The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 22, 1942, Image 6

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Snack on a Frosty Night—Broiled Wienies
(See Recipes Below)
Wintry Snacks
The cold, frosty evenings with
their full program of basketball
games, sleigh ride
parties, skating
and other winter
time amusements
call for piping
hot, hearty
snacks to take
care of brisk ap
petites. While in
warmer weather,
the family could raid the Ice box,
now the problem Is slightly differ
ent, as hot food, satisfying but still
simple, is in demand.
Here's a dish that Just seems to
fit the bill: the broiled wienies and
hot potato salad pictured above. Of
course, hot potato salad with wienies
is an old favorite but there’s a touch
of something new in the wienies
broiled with cheese and the green
beans around the potato salad to
add a touch of color.
Broiled Wienies.
Select two to three skinless frank
furters for each person to be served,
two Will do nicely for the girls and
women but better count three for
the men and boys. Split the frank
furter and insert a strip of Ameri
can cheese. When almost ready to
serve, pop into the broiler and cook
until cheese melts and browns
Hot Potato Salad.
(Serves 6)
6 potatoes, boiled with skins on
Vt cup finely chopped onion
2 hard-cooked eggs, diced
Salt and pepper
6 slices bacon, broiled until crisp,
Peel potatoes and cube. Add re
maining ingredients. Just before
ready to serve, mix with this hot
Cooked Salad Dressing.
3 tablespoons sugar
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon yellow mustard
114 tablespoons flour
1 egg yolk
% cup water
2 tablespoons vinegar
1 tablespoon butter
Blend dry ingredients, then add
egg yolk and blend until smooth.
Add water, then vinegar, stirring
constantly. Cook over boiling wa
ter, stirring all the while, until thick.
Remove from fire, add butter and
serve hot, mixed with potato salad.
Spaghetti is and has been for some
time now one of the reigning favor
ites among hot
dishes to serve in
the evening.
Here’s one dish
you'll like be
cause it’s both
tart and satisfy
ing, with plenty
of cheese and
sauce baked right into the long
strips of spaghetti:
Baked Spaghetti.
(Serves 8)
1 pound package of spaghetti
3 small onions, chopped fine
2 tablespoons oil
1 pound ground beef
4k pound sausage (in the bulk)
4k pound mushrooms
4k teaspoon pickling spice
1 teaspoon salt
4 small cans tomato sauce
4k pound grated American cheese
Cook spaghetti in boiling salted
water 12 to 15 minutes. Drain and
run cold water through it. Saute on
ion, ground meat and sausage in oil
until brown. Add mushrooms, spice,
salt and tomato sauce. Simmer
slowly for 40 minutes. Put thin
layer of spaghetti on bottom of but
tered casserole. Then add a layer
Lynn Says:
Here are a few quick snack
ideas you’ll like to paste in your
notebook: Baked beans garnished
with brown bread, cream cheese
sandwiches, placed around the
bean pot. You might try the
canned baked beans with sliced
ham, too. It’s quick, easy and
delicious. Toasted buns with ham
burgers, cheeseburgers, or ham
and cheese slices go over nicely,
too. Toasted English muffins with
an egg fried or poached with ham
are high in favor.
This Week’s Menu
Clear Tomato Soup
Veal Cutlets With Sour Cream
Buttered Cabbage
Lyonnaise Potatoes
Fig, Apricot, and Date Salad
Whole Wheat Bread Butter
•Peach Crisp Pudding
Coffee Tea Milk
•Recipe Given.
of sauce, then cheese, another layer
of spaghetti and so on until all
sauce, cheese and spaghetti is used.
Bake 30 minutes in a moderate (350
degree) oven.
Another tomato-meat dish which
is guaranteed to be aces with your
guests dropping in after m basket
ball game, sleigh ride or what-have
you is this:
Tamele Pic.
(Serves 8)
1 medium-sized onion, chopped
3 tablespoons oil
1% pounds beef, cut in cubes
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon chili powder
1 large can tomatoes (2V4 cups)
1 cup yellow bantam corn
U4 cups com meal
5 cups boiling water
1 teaspoon salt
y« cup grated cheese
Brown onion in oil, then add beef
and cook until brown. Add salt, chili
powder, tomatoes and corn and cook
slowly 1 hour. Add corn meal to
salted water and cook 15 minutes,
stirring frequently. Cool mush, then
line buttered <asserole dish with a
1-inch layer of the mush. Pour in
meat-vegetable mixture, then top
with remaining mush. Bake in a
moderate (350-degree) oven for lVi
hours. During last quarter hour,
sprinkle top with cheese. Serve with
a sauce made by heating one can
of tomato soup to which has been
added 1 can of ripe, pitted olives.
Are you one of those homemakers
who is always looking for one dish
that can be mod
ified and yet
seem to be differ
ent every time
it's served. I
think baked beans
is one of those
dishes, and be
cause of its
hearty appeal you can serve It often
Bean and Sausage Bake.
(Serves 4)
1 small onion, sliced
Vi pound link sausage
1 can baked beans
1 tablespoon pickle relish
1 tablespoon chili sauce
Place onion on bottom of casse
role and lay sausage on top of on
ion. Bake in a moderate oven 15
minutes, then drain off excess fat.
Combine beans with onion, sausage,
pickle relish and chili sauce. Re
turn to oven for 20 minutes to re
If you have only eggs, don’t ever
despair for they have excellent pos
sibilities as snacks. Try scrambled
eggs with cheese, bacon fried crisp
and brown and crumbled, or broiled
sausages. Omelets made with a
slice of American cheese before
they’re folded are menu tempters,
as are omelets made with a tomato
sauce folded over them before serv
•Peach Crisp Pudding.
2 cups diced, dried peach^
2 cups water
Vi cup sugar
Vi cup honey
Vi cup butter
Vi cup sugar
2 eggs
Vi teaspoon each, cloves, nutmeg
1 teaspoon vanilla
lVi cups Vi-inch toasted bread
2 cups corn flakes
Soak peaches in boiling water 10
minutes. Drain, add water and sug
ar; cook covered for 30 minutes.
Remove from heat, add honey and
stir until well mixed. Cream but
ter and sugar thoroughly, add eggs
and beat well. Stir in spices, fla
voring. bread cubes and corn flakes
Place one-half of mixture in but
tered baking pan. Spread peaches
evenly over top and cover with re
maining mixture. Bake in a mod
erate (375-degree) oven about 25
(Released by Western Newspaper Union.)
(Consolidated Features— WNU Service.)
VTEW YORK.—Dr. Ales Hrdlicka,
the anthropologist, once had
a plan to measure the skulls of
! all congressmen, in his studies
o • > * of head-size
Brain Indexer, and contour
Studying Shills, in their rela
. . «, „ tion to intel
Ignonng Shull, ligence> The
congressmen didn’t like the idea
and nothing came of it.
Studying skills, rather than
skulls, I)r. Leonard Carmichael,
president of Tofts college, gets
better co-operation. In August,
1940, the government put him at
the head of a committee of sav
ants to work up a national brain
index. They have compiled an
index of several hundred thou
sand good brains.
This committee was known as the
National Roster of Scientific and
Specialized Personnel, and now
there has been added to it a special
committee on wartime requirements
for specialized personnel, with Dr.
Carmichael as chairman. The ob
vious function of the committee is
to find good brains and recruit them.
Since the first World war, the clas
sical Binet-Simon Intelligence quo
tient has gained by sundry repairs
and betterments. The inquiry now
covers not only the question of
whether we know much of anything
but whether we have any sense.
In 1920, we saw an experi
ment in a progressive school in
San Francisco which now seems
pertinent to what Dr. Carmich
ael and his committee are try
ing to do. They picked a group
of high I.Q. boys, of superior
heredity and cultural back
ground, and then they picked
some less favored lads, of low
I.Q. from the North Beach for
eign section. They gave each
child a certain amount of mon
ey, told him to buy some thing,
start trading and report gains
or losses in two months. When
the bell rang, most of the silk
stocking lads had lost their
shirts and the North Beach mob
had fanned its holdings up to
sizeable juvenile fortunes.
From this, the pedagogs figured
something like survival intelligence
as distinguished from merely super
imposed and possibly non-converti
ble cultural intelligence. It is un
questionably survival intelligence
that Dr. Carmichael and his brain
indexers are looking for. as their
study has to do with particularized,
specialized, useful, workable skills.
Dr. Carmichael, one of the most
distinguished of modern psycholo
gists, was born in Philadelphia in
1898, and was educated at Tufts and
Harvard, and taught at Princeton
and Brown before becoming presi
dent of Tufts in 1938.
P\OWN near Windy Gap, on the
edge of Death Valley, we knew
a big, dead-pan cow-puncher who
doubled in dancing and fighting, and
President Quezon
Blends Dancing, or smack
Politics Perfectly £ ££
parts. Elsewhere, we have found
this unique blend of talents only in
Manuel Quezon, recently inducted
into his second term as president of
the Philippines.
Sr. Quezon negotiated for Philip
pine independence in the New York
studio of Arthur Murray, the danc
ing master. Dancing is his art, his
recreation and his driving passion.
Four hours a day went to dancing
when he was cutting the islands
adrift—with second thoughts later.
The first dancing shift was from 10
o’clock until noon. The hours from
one to three went to Philippine in
dependence, and then the dancing
picked up from three to five.
The bright-eyed, coffee-colored
little man with the dazzling
smile so captivated Woodrow
Wilson that the President put a
declaration for Philippine inde
pendence slap-bang into the
Democratic platform. But in the
Ilawes-C'utting bill, enacted in
1933, Senor Quezon found a one
way tariff squeeze, unsatisfac
tory guarantees as to the atti
tude of Pacific powers, and oth
er defects, and started dancing
and negotiating his way around
these obstacles.
He is said to be just about the
smartest politician in the business.
He is university trained. His father
was a Filipino and his mother half
Spanish. He smokes cigarettes in
an endless chain, dancing or sit
ting still, gesticulates fluently and
turns the sharp spotlight of a keen,
agile, realistic mind on matter in
hand. He was wounded in the Phil
ippine war for independence and for
years strung with the jungle die
hards, somewhat embarrassed in
his later career by the rampant and
bellicose Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo,
President Quezon is 59.
R«Wc«r«<y by
/fir (far Losing Pres*
tipe to Old Fashioned
Ground Attack ... IF nr
Economy Will ‘Itite
Deeply . . .
(Bell Syndicate—^WNU Service.)
- ■■■—
WASHINGTON —This war Roose
velt and Churchill are agreed, will
not be won by a blockade, and it
will not be won by bombing.
This last was a hard decision to
make. Both men had hoped so
strongly that when anti-Hitler air
power reached sufficient superiority
over the Nazis, the Germans could
be bombed into submission. Per
haps the failure of Hitler to bomb
the British into submission should
have convinced them earlier. But
they were counting on something
else. They were counting on the
thought that the German morale
was not as of tough a fiber as the
British. They recalled that it was
a collapse of German morale which
ended the last war, not the victories
won by the Allies in the field or on
the sea.
But there has entered another fac
tor, which a year ago was not con
sidered important This is anti
aircraft defense. It is perfectly true,
as was figured a year ago, that no
amount of anti-aircraft defense can
prevent bombing. But the battle of
Moscow has proved definitely that if
the anti-aircraft is good enough, the
bombers can be forced to fly so high
that, bombsights or no bombsights,
they cannot hit specific objectives,
particularly if the objectives are
small enough.
Anti-Aircraft Defenses
Another point down the same al
ley is that the anti-aircraft defenses
of Berlin have made it very expen
sive indeed for the British to bomb
that city. Just at present it happens
we are in one of those phases of
every military cycle. First, a new
offensive weapon is improved or per
fected, and for some time after that
the offensive has the advantage.
Then some defensive measure is
conjured up, and the advantage
goes the other way.
The Germans won their smashing
victories in France and Belgium
and Holland when the panzer strate
gy was new. It did not work so well
after the Russians had studied it
for more than a year and worked
out a defense. The same thing has
been true of bombing. An aviation
officer in the U. S. army, discussing
the proposed bombing of objectives
in Japan, said it would be surprising
if the Japs have not learned some
thing—first, from the fact that
Berlin was making it difficult for
British bombers, and later from the
brilliant air defense of Moscow.
It is really this development, tak
en together with the supreme neces
sity of not weakening the Soviet
front against Hitler, which brought
President Roosevelt and Prime Min
ister Churchill to see the logic of
Stalin's not attacking Japan yet.
But by the same token all this
spells a huge A.E.F., sooner or lat
er, BEFORE we can have peace.
• • •
Headache Coming
After the War
The war will not end until we have
reached the highest possible tide of
war economy, and touched the very
bottom of peace-time economy. This
spells a headache for AFTER the
war. It is generally realized in the
government, and plans are accord
ingly being made to take care of
this peace-time problem.
Here and there are optimists who
insist that we are bound to have
a period of prosperity right after the
final armistice. They base their
theory on the pattern followed aft
er the last war, when it was not
until 1920 that economic difficulty
It is a theory easy to understand.
When several years have passed
with good earnings for everyone
willing and able to work, and with
ail the people deprived of a number
of things they would like to have
for the simple reason that they
cannot buy them, it is obvious that
there will be tremendous piled-up
Perhaps the best illustration will j
be automobiles and auto supplies.
By the end of two years more ol
war, to say nothing of five, there
will be millions of people in this ;
country who want new automobiles,
and who have the money to pay
for them. These will be people who
have been employed at good W'ages
all through the war, but who have
not been able to spend all their
money There will be another large
group who have had their old autos
in storage because they could not |
get tires for them.
So there will be a magnificent
market for autos and supplies which
will take a year or two after the j
auto factories have been turned ■
back from wartime to peacetime
production before these wants can
be satisfied.
The same is true, though the
totals probably will amount to less
dollars, and hence less days' work,
in many other lines—electric and
gas refrigerators, vacuum cleaners,
new utensils, tools, all sorts of
things running into hundreds if not
thousands of categories.
It Is time to change the water
In the goldfish bowl when the
water is so warm fish come to the
top of the bowl for air. Goldfish
like to be kept cool.
• • •
Don't keep green bananas in the
refrigerator. They ripen at room
0 0 0
If you like the flavor of cloves,
try adding a few whole ones to the
fat in which doughnuts are fried.
0 0 0
To remove paper that has stuck
to a polished surface, soften with
• little olive oil.
• • •
cpoi5 I °«<hestra i
|\ j2 »'«*'' ! T&?lAm6 *
/ DESIGN frn SCANDftirr
Paintbrushes, when not in use,
should be sonked in turpentine and
washed in warm soapsuds before
they are stored away.
fit* rt. Ito th* ttonrt action
At Iha But »l*n of iH-trpo* (mart man anil woman
Atnw on Roir ana Tablet* tn art pn froo No lata
tLo hot marta of Iho raatapt noting rnpittolrwo known
for sjmritottiatta t-ellof of aaatrle htporaHtHtf If Iho
FtH>i TRIAL Hoaon’t I'forp noil an* battor, faturn
hot Ho In ua anil raoalaa DOUBLE Honor Hack So
Itright Outlook
If mailers go badly now, they
will not always be so.—Horace.
Fjrf w ~ ' M vv%
• *
♦Per Cake Vitamin A—3100 Units (Ini.) Vitamin B,— 150 Units (bit.)
Vitamin D— 400 Units (Int.) Vitamin 0—40*50 Units (Si. Bout.)
Vitamins B„ D and G are not appreciably lost in the oven,
they go right into the bread.
Growth of Palm Tree
After a palm reaches a height
of only about eight feet, its trunk
rarely increases in diameter, even
when the tree grows tp be more
j than a hundred feet tall.
Milder and better-tasting!
Your own eyes tell you that
Raleighs are finest quality
tobacco is more golden colored than
in other popular brands. And remem
ber—golden colored leaves bring the
highest prices at the great tobacco
sales. Try Raleighs.. .they cost no more
than other popular priced cigarettes,
yet they’re blended from 31 selected
grades of golden Turkish and Domestic
GET PREMIUMS FREE! On the back of every
Raleigh pack there’s a valuable coupon, good in the U. S. A.
*for dozens of luxury premiums. Write for the catalog that
describes them. These are the same coupons that are packed
with KOOL cigarettes. Next time get the pack with the cou
pon on the back . . . buy Raleighs!
Poker Set. Solid walnut case.
Holds 300 assorted chips, two
decks Bicycle cards.
Oneida Community Par Plate
Silverware. Pitcher, 17W tray,
will give exceptional wear.
Zipper Billfold and 6-clip Key
Case of genuine pigskin. Spec
ify dark brown or black.
*1— Defense Savings Stamps
may now be obtained through
Brown & Williamson. Send 133
Raleigh coupons for each dollar
stamp. Defense Stamp Album,
shown above, free on request.
Koroteal Lady’s Umbrella.
New style. Well made on rust
less frame. Choice of colors.
Sport Jacket. Natural tan
poplin. Wind- and shower
proof. 3 sizes. Light weight.
TUNE IN Red Skelton and Ozzie Nelson every Tuesday night, NBC Red NeUvork
It’s simple. It’s fun. Just think up
a last lino to this jingle. Make sure
it rhymes with the word “grin."
Write your last lino of the
jingle on the reverse side of a
Raleigh package wrapper (or a
facsimile thereof), sign it with
your full name and address, and
mail it to Brown & Williamson
Tobacco Corp., P. O. Box 1799,
Louisville, Kentucky, post
marked not later than midnight,
January 31, 1942.
You may enter as many last
lines as you wish, if they are all
written on separate Raleigh pack
age wrappers (or facsimiles).
Prises will be awarded on the
originality and aptness of the line you write.
Judges’ decisions must be accepted as final.
Iu case of ties, duplicate prizes will be
awarded. Winners will be notified by mail.
Anyone may enter (except employees of
Brown A Williamson Tobacco Corp., their
advertising agents, or their families). All
entries and ideas therein become the prop
erty of Brown A Williamson Tobacco
You have 133 chances to win. If
you send in more than one entry,
your chances of winning will be
that much better. Don’t delay.
Start thinking right now.
First prize . . . $(00.00 cash
Second prize . . . 50.00 cash
Third prize. . . . 25.00 cash
5 prizes of $10.00 . 50.00 cash
25 prizes of $5.00 . 125.00 cash
100 prizes of a carton
of Raleighs . . . 150.00
133 PRIZES $500.00