1 tablespoon gelatin
4 egg yolks
y« cup sugar
1 cup orange juice
1 teaspoon grated orange peel
4 egg whites
y« cup sugar
Orange sections
Soften gelatin in water. Cook egg
yolks, sugar and orange juice in
top of double boiler until thick. Add
gelatin and stir until dissolved. Add
grated peel and cool mixture. Beat
egg whites stiff, adding Vi cup sugar
and fold into cooked orange mix
ture. Spread between layers and on
Lynn Says:
Hot mulled fruit juices lend
tang to winter evening snacks.
You can have hot mulled cider by
heating the cider and adding 1
teaspoon whole cloves and 1
stick of cinnamon (tied in a
bag) while the cider is heating.
Here’s another mulled fruit
juice served piping hot: Tie in a
bag, 12 whole cloves, 1 3-inch
stick of cinnamon, and 1 whole
nutmeg. Empty a large can of
apple juice and a 12-ounce can
of cherry juice in the saucepan
and add spices. Heat, remove
spices and serve. This recipe
takes care of eight people.
Hot spiced lemon tea has lots
of pick-up. Make it by pouring 5
cups boiling water over 6 tea
spoons of black tea. Steep 5 min
utes, then strain. Dissolve V* cup
sugar in Vii cup boiling water.
Combine 6 tablespoons lemon
juice, 1 teaspoon grated lemon
peel, *4 teaspoon ground cinna
mon and % teaspoon ground
cloves, and add to hot tea Serve
at once, garnished with lemon
slices. Serves 6.
Evening Snack Ideas
•Orange Sponge Cake
Coffee Mints
•Gingerbread With Whipped
Hot Spiced Tea Salted Nuts
•Orange Pumpkin Pie
Hot Mulled Cider
Chocolate-Covered Nuts
•Lemon Cake-Pie
•Mulled Fruit Juice
Mixed Hard Candy
•Recipe Given.
top of cake. Chill in refrigerator.
Decorate with fresh orange sec
tions just before serving.
Gleaned from an excellent chef,
this Lemon Cake-Pie is a good com'
binatlon of a
cream pie and
cake. Because of
the delicate lem
on flavor it will
prove interesting
to serve for those
evenings when
friends just drop in for a bit. Made
just according to directions, it's
guaranteed to bring plenty of en
•Lemon Cakc-Ple.
1 cup sugar
1 tablespoon better
2 tablespoons flour
2 eggs
1 cup milk
1 lemon
Blend the sugar and butter, add
beaten egg yolks, milk, flour and the
juice and rind of the lemon. Fold
in the stiffly beaten egg whites and
pour into an unbaked pie-crust. Bake
in a slow (325-degree) oven 35 to 40
minutes The top will be like a
sponge cake and underneath there's
a soft. Arm custard.
Pumpkin pie will never wear out
its welcome if you serve it this way.
It has extra zest because of the ad
dition of orange juice:
•Pumpkin Pie.
3 eggs, slightly beaten
1 cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
Mi teaspoon cinnamon
Mi teaspoon nutmeg
Mi teaspoon ginger
V« teaspoon cloves
2 cups cooked canned pumpkin
1 cup cream, rich milk or un
diluted evaporated milk
1 cup orange juice
Mix sugar, spices, salt. Add slight
ly beaten eggs, pumpkin, cream or
milk, and orange juice. Pour into
an unbaked 10-inch pie shell. Bake
at 450 degrees for 10 minutes, and
then in a moderate (350-degree)
oven for about 50 minutes or until
knife comes out clean when inserted
in Ailing. Serve with whipped cream
garnished with grated orange peel.
Gingerbread is a favorite for
after-dinner bridge type of entertain
mg. Gingerbread
made with boil
ing water gives
die cake a special
kind of feathery
texture which is
certain to charm.
Most of the time
you like to serve
gingerbread with
whipped cream, hut you can vary
this if you add crushed peppermints
to the cream before serving.
*01d-Fashioned Gingerbread.
Vi cup boiling water
Vi cup shortening
Vi cup brown sugar
Vi cup molasses
1 beaten egg
lVi cups flour
Vi teaspoon salt
Vi teaspoon baking powdei
Vi teaspoon soda
Vi teaspoon ginger
Vi teaspoon allspice
Vi teaspoon cinnamon
Pour water over the shortening
and add sugar, molasses and egg.
Add sifted dry ingredients and beat
until smooth. Bake in a waxed
paper lined square pan in a mod
erate (350-degree) oven for 35 min
utes. Cool before turning out from
pan. For variation, 1 package of
semi-sweet chocolate pieces may be
added with the dry ingredients if a
chocolate-flecked cake is desired.
(Released by Western Newspaper Union. I
I- I
(Consolidated Features—WNU Service.I
VTEW YORK.—Encouraging news
is that we may keep our rub
ber heels, and if we have to travel
on them, instead of on rubber tires.
Small, Still Voice £/££ ^
Of Scientists Now Dr. Elmer
■< a j’Li W. Brandes,
head of the
bureau of plant industry of the de
partment of agriculture.
For many years, Dr. Brandes has
been exploring rubber jungles, wher
ever he can find them, studying rub
ber-yielding plants and staking out
for the government useful data and
techniques. Currently, he tells the j
house agriculture committee about
the urgency of planting large areas
of the guayule shrub. This time,
the committee is listening more In
tently. Germany is far ahead of us
in synthetic rubber production.
On occasion, Dr. Brandes has
worked up a pleasant friendship
with head-hunters, and should
be able to get on friendly terms
with congressmen. It was in
August, 1928, that he landed his
hydroplane In a jungle river in
New Guinea. It scared the wits
out of the pygmy head-hunters.
Hut the genial and conspicuous
ly unarmed Dr. Brandes lured
them into his camp by friendly
gestures and they became
friends and co-operators. He has
flown many thousands of lone
jungle air leagues on many re
search expeditions to Central
and South America, Asia and
the Pacific islands. In July, 1940,
congress provided $500,000 for a
study of crude rubber in the
Western hemisphere. Dr. Bran
des flew to Brazil and is now
offering to congress the result
of his researches there.
He was born in Washington in
1891, was educated in science at
Michigan State college, Cornell and
the University of Michigan, taught
at Michigan State and entered the
government service as a plant pa
thologist at the Puerto Rico agricul
tural experiment station in 1914. He
served in the World war, as a sec
ond lieutenant, in France.
'T'HERE is one section of the popu
-*■ lace which won’t be bothered
much by all this rationing of food,
clothes, automobile tires and house
A T At /
A Toot tor One of js the group
Our Indispensable which is, for
•Morale Builders’ ^
ger to such luxuries. One of them
asked me for a dime today.
"We gotta work fast," he said,
"before the government gets all the
loose dimes."
If, as reported, morale is good
among people who are hungry and
cold, the Salvation Army has helped,
and will help, greatly to this end.
And rating many new stars in his
crown, or cap, is Col. John J. Allan,
just now becoming the Army’s lieu
tenant commissioner for 11 central
states, with headquarters at Chi*
When, as a young man, get
ting a start as a jeweler, John
James Allan decided to give his
life to the Salvation Army, he
disguised himself as a derelict,
when he went down into New
York’s Bowery, lie shared their
flop-houses, wore ragged clothes
and took his hand-out where he
found it. “Condescending to men
of low estate," in the scriptural
phrase, he found reciprocal un
derstanding when he shared
their troubles. That was the
start of his career of kindly and
aggressive friendliness as an
evangelist, and champion of the
down-but-never-outs, and as a
cornetist for the Bowery and
for King George of England—at
a command performance In 1904.
He was for three years a soloist
with Reeves American band of
Providence, R. I.
He is the father of the Uniteo
Service Organizations. It was on
October 11, 1940, that he met with
executives of the Y.M.C.A., the
Knights of Columbus and the Jew
ish Welfare organization for united
effort among the soldiers, and out
of this meeting came the U.S.O.
He is married, the father of five
children. He was born in Hazelton.
Pa., in 1887, his mother having been
born near Nottingham, England, a
stone’s throw from the home of Gen
eral Booth.
In the World war, he was senior
chaplain of the Seventy-seventh di
vision in France, the first Salva
tion Army chaplain in the Ameri
can armed forces. He won the
French Croix de Guerre and later
received the rank of major chaplain
of the U. S. army. In 1925, he en
tered the army reserve corps, and
his ’’Coloner’ is a military title.
He was in Salvation Army work in
Newark from 1923 to 1925 and there
after in Columbus, Ohio, for eight
years, managing the Greenwood
Lake Camp for Children. He never
trumpets himself, but the Army does.
- _!
Rtvitwtd by
Sentiment Against the
British Still Exists in
United States... Marion
World Food Center .. .
(Bell Syndicate—WNU Service.)
WASHINGTON. — For as many
years as this war may last, and |
perhaps—if the Churchill dream of
the role of Britain and the United
States during the year.- to follow
should come true—for many years
longer, it is highly essential that
anti-British sentiment in this coun
try should be submerged.
This war already has developed a
sequel to the "Britain is willing to
fight until the last Frenchman dies"
of the last war. For instance the
story of the men of various nation
alities in the airplane, when it be
came apparent that the plane could
not surmount the mountain range,
and gain safety, unless most of the
passengers jumped. The French
man jumped first, then the Belgian,
the Hollander, the Dane and the
Norwegian, each with a patriotic ut
terance. Finally came the English
man’s turn. Shouting, "There will
always be an England’’ he pushed
the Greek out!
The fact that this story is being
told, and with some relish, from
New England to the Pacific coast,
means something. Actually if the
Britisher, in that story, had pushed
out an Australian it would have
come closer to meeting the criti
cism so many Americans have been
voicing in conversations.
Few British Soldiers?
This is based, very largely, on
the headlines in newspapers about
the fighting in Africa, in Greece,
in Crete, and more recently in Ma
laya. It seems to the average news
paper reader, and radio listener,
that very few soldiers from the is
land of Britain are fighting the em
pire’s enemies. We get so many
reports about this or that Canadian
or American flier being shot down,
and about Australian or South Afri
can or Indian troops making at
tacks or defenses, that even the few
pro-British citizens of the United
States wonder about it.
The answer is very simple. Just
a few days ago Sir Gerald Camp
bell, chief of the British Press serv
ice in the United States, gave out
the total casualties of the fighting in
the first Libyan campaign, in Ethi
opia, Greece and Crete. Casualties
among men who had come from the
island of Britain, which includes only
England, Scotland and Wales, were
100,000. Australia had 5,000, New
Zealand had 5,000 more. India had
7,000 and South Africa 4,500.
Twenty times as many men from
Britain perished, were wounded or
captured, as men from either Aus
tralia or New Zealand. Almost five
times as many casualties among
British troops as among the Austra
lian, New Zealand, Indian and South
African troops put together!
Now this is no reflection on the
dominions or colonials. Far from it.
Actually the Indian and Australians
and others have been going, pretty
much, where the high command
thought it best for them to go. And
it so happened that the generals who
ordered the troops into dangerous
positions were Britishers.
The fault which encouraged this
total misunderstanding not only in
America, but in Australia, where
there have been many protests about
the sacrifice of so many Australian
troops, is simply due to a British
publicity policy of giving full credit
—advertising if you like—to the
overseas recruited forces.
Uncle Sam’l Will
Supply Food
Outside the fighting forces, the
most vital worker in America today
is the one dealing with metals. But
a very close second, in the national
defense picture, is the man or wom
an producing certain varieties of
food, particularly proteins.
Milk, eggs, beef rank right next
to munitions, and not very far be
hind at that. More stress is being
laid upon munitions, because up to
now—leaving out World War No. 1
—the production of enough food has
never been a problem in this coun
The British wanted to sell their
manufactured products all over the
world, particularly in South Ameri
ca, before the war. So they built up
a big business of selling to Argen
tina, taking beef and grain from
that country. They bought bacon,
eggs, etc., from Denmark, hams
from Poland, and to a lesser extent
other food products from overseas.
Continental European sources
were lost to them early in the war,
while the shipping shortage made
it impractical to spare the ships to
bring food from the Argentine.
Now in this war there is a great
deal more discrimination as to the
categories of food to be shipped to
Britain than there was in the last
war. We are more conscious of vita
mins. The British are terribly short
| of meat, eggs and milk. We are
1 able to send powdered milk, dried
eggs and meat extract, but while
this concentrated form helps a great
| deal in the matter of shipping space
I the same amount bf production is
j necessary.
(W (it (i« (it A* fit fi« (i. fit (it (V. fit fi. (i. fi- fit (it (it fi. (it (i. ^t fi* fit fit fit (Vt (Vt |«t (Vt (V fit fi* (i fit (it fit
7 ?
I ASK ME ? A quiz with answers offering ?
i another: information on various subjects ?
? ?
fi* fit fit fit fit fit fit fi. fit fit fi. fi. fit fit fi. fi. (i fit fi« fit fi- fit fi- fit fit fit fi- fit ^t fit fi. fi* fit fi. fi. fi. fi. fit
The Questions
1. Are humming birds found in
the Old world?
2. Who ruled England longer—
Queen Victoria or George III?
3. What do the letters R.I.P.,
which are often found on tomb
stones, mean?
4. Where does troy weight get
its name?
5. Gerrymandering is associated
with what—fishing, carnivals or
6. What is a student of cryptog
raphy concerned with?
7. What is the only active vol
cano in the United States?
8. Who gave the state of Florida
its name?
9. “Don’t shoot until you see the
whites of their eyes,’’ was said at
what battle?
10. Which of the following cities
is farthest west—Spokane, Reno
or Los Angeles?
The Answers
1. No. There are 500 species
known to science, and all are resi
dents of the Western hemisphere.
2. Queen Victoria, 63 years.
George III ruled 59 years.
3. Requiescat in pace (rest in
4. From Troyes, France.
5. Politics (To divide a state,
county, etc., into election districts
in an unfair way to give a political
party an advantage over its op
6. Secret codes and ciphers.
7. Mt. Lassen.
8. Ponce de Leon.
9. Bunker Hill.
10. Reno.
Measured for Tickets
When traveling by train in China
one often sees the strange and
amusing spectacle of child passen
gers being carefully measured
with a ruler by the conductor. The
reason for this is that in China the
fares for children traveling on
trains runs not in proportion to
their age, but in proportion to their
height. Children under two feet
six inches are allowed to travel
free; those up to four feet four
inches are charged half fare. Chil
dren taller than that have to pay
the full fare.
lilfltfkKfaMIlfflW Iff
Preserving the Best
The only hope of preserving
what is best lies in the practice
of an immense charity, a wide
tolerance, a sincere respect for
opinions that are not ours.
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