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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1942)
_ fei I I The Frontier subscription Cam paign has been extended and will run during the month of January. Come in and pay your arrearages and you can get two years in ad vance for $3.00. This applies only to subscribers livirg within the 1 4 state of Nebraska. >« Deputy Collector’s Dates For This District A Deputy Collector of Internal Revenue, will be at the following locations at the time specified to assit Income Tax payers to file their Income Tax Returns for the calender year ending Decmber 31, 1941. Bring your forms with you to the Deputy Collector, classify all expense items and see that all items are totaled, and the Deputy will assist you in properly report ing the income and deductions in their proper schedule. If you did not receive a return in the mail, or have never filed a re turn before, see the Deputy Col lector and he will supply you with the proper form, or write to the Collector of Internal Revenue, Omaha, Nebraska, for the proper form. All Forms for filing Income Tax returns will be available about January 5th, 1942. If you are a farmer write to the office of the Collector of Internal Revenue, Omaha, Nebraska, for Form 1040F. January 15-16-17-, O’Neill, Zone Office; 19-20-21-22-23, Ainsworth, Prendergast Hotel; 24, O’Neill, Zone Office; 26-27-28-29-30, Bas set, Crook Hotel; 31, O’Neill, Zone Office. February 2-3-4-5-6, Atkinson, Post Office; 7, O’Neill, zone office; 9, Ewing, Citizens State Bank; 10-11-12-, Neligh, Nehoca Hotel; 13-14, Elgin, Bank of Elgin or Hotel; 16-17-18, Creighton, Post Office; 19-20-21, Wausa, Comm. St. Bank; 24-25, Crofton, News paper Office; 26-27, Niobrara, Bank; 28, O’Neill, Zone Office. March 2, Center, Hotel; 3-4, Spencer, Spencer State Bank; 5-6 7, Butte, Hotel; 10-11-12-13-14, O’Neill, Zone Office; 16. O’Neill, Zone Office. Mail or post this notice in Post Offices, Banks and newspapers, Chambers of Commerce, Com munity Clubs, or any other places of business, in order that this route may receive all the publicity possible. G. W. O’Malley Collector of Internal Revenue ^ ^• Marriage License Reinhold Hinrichsen of Rush ville and Mrs. Luella Klint Worth of Scribner on January 9. Lois Hoffman Presents Pet Bantam To Red Cross ; Lois Hoffman, daughter of the John Hoffmans, brought her pef 1 bantam roostdr to the weekly J livestock auction last Monday afternoon where he was sold and resold many times to the crowd assembled there. Miss Lois is contributing the entire receipts, j $24.00 to the Red Cross Chapter as her bit toward increasing the funds of that worthy organization. This is a highly commendable ges ture on Lois’ part and is a shining example of juvenile generosity and patriotism and shows the true spirit of American youth. We wish to thank Lois, publicly, for her worthy contribution to the National cause. Following are the contributions recieved at the local livestock auction last Monday: E. Allen .. $1.00 Tony Asimus _ 1.00 A. L. Borg 1.25 Mrs. Gora Brown_ 1.00 J. J. Berigan_1.00 Wm. Clark_1.00 Thos. Donlin ___ 1.00 G. Dusatka „ 1.00 T. A. Drayton, Orchard _ 1.00 Ed, Evans, Randolph_1.00 Joe Gallagher-1.50 John Gallagher 1.00 Jan Gallagher _ 1.00 H. Jensen_1.00 Ray Kurtz_1.00 G. Lorenz _ 1.00 Ed. Matthews_ 1.00 Walter Puckett 1.25 Clarence Reed _ 1.00 Mike Sullivan _ 1.00 Forrest Smith. 1.00 H. Walters _ 1.00 : W. Young-1.0C HOSPITAL NEWS Mrs Russel Shoemaker, a boy, born Tuesday, January 13. Mrs. Guy Johnson, a boy, born Saturday, January 10. Mrs. Revell of Star, dismissed Wednesday. Mrs. Pat Carr and son dismiss ed Monday. Mrs. Joe Fernholz admitted on Monday for medical treatment. County Court Frank Sicheneder of Stuart was arrested by Patrolman John T. Meistell and charged with Delinquent Driver’s License. He appeared before the County Court on January 12, 1942, pled guilty and was fined $1.00 and costs $3.10. Lee Osterman of Kilgore was irrested by Patrolman John T. deistrell and charged with over oad. He appeared in County Jourt on January 12, 1942, pled guilty and was fined $10.00 and rosts $3.10. Fred R. Whitney of Rushville was arrested by Patrolman C. C. Brandt and charged with Delin juent Operator’s License. He ap- j peared before the County Court an January 10, 1942, pled guilty and was fined $1.00 and costs $3.10. NOTICE Shields Township Annual Meet ing will be held on Tuesday, Jan uary 20th at 2 P. M. at the Town ship Hall, for the purpose of making the Levy for the com ing year, and any other business that may legally come before the meeting. J. B. DONOHOE, Township Clerk. NOTICE The annual meeting of Coleman Township will be held at the. School house in District No. 14, at 2 o’clock p m., on Tuesday, January 20, 1942, for the purpose of making the levy for the ensu ing year and transacting any other business that may come before the meeting. CARROLL O’NEILL, Township Clerk. Births Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shoe maker, boy on Tuesday, January 13. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Johnson, boy on Saturday, January 10. Mr .and Mrs, John Wonderchek, boy on Thursday, January 15. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Kelly, boy on Saturday, January 10. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Appleby, boy on Monday, January 12. _ BRIEFLY STATED Judge D. R. Mounts and Court Reporter Ted McElhaney went to Ainsworth today to hold court. From December 15, 1941, to Jan uary 15 1942, there has been 2300 car licenses issued at the County Treasuer’s office. At this time last year there were 2147 issued. cath,3 J B. Mellor, one of the large cattlemen in the western part of l the county, was down from Stuart Wednesday and made a pleasant call at this office extending his subscription to The Frontier. Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wrede came up from Omaha Saturday to vis it Mrs. Wrede’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Enright. Mrs. Donald Enright, who has been visiting them for the past ten days, re turned with them. They returned to Omaha Sunday, and their son, Donnie, who has been visiting here since Christmas, accom panied them home. Mrs, S. L. Thompson returned Saturday from Omaha, after spending the past ten days visit ing relatives. Pvt. Bill Waters of Camp Bel vorir, Virginia, visited friends here from Saturday until Tuesday. Mr. Waters was a former Western Union Operator here. The Alpha Club met at the home! of Mrs. Aaron Boshart at a 1:00 o’clock luncheon Wednesday aft ernoon. This meeting was elec tion of Officers and making out the year books for the coming year. The officers elected were Mrs. James McNulty, President;! Mrs. Pearl Widtfeldt, Vice Pres ident; Mrs. Nellie Boshart, Sec retary, and Mrs. Sam Robertson, Treasurer. The meeting in Feb uary will be at the home of Mrs. Harry Lansworth. St. Mary’s Academy and the O'Neill Public School held a bene fit dance for the Infantile Par alysis Fund at the St. Mary’s gymnasium on Wednesday even ing, January 14. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Williams and son, Dickie, of Bartlett, vis isted at the home of Mr. Williams’ patients, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Williams Saturday. Seth Noble returned Tuesday night from Carthage, S. D., where he had been on a business trip for the past three weeks. The Golden Rod Project Club had a Red Cross meeting at the home of Mrs. Tom F. Higgins on Wednesday afternoon. The O’Neill Fire Department was called to the Tom Greene home on Wednesday, but no dam age was dose. Tom Sullivan of Ord came Sat urday and is spending his two week’s vacation with his family. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Richard son went to Grand Island Satur day on a business trip. Barbara Ann Bennett celebrated her eighth birthday Sunday, by entertaining eight girl friends at a Theatre party and afterwards lunch at a local cafe. + The Misses Mildred and Isbelle O’Malley came up Tuesday from Omaha and are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. W. O’Malley until Sunday. Miss Marie Bentz returned to Norfolk Sunday, after spending several weeks at the home of her sister, Mrs. G. E. DeVore and family. Mrs. Edward Cowley arrived Sunday from Downs, Kansas, to spend a week visiting at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Cowley. Mrs. Harold Lindberg, Mrs. Paul Shierk, Mrs. C. W. Porter, Esther Harris and Mrs. H. Russ went to Inman Wednesday evening to in stall the Officers of the Rebekah Lodge. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Allen, liv- j ing east of this city, were in town today. Mr. Allen came in for his 1942 license plates and he brought him twenty-two old plates which he turned over to tho county treasurer and they will be turned over to the government to be used in national defense work. This office is in receipt of a let ter from Mrs. O. F. Herring, of Eugene, Oregon, enclosing a re newal of her subscription for the coming year. Mrs. Herring says they do enjoy the visits of the paper each week, so th%y can keep track of the friends in the old home town. She says they have been having some fairly cold weather in Oregon. The letter was written January 4th, and she said it froze that morning, which; is unusual in that section. Theyj also had some snow the latter part, of December, but it did not last i long. She extends Happy New i Years greetings to all. — Thomas Hunt, of Minneapolis,! Minnesota, arrived in the city last Saturday afternion to spend a few days visiting old time fricmds in the city of his birth. Tom left about thirty years ago and this is his first visit here since that time and it is needless to say he had a good time while here vis iting those whom he knew while a youth in this city. Mrs. L. A. Carter and assisting hostess, Mrs. John L. Quig, enter tained the S. O, S. Club at a des sert luncheon at the home of Mrs. Carter Wednesday. Mrs. Ethel Wessel returned to Omaha Sunday, after spending a few days at the home of her bro ther, Ed. Burge. Educational Notes The next Teachers Eaminations will be held on Saturday, January 24, 1942. Arrangements will be made for the January Examin ations to be held at Stuart, Atkin son, Ewing and O’Neill. The time schedule .will be the same as in the past. Elja McCullough County Superintendent MARGARETS Beauty Salon announces the addition of the Rilling Koolerwave to 'their line of machineless permanents. This is the most comfortable and natural looking wave given. Phone 102. ► —^ MONEY in bank here means you have cash for instant use at any time, while we assume the re sponsibility for keep ing it safely in the meantime. O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profit*. $140,000.80 This Bank Carries No Indebtedness of Officers or Stockholders. Member Hederal Deposit Insurance Corporation