The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 15, 1942, Image 7

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    A Couple of Good Cracks at Herr Hitler
From Germany comes a photograph (left) passed by the propaganda bureau containing the following ad
mission: ‘‘A German motorized unit stalled by snow on the Eastern front.” Thus did Old King Winter take
a crack at Adolf. And here is Jacques Soustelle (right), representative of the Free French, taking a crack at
Hitler in Mexico City, at ceremony known as the breaking of the “plnata.” As the pinata in this case was
an effigy of Hitler, Jacques found new strength In his arm.
Singapore, Gibraltar of East, Is Rich Prize
The defenses of Singapore, the Gibraltar of the East, are, naturally, military secrets, but this map of the
British island fortress gives some idea of the city’s size, its resources and harbor facilities. Raid-free in
the first days of the Pacific war, Singapore was attacked repeatedly by Jap bombers but valiantly defended.
Martial law was declared in the Singapore area shortly after the first attack by Japanese invaders.
Putting Extra Stretch in Rubber
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We will all have to do without new automobile tires for the present.
Next best thing is a retreading job on your old ones, if they are too
smooth for safety. At left you see a re-treading operation in progress.
A “camel back,” or new rubber top, is vulcanized to the old casing to
give a new gripping tread. At the right is shown how a worn-out tire
compares with one that has just been given a face lift, or a new tread.
The recapped tire is at left; the old "smoothy” beside it.
As Gas Goes on Ration in Hawaii
This censor-approved photo which was received from Honolulu shows
Honolulu automobile owners lined up over two blocks on the first day,
waiting at the city hall to get their gasoline ration tickets. Note the
sand bag barricade on each side of the entrance. This is for the pro
tection of the armed guards.
Hotel Gets War Wraps
Completing the job of placing
sandbags outside the office windows
of Hotel Bossert in Brooklyn. The
barriers were installed so the hotel
organization could keep functioning
in case of an air raid.
Guards Singapore
S' 18
Lieut. Gen. Sir Henry Pownall.
new British chief in the Far East,
who succeeded Sir Robert Brooke
Popham. His first Job was to stem
the Jap invasion of Malays.
Fort Corregidor, Raided by Japs
Huge 12-Inch mortar guns manned by United States coast artillery
gunners at Fort Corregldor, In Manila bay, Philippine Islands, which
was bombed by Japs. In one attack, In which 21 enemy planes partici
pated, four bombers were shot down by anti-aircraft fire from the heavily
guarded fortress.
Reds Keep Lookout for Nazi Foe
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These determined men of the Russian navy are on the lookout for
Nazis. While valiant Red land forces are putting the pressure on the
retreating Germans, the navy Is ready to counteract any Nazi surprise
that may come via the sea lanes. m
Canadian Army Nurses View Gotham
Eighty visiting Canadian army nurses see New Vork city from atop
the Empire State building, the world’s tallest skyscraper. The nurses
hold the rank of first lieutenant in the Canadian army meJicat corps.
Stretching out in the distance is the city’s vast panorama, of masonry
and steel, America’s greatest metropolis.
Jap Trickery Seen in ‘Accidental’ Landing
These survivors of a Japanese fishing schooner which went ashore
at Guam now are believed to have landed on purpose, and not acci
dentally as believed at that time. It is suspected they used this trickery
to reach Guam and obtain vital Information before war with the U. 8.
The navy had previously excluded Japs from the Island.
Allied Chief
Gen. Sir Archibald Wavell, who
assumes supreme command of (he
Allies In the Southwest Pacific area,
one of the greatest battle fronts of
history. American, British, Austra
lian, Dutch, Chinese, Indian and Ma
layan units make up his command.
Gives Japs ‘Slip"
...nan I
Admiral Chan-Chak, who led 100
British and Chinese in dash from
Hong Kong, in five naval speed
boats, engaging Japs in series of
battles for four days, finally reach
ing safety.
At War Parley
Maxim Litvinov, Russian ambas
sador to the U. S., leaves the White
House after conference with Presi
dent Roosevelt and Prime Minister
Churchill. The U. S. and British
leaders conferred separately with
representatives of the allied nations
as they laid the broad outlines of
the democratic victory blueprint.
Captures St. Pierre
Adm. Emile Muselier of the Free
French navy, whose capture of the
islands of St. Pierre and Miquelon
proved embarrassing to the U. S.
state department, who feared it
might anger Vichy to the extent of
complete collaboration with Berlin.
Pup Tea Towels
Make Kitchen Gay
No. Z9230
CITUATIONS” are what these
^ two pups seem to get into
every day of the week. Embroider
them on that new set of tea towels
and let their antics decorate the
kitchen towel rack. Single stitch
and outline make these motifs;
the bows would look well if ap
* • •
As Z9230, IS cents, you receive designs
(or the 7 tea towels and a matching pan
holder. Send your order to:
Box 166 W Kansas City, Mo.
Enclose IS cents (or each pattern
desired. Pattern No.
Pattern No.
Pull the Trigger on
Lazy Bowels, with
Ease for Stomach, too
When constipation brings on acid in
digestion, stomach upset, bloating, dizzy
spells, gas, coated tongue, sour taste and
bad breath, your stomach is probably
“crying the blues” because your bowels
don't move. It calls for Laxative-Senna
to pull the trigger on those lazy bowels,
combined with Syrup Pepsin for perfect
ease to your stomach in taking. For years,
many Doctors have given pepsin prepa
rations in their prescriptions to make
medicine more agreeable to a touchy stom
ach. So be sure your laxative contains
Syrup Pepsin. Insist on Dr. Caldwell’s
laxative Senna combined with Syrup Pep
sin. See how wonderfully the Laxative
Senna wakes up lazy nerves and muscles
in your intestines to bring welcome relief
from constipation And the good old
Syrup Pepsin makes this laxative so com
fortable and easy on your stomach. Even
finicky children love the taste of this
pleasant family laxative. Buy Dr. Cald
well’s Laxative Senna at your druggist
today. Try one laxative combined with
Syrup Pepsin for ease to your stomach, too.
Width of Flag Stripes
To make a flag consisting of
three stripes that appear to be of
equal size, colored red, white and
blue, the red one has to be 21 per
cent wider than the white and the
white has to be 10 per cent wider
than the blue.
How To Relieve
Creomulsion relieves promptly be
cause it goes right to the seat of the
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender, in
flamed bronchial mucous mem
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
a bottle of Creomulsion with the un
derstanding you must like the way it
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis
Poor Worldlings
Much wealth, how little world
lings can enjoy.—Young.
f— Relieves MONTHLY —v
Women who suffer pain of irregu
lar periods with cranky nervousness
— due to monthly functional dis
turbances— should find Lydia E.
Pinkhum’s Compound Tablets (with
added iron) simply marvelous to re
lieve such distress. They’re made es
pecially for women.
Taken regularly—Lydia Plnkham's
Tablets help build up resistance
against such annoying symptoms.
They also help build up red blood
and thus aid In promoting more
strength. Follow label directions.
Lydia Pinkham’s Compound Tablets
WHEN kidneys function badly and
you suffer a nagging backache,
with dizziness, burning, scanty or too
frequent urination and getting up at
? night; when you feel tired, nervous,,
all upset... use Doan’s Pills.
Doan's are especially for poorly
* working kidneys. M.llions of boxes
3 are used every year. They are recom
- mended the country over. Ask your
WNU—U 2—42
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Good Merchandise
Can fie CONSISTENTLY Advertised