The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 15, 1942, Image 6

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    Food for Freedom
IT e all know the vital part that food plays in any war, and food
can be expected to play the same role in our war with the Axis
powers that it has played in all the wars of the world. Your farm
can h.lp, says Secretary of Agriculture Claude R. K ickard to more
than six million V. S. farmers in urging them to produce more
national defense foorls such as milk, meat, eggs and vegetables, as
part of our new Food for Freedom campaign.
Here is Secretary of Agriculture Claude R. Wickard. He prac
tices tcliat he preaches by making out an AAA farm plan for his
own Indiana farm, showing how he will expand production in 1942.
Perry Thompson gives his hogs extra rations of corn to help
provide plenty of pork, drawing on the huge reservoir of feed on
hand in the nation's “Ever-Normal Granary.”
. ^...V .W.. ■ ..W ■mil,v: ’u%v ... W.x •..v ' ■ •:x^vr ■. v.
Farm boys help with milkinn and similar chores all over the
nation, as their fathers strive to increase dairy production.
Cheese is one of the most popular of dairy products. Cheese
factories in the V. S. are working overtime to supply the demand.
nr^nfw■'/tT»rTTiM tm™1- **--.- - — - rr.
Dairy products being loaded on freighters ready to run the
gauntlet of the Atlantic.
An Odd Experience
(Associated Newspapers— WNU Service.)
II—^ VERY once in a while one
|-H comes in contact with the
> unexplainable, something
which strengthens our belief
that there is something behind this
thing called life. My experience
with Byron Horne was of that sort.
Byron was a gambler when I met
him. That was at the Hialeah track.
We were both young and footloose
and out for a good time and we
found a lot in common. Wfc palled
around together all that winter and
became close friends. In the sum
mer we went up to Narragansett
and Salem, then back to Tropical
park and Hialeah in the winter.
It was at Miami that Byron met
Lillian Bickford. You’ve heard
about this love at first sight busi
ness? Well, that’s the way it was
with Byron. I never did see a man
become so cracked over a girl.
For a time Lillian played around
with Byron. Or perhaps that’s put
ting it too strongly. She tolerated
him. Pitied him, to my way of
thinking. Anyway, when she sud
denly woke up to the fact that Byron
was serious, she broke the thing
off. There wasn't any use, she said,
letting it continue. She didn’t love
him, had never given him to be
lieve that she did, and unless he
could think of her only as a friend,
it was best for both of them to call
a halt at once.
Byron was like a crazy man. He
pleaded with her, begged her to give
him a chance to prove his worth.
And at last he resorted to threat.
She’d either marry him, he said, or
no one. He'd not let her marry any
one else. Crazy talk.
It wasn’t Lillian’s fault. She tried
to reason with him at first, explain
Byron was like a crazy man. lie
pleaded with her, begged her to
give him a chance to prove his
ing that she didn’t have any inten
tion of marrying anyone right away.
Then when Byron got ugly she grew
contemptuous. If she wanted to
marry anyone she would, and noth
ing he could do or say would stop
The next day she left for the north.
Byron followed. And because I was
his friend and the season was near
ly ended anyway, I went with him.
Lillian lived in Boston, and Byron
and I took up residence in a room
ing house on Beacon street, not far
from the Bickford homestead.
He called at the Bickford estate
and was thrown out by the butler.
Then he began phoning, but the
same butler told him where to head
I tried to argue him back to his
senses. But it was like talking to
a stone wall. I’d heard about guys
being affected that way, but Byron’s
case was my first experience.
In July he read in the papers that
the Bickfords had gone to Bar Har
bor, and within 30 minutes we were
headed for the resort too. We put
up at the same hotel and he'd
sit in the lobby for hours, waiting
for her to come down But Lillian
wouldn't listen. If he didn’t cease
bothering her, she said, she’d have
him arrested.
Byron didn’t believe her, and he
kept on. But Lillian was serious.
One day in the lobby she called a
house detective. The detective
grasped Byron by the scruff of the
neck and turned him over to the
local police. The next day Lillian
and her father appeared in the dis
trict court, and Byron was given 30
days to think it over.
By the time Byron got out Lillian
and her folks had gone. I brought
him over to the new hotel where
I was staying and tried to argue
him into forgetting her. A change
had come over him. He didn’t say
anything, but sat in moody silence,
drinking my liquor.
That winter we went to Califor
nia. And the first person we saw
after registering at the hotel was
Lillian. That’s fate for you. She
was with a young good-looking
chap, and she looked right at Byron
without recognizing him. That’s
how much he’d changed.
Byron never said a word. Odd, 1
thought. He never said anything
even after we read in the paperi
that Lillian and this young chap
Sydney Young, his name was, wen
going to be married within a montl
out at Santa Barbara. Curious thi
way he was acting.
Five days passed and suddenl;
Byron disappeared. He staye<
away two days and then came inti
the room late one afternoon. He
was grinning, but there was a wild
look in his eyes.
•■Well." he said, “it's all fixed."
“What’s all fixed?” I asked.
He laughed "I said she never
would marry anyone else, and she
never will. I’m going to kill ’em
both. Tomorrow night. I’ve got
everything arranged.”
"You’re crazy!” 1 told him.
"You'll hang for it."
But he didn’t hear me. He’d sunk
Into a chair and picked up a bottle.
I came and stood over him. “Don’t
be a fool, Byron. You can’t get
away with it. What do you want to
kill a couple of innocent kids for?
It isn't fair or right. They’re both
good kids!”
But he only sat there, grinning
and drinking. I got kind of panicky.
He was my friend, but it wasn’t
right to stand by and let him knock
off a couple of innocent youngsters.
I went out, but when I got back an
hour later with a copper, Byron was
Well, heck, it was hard trying to
sell the copper the idea that Lillian j
Bickford was in danger. He sort
of snickered. The Bickfords were
big shots. They’d be looked after.
I didn't know what to do. Then
I thought of calling the Bickfords.
When they told me Lillian and Syd
ney had gone to Hillstown to spend !
the night with some friends I went
cold. Byron had found out about
that trip and that’s where he
planned to kill ’em.
I yelled into the phone to have ’em
stopped—and at that minute the
earthquake happened. The build
ing shook and I fell down, and went
out for awhile. When I came to
folks were running around yelling
and there was a general hullabaloo.
It wasn't a bad quake. Just a
little shake-out with no real damage.
By morning things were pretty near
normal, although the papers were
full of the phenomenon. I bought
one and read the headlines. Only
one man had been killed, a man
identified as Byron Home, who was
found in a Hillstown rooming house,
dead by asphyxiation. The quake
had cracked a gas pipe in his room,
and the gas had slowly leaked out.
Mr. Home had been drinking and
probably thought his drowsiness
due to the liquor. His was the only
life that had been taken as the re
sult of the earthquake, one of the
mildest jolts ever reported.
Spider Gets Name From
Spinning; Not Insects
The word “spider” grew out of
an old Anglo-Saxon word meaning
“to spin.” We may give this mean
ing as "spinner,” and that is a
good way to describe this little
Silk is spun by spiders, good silk
which could be made into thread
and woven into cloth if enough of
it were obtained. Spiders do not
get along well together, and that is
why they are not kept in colonies
like silkworms.
Some spiders never spin webs in
the open air. Yet they use silk in
preparing nests, and for other pur
A person is apt to think of spi
ders as insects, but men of science
do not class them as insects. They
are classified as "arachnids.” They
differ in several ways from true
A true insect has six legs, but a
spider has eight. The body of a
true insect is divided into three
main parts, but the spider’s body
has only two main parts.
Most kinds of insects have wings.
Certain insects, like ants, seldom
have them, but in the spider world
we find no wings at all. There are
hundreds of kinds of spiders but
none can spread wings and fly.
The nearest thing to a “flying
spider” is one which spins out silk,
and then sails through the air when
blown by a strong breeze. A little
“aviator” of this type may travel
miles before landing.
Many female spiders spin silken
cases in which to place their eggs,
and then drag the egg case after
them as they move about. When
the young spiders hatch they may
crawl on the body of the mother
and cling there day after day.
Spiders differ a great deal in size.
Some, when full-grown, can stand
on a dime and have space left over.
Others are very large.
The largest member of the whole
tribe is the so-called “bird-eating
spider.” It is a native of the trop
ics, and is found chiefly in South
Some bird-eating spiders are
large enough to spread their legs
clear across a man’s hand. The
body alone may be as much as three
inches long.
The bird-eating spider has a hairy
covering. It lives chiefly on insects,
but has been known to attack and
kill hummingbirds.
Egyptian Social Butterflies
Egypt's social butterflies went tc
i their beauty parlors for the “works"
i too, eyebrows plucked, hair waved,
mud baths and all the rest of the
- ritual. Spicy lip salves were used
I in 3,500 B. C and palms of hand:
i and heels were hennaed for beauty
r -1
(Released by Western Newspaper Union.)
Honors to an Exile
ON JANUARY 22 the Sarasota
(Fla.) chapter of the United
Daughters of the Confederacy will
unveil in that city this monument:
?; benjaMin :
HIHIHill II lil^milliollllllli III Hill III ml II II ...WHIP I HI
Thus will belated honors be paid
to an American exile whose career
was unique in the annals of his
country. For when Judah Philip
Benjamin ‘‘set sail for a foreign
land” he left behind him a distin
guished record under two American
governments. Twice elected to the
United States senate, he was the
second Jew who had ever attained
such a high place in the national
legislature. In the government of
the Confederate States of America,
he had held successively three cab
inet posts—attorney general, secre
tary of war and secretary of state—
and had the reputation of being the
"brains of the Confederacy.”
But on June 23, 1865, he was a
fugitive in disguise with a price of
$50,000 on his head. Such a fact
should have marked the end of an
ordinary man. But in the case of
Benjamin it only marked the begin
ning of a new life. Escaping to Eng
land he resumed his law career and
within seven years had a practice
not exceeded by any attorney in
Great Britain.
In sharp contrast to the wealth
and influence to which he attained
Judah Benjamin
in the British
capital was the
status there of
his parents — an
unsu ccessful
Jewish merchant
and a Portuguese
Jewess. In 1808
they left London
for New Orleans.
But the blockade
of the Mississippi,
caused by the
Napoleonic wars,
forced them to
stop at the island of St. Croix in the
West Indies (now one of the Virgin
islands under the American flag)
and here their son was born on Au
gust 6, 1811.
He was admitted to the bar when
he was only 21 and his success soon
brought him into prominence and
made him a member of the cele
brated Arm of Slidell. Benjamin
and Conrad. By the time he was
31 he had an annual income of
$100,000 and two years later he was
elected to the Louisiana assembly.
Elected to the United States sen
ate in 1852, he was offered a place
on the Supreme court by President
Pierce but declined and was re
elected senator in 1859.
When Jefferson Davis became
president of the Confederacy, Ben
jamin was the logical choice for at
torney general but after five months
he was made secretary of war.
Smarting under the injustice of Con
federate senate criticism, Benjamin
resigned the war portfolio, where
upon Davis immediately made him
secretary of state, a position which
he held until the fall of the Confed
eracy forced him to seek refuge in
' England.
There, besides earning fees total
ing almost $1,000,000 during his 16
years of practice, he completed his
famous work on the English laws of
| sales, known now as “Benjamin on
j sale,” which is still in use today
I as a major law school text and THE
! authority in its field. When he re
tired, leaders of England’s legal
' profession honored him with a ban
quet, the first of its kind ever given
an English barrister. Later he
moved to Paris and there he died
on May 8, 1884.
Besides being a man of great
natural talent, Benjamin was noted
as an indefatigable worker. While
he was secretary of state. President
Jefferson Davis, relying upon his
versatility and capacity for hard
i work, often called upon him to per
i form many tasks outside his own
department. As an example of Ben
jamin’s industry it is recorded that
often during the dark days of the
| Confederacy, it was his habit to be
gin work at eight o’clock in the
morning and continue uninterrupt
edly until two o’clock the next
C^ASY to make, inexpensive to
^ make and one of the most be
coming, attractive and practical
outfits any youngster could have
—this jerkin suit pattern is one
you’ll prize! The diagram reveals
the wonderful simplicity of this
design—for the jerkin which but
tons in place at the sides and the
Blessed by Doers
The world is blessed most by
men who do things, and not by
those who merely talk about them.
—James Oliver.
skirt with a pleat front and back
to it has ample width. The tailored
blouse has long or short sleeves.
* * •
Pattern No. 8076 is designed for sizes
4 to 12 years. Size 6 jerkin and skirt
require l?i yards 54-inch material. 1%
yards 35-tnch. Blouse with short sleeves,
Tt yard 35-inch material, long sleeves. l*,i
yards. For this attractive pattern, send
your order to:
Room 1324
311 W. Wacker Dr. Chicago
Enclose 15 cents in coins for
Pattern No.Size.
Name .
Address .
Enroll Now. Nebraska’s Oldest School.
Individual instruction, graduates placed in
good paying positions. Write Kathryn Wil
son, manager, for FREE BOOKLET. CaU
fornia Beauty School, Omaha, Nebr.
Visible World
The visible world is but man
turned inside out that he may be
revealed to himself. — Henry
i RMttt3e4 alultyaiq
B mashed potatoe*. corn, pickle*, raw cub
B bage, apple pie, cheese,coffee. Tastes good,
^B while it lastal But how that stomach can
B grumble if one eata too muchl ADLA
B Tablets with Bismuth and Carbonates
I relieve QUICKLY. Oet ADLA Tablet*
I from your druggist.
Search Thyself
Search thy own heart; what
paineth thee in others in thyself
may be.—J. G. Whittier.
quickly u-it
Reward Is Sweet
Patience is bitter, but its fruit
Light From Unseen Stars
On a moonless night, the earth
receives more light from the stars
I that cannot be seen by the unaided
! eye than from those that are visi
Van (amp’s
/tMJosephine Culberlscn
APPETIZER • Relish Tray • Chili Sauc0
Stuffed Celery Carrot Strips
l Stuffed Eggs and Pickles
van camp s
Baked Applet with Sausages
Assorted Bridge Sandwiches
Pastel Frosted Cakes • Coffee
TRY IT —it’s delicious. Ask your grocer
for complete details . . . recipes, and
l quantities — or write Van Camp's Inc.,
I Indianapolis, Indiana.
bridge-supper problem in this smart and
pleasant way. Mrs. Josephine Culbertson
—bridge authority and gracious hostess—
suggests this easy-to-prepare, delightful-to
eat answer to the bridge-supper problem.