The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 22, 1942, Image 3

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    ' ,n' * ' —— mmmmmmtmmmr
Where Japs Got Hot Reception
A view of the yard at the naval station at Olongapo, Philippine Is
lands, 60 miles from Manila on the Bataan peninsula, where Japanese
army forces in a large-scale offensive met with a deadly hail of fire from
General MacArthur's embattled defenders. Olongapo is an important
■nbmarine base equipped with floating docks.
Plan Allied Air Moves Against Axis
Air chief marshal Sir Charles Portal (left), chief of the air staff of the
Royal Air force, and Lieut. Gen. Henry H. Arnold, chief of the United
States air forces, are shown during their meeting in General Arnold’s
office at Washington, D. C. They discussed aerial details of the grand
allied strategy.
U. S. Troops Keep Warm in Iceland
A view of one of the company streets in a camp of U. S. troops serving
l w* Iceland. Looks like all the boys are inside. Note that lights are shining
from the windows of the dome-shaped shelters used by the troops. These
| huts are insulated and each has its big stove. Yes, they’re pretty com
On Guard and Ready to Go Aloft
v'••'*** . ^ . ■ • i. r'MflHMMi
I Guardians of our heavily populated and industrially important eastern
seaboard, men of a pursuit squadron of the V. S. army are shown in
their “working clothes” at the air field in New York where they are on
24-bours-a-day call. They are set to take to the air in the event hostile
plAnes approach their section of the coast.
Speaks for Dealers
L. Clare Carglle, president of the
National Automobile association,
who told members of the senate
committee on small business that
the government must take prompt
steps or 44,000 auto dealers and
their half million employees face
immediate disaster.
‘Runs in Family’
Russell J. Hoag, left, of White
Plains, N. Y., 18-year-old descend
ant of Isaac Hull, American naval
hero, is welcomed by his father.
Chief Yeoman James R. Hoag, aft
er Joining the navy. The elder Hoag
has seen 30 years of service.
Nimitz Decoration
Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, left,
commander in chief of Pacific fleet,
pins Navy Cross on Ensign F. M.
Fisier, U. 8. N. R, Decoration fol
lowed the rescue by Ensign Fisier
and his crew of nine army men who
had made a forced landing at sea
and were wallowing about in only
two rubber boats.
Found Dead
Pierre Pucheau, minister of In
terior of France, who, with Perln
gault, chief of the Vichy cabinet,
was found dead on a railroad track,
apparently burled from a train.
Ready for Another Crack at Hitler's lluns
Picture at left shows Polish volunteers who recently arrived In Britain from South America to Join their
free Polish compatriots against the Nasls. They are learning the technique of operating a Bren gun car
rier. Right: These strapping soldiers, marching along an English country road, are some of the Polish volun
teers who came to Britain from South America to Join in the fight for freedom.
New Hawaiian Guard in Training
Troops of the newly formed Hawaiian territorial guard drilling near Honolulu. Japanese and Filipino
' children, natives of the islands, squat in the foreground. Inset: Janet Ishiyma, seven, holding her two-year-old
brother, Rudy (both are Japanese residents of the Hawaiian islands and loyal to the U. 8.) places a flower
behind the ear of Private A. Sambueno, pure Filipino member of the newly formed Hawaiian territorial guards.
U. S. Avengers in Formation
This U. S. navy photo shows group of dive bombers flying ia close
formation. Look out Nippon!
• __ _ .
These Cadets Are Officers Now
There’s good reason for the smiles worn by these young men as
they surrender their rifles to the seated sergeant. They have just changed
status from cadets to commissioned officers at Randolph field, "West
Point of the Air.” They don't need the drill rifles any more, and are
plenty happy about it.
From Distant Lands
Little Pedro Iladhandia, seven,
Maria Rosa, seven, and her sister
Anainda Rosa, nine, warm their
hands as they arrive in New York.
They came aboard an unidentified
ship from some distant land. They
are Americans, and await aid from
Traveler’s Aid society.
High Commander
Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek of
China, supreme commander of all
land and air forces of the United
Nations operating in the Chinese
theater of war against the Axis.
4p/Hirentty little Tommy
If (is a Movie Enthusiast
The teacher was trying to get
(he pupils to understand the dread
ful business of conjugating verbs.
"When I say *1 have, you have,
he has,' " she explained. "I am
conjugating the verb 'to have.*
I want all of you to understand.
Do you?"
They did.
"Very good. Now lirtcn careful
ly. 'I love, you love, he loves.’
What is that?"
There was a moment of silence,
and then up shot little Tommy’s
"Please miss," he said, "it's
one of them triangles when some
one gets shot!"
Older folks
soy it’s
sense •.
• In NR (Nature’s Remedy) Tablets,
there are no chemicals, no minerals, no
phenol derivatives. NR Tablets are dif
ferent—oct different Pmily rtttlabk—a
combination of 10 vegetable ingredients
formulated over 50 years ago. Uncoated
or candy coated, their action is depend
able, thorough, yet gentle, as millions of
NR's have proved. Get a 25i box today
... or larger economy tire.
Public History
What is public history but a
register of the successes and dis
appointments, the vices, the fol
lies, and the quarrels of those who
engage in contention for power.—
Relief At Last
For Your Cough
Creomulsion relieves promptly be
cause It goes right to the seat of the
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender, In
flamed bronchial mucous mem
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
a bottle of Creomulsion with the un
derstanding you must like the way it
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis
More Important
“We trust, Sir, that God is on
! our side,”
“It is more important to know
that we are on God’s side.”—Re
ply by Lincoln.
If you’re cross, restless, nervous
—suffer hot flashes, dizziness—
caused by this period in a
woman’s life — try Lydia Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound.
Made especially for women. Helps
to relieve distress due to this
functional disturbance. Thou
sands upon thousands of women
report remarkable benefits. Fol
low label directions.
I _S
The mere apprehension of a
coming evil has put many into a
situation of the utmost danger.—
really means somethin* when the whole
family is agreeable. But it takes only
ONE to spoil the harmony. Nervous
•train from over work causes EXt-SifiJ
ACID and indigestioo. sour stomachj
follow. ADLA Tablets with Bismuth and
Carbonates QUICKLY relieve these die
comforts. Druggists have ADLA Tablets.
WNU—U 3—42
Depressing Others
Stop shallow water still running,
it will rage; tread on a worm and
it will turn.—Robert Greene.
Help Them Cleanse the Blood
of Harmful Body Waste
Your kidneys are constantly filtering
waste matter from the blood stream. Bui
kidneys sometimes lag in their work—do
not act as Nature intended—fail to re
move impurities that, if retained, may
poison the system and upset the whoie
body machinery.
Symptoms may be nagging backache,
persistent headache, attacks of dizziness,
getting up nights, swelling, puifiness
under the eyes—a feeling of nervous
■ anxiety and loss of pep and strength.
Other signs of kidney or bladder dis
order are sometimes burning, scanty or
too frequent urination.
There should be no doubt that prompt
< treatment is wiser than neglect. Use
Doan's Pills. Doan's have been winning
new friends for more than forty years.
They have a nation-wide reputation.
Are recommended by grateful people tbs
country over. Ask your neighbor/