The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 15, 1942, Image 8
FOR SALE REGISTERED HEREFORDS,—1 choice bull, IS months old. Some young calves.—W. G. Sire, O'Neill. 36-4 MISCELLANEOUS >r. Fisher, Dentist J-tc FOR RENT OR RENT—Three room apart ment.—R. H. Parker. 21-tf COMFORTABLE sleeping room. —Mrs. D. E. Lockman 36-2 STRAYED BROCKLE FACE heifer, weight about 400 lbs. branded with a —H on the right hip.—Reward. Call this office. 36-3 L. G. GILLESPIE Insurance of All Kinds O’Neill, Nebraska W. F. FINLEY, M. I). Phone, Office 28 O’Neil) :: Nebraska DOCTORS BROWN & FRENCH Office Phone 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment Glaanea Correctly Fitted Residence 1 Dr. Brown, 22.1 Phones I Dr. French. 242 (First publication January 1, 1942 Wm. W. Griffin, Attorney. NOTICE OF HEARING In The County Court of Holt County, Nebraska N THE MATTER OF THE ES TATE OF CATHERINE O’CON NOR, DECEASED. O ALL PERSONS INTERESTED IN SAID ESTATE, BOTH CREDITORS AND HEIRS: You are hereby notified that on the 30th day of December, A. D., 1941, Elmer Goldfuss, petitioner, filed his petition in the above matter, setting forth among other things that Catherine O’Con nor, a resident and inhabitant of Holt County, Nebraska, died intes tate on the 24th day of October, A. D., 1920, seized and possessed of the following described real estate, to-wit: The Northeast quarter of Section 32, in Township 31 North, of Range 14, West of the 6th P. M., in Holt County, Nebraska; that the said Catherine O’Connor, de ceased, left her surviving as her sole and only heirs at law, the following named persons, to-wit: Hugh J. O’Connor, Clara O’Con nor, and Regina O’Connor; that the petitioner Elmer Goldfuss, is the owner in fee of said described real estate by conveyance; that the prayer of said petition is for a decree finding, fixing and deter mining that Catherine O'Connor died intestate, a resident and in habitant of Holt county, Nebraska; that the named persons are the sole and only heirs at law of said deceased, fixing their degree of kinship, determining the right of descent of the real estate of de ceased, barring the claims of cred itors of said estate, and for other relief. That said matter is set for hear ing before the County Court of Holt County. Nebraska, on the 22nd day of January, A. D., 1942, at the hour of ten o’clock A. M. Dated this 30th day of De cember, A. D., 1941. LOUIS W. REIMER, 34-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) (First publication January 1, 1942) Julius D Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 2860 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, December 29, 1941. In the matter of the Estate of Robert R. Dickson, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the Administratrix of said esstate has filed in this court her final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard January 21, 1942, at 1C o’clock A. M., at the County Courl Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, wher all persons interested may appeal and be heard concerning said flna report and the distribution of saic estate. LOUIS W. REIMER, 34-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) (Frist publication Jan. 8, 1942) Ross Amspoker, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 2889 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, January 5, 1942. In the matter of the Estate of Mary A. Uttley, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is April 29, 1M2, and for the payment of debts is January 5, 1943, and that on January 29, 1942, and on April 30; 1942, at 1 o’clock p. M^e«ch day I will be at the County Courl Room in said County to receive examine, hear, allow, or adjust al claims and objections duly filed LOUIS W. RE1MER, 35-4 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) (First publication, Jan. 8, 19421 Elven A. Butterfield, Attorney. NOTICE OF FINAL SETTEMENT Estate No. 2842 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, January 7, 1942. In the matter of the Estate of Harry J. Bright, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the Executor of said estate has filed j in this court his final report and ! a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard January 28 1942, at 10 o’clock, A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill. Nebraska, when all persons inter ested may appear and be heard concerning said final report and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS W. REIMER, 35-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) (First publication Jan. 8, 1942) LEGAL NOTICE To: The Heirs, Devisees, Le gatees, Personal Prepresentatives and all other persons interested in the estate of George Rodaway, Deceased, real names unknown; The Heirs, Devisees, Legatees, Personal Representatives and all other persons interested in the Estate of Ferdinand Siebert, De ceased, real names unknown; and all persons having or claiming any interest in the Northeast! Quarter of Section Three; South Half of North Half and North Half of Southwest Quarter of Section Ten; and the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Sec tion Eleven; all in Township Thirty North, Range Thirteen; and the East Half of Section Thirty four, Township Thirty-one, North, Range Thirteen, all West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Holt County, Nebraska, real names un known, defendants: You and each of you, are here by notified that on the 7th day of January, A. D., 1942, the plaintiff, The Travelers Insurance Com pany. filed its petition in the District Court of Holt County, Ne braska, against you and each of you, the object and prayer of which petition is to quiet and con firm in the plaintiff the title and possession of the real estate above described and to exclude you, and each of you, from any right, title or interest in or to said real estate. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 16th day of February, A. D., 1942. THE TRAVELERS INSUR ANCE COMPANY, 15-4 Plaintiff. By Julius D. Cronin, Its Attorney. (First Publication Jan. 15, 1942) (Julius D. Cronin, Attorney) NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 2894 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, January 15. 1942, in the matter of the Estate of Agnes T. Pettijohn, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is May 5, 1942, and for the payment of debts is December 15. 1943, and that on February 5, 1942, and on May 6, 1942, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, 36-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) * , Give your eyes , the benefit of the new scienti fic method of examination and diagnosis. See Perrigo Optical Company at Golden HOTEL Saturday January 24th. PERRIGO OPTICAL CO' BRIEFLY STATED Elvon Rice, of Fairbury, was a week-end guest of Darel Bright. Mr. Rice is a former schoolmate of Mr. Bright’s. Archie Bowen and Rev. V. Wright were in Ainsworth Tues day on business. Miss Agnes Griffin was in Omaha on business over the week end. L. M. Merriman was in Omaha last Wednesday and Thursday attending a Bottler’s Convention. Ambrose Biglin returned today to Casper, Wyoming, having spent the past month here visiting rela tives and friends. The Women’s Society of Chris tian Service held their regular meeting at the Methodist church today. Miss Irma Manzer gave a vary interesting talk on Hawaii. Miss Ruth Renner spent the Itfrefk.. end in Omaha visiting friends. ' Mrs. Fred Saunto entertained the 9-F. F. bridge club at her home Wednesday evening. Mrs. Irving Johnson received high score, Mrs. A. Jaszkowiak second high and Mrs. Lyndie Stout third hign. Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy entertained sixteen guests at a pitch party at their home Friday evening. Mrs. Wm. Murphy and Wm. Murray received high scores and Mrs. Wm. Murray and John Murphy low scores. Mrs. Jones Rooney entertained the R. E. H. bridge club at her home Monday evening. High scores were won by Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka, and Mrs. John Grutsch. _______ Mrs. S. J. Weekes came up from Omaha Monday and is a guest of Mrs. L. C. Walling, while she is here on business. Percy Watenpaugh of Omaha came up Saturday evening and spent the week end with his fam ily. Robert Sauers of Sibley, Iowa, came Saturday and visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sauers until Sunday. Mrs. Sauers who has been visiting here for the past week returned with him. j Mis. J. M Hayes entertained the Bid-A-Bye Bridge Club at a 7:30 dessert and cards at her home Monday evening. Father Francis Markey, a Chap lain in the U. S. Army, returned to Socorro, New Mexico, Monday, alter spending the past two weeks visiting his aunts, Mrs. Mary Mc Miilian and Miss Margaret Mar key, and other relatives. Mrs. Wm. Brugman entertained the Last Minute bridge club at her home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Frank Celments had high score, Mrs. Den Selah traveling .and Mrs. Art Barnes low. Mrs. Joe Fernholz had a severe stroke Sunday evening, while she and Mr. Fernholz were attending a party at the I. S. Givens home. Mrs. Fernholz was brought to the O’Neill hospital and her condition is reported to be about the same. Charles E. Abbott, of Fremont one of the stockholders in the 0 Neill National bank, was in the city Wednesday attending the meeting of the stockholders of that institution. Miss Grace McCunder returned to Los Angeles, California, Mon day after spending the past week with her cousin, Mrs. Mary Mellor. Ira George left Wednesday evening for Chicago, Illinois, to attend a Band Leaders Clinic at Northwestern University from 1 hursday until Saturday. Herman Rahn returned Satur day from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, w ere he has been visiting re latives for the past three weeks. Mr and Mrs. James Rooney left whe^Ti afternoon f°r Omaha n£hf hf y V1SUed relatives over JS* £ reDg°ing to Tecumseh to Rooney’s parents, Mr daysMrS‘ J‘ W' Rooney for a lew Mrs. Wm. J. Froelich entertain ed tha Contract club Monday evening at 7 o'clock dinner at a local cafe and cards at her home. Mrs*. Hugh Birmingham, Mrs. F. J. Kubitschek, and Mrs. C. E. Stout won the prizes. John Carson was in the city last Tuesday for the first time since his return from Rochester, Minnesota, where he submitted to a major operation. While John lost seventy pounds during his illness he is looking fine and says that he’s feeling good and by the time spring rolls around he ex pects to be as chirp as he was a quarter of a century ago, when he was one of the star base ball players in the northeastern section of the county. John Watson went to Sioux City, Iowa, Wednesday on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Wrede left Saturday for Brensen, Missouri, where they plan to make their future home. Unit No. 6 of the N. S. N. H. C. A. held a business meeting at Margaret’s Beauty Salon Monday evening. | Miss Helen Biglin entertained the Martez Club at a 7 o’clock dinner at a dotal cafe Monday evening and cards at her home. High scores were won by Mrs. Homer Mullen, Mrs. Hugh Bir mingham and Mrs. Ed. Campbell. Paul Schwisow went to Omaha Monday on business and to visit relative^. - - ? Carmen Roach of Osmond spent the week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira George. George Hammond returned Fri day from Denver, Colorado, where he visited relatives for a week. Mrs. Frank Kubichek and daughter, Mrs. J. L. McManamy, returned Friday from Casper, Wy oming, after spending the past ten days visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Semlock of Norfolk visited Mrs. Semlock’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom En right Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Daley have purchased the home formerly oc cupied by Mrs. Roy Judge, from Mr, and Mrs. Earl Wrede. Mrs. R. H. Shriner entertained the Merrimyx Bridge Club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. Harold Lindberg had high score. Dr. and Mks. John Spencer are entertaining the Choir of the Pres byterian Church at their home to night. The Guild of the Presbyterian Church will serve a Men and Boys dinner at the Church dinning room on Thursday evening at 7:00 p, m. January 22. The Woman’s Club will meet Wednesday afternoon January 21.1 at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. L. A. I Carter. This is a Home Econo-! mics meeting. All members are invited. - —.. — Mr. and Mrs. Sam Robertson and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Robert son visited in Plainview Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones went, to Polk Sunday and Mrs. Jones’ mother, Mrs. Peterson, returned with them for a visit. ■ 1 ■■ 1 Donna Kurtz left Monday night for a two weeks visit with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and I Mrs. Jack Harvey at Marquette, Kansas. The Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. John Spencer Tues day evening and Mrs. Paul Shierk was assisting hostess. Mrs. R. M. Sauers led the Devotions. Mrs. C. E. Yantzi was Topic leader and the lesson was on China. William Bischof Jr., of Nebraska City, Grand Master of the I. O. O. F. lodge, of the State of Nebraska and Will A. Fatt of York, Grand Secretary of the same lodge, were in O’Neill Tuesday. EAT MASTER BREAD Always Fresh Special For Satuday January 17th POTATO BREAD __ CHOCOLATE COOKIES, MARSH- 1CC MALLOW FILLED Per Dozen. 13 JELLY IOC ROLLS Each_____ *L McMillan & Markey -- Bakery & Cafe John Grutsch and Gerald Dono-, hoe left Sunday for Ft Leaven worth, Kansas, where they were to be again inducted into the army., They were released from the U. S. Army several weeks ago be cause they were over the twenty eight year age limit. Mrs. George Fields of Rapid City, S. D., visited at the homes of her brothers, Clyde and Dean Streeter Monday. Mr. and Mrs. K. P. Hoffman and family left Monday for Omaha, after spending the past month at the home of Mrs. Hoff man’s mother, Mrs. Wm Welch. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur King left Sunday evening for Omaha to attend a Lumberman’s Con vention, that is being held there this week. Joe Carlson of Laurel was in O'Neill Tuesday visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Penne and sons of Elgin visited Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hausman and Miss Lorraine Penne Sunday. CASH TO LOAN! -ON AUTOMOBILES PROMPT and COURTEOUS SERVICE Central Finance Co. C. E. Jones, Manager. First National Bank Biulding O'NeilL Nebraska. OUTLAW GROCERY O’Neil), Nebraska Buy Your Grocery Supply Now--Almost everything in the Grocery line is rais ing in Price. Compare our prices with all others. We undersell them all. Colorado Boxed Apples, Good Grade Clean Black Twig and Ganes $1.00 per Bushel Box RAISINS, Extra Fancy OK* Seedless, 3 lb. Bag, fc Jo PRUNES, Extra Fancy Large 40-50 Santa Claras, OK* 3 lbs_ MILADY COFFEE, one of the finest coffees sold, 2 lb. Glass jar with set of meas- K Q * uring spoons, all for U JO BUTTERNUT Coffee, oTT 1 lb. Glass Jars,_w I G No. 1 WHITE BEANS, Cflfl 10 lb. Bags,_uwC CORN STARCH, Two 1 lb. Pkgs,_ SUGAR nn* 10 lb. Bag_OUu Limit 1 bag to a customer PANCAKE FLOUR, 1 1 A Good Grade, 3 lb Bag I I U ORANGES, ft Dozen_DC POPCORN that Pops, 1 Q« 2 lb. Bag, ..__ I JC WE BUY Burlap sacks C - Each_DC FANCY COOKIES, 2 ibs for_€. u o STOCK SALT, 100 lbs Aft in your sack,_.*ruC Fancy Cheolate Candies, Choc olate covered peanuts, peanut clusters, chocolate stars all fancy candies. 1 ft _ Per Lb._I D I# Chocolate Drops, Orange Slices Peanut Brittle and Fancy Mixed candy, 1 l Q At New Deal Oil Co. Stove Distillate, High Grade Fuel, 6 9-10c in30 Gallon Lots. -— Good Gas, 16i/>c Gal. any amount • - ' 'U^-£&ZZZazzn7?2H2ZI7?733^^ - nfadikt YDUR LD FLOOR LAMPS /'<*<«»* qld LAK RQUKDUP SALE GET A NEW L E. S. LAMP TODAY Find Out TODAY About C«r Tig TRADE-IN OFFER Now is the lime for you to trade in any old. obsolete floor lamp and get a handsome credit ^ for it on the purchase of a new. attractive, sight saving I. E. S. Floor lamp. Get details of this fine offer at once from any sales department employee of Consumers Public Power District. Ask Any Sales Department Employee j / DEFENSE | BONDS and