The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 22, 1942, Image 8
run »ame tboMO bitli, I# »».».»MV4 **U»**« Mlsv fct lANKtH* M %vr«M V^^f' HMI '-'m-' fVitr* IMS '*<»#• i* H ly ' .^■Ml _ |» f\hSiH tVnl--.t till run mcnt %j—MMWMlnri ino i .4—MW f»» ni— iMUMBMBaa ii i ■ j>Hft - ‘tf , OK RSV*‘ TH»*tw iwi ■M4 K W t*». Kv4 It H fEBM——hi. ».ton»^i ‘-■■■■ w -«•■- •■ CUMFORTARl * •teotnrtg ■•■m*** Mt* P * tyvSM.^ HP* STH V> Kl» SAKrr.ARt eta Runm Lavmtry s5k.'**t Rtmito -O N»aM Matvhory * ■BUCK! P PACK ho*!*** ***‘*h« about 4QV Ute. bmmtwi »i —It on th*» rtjtht >M|>. ttew«r«i., Cill thu <Pftw JUj l. a (ULUKsm hmrmcg ul* Vll Kimls 0*N«H, Nebraska : w r. nxijrv. >i ix [ Phone. Office O’Neilf :: Nebraska DOCTOM I BROWN & FRENCH! 0#k* PH«*» TT Ccwpktc X-Ray Squipmsat < Glasses Cemsetfy FHts»l nrtM- j Dr Brawa. 3J : nil IT Or Prase*. !C | — ' 1 (Frist publication Jan. 9. ’942} Ross Amspoker Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Tmtmtm No. 2889 bi the County Court at Holt County. Nebraska. January 5 1942 In the matter of the Estate of Mary A Uttley. Deceased. CREDITORS at said estate u> hereby notified that die time limited tor presenting riauas against said estate is April 29 M2, and tor the payment of debts is January 5. 1943. and that on January 29. 1942. and on April 10. 1942. at 1 o'clock P M.. each day I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow x adjust ai! fbitrw and objections -July filed. LOUIS W REIMSK. 35-4 County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) (First publication, Jan. 8. 1942} Ehren A Butterdcid. Attorney NOTICE OF FINAL SETTEMENT Estate No 1942 In the County Court of Holt County. Nehfeka. January T. 1942 1b the matter of the Bktate of Harry J. Bright. Deceased All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the Executor of said estate has filed an tins court his final report and a petition tor final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate and that said report and petition will be heard January 28 1*42 at 10 ociock. A ML. at the County Court Room m O’Neill Nebraska, when all persons utter cstcd may appear and be heart: concerning said final report and the distribution of said estate LOUIS W RETMYR. 35-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) (First Publication Jan. 15. 1942) (Julius D. Ctoma. Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 1894 In the County Court of Holt County. Nebraska. January 15 1942, in the matter of the Estate of Agnes T Pettqohn. Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that die time limited for presenting claims against said estate is May 5. 1942. ■mi for the payment of debts is December 15. 1943. and that on Etebruarv 5, 1942. and cm May 8, 1942. at 10 o’clock A M each day I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duiv filed. LOUIS W REEVEER. 58-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) (First publication Jan. 8* 1942) LEGAL NOTICE To: The Heirs. Devisees. Le gatees. Personal Prepresentatives and all other persons interested x» the estate of George Rndaway. Deceased, real names unknown. The Heirs.. Devisees. Legatees. Personal Representatives and all other persons interested in the Estate of Ferdinand Siebert. De ceased. real names unknown, and all persons having .or claiming any interest in the Northeast Quarter of Section Three . South Half of North N&K m: North Half <jf Southwest Quarter at Section Tehran# foe SbufoUW* of foe Northwest Quarter of Sec tion Eleven; all m Township • »||U|U|dMk ' «*^ ~t3» "^*-. I >«y ' Vn^ faU y* 4 yy^ >p*y. y <**«4*i«w £■** y't|fc*4ft »y% nf , Tyin%y* _ \ * «4|l ’-My 11 iTa\3*j» i l4 »- ** 3-y . ? i(|m >* MaJ^ltfpt# t* . flk|(^iM* V*«g*- 4 ku»* ^y*. *m *[1 uHjt ypy^’t *wn %Mt ’>>>4 4f V***. »g|<>»4r ^Ji tW|^fl^i 4$t %*h4 jfc HfcjW1 «te~ ftt+t* h *lK [luma I fin n^tt 4^ 4H I '%■*•} ■»#*•*■♦♦- ^%i45» $i*v* mm4| 4 ~ ‘ y iftiMi yv * ij^". * MttM »♦ - • il •■ 4uHtt ® VNlMk \tHM **vjr BMHFUT 5$T \V%D dr and dr* P & Htnawi and im. Rlvfutrd. at Svuth Svvujc City. vaM ar the w» dt % Xwrsmwi $ nether. dr* !&raa& Memman and brother, EL d. dfar* •man. Satumay uw SUmiay. dlaa 8t>derta ktnu&nwt atf Omaha. visited her ament* dr and dts. 51. EL Armtthnvt. S*mr day and Sumtay Jac* Otufy u Outtte .men; at the home rf his -»<*•* and hem :herin-.*w\ dr and dr*. Hem. Saturday and Sunday. Aina Clift md aa Om*r*r wee tn Long E*tne Sunday m nasuiw*. di» V«va Aim spent the end end errth her parent* dfc and dr* Arthur Aim ar dlddimramn. dt* Liuyd dlirceiiui arrived here rat Thursday ^nm :~.jh.. S--THfc fth» te; >» «*tei .V» 'T-.-^v-* ^N* %Mst <N% tec ewfjw ‘'fts. Ktrx~ da. ISm* fef: SKto-ri*:' - ? ifitejyjk. tei, if w* *-w®lk:Hir % He* ar* It* % Oettwah bk daup* - *•• Mt»t **«rr Ssterte *e USL Sa> ^Til C*KJ! te ra fSHii ftv * Ht* H Ha.i*Lt left ^faeniBy *H&' h-- team H ft»»* *fte- Tf Hte ‘trtffltti Vn fa: tf* r**l >l**'v <"te? H&JMuiiil. ’petumte % :He*ww 'OatawSt, HHnteH’r, Hliii jMiiiin L vte Hw«* -tedth* ter teeftant ate Hti *te Hfci SNit- aawr ffc te* StofuiW frwr a® Hrartti ■4*f writ Hfc 3teb tet km • *mm**+- m HUE Irani? '"W-hH. Ji*t HS»vr«kr '&wi Wtat nt *•** 'L*a» 'wriwt miauwete wskiTvamm m 'Wum ’ftn^ te: nnltiyur ruty/iamr ^MMtfatr ^ta* ~Wnwda- ra> rttfcttfc. -tinner «r, *, i«H»] caTrolftw I-*\- I AOVBiCtfSUES ^rmpy w r-riiTrri^iiJs S2PWCS Carom Ca FLOCt IAN? tliRINS -Oil LAN? - - and GET A HANDSOME ALLOWANCE on a NEW I. E. S. Floor Lamp You will really aradt £ jmt mmL «nuaef of cur arrusuai araiasn offear ftiT-rr^ nr ^Oifi Lamp BouioSIj? Sam ’ Jirw * the an* tp get that aid. 2o«r -amn me if tne jmg ladt it n :n me if nur B'nnEctt'nt -w I. 5. S. £wur Tamp*. THnt jfe irt» m— Us “Light Ommtiuit^ yxmr imrng the tihott ^ iunt fir^ of rnurasr. htvp i the 3rsc itasr orv-urd iarm» ir yvar harm Sa es lighting 3ari;tar.s. So, Deportment J* ■*■ ■»■ *?■» I P , ®wrt mxmnyw o&cx* 5 employee ]Snr ^nusmi trsae^ir off - 3sr—g®n£ miV Inr a Bay Bonds Jfcwi ErarStbeg tarn*. Act ■— cuicatiy.. w Your Dealer A so Handies New Modern L L £. LAMPS * ■ h<i:m:h MMieE3B9v , Ton* «»* IU€?t:c ITIMM ' ▼ 3- and Mri :i»Ui im- Tuead^i froo Cnln*wte. where they Ht* Prani "'twirle rrtjnec Pffti^j few after rr»enri:n*. ns-vr- days a: the Yirvmt 3fc and Sa I^sdte Smith Tht Kbs V aryarte y^Tiw «nn baas Hir>e • no** • party at the Seret So- wm hma a: Pag< Pialwy tMMtg «ej*wc a fBE-m a; th< OTfeiL Pwtt rwma:1 «tno start** wort Hcl * * 4i0i anc son * ' day fnr CJytit tnete by the aennie utneae af Hi M^tajougtr ia. M* «K Car' WmSS'i: at tendee the Ska* Nahe, «d Crfl ^Msaert '»*cddia» at St laktf« -tsn far a Spar days before ieav kbr^piana to sake her future Mr* LfOe Froeheh restraec Ptk^ freret Burse where she fad beet vsitSE retain* for « few Mr sne Mr* Frank OSjerie weas to Vedgre Sarurasy where the* visiting relatrees Mas Ficrenoe Dance Ewing Nebraska MUSIC BY X?: MwM nu bs Orchestra «eteBd wsdc her m Bstse i 6 FOR 5 You get 6 Sacks of Flour when you buy five. Buy ’em all at once or one et a time. Not over 12 sacks to a cus tomer. O’Neill Hatchery OTR AVNTAL SALE—We Musa Make Room For Our Spring Stock Which WU1 Soon Be Com ing hi. Lei Nothing Keep Yon Away—This Is Your Last Chance to Get Merchandise at These IVices for Some Time to Cone—Cone Early and Get Your Share of The Bargains !! SALE STARTS SATURDAY, JAN. 24 WOMEN And GIRLS 1b oilier to make room for our spring line we have paired out dresses in three groups.— OMDP1— I Ait v Mt and silk materials, long and short sleeves at a give-away IVice- 79c tatorr n— SIR anc rayon dresses. Junior sizes includ ed. at a bargain Price-$249 6*01 T m— Prints anc plain materials silk and rayon, long and short sleeves—Sale Price _- $399 Sak ITices_79c, 99c, $1.79, $2.49, $299 Ladies hats, values up to $199 cleanup Sak Price _ 49c Ladies parks hoods, values up to $1.39— Sak Price_79c 1 *d»es shoe*, about 99 pair, broken sizes, of high grade alMeather shoes. To make room for new stock values up to $495 at cleanup Price $199 AJ our ladies dress shoes at a reduction Sale Price—_$2.49. $199. $3.59. $399 MEN And BOYS Men’s blanket lined jackets, full length, button style, ail sizes—Sale Price_ $1.79 Men’s Blanket lined jackets, zipper style. Sale Price___ §2.49 Mon's aO rubber 4 bucket overshoes— Sale Price-$2.96 Men's dress oxfords, black or brown— Sale Price-__ $2.59. $3.59, $3.98 Boy's dress shirts. Sale Price_ 49c Bor’s flannel shirts, assorted plaids— Sale Price- __-! 69c Boy’s sweaters—Sale Price_ 79c, 98c, $1.69 Men s sweaters at sacrifice price, old style and odd sizes _ _ ^_* 69c Men’s corduroy and railroad winter caps all have fur ear-laps, values up to $1.25— >*le Price___69c Men’s medium weight union suits. Sale Price, per suit _ Men’s dress shirts,— Sale Prices-98c. $1.39. $1.89 Men’s Suits And Overcoats All our Men’s suits and overcoats are included in this sale. YARD GOODS DEPT. 5ft md> wkitc or Mack outin? flannel 1© yds._$1.7© Ode remnants at odd Prices. ' CHILDRENS Childrens sweaters. Sale Price _ 59c, 79c, 98c CHILDRENS Childrens' hose, all sizes, light, medium, dark, knee length and long,Price pr. 19c BLANKETS! BLANKETS! indiar Wank el- value §1.49 119 Sale Price_ Indian blankets, value §1.9> 159 Sale Price — ——-— Indian blankets, value §25* 0 49 Sale Price_ TVcMe blankets. TOvSd part wool 7 V) Sale Price per pair-^ BLANKETS! BLANKER! I Beautiful plaid blankets, double 72x84, J gold. ?reen. blue, rose, weight about four I lbs. Sale Price flj - I COATS! COATS! COATS! I All Ladies Coats, our fall and winter stock. I On Sale At __r_ | * and up — NUFF SAID I ANTI IN Tl IY MERCHANDISE I __ __ m