The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 15, 1942, Image 2

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    ^--—lu+ Jdytui. GhamLeM --
Welcome at a Housewarming—Honey Twist Rolls
(See Recipes Below)
Housewarming Time
Soft, sweet, crusty rolls, a fruity
coffee cake, a plate of cookies.
tempting sand
wiches in cres
cent, diamond,
circle or heart
shapes, coffee,
tea or cider from
which to choose
your drink—these
form the basis of the refreshments
for a housewarming. The event isn't
lavish, it's simple, sincere and
warm with friendliness for you’ve
gathered to greet your friends in
their new home.
Whether you’ve planned the
housewarming as a surprise to the
family in their new home, or wheth
er you’re inviting friends to an "at
home” in your own home, keep ev
erything as simple as possible. If
you have many coming, ask some
earlier and others later so the house
•Assorted Sandwiches
•Sweet Bow Knot Rolls
•Honey Twists
Frosted Cup Cakes
•Fruited Coffee Cake Cookies
Coffee Cider Tea
will never be too crowded. No en
tertainment need be planned for ev
eryone will want to inspect the
house or apartment and have a light
snack before leaving perhaps.
Clever invitations can be sent out
by using a miniature plan of the
house, a rough drawing or silhou
ette of the house and writing the in
vitation inside or out as it best fits.
All refreshments can be placed
on a table set simply with a plain
cloth and attractive flowers. Teen
age girls will enjoy helping at the
table pouring coffee or tea and help
ing fill the trays of rolls and sand
wiches as they’re used.
Hot rolls with the smell of the
oven still on them will spell a
grand welcome, especially when
your guests come in from frost
nipped outdoors:
•Sweet Bow Knot Rolls.
(Makes 2Vi dozen)
1 cup milk
V* cup butter
Vi cup sugar
1 teaspoon salt
2 cakes compressed yeast
Vi cup lukewarm water
2 eggs
4Vi cups sifted flour (about)
Scald milk and pour over butter,
sugar and salt. Crumble yeast into
water to soften. Cool milk to luke
warm, add yeast, beaten eggs and
2 cups flour. Beat well. Add enough
flour to make a soft dough. Turn
out on a floured board and knead
until smooth. Form into a ball and
place in a greased bowl. Cover and
let rise until double in bulk. When
light, knead down and shape into
long strands. 6 inches long. Vi inch
in diameter. Tie these strands into
a single looped knot. Place on
greased baking sheet and let rise
until doubled. Bake in a moderate
<S75-degree) oven, 15 to 20 minutes.
Brush with powdered sugar icing
and sprinkle with chopped nuts.
•Honey Twists.
(Makes 2V4 dozen)
Use the same ingredients as in
Sweet Bow Knot Rolls. Soften yeast
in lukewarm wa
ter. Scald milk,
add butter, sugar
and salt. Cool to
lukewarm and
add enough flour
to make a thick
batter. Add yeast
and eggs. Beat well and add more
flour to make a soft dough. Place
in a greased bowl and let rise until
doubled. When light punch down
and roll into small strands about
6 inches long, Vt inch in diameter.
Coil into greased 2-inch muffin pans,
beginning at the outer edge and
covering the bottom. Brush with
Honey Topping. Let rise until dou
ble in bulk and bake in a moderate
oven 25 to 30 minutes.
Honey Topping.
V* cup butter
% cup powdered sugar
1 egg white
2 tablespoons honey, warmed
Cream all ingredients together
and brush over Twists before bak
* Fruited Coffee Cake.
(Makes 1 large ring)
1 cake yeast
14 cup lukewarm potato water
6 cups flour, sifted
1 cup lukewarm water
1 teaspoon lemon extract
1 cup shortening or butter
1 cup sugar
14 teaspoon salt
14 teaspoon nutmeg
% pound large raisins
% cup currants
14 pound candied citron
14 pound candied lemon peel
Soften yeast in potato water, add
1 cup flour and warm water. Let
rise. Cut shortening into remain
ing flour, add remaining Ingredients
then combine with first mixture. Let
rise until double. Shape into large,
buttered ring or loaf and let rise
until doubled in bulk. Bake in a
moderate (350-degree) oven 1 hour.
Frost with a powdered sugar icing
and sprinkle with chopped or shred
ded nuts.
Here are some cookies that are
as delightful as homespun. They’re
especially nice
for housewarm
ing because the
recipe makes a
large quantity
and you won’t be
able to count
consumption o n
i them. The blend
ing of fruits with spices makes this
a popular cookie:
Cape Elisabeth Cookies.
(Makes 3Vi dozen medium)
Vi cup butter
1 cup brown sugar
1 egg
5 tablespoons milk
lVi cups flour
1 cup rolled oats
Vi teaspoon cinnamon
Vi teaspon allspice
Vi cup pineapple cut into shreds
Vi cup walnuts, chopped
Vi cup raisins
3 tablespoons grated orange rind
Combine sugar and butter, add
egg and milk, then dry ingredients.
Last of all add the fruit and nuts.
Drop by spoonfuls on greased cookie
sheet. Bake in a moderate (375
degree) oven 8 minutes.
Here are some tempting sandwich
combinations for the sandwich plat
ter. Made in crescent, star, heart
or triangle shapes they'll be one of
the most popular numbers at the
'Assorted Sandwiches.
Flaked tuna or salmon seasoned
with mayonnaise, lemon juice, and
Mashed sardines, lemon juice,
j chili sauce.
Mashed liverwurst with chili
| sauce.
Peanut butter and chopped,
I cooked bacon.
Cooked ham ground with sweet
pickle, moistened with mayonnaise.
Cream cheese with orange mar
malade or cranberry jelly.
Sliced American cheese, thinly
sliced fried ham, mustard.
Cream cheese and honey.
Peanut butter, lemon juice and
i mashed banana.
Rolls in a variety of shapes
are guaranteed to please the
most fastidious family. Here's a
list of favorite shapes to try out:
Knots: Twist and tie strip of
dough into a knot.
Parker House: Roll dough V4
inch thick, cut into rounds with
biscuit cutter, dip in melted but
ter and fold in half. Place rolls
close together in pan.
Crescents: Cut dough into tri
angle shapes, having dough at
least four inches at wide end.
Spread with butter, roll begin
ning at one comer. Pull ends
to resemble a crescent.
Butterhorns: Cut dough in edge
shapes, brush with butter, roll to
wards point.
Butter Flakes: Roll dough V«
inch thick, brush with butter, cut
in 2-inch strips. Stack strips 4
or 5 high, cut into 2-inch pieces
and place in greased muffin tins
cut side down.
(Released by Western Newspaper Union.>
(Consolidated Feature*—WNU Service.!
KJEW YORK.—People who send
^ questions to radio quiz pro
grams have been missing a chance
to collect on “Who is the president
China’s President China?”
The usual
Revered as Fount answer, as
Of Ancient Wisdom "V'qu^
tion, is Chiang Kai-shek—the gen
eralissimo and not the president
Lin Sen, serene and venerated pa
triarch, has been president of China
for 10 years. He could be called
doctor, and he has many honorary
titles, but he likes to be called Mr.
Lin Sen. Just now, he is casually
and obscurely In the news, with
word of powerful generals making
pilgrimages to his peaceful retreat,
not to talk war, but to visit him as
they might a priest or physician.
He is a benign old gentleman,
bespectacled, with a snow-white
goatee, a scholar and an artist,
wise and humorous and, above
all, serene. He Is one of the
most famous chlrographcrs of
China and, so that he may quiet
ly practice his art, he made a
studio in a ruined garrison, with
walls 10 feet thick. There, on
bamboo paper, faced with silk,
he copies the classics in swift,
beautiful brush strokes, school
ing himself in their wisdom. Sun
Fo, president of the executive
yuan, takes care of the merely
temporal and practical details
of the presidency. Mr. Lin Sen
Is free to practice wisdom and
virtue and impart It to his peo
ple In beautiful characters.
Mr. Lin Sen was a missionary stu
dent in San Francisco’s Chinatown,
studied western civilization diligent
ly and, returning to China, preached
a careful distinction between a civi
lization and a culture. He said Chi
nn must be modernized, and Joined
Dr. Sun Yat Sen, to that end, but
Insisted that China would lose its
soul if it took only guns and ma
chines from the west—that force
alone always failed, even when it
seemed to be triumphant. He main
tained that true morality would in
the end prevail even over bombs
and bullets. But the latter, he be
lieved, were all right in their place
and In 1931 he became president, as
the advocate of vigorous resistance
against the Japanese aggression.
His gods have generously answered
for him an ancient Chinese prayer:
“May your writing wrist be as lim
ber as a willow-wythe.”
JOSEPH B. EASTMAN used to be
a social settlement worker in his
young days. It has been apparent
that in this he experienced a cer
JoeB. Eastman a tain diaillu’
sionment as
*Natural’ as New to the grand
. D solution, for
Transport Boss in his later
years he has been a pragmatic lib
eral and it is as such that he tackles
one of the most important jobs of
the war, as chairman of the new
office of defense transportation. All
he will have to do will be to gear
all transport into a working unit,
to keep things moving on railroads,
air lines, truck lines, inland water
ways, coastwise and inter-coastwise
shipping lines and pipelines.
It was a much simpler job when
William G. McAdoo took it over in
the first World war, with plane and
motor transport negligible. Mr.
! Eastman, through his long service
as chairman of the Interstate Com
merce commission and as former
co-ordinator of the railroads, has
grown into it.
Socially minded from his Am
herst and Phi Beta Kappa days,
he became a hard - working
"good neighbor” at the South
End house of Boston, then coun
sel for the Boston Street Rail
way employees and later a
member of the Massachusetts
Public Service commission.
When W'oodrow Wilson named
him to the ICC, he wrote a re
gretful letter saying he would
like to serve, but there was a
bar sinister In his career—he
was a Republican. Mr. Wilson
laughed that off and Mr. East
man has served under five Pres
idents. Supreme Court Justice
Brandels had recommended his
original appointment. Railroad
moguls like him personally and
denounce his ideas.
He threw a switch on the first Van
Sweringen merger proposal in 1927,
later on on L. F Loree’s proposed
merger of the Katy and the Cotton
Belt with his own Kansas City
Southern, and in valuation, rate rise
cases, receive.-hips, recaptures,
mergers and the like he has been
sharply at odds with the rail barons
and definitely aligned with the drive
toward firmer governmental control.
Senate Progressives got themselves
into a great lather in 1929, prepar
ing to fight and die for their demand
that he be reappointed But Presi
dent Hoover fooled them by doing
just ihat.
RtvitweJ fey
Russia’s Attitude
Toward Japan Has
Strong Influence on
War’s Trend . . . Navy
Long Expected to Fight
(Bell Syndicate—WNU Service.)
WASHINGTON —If there were a !
unified high command over the
forces of the democracy right now
there is little doubt what would be
the first step. Russian bombers
would be rushed to attack Japan,
where they would seek out her oil
stores—all above ground since the
1923 earthquake — her munition
plants, her harbors and, later on, j
her warships, transports, supply
ships and tankers.
This would be done because Rus
sia has enough air power in east
ern Siberia, in the opinion of mili
tary experts here, to crush Japan.
This would stop the Nipponese in
their tracks not only in Malaya, the
Philippines and the Netherlands In
dies, but also in China.
The Russians still have that great
air force in the Far East for the
simple reason that, badly as they
have needed it, especially in the
early stages of the German invasion
of European Russia, the Soviet did
not trust Japan. They feared an
attack in the back despite their
fairly recent treaty of amity with
the little brown brothers, for the lit
tle brown brothers have no more re
gard for the sanctity of treaties
than Adolf Hitler has.
No one, of course, knew Just
where Japan was going to strike.
For Japan is known, and has been
known for years, to aspire to domi
nation of Asia, all the way to Suez,
and of all the Pacific islands, includ
ing Australia. In fact the Japanese
have rather flaunted their aspira
tions. They have not concealed their
desire to take over control of terri
tory which now is vested in the So
viet, China, Britain, France, the
United States, Holland, and various
independent or partially independ
ent states.
Moreover, despite Japan’s all-out
attack on the British and the United
States forces and holdings in the
Far East, she did not withdraw her
large armies from the Siberian bor
der. On the contrary she kept them
poised there, ready for an instant
blow the moment Russia was so
hard pressed in the West that she
would be compelled to weaken her
forces in the Far East.
—Buy Defense Bonds—
Russia and Britain
Play Same Came
Russia, however, played the game
which the British played in Septem
ber, 1940, and thereby probably pre
vented a complete German victory
at that time. Britain took it in
bombing, but never risked ALL of
her air force at one time. So Goer
ing never achieved the complete
knockout of the British air force,
which would have made the island
of Britain another Flanders.
Russia similarly took the pound
ing in the West, which seemed to
the world to be threatening Lenin
grad, Moscow and Sevastopol, but
never risked eastern Siberia!
When the hour arrived for the
Japanese attack, the Japs thought
Hitler had won complete victory in
European Russia. They had been
told that Moscow would fall in a few
days. That is what the rest of the
world expected up to a short time
before the news of the Jap attack
on Pearl Harbor, the Philippines,
and Hong Kong. It is what every
one, including the Japanese, thought
when the attacking forces left Ja
But the attack did not include Si
beria! Why? Because the Japanese
knew through their own intelligence
service that Russians had NOT
weakened their forces in eastern Si
beria. They knew an attack on Si
beria would mean an air attack by
the Russians on Japan. And they
knew they could not take it.
Stalin knows it too. He couldn’t
help but know it. So it will be in
teresting to watch developments.
—Buy Defense Bonds—
Navy Long Expected
War With Japs
Ever since 1904, or since the
Russo-Japanese war, most of our
own naval officers, and officers of
the British navy as well, have fig
I ured that sooner or later the United
States and Japan would have a war.
Since the Washington arms confer
ence, in the winter of 1921-1922, our
own and the British naval officers
have been unanimous in their con
viction that sooner or later this war
between Nippon and Uncle Sam
would come.
The writer was at Pearl Harbor
in 1925, and was attacked, along
with correspondents of the Now
York Times and the Chicago Trib
i une. for not informing the Ameri
can public about the spying which
the Japanese had done on our na
val maneuvers, just then completed.
The attack was made by Admiral
Coontz, referee in the war game, in
the presence of some 20 junior of
ficers I
Your 1942 Income Tax Guide
IJ OW much income tax will you
-* pay for 1941? For everyone,
new and long-accustomed taxpay
ers, that’s a question to answer
now—long before March 15, filing
date. If you are single and mak
ing $15 a week you will have to file
a return, and you may pay a tax.
You must file and you may pay,
Greatest Sabotage
The most gigantic sacrificial
sabotage in world history was the
destruction of Russia’s Dnieper
river dam by the Red army last
August, says Collier’s. This great
hydroelectric project, which was
completed in 1932, required five
years to build and cost $500,
too, if you are married and mak
ing over $1,500 a year.
• • •
How much should you rightfully pay?
Our 32-page booklet clearly explains the
Ins and outs of Income tax payments for
single, married, business men. farmers,
tells what you may and may not deduct.
Has simplified Income tax table. Send
your order to:
635 Sixth Avenue New York City
Enclose 10 cents in coin for your
copy of YOUR 1942 INCOME TAX
Wftl tV ABU
OMAHA _ Mtoo.
^41 PERRY C0(H0U=«i
JM* ,nd | '^j
|wAM. HUifO«* »»«« »»■*»»J
...don’t cough! Get pleasant, s-o-o-t-h-i-n-g
relief from a cough due to a cold with famous
Smith Brothers Cough Drops. You get that re
lief for only a nickel a box. Why pay more?
Both kinds taste delicious: Black or Menthol.
Believe in Life
To believe in immortality is one
thing, but it is first needful to be
lieve in life.—R. L. Stevenson.
> Agree in Charity
In faith and hope the world
will disagree, but all mankind’s
concern is charity.—Pope.
■f. .. 1 1
Deluxe Bridge Table
with genuine inlaid wood
top. Automatic leg locks.
New American Ceek
Book. 1024 pages full of
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Glassware. Beautifully dec- <
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Shaker; Pitcher; Ice bowl. 1
Gilt-edged Congress j
Quality Playing Cards. «
Smart new fancy backs 1
(our choice). !
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Lamp with white porce- 1
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trim. Shado of linen nn- j
ish parchment. j
ip? Defense Savings Stamps
may now be obtained through
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133 Raleigh coupons for each
dollar stamp. Defense Stamp
Album, shown above, free
on request.
Oneida Community Par 1
Plate Silverware. 20 J
pieces and walnut finish jp
wood chest. J
TRY A PACK OF RALEIGHS. They’re a grand
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mail it to Brown & Williamson
Tobacco Corp., P. O. Box 1799,
Louisville, Kentucky, post
marked not later than midnight,
January 24, 1942.
You may enter as many last
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age wrappers (or facsimiles).
Prises will be awarded on the
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Judges' decisions must be accepted as final.
In case of ties, duplicate prizes will bo
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You have 133 chances to win. If
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Start thinking right now.
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Third prize. . . . 25.00 cash
5 prizes of $10.00 . 50.00 cash
25 prizes of $5.00 . 125.00 cash
100 prizes of a carton
of Raleighs . . 150.0C
133 PRIZES $50C.M