The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 11, 1941, Image 8

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    City Council Proceedings
O'Neill. Nebraska
November 4th, 1941;
Council met in regular session:
Present: Mayor Kersenbrock;
Councilmen, Arbuthnot, Alfs, Pha
lin, Johnson. Wallace
Minutes of previous meetings
read and approved:
City Treasurers statement for'
the month of October read and ap- j
Upon motion the following bills
were allowed:
On the General Fund
Lohaus Motor Co. _ —— 93.87
Seth Noble —--3.53
Cnas. Switzer 27.00
Porters Diamond Sta.-10.00
Consumers Pub. Power 233.11
W. S. Daxley & Co. 3.48
Chester Calkins — 100.00
Roy Lowrey ——--t5.00
G. E. Miles__4.00
Elmer Neal 24.00
C. W. Porter -- M OO
Air Port Fund
Jack Kersenbrock — 39.60
R E. Calvert _. 12.00
C. J Butterfield 30.40
Park Lights
Consumers Pub. Power -14.40
Watet Fund
Consumers Pub. Power 1100
C. W. Porter -- 10.00
The Texas Co.,- 7.78
Mattie Soukup- 54.20
Ralph Scofield 24.30
Olson & Anderson- 250 00
C. W. Porter Contg Fund — 15.00
John Green- 1-20
The Texas Co. - 15.18
A. Toy_2.98
H, E. Coyne-30.05
O’Neill Fire Dept-117.00
Island Supply Co. -11.00
Frank Greiner-80.00
Bob Cook_51.00
John Meyers-:-40.00
Norman Gonderinger-30.00
Lind berg Petro. Co.-7.20
Bob Cook_45.00
Seth Noble- 597.00
Jesse Scofield..100.00
C. J. Butterfield-8 80
•BLW. Bell Tel. Co_23.00
Jack Kersenbrock-12.00
A. Marcellus_5.00
Pittsburg Equitable _154.24
Manuel Haglin_9.60
Motion by Phalin, seconded by
Johnson, that the city employ
Olson and Anderson to put down
a 10 inch well to a depth of 30
feet; this well to be developed,
taking out all of the fine sand
leaving the course gravel and to
pump this well from 24 to 36
hours, at a cost of $350.00. In case
the City keeps the well the ad
ditional cost of the pipe and
screen to be paid over and above
the $350.00. Motion carried:
Upon motion the Council ad
journed subject to the call of the
City Clerk
Commissioner Duane T. Swan
son of the Nebraska State Rail
way Commission and H. Emerson
Kokjer of the Nebraska Attorney
General’s office have been in
Washington and appeared before
the Interstate Commerce Com
mission in opposition to the pro
posed abandonment of service on
the Hastings to Linwood branch
line of the Northwestern. Mr. Kok
jer is from Saunders county and
while here he joined Harry Par
menter of Yutan in an invest
igation relating to appraisal of
land in the area being taken for
the bomb loading plant. They also
joined the Nebraska delegation
in appealing to the secial congress
ional committee on National De
fense Migration to extend its Ne
braska inquiry to the problems of
tenants who will have to yield
possession of land in Saunders
Reports here are that eventually
the government may acquire
about 31,000 acres of land for the
bomb loading plant in Saunders
county. Members of the Nebraska
delegation have been assured by
the War Department’s land ac
quisition division that they will
! undertake to avoid sore spots in
making appraisals and complaints
will receive consideration.
Harold Kramer, General Man
ager of the Loup River Public
Power District, has been made
secretary-manager of a national
organization of public power or
ganizations. On that account, he is
now in Washington and will retain
his office in Columbus but being
in Washington for the time being
enables him to be in closer touch
with government agencies having
to do with public power.
Former Governor Roy Cochran,
now a Colornel in the army, has
been in Walter Reed army hospit
al here for over three weeks. He
had luncheon with several Ne
braska friends last week. He is
improved in health and after he
j has his tonsils removed, he plans
to return to Omaha where he will
be stationed.
Nebraskans that the congres
sional observers found in the field
during the army maneuvers in the
Carolinas included General Amos
Thomas and Col. A. V. Allen of
Omaha; Col. Theodore Buechler of
Grand Island; Col4 Thayer of
Geneva and Col. Arthur Harris
who was born in Norfolk. Gen.
Johnson Hagood, once stationed
in Nebraska and now retired, was
among the observers. Nearly every
officer on the general staff and
every high officer of our army at
tended either the Louisiana or
Carolina maneuvers to make ob
j servations and learn more about
I modem warfare.
Believe it or not food seemed
l the most important item in the
army maneuvers. To regularly
feed 300,000 men three times a
day is a job which is being done
in excellent manner by our army
experts. These officers told vis
itors that the farmers who pro
duce our food are among those
who can be numbered among our
‘‘first line of defense."
Revolvers are going out of our
army. Automatic and semi-auto
matic carbines will replace them.
Only officers with the rank of
major and above may carry re
volvers in the days to come.
“Ham" operators, those youths
who learned the meaning of dots
and dashes and also something
about building amateur radio sets,
are part of our army during a war.
In maneuvers these amateur
“ham” operators provided the
army with information which re
sulted in the capture of generals
and their entire staffs.
Army ‘‘critiques’’ are meetings
of officers where the problems of
war are discussed.. After each
day’s action, the officers get to
gether and discuss the errors of
the day’s activities and make cor
rections and learn a lot of lessons.
Generals in the Carolina man
euvers told observers that they
had decided hereafter to have the
non-commissioned officers attend
these critiques. Many lessons from
lessons the war in Europe have
been learned and applied in our
Foreign military and air at
taches by the score attend our
army maneuvers. Only a few
European military attaches are
present. The Axis representatives
are absent. Eiam, Turkey, China,
Serbia and Poland are well rep
resented. So is every country
south of the Rio Grand. Gen. Lo
pez of Venezuela, once president
of his country, is the Venezuelan
Nebraska is an excellent place
to lay the new temporary airports
because it is more level than ter
rain here in the east. The army
built an airport in ten days on the
sand of South Carolina with steel
matting. The runway is 150 feet
wide and 3,000 feet long and the
heaviest of transports and bomb
ers land and take off there. It can
be rolled up and carted away
quickly. A lighter and less ex
pensive material which may make
it possible to build a runway in
less time is being tested.
Uncle Sam now has air borne
troops and a good parachute or
ganization.. These new troops did
great work in the Carolinas. Air
borne troops are those transport
ed after the paratroops have cap
' ocnour MM T
mnomt mm
• rot TM *,
(than Chevrolet’s low prices)
(than Chevrolet’s high quality)
[. saves'
Miller Bros. Chevrolet Co. Ltd.,
O’Neill, Nebraska
tured the field.
Congressmen at the South and
North Carolina maneuvers, after
four days with the troops and af
ter attending “critiques” with
many army generals, feel that The
United States is prepared to repel
any sort of invasion of our own
country but that the army does
not have sufficient material for
the job of hemisphere protection.
Congressional observers at the
Carolina maneuvers found that
the First Army is very short of
tanks and certain kind of guns
Also, that imitation machine guns
had to be used because of the
shortage. Production is stepping
up and in a short time it is hoped
that the required material will be
available. The morale of the sol
diers was found to be excellent
although they complained about
strikes in national defense in
Obsevation of the maneuvers
disclosed that Uncle Sam has
thirty-four divisions of 16,000 to
20,000 men. each. These divisions
are not yet fully equipped. Ger
many has 300 divisions fully
equipped. Russia has 175 divisions.
A successful AEF, experts say,
it would mean that we will have to
have a four to one superiority over
Germany. It will take a long
time to accomplish that and, also,
supply the immediate needs of
the Allies.
Most of our soldiers will be
given an opportunity to go home
for Christmas. The army officers
are anxious that the boys go
home and tell their folks what
they have seen and what they are
doing. They are anxious that
these boys dress neatly and make
a favorable impression at home.
Holiday travel travel will be
heavy. „
Washington’s Thanksgiving Day
was very quiet It seemed unreal
and most people here said they
would celebrate again on Nov
ember 27. The army of foreign
pilgrims which now help to con
gest Washington joined Amer
icans in giving thanks for a good
harvest of food. Turkeys sold for
39 cents a pound.
Rev Nesbit .Vincent, pastor of
the Eastern Presbyterian church
of Washington opened the House
proceeding the other day with the
daily noon prayer. He then got
acquainted with members of the
Nebraska delegation. Rev. Vincent
is related to N« iie and William
Nesbit of Tekamah where he of
ten visits.
Believe it or not, letters from
home against non-essential non
defense expenditures are having
effect. Members hear that the
Budget Bureau is starting to im
pound some of the appropriations
that were made- for the cur
rent fiscal year. Among agencies
affected are the CCC and NYA.
The 1942 fiscal year will end
next June 30. Hearing on appro
nations for the fiscal year 1943
will begin in December'. Hearing
on additional defense appropriat
ions running into billions of dol
lars have been in progress for sev
eral days. These are called sup
plemental appropriation bills.
Pressure for legislation by Con
gress against strikes in all de
fense industry has grown stronger
as public sentiment has become
manifest. Now bills have been
introduced some of them drastic
and others even more so. Many
wonder why the President does
not issue orders or demand new
legislation but what to do and
how to do it seems to bother the
administration leaders. Labor is
well-organized and militant. In
the defense industries nearly all
labor is unionized. The guarantees
of Constitutional liberties are not
easily gotten around by legislative
action. As commander-in-chief of
the Army and Navy the President
probably has the greatest power
to deal with strikes, but the exer
cise of that power is withheld ap
parently because a more difficult
situation might develop. The
same troubles arose during the
first World War. Various ex
pedients were resorted to, and
the methods used and the results
obtained have been carefully
studied. The President with all his
power and his determination to
keep defense industries going, has
many precedents to consider, in
cluding those of Britain and of
Among recent visitors in the
Third District office were Charles
E. Franlin of McGrew, Nebraska;
Miss Loretta Griepentrog, now of
D. C. former of Columbus; Miss
Marie Carper, now of D. C., for
merly of Wahoo: Jerry Knerb, of
D. C., formerly of Ponca.
O’Neill Drug Co.
C. E. Stoat, Proprieator
f l •» s'1,*4- v '^r
OUR day-to-day living is so Interwoven with the multiple uses oi electric serv
ice. that many applications of electricity-in-use go by—practically unnoticed. Just
one small fragment of your daily life is illustrated here. Hardly a day passes in
which you fail to make some sort of a purchase. It may be your noonday meal
at your favorite restaurant a current magazine at the newsstand, a soft drink at
S one of the popular soda fountains,, an article of clothing, an order of groceries, and
so on. Completing each of these transactions, almost invariably electricity plays a
part—recording the amount of . the sale on the cash register tape, automatically
opening the cash drawer so the pleasant employe waiting on you can make your
change faster, easier, and with a higher degree oi accuracy. Then finally, as the
cash drawer closes, electricity shiitf the tape another notch to make ready for the
next transaction. Just one use oi electric service to be sure, but there are scores,
yes hundreds, oi other equally important ones that take place every day, every
hour—almost every minute. Electric service has contributed much to the Ameri
can way oi life as we know it today—in the home, in the office, the store, (he fac
tory. Its uses are so varied and its applications so numerous that space in which
this is written would accommodate a list oi only a iew. So dependent are we
Americans upon electricity that we MUST have the highest, most reliable quality
oi electric service. Such Is the constant creed oi Consumers Public Power District
—"The finest, most reliable electric service obtainable anywhere and provided at
rates attractively low." Consumers is pleased to be a part oi your day-to-day living
in this and so many other ways. Finally, it pays tribute again to those thousands
oi Nebraskans who carry on the business oi each day employing the many
uses oi electricity to serve the finest people in the world—THEIR CUSTOMERS.