! INMAN NEWS The Harmony club held their hristmas party at the home of !rs. John Sobotka on December | An exchange of gifts was held id lunch served. The Inman Worker club met: It the home of Mrs. Ermand1 teyes on December 3. A covered lish lunch was enjoyed at noon.j The lesson was on Christmas ftoys and how to make them. The Home Economic class with their teacher, Mrs. W. J. Mc Clurg visited the new home of Mrs. L. R. Tompkins last Thurs day morning, where they studied {joints about a modern kitchen bath room also heating, lighting and furniture. The first Basketball game of the season was played last Fri day night, with St. Joseph team of Atkinson. The Inman team won. Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins entertained a few friends Thurs day evening at their home, in honor of the birthday of Mrs. E. L. Watson. The funeral of Leslie Clark, who passed away on Friday,'was held at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon. Mrs. Walter Jacox returned Sunday from Meadow Grove, where she spent several days with her daughter, Mrs. Donald Wolf and family. The Y. M. club met at the home of Mrs. Roy Gannon on Tuesday for their day meeting. An exchange of gifts was enjoy ed also the finding out of who their mystery sisters were for the past year. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Tompkins entertained a bridge party at their home last Thursday night, Christmas decorations were used. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Peterson of O’Neill, were out of town guests. The Coffee club held their Christmas party at the home of Mrs. George Coventry on Tues day, Dec. 9. A covered dish luncheon was enjoyed at noon, and an exchange of gifts in the afternoon. Mrs.' George Colman and Mrs. Jessie Hartigan were assisting hostesses. The WSCS of the Methodist church held their annual bazaar and chicken supper Saturday night, a large crowd attending both the sale and supper. They cleared ninety-eight dollars. Mr. and Mrs. Albert HansoD and daughter Wilma of Craw ford Valley were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins Sun day. ! The Odd Fellows will hold an old fashioned Pie Social in their hall on Friday night. A party was held at the home of Ernest Bronkhorst on Sunday evening, the occasion being the birthday of Miss Fay Bronkhorst. Miss Dorothy Liewer spent the week-end with her parents at Butte, returning Sunday evening. George Killinger, an old time residence of Inman, but now of Hubbard, Oregon, arrived here Sunday for a visit with his daughter Mrs. Roy Gannon and family, and also among friends. He recently sold his farm on the east side of Inman to John Rei mers, who will move there next spring. EMMET ITEMS Clarence Shaw, who has been ill during the past week with an infection of the inner ear, is better now and able to be back at work again. Mr. and Mrs. Grover Shaw of Chambers, Nebr., called at the Clarence Shaw home Saturday. Tedo Dailey was home for the week-end from his studies at Creighton University. Mr. and ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE 320 Acres Highly Impro ved Farm For Sale gE lA Sec. 23 and NWV4 of Sec. 28, Township 30, Range 13. This farm is known as the Zebb M. Warner farm, where John Warner lives. Will be sold at Administrator's Sale at the front door of the Court House in' O’Neill, Nebr., Dec. 18 At hour of 1 o'clock in the after noon 44 Acres are in Hay Meadow, 80 Acres Pasture, 170 Acres Cul tivated. Balance building lots. Extra good Houes, Nice large barn, some out buildings. This farm will be sold subject to all existing encumbrances, and purchaser must look up taxes and other encumbrances before bid ding. Terms: of sale are cash, above encumbrances. R. H. Parker, Administrator of Estate of Zebb M. Warner will show any prospective purchasers over the farm at anytime Administrator R. H. Parker, Estate of Zebb M. Warner O'Neill. Nebraska. Mrs. Dailey took him to Norfolk Monday afternoon, where he took the bus for Omaha. Mrs. Guy Cole left Tuesday for a few days visit in Omaha. Mrs. John Conrad was hostess to the Women’s Foreign Mission-i ary Society Wednesday afternoon. D. C. Shaffer was a business caller in Emmet Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Allen left for Des Moines, Iowa. They spent' the past month visiting at the Bert Gaffney and Dugal Allen homes. Mrs. Joe Winkler has been quite ill with several attacks of gall stones in the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Beckwith entertained a group of friends at a card party Friday. Mrs. George Lewis attended the Sonja Heni Ice Revue, while on her trip to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Puckett were visitors at the Walter Puckett home Sunday. Clarence Shaw’s brother and Lester Cadman were stationed at in the war zone, when the Jap’s attacked. BRIEFLY STATED Evelyn Stannard arrived Sun day from Denver, Colorado, and will visit her mother, Mrs. D. Stannard and other relatives, un til the first of the year. Spun Rayon Dresses at cost. —Simar Apparel Shop. 31-1 Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Lohaus, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz, and Mrs. Mary MsLeod left Wednesday morning for Omaha. Mrs. McLeod will remain until after Christmas with her daughter, Mrs. M. A. Fangman and the others returned Wednesday evening. J. B. Ryan of O’Neill and son, Bobby Ryan of Chicago, 111., went to Alliance Saturday and visited at the home of his daughter and sister, Mrs. A. L. Coding. They returned home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ted McEIhaney and Mrs. Harold Lindberg spent Saturday in Sioux City, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich and children were in Sioux City, Iowa, Monday. Sam Ragan, of the Great Lakes Training Station, arrived Satur day and visited his parents, MrJ and Mrs. Pat Ragan of Stafford, and his grandmother, Mrs. John Carr and other relatives in O’Neill, until Tuesday. John Sullivan, John Gallagher and Ed Matousek went Tuesday to Omaha to attend a County I Officials Convention there this week. The Misses Ardice Johnson and Dorothy Liewer of Inman were O’Neill callers Monday evening. Men’s Initial Handkerchiefs for 10c at Penny’s 31-1 Mr. and Mrs. Gary Wrede and Donnie Coleman came uo from Omaha Saturday to sDend a week at the home of Mrs. Wrpde’s par ents. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Enright in O’Neill and Mr. Wrede’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Wrede. at Redbird. Ralph Walker was in Hastings and Davenport on business ove»* the week-end. Mrs. Bernice Platte of Cham bers, Mrs. Leola Peterson, of At kinson. Mrs. Elma Evans, Mrs Margaret Clausen, Miss Verna Russel and Miss Veramae Landie of O’Neill attend an educations1 meeting of the NSNHCA, and e 12:00 o’clock luncheon at the Chieftain Hotel in Council Bluffs, Iowa, Sunday. Miss Nadine Kilpatrick of Om aha, Mrs. Gene Kilpatrick of Norfolk and Ralph Voecks of Pierce, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kilpatrick, Sunday. Emmett Carr, Pat Harty and Norb Uhl entertained a group of friends at a dinner at the MM cafe Sunday evening, in honor of Sammy Regan, who was here on a four day furlough from the Great Lakes Training Station. After the dinner they went td the Carr home and played cards New Simplicity Frocks at Simar Apparel Shop. 31-1 Moorman Dealer Roy DeLong Invites you to attend a free show in O'Neill at the K. of C. haU Hear Lowell Thomas voice dis cribe a morning at Moormans factory and farm, this picture will help you on your feeding problems, all customers are invited and other feeders or stock owners are welcome Show starts at 9 p. m. sharp ANNOUCEMENT I have taken over the Shoe Hospital and now am in charge. Bring your business here - We Guarantee Satisfaction: Joe Bittner 98* Mechanical Tratn Spring wind motor. Spark ling type. Passenger or freight. CORONADO 6 TUBE CONSOtE • Smart Walnot Cabin** £ A MB A B • Two Wav* Band*— T jC M G*t Europe v ■ C*jfc • Built-in Copocit**na Convenient Paymtrti A gift for the whole family. Thrilling performance. Richly styled. Superb tone quality. An outstanding radio value. Ask For A Free Demonstration Streamlined Sled Made of aelected North ern hardwood. Grooved ateel runner*. Flexible ateering. 34 in- 98* Bize . **** I RADIO-PHONO | : COMBINATION > ► ► > Convenient Payment* Powerful 11 tube radio. Automatic record changer. New beautiful ityling. CORONADO AC-DC 4-TUBl JEWEL $1095 Soft Mama Doll 17 in. Beauti> fullv dressed. L *l4*i FOR THE FARM HOME Coronado Battery Operated Mantet Low drain. 1.4 volt tubes. Beau tifully veneered. Cash price, lessj batteries '4 $1595 GIVE A CAR RADIO Famous Motorola. Greater depth, bril nance, and per spective. Control1 head to match car. 6 tube. Model ?01. *35°®. Bike Insurance For 1 Yr. 50c Useful and Practical ] GIFTS Urn Shined Cookie Jar 89c Caaaerole with Frame Si.29 Pipe Rack and Humidor SI.00 Cedar Cheat with Stationery 49c Machine Gun Target Game Repeating machine gun and moving targets. -wSTa WS.U«» OF YOUR Hundred. «* *“„«,. Kav. P»oV” Oaaler «<”« °~n halp r«“ “ plan. La*. “* Many tb°*“ L financial *^"^1 .nvactman* I location*- .j Stota*. D*p‘ A HIAVVAthIT bike ftssr *3*95 Couipletfly,*Paymen/t C*W> ««amKdlF beau' *norIr . 7°- Fainou. «lv*» lnw * fron» fort trade l„ rIL Cot»foru I °thr *** *%. ■«. * *• r *24.95 I TUBULAR TRIKE 12 in. size *5.95 1 Vi in. tubular frame. Steel rear platform. LI 6 in. size $6.95 20 in size . 7.95 CORONADO ELECTRIC WASHER $5495 CONVENIENT PAYMENTS Trade in your old washer on this streamlined Coronado. Fa mous Lovell wringer. Large 23 gallon white porcelain tub and other fine Coronado features. Liberal allowance for your old washer, Coronado (ias Engine Washer FREE HOME DEMONSTRATION ^^^K55B5E55BEHB5E|^^B5HB555£55aB55H3is '■ The Misses Margie Wyant, Irene and Frankie Yocum and Don Asher, Andy Schacht and Clinton Wolfe were in Norfolk Sunday. New and complete line of house Coats, at Simar Apparel Shop. 31-1 — Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Briggs and son of Bartlett, were dinner guests I of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mansoni Wednesday evening. ■—“ I Mrs. Glen Tomlinson visited in Norfolk Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Klein of Winner, S. D., visited Mrs. Klein’s sisters, the Misses Veva and Doris Aim, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Davidson and family of Sioux City, Iowa,1 visited at the home of Mr. David- j son's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Davidson Saturday and Sunday.' Miss Edna Simonson visited j j friends in Grand Island Saturday | and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Forsbergj spent the day in Sioux City, Iowa, I Friday. — I Mr. and Mrs. D. Martin and| daughter Kay, arrived Sunday j from Chelan, Washington, and are I visiting at the home of Mr. Mar tin’s aunt, Miss Meta Martin. Penney’s have a large asssort ment of Embroidered Pillow Cases for Christmas selling, 98c a pair.31-1 Mrs. C. F. McKenna left Wed nesday morning for Lincoln. She was called there by the serious illness of her sister, Mrs. Frank Mayne. Gerald Donohoe arrived home; Tuesday evening from Camp Ro binson. Mr. DoBohoe has been re leased and placed in the Army Re serve. See Penny’s large assortment el House Slippers for Men, Womcs and Children. 31-1 Do Your CHRISTMAS Shopping Now Remember Only 10 More Shopping Days Until Christmas You will find thousands of fine gifts and toys for the whole family at this store. Our price will both please ant satisfy yon. Brachs fine Christmas candy costs a few cents more but is twice as good as cheap candy. Fifty different varieties of high quality candy j i from 10c to 30c per pound. Also a large selection of box candies from 25c to $1.00 per box. Gifts for the One Who Cares HEADQUARTERS FOR Munsing Wear v ’tmmm w ^ ■ pm t * ^ 35SPT77-: ’wr- ‘ < , For The Ladies ... MUNSING WEAR CO 00 Gowns Brushed Rayon. PAJAMIS 1 00 Rayon.-_ ,-#u LOUNGE JACKETS 0 95 Brushed Rayon- M-** GLOVES, 100 per cent QOC Wool --- fU HANDKERCHIEFS 00C All Pure Linen.-.. * # WHITE 1 25 Scarfs _ CANNON Gifts Sets COLORED Muslin, 2 Oft _1 Sheet, 2 Pillow Cases .. LUVLEE 7 Oft Lady Robe- f BLANKET, 5 per cent 2 OR Wool, size 70x80___ For The Men . . . HART, SCHAFFNER & MARKS suite and COO EQ Overcoats, each ... ZIPPER Jackets and Sweaters MUNSING WEAR 0 Eft Pajamis, Balbriggan.— AmIw J.W CARTER A 00 Oxfords_ 1,70 ARROW 0 ftft Shirts__ arrow i nn Ties.. l,W GLOVES, Real Deerskin, Broadside and Pigskins MUNSING WEAR, OJJC MUFFLERS* All 1 OC ZephyerWool J. B. STETSON HATS We Also Have Many Other Items For Ladies, Men and Children, Two Numerous To Mention Here. The Next Twelve Days Means a Lot To You Drop In, See Our Line. We Know We Can Please You With Quality and Price. P. J. McMANUS The Home of Good Merchandies