The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 01, 1942, Image 9

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    USDA Atnounces 1941
Corn Loan Program
The department of Agriculture
announced today that the Com
modity Credit Corporation will
make loans on 1941 corn. As in
the pash loans will be adminis
tered in the field by county agri
cultural adjustment administra
tion committees.
Outside the commercial corn
areas, loans will be available to
farmers who have not exceeded
their total soil-depleting acreage
allotments at rates varing from
50 to 63 cents per bushel. The
average of these non-commercial
areas will be seventy-five per cent
of the ccommercial area average
rate as required by the Agricul
turl Adjustment Act.
All loan rates are based on corn
grading No. 3 or better, except
for moisture content and test
weight. The rate for com grad
ing “mixed" will be 2 cents per
bushel less.
Loans on 1941 com, which
may be made any time time be
tween December 1, 1941, and
September 30, 1942, will be 3
year loans maturing August 1,
1944, or earlier, on demand. Com
may be redeemed at any time
during the loan period upon pay
ment of the loan, plus 3 per cent
interest. If the loan is completed
prior to April 1, 1942. the farmer
may deliver his com in settlement
of the loan during August, Sep
tember or October, 1942. How
ever. if the loan is completed on
or after April 1, 1942. the com
will not be accepted in satisfaction
of the loan until the same month
of 1942. In practice, this gives
him the option of making a one,
two or three year loan. Delivery
of the farmers’ com is also subject
to 10 days notice to the county
AAA committee.
To encourage the ceontinuance
of the com under loan, Commod
ity Credit Corporation will make
a storage payment of 4 cents per
bushel upon com stored until
August 1, 1943, which is there
after delivered to the Corporation
in settlement of the loan.
Other provisions of the 1941
corn loan program remain praet
iclly the same as under the 1940
loan program. As in the past
a farmer will be able usually to
complete arrangements for a loan
in one visit to the office of his
county AAA committee.
Members of the O'Neill Product
ion Credit Association may secure
their funds on corn loans by pre
senting the notes and filed mort
gage to the assocciation office in
Word has been received here
that Mr. and Mrs. Leo Marcellus
of Los Angeles, Cal., are the
proud parents of a daughter. She
will be known as Linda Gail.
Mr. nd Mrs. Frank Oberle spent
Christmas in Mellette, S. D., at
the home of Mr. Oberle’s brother,
George Oberle.
Henry Grady and son, Jack, of
Denver, went to Lincoln Tues
day on business.
Tom Donohoe of White River,
S. D., and Francis Donohoe, of
Bonesteel, S. D., were guests at
the home of Miss Bernadette
Brennan Christmas day.
Mrs. F. J. Fisher and daughter,
Emmy Lou, went to Sioux City,
Iowa, last Wednesday to meet
Miss Mary Ann Fisher of Chicago,
who is spending the holidays with
her parents, Dr. and Mrs. F. J.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McManamy
of Council Bluffs, Iowa, came up
Christmas evening and are spend
ing the holidays with relatives
and friends.
Miss Bernice Jones of Omaha
and Miss Beatrice Jones of Sioux
City, Iowa, spent Christmas at
the home of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Hurley Jones.
Sister Calixta arrived here Fri
day from Chicago, to spend a week
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. F. N. Cronin and other rela
Miss Lanora Reka came up from
Omaha last Wednesday to spend
the holidys visiting at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mullen.
Miss Carol Simonson of Council
Bluffs, Iowa, came last Wednesday
and is visiting her father, C. T.
Simonson and other relatives.
The Misses Mary Louise and
Margaret Ellen Reka went to
Omaha Friday to spend a few
days visiting their mother, Mrs.
Esther Reka.
Mrs. C. A. Bergstrom of Ewing,
spent Christmas at the home of
her son, C. C. Bergstrom.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Biglin and
son, Joe, and Bill Grady, went to
Omaha Sunday.
Miss Nadine Coyne arrived
Monday evening from Chicago to
spend a few days visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Coyne.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hendricks
and son, Jerry, of Bonesteel, S. D.,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo
Hausman Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goree and
daughter, Betty Rae, of Long Pine,
spent Sunday at the home of Mrs.
Goree’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
L. A. Simonson.
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Lucas spent
the Christmas holidays at the
home of Judge Rice at Creighton.
Mr. nd Mrs. R. E. Lucas and
Ed Belsky, of Merriman, were
Tuesday supper guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Hansen.
Mrs. John Brophy and daughter
returned to Pender Sunday, after
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
M. J. Brophy.
Ed Belsky, of Merriman, visite A
last Tuesday at the Lucas ranch. A
Mrs. Garry' Wrede returned tA
Omaha Tuesday, having spenA
the past week here visiting heA
parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. EnA
right. Mrs. Don Enright acccomA
panied her home for a week’A
visit. ■
Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hunt ancA
sons of Sidney, Nebr., spent thA
Christmas holidays with MrA
Hunt’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. dI
D. Hunt. I
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk spenA
Christmas in Winner, S. D., visit-1
ing friends. I
Mattie Soukup drove to Lin-fl
coin Sunday to meet her son, Ser-1
geant Francis J. Soukup of Fortfl
Leonard Wood, Missouri, who has!
a week furlough from the army.!
They returned home Monday.!
Mrs. Con O’Connell accompanied!
her to Lincoln. I
Let us all make merry and be jolly, for there is
reason sufficient. New leadership is at the Wheel
of Time and brighter ports are in the offing.
As for ourselves, under the same leadership
and with the same friends to help us we expect
to reach new heights of service to this community
in 1942. A thousand thanks for past favors.
We wish you a holiday of unbounded merriment
and joy, and a New Year replete with benefits
and blessings.
P. B. Harty, Prop.
. . . a+uH Noux l^foa/i'^ CjneeiintfA, to- Ijou!
Standing on the threshold of the New Year we look forward with great
faith in the future, confident that the important and impressive lessons
of 1941 will help light the way for 1942. -Every member of this organiza
tion joins in wishing for you and yours a full realization of those fine
opportunities and blessings of which the New Year is agent and herald.
And now as the New Year dawns we again express our
appreciation to you and your neighbors for having contrib
uted in such an important way to our continued success in
this community.
Merri-Dr. Pepper Bottling Co.
_ _wmmammmmmm*
TT-Coort UKU to WIUHtn...
Another year . . another page
. . Father Time in the role of
a youngster!
In a world grown young over
night we wish you an abun
dance of jollity and merri
ment, and, in a larger sense,
the complete happiness of real
ization in the days to come.
May we hope for a continuance
of the pleasant relations which
have meant so much to us in
P. C. Donohoe
Real Estate and Insurance
► - ^
For many years at this time
we have been wishing yon a
Happy New Year, and have
found Joy In the doing of It.
This year It seems even more
appropriate became of the
troubled times through which
we have passed.
■ff We dedicate ourselves to
still greater service to you, to
greater courtesies. Everyone
in this csncern feels this re
sponsibility and accepts It
i Abstract Co.
I smews j
sr, rs ts
♦ We’d like to say neaps
more than just “thank you,”
nod heaps more than just
“Happy New Year,” because
your kindness has meant so
much to us in 1941.
k We’ll say it during 194
not with mere words, but
with more value and aamrr
service written into every
•tc So at this time we simply
say thank you, and Happy
New Year!
Your Barbers
Dean & Frank
1 . _j
/iv mmEST Mi rair'
We are glad to say fare
well to 1941 and rejoice
with you at the dawn of
the New Year, for we
truly believe it opens
wide the portals to better
We hope that Father
Time, with his quiver full
of days, has many golden
ones reserved for you,
and that your New Year
celebration will be full of
jollification and enjoy
We are more than justified in feeling happy at the
dawn of the New Year, and take this opportunity of
expressing our sincere appreciation for your contri
bution to our success in 1941.
Our wishes for you are many and varied, and can
hardly be set down in this space, but chief among
them is the wish that your every cloud may have a
silver lining. May 1942 be rich in its blessings for you
and yours.
Central Finance Company
C. E. JONES, Mangaer
_ *
...... — — -- _ir _■
Have a family group
taken, while you are
all together.
Before going to the
Turkey have a good
photo taken.
O’Neill Photo
*05here rre many words in the
dictionary ... big words and little words . . . words
with the splendor of royalty, words with the brilliance
of diamonds, words as pretentious as the sweep of a
peacock's train.
There are homely words, too, and between home
folks like ourselves these are the ones we choose to
carry our simple New Year message to you. Many
thanks for your kindness, and every good wish for a
Happy New Year.
Lohaus Motor Co.
O’NeiJl National Bank
Member Federal Deposit Insuiance Corporation
Happy New Year!
At this joyous season we
wish to express our sin.
cere feeling of good will
and friendship to the
many friends and custom
ers whom it has been our
privilege to serve during
May you ride"high,wide
and handsome” every day
in 1942, and may the best
of everything be in store
for you and vours.
Oil Co.
, __>
— more sunny hours
... more joy and gladness
. more peace of spirit
_more true friendships
more opportunities
more health and happiness
... new joy in living
O’Neill Drug Co.
C. E. Stout, Prop.
You’ve rung the bell
?• for us, and were
g ringing it now for
nyou—ringing in 365
grand and glorious
Folks days of health, hap- I
2* piness and prosper
*• ity for 1942.
This is our wish
for you at this happy
Jj New Year season.
Treaveler Ins. Co.
R. E. Moore, Supt.
► ^