The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 11, 1941, Image 4
in* Frontier D. EL Cronin, Editor and Owner Entered at the postoffice at O Neill, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. SUBSCRIPTION One Year, in Nebraska -$2.00 One year, outside Nebraska 2.25 Every subscription is regarded as an open account. The names of subscribers will be instantly removed from our mailing list at expiration of tune paid for, if publisher shall be notified; other wise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscrip tion price. Every suscnber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract1 between publisher and subscriber. Display advertising is charged for on a basis of 25c an inch (one oolumn wide) per week. Want «ds 10c per line, first insertion. Mbaequent insertions. 5c per line. BRIEFLY STATED Mrs. Emilr Weinberger and daughter, Ruth, of Seward, spent the week-end at the home of her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs C. H. Switzer. _ Mrs. Mary Switzer, who has been here for the past two months visiting at the home of her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Switzer, returned to her home at Seward last Sunday. Bobby Ryan, who has been vis iting his father, J. B. Ryan and •ther relatives since last Thurs day, left Wednesday morning for his home in Chicago, Illinois. Around the 12th of December Bobby will leave for Camp Grant, Blinois. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jensen of Mayor Kersenbrock received a message last week from the Secretary of the Arounatic com mittee ordering all planes on our local airport grounded, unless they were operated by the Federal Government, or under their con trol- Harold Lindberg is the only local flyer, and he will have to stay with the old truck for a while. You should see the beautiful Chenille Bedspreads, Penney’s have for Christmas. 31-1 Omaha, who represent the Wood man Circle, came Wednesday and were guests of Mrs. Clara Miles, while they were here transacting business. Mrs. John Protivinsky went to Tilden today to attend the funer al of Mrs. Fannie Mossberger. Donald Martin arrived home this morning from Fort Knox, Kentucky, on a 10 day furlough. Donald will spend his leave with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Martin and other relatives. Judge D. R. Mounts was in Omaha a couple of days this week on business. Mrs. George Mitchell entertain ed the “Last Minute” bridge club at her home Wednesday after noon. Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson won high score, Mrs. J. H. Fager travel ing and Mrs. Frank Clements low. Mrs. Ray Jensen and Mrs. J. H. Fager were guests. Mrs. James Coventry and Mrs. Kenneth Coventry, of Inman, vis ited at the home of Mrs. James Coventry’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson, Monday. Emmett Crabb left Tuesday for Wagner, S. D., on a few days busi ness trip._ MONEY in bank here means you have cash for instant use at any time, while we assume the re sponsibility for keep ing it safely in the meantime. e^a O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profit*. $140,000.00 Thia Bank Carries No Indebtedness of Officers or Stockholders. Matnhav hsdsaol Deposit Insurance Corporation Kurtz Dairy Locker Plant and Cream Station Located two door north of Golden Hotel Come in and let us show and explain the Plant to you* We still have several boxes for rent. We are going to Buy Cream and Eggs and Sell Sweet Milk and cream at the Regular Store Price. All of our cows are T. B. Tested* The morning delivery will be from 7:00 to 8:30. The evening delivery from 4:30 to 6:30. A Pasterizer will be installed in the near fu ture for those who wish Pasterized Milk and Cream. We will continue selling raw milk for those who wish it We will be open from 6 o’clock in the morning | until 8 o’clock in the evening. On Sunday we will | be open from 7 a* to 11 a. m., and from 5 to I 6:30 p m. Phone 144-J . Owen Davidson and Bob Early took Miss Eileen Davidson back to Omaha this momng. Miss Davidson came up from Omaha Wednesday morning and visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson and other relatives. C. J. Gatz entertained fourteen friends at a stag arty at his home Sunday evening. Mrs. Emanuel Boshart of Los Angeles, California, was a guest at the home of Mrs. John Boshart from Monday until Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weidfeldt went to Phoenix Sunday and vis ited at the John Damero home. Miss Virginia Damero, who teaches in the Inman Public School came in with them and they took her to Inman. A number of Mrs. P. J. Lans worth's children helped her cele brate her birthday Wednesday. Mrs. Lansworth is eighty-two years old and is hale and hearty. Mrs. Art Barnes went to Em mett Wednesday to attend the South Side Improvement Project club at the home of Mrs. Wm. Luben. Mrs. Hugh Birmingham and daughters, Barbara, Marty and Nancy Froelich went to Omaha Friday and returned home Sun day. Mrs. and Mrs. C. F. Grill and Ira George leaves this evening for Lincoln. Mr. Grill and Mr. George are delegates to the meeting of the Nebraska State Teachers Association. Cliff Lundgren and John Davis have purchased the interest of the Miller Brothers in the local Chevrolet Company, taking pos session on December 10, and the firm will be known henceforth as the Midwest Motor Company. Mr. Lundgren has been manager of the Chevrolet Motor Company here for the past eight years, while his pardner in the new company has been in the employ of the company for the past six years. Mr. Lundgren has had years of experience in the automobile business, while John Davis is a number one mechanic, sa they should make a real team. The Frontier extends congratulations to the newfirm and hopes that their fondest dreams will be re alized. Bess Streeter Aldrich’s new book will be reviewed at Wo man’s club on Wednesday, Dec 17, at the home of Mrs. Scott. Mrs. Harry Hewitt and son, Claire, and Mrs. E. H. Chase and son, Larry, of Atkinson, visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Parker Sunday. Dr. and Mrs. O. W. French and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunto en tertained at a 6 o’clock dinner Sunday evening at the O. W., French home. The feature of the dinner wass the wild goose that Freddie and the Doctor got last week on the Niobrara river. Mr. and Mrs. James Rooney and Mr.! and Mrs. Emmett Moore were guests, — CARD OF THANKS Permit us to express our heart felt and sincere thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors who were so kind and sympathic to us during the long illness and following the death of our be loved son and brother, and for the many beautiful floral offerings sent.—Mrs. Anna Clark and Mr and Mrs. J. R. Miller spent the week-end in Loup City, visit ing friends. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Drayton spent Tuesday in Sioux City, la. _ i Outlaw Groceries I ORANGE Nice IQ. Size 2 doz __ I OC LEMONS Large Q _ 5 for _ Ov GRAPEFRUIT Extra OC. Large 10 lbs. for _ t3C RADISHES Red O Large Bunch _ OG POTATOES Good Irrigated or Dryland 100 lb. Bag $1.59 15 lb. Bags _ FLOUR Pancake. Good quality 3 lb. Bag,-- I Kraut - Pumpkin - Red Beans - Lima Beans Hominy Extra Standard Grade 2 No. 2 -I C Cans _I DC PUMPKINS IQ. No 2Va qt. Cans _ I UG CORNMEAY Yellow or | 1 - White 5 lb. Bags _ l I w TOMATOE Juice t 7 No. 2 Cans 3 for_ I I C SOAP Peets Laundry 1Q. 3 Large Bars_IUC SOAP P & G Laundry IQ. 5 Large Bars Iwv Limit 5 to a Customer OXYDOL <IQ Large Pkg. _ I OG RINSO Giant Pkg. CQ. With Cannon Towel 00 U GOOD TOILET SOAP 11 kinds io Pick From 4 Cakes _ SUGAR AND FLOUR. We have contracted—3000 bags of Omar, Mother's Best, Robinhood Flour. Also have plenty Sugar. We can supply you at Lowest market Prices. 8000 lbs. of XMAS Candy and Nuts. Fancy filled Xmas candies, also broken Tuffy. Any kind of Xmas Candy you want. ir._25c CHOCOLATE Drops Peanut Brittle, Orange Slices -fc~ CHOCOLATE Covered Peanuts, Peanut Clus ters, Chocolate Stars Every Kind of Fancy Chocolates 1flA per lb. _ I3C > XMAS CHOCOLATE Fancy Embossed Boxes 1 lb. OC« Boxes _ tUO I) £&. _____ 49c I 5 lb. QQ. Boxes . Uvv :3 NO. 1 ENGLISH WALNUTS), Fancy large paper shell Pecans Also fancy mixed Nuts no. ^ -^rr— *JC ROASTED PEANUT OR. 2 lbs. _;_ <-«0 SALTED PEANUTS OR. 2 lbs_EJU BEAUTIFUL SPRUCE CHRISTMAS TREES 2 to Oft. 3 feet _i_ tUO 4 feet__30C 7 feet _ 50C j OUR MOTHER'S Cocoa 17. j 2 lb. Can « i _ AJL-I FOLGER’S or BUTTER NUT Coffee Qn. i 1 lb. Can w*»w» CORNHUSKER COFFEE A good 1 R. | Drink lb. Bag_IwO j BLACK PEPPER Q. j Yt lb. can_ Wl» j OYSTER SHELL 70 n 100 lb. bag_* GRAY BLOCK SALT 50 lb. Q7« Block Oil MINERALIZED BLOCK SALT 50 lb blocks _ BRING US YOUR FOOD STAMPS GOOD GAS 1 Cl* per gallon_I U 2 & KEROSENE High Test per gallon 7In In 30 gallon lots — *2“ DISTILLATE High Grade per I gallon in 30 C Q-IH/i gallon lots_ U|J. lUO HOT TRACTOR FUEL per gallon “f 3« In 30 gal lots. _ • 4« RADIATOR ALCOHOL High Test gaL 75c per quart _ Outlaw Grocery Open Day and Night Mrs George Robertson went to Lincoln today to spend until Sun day with her daughter, Miss Doris Robertson and her mother, Mrs. Mary Thomas. Mrs. Grace Wilcox and Mrs. R. E. Armbuster attended a house warming at Ewing Tuesday eve ning for Mrs. Wilcox’s sister Mrs. Victor Marquardt. M. O. Howard went to Lincoln Tuesday on a several days busi ness trip. v Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Merriman returned Saturday from Des Moines, Iowa, where they attend ed a Dr. Pepper convention. Clarence Trappe will arrive to day from Fort Custer, Michigan. He will be the guest of Miss Mar ion Knapp. Mrs. H. J. Lohause entertained the Martez club on Tuesday eve — O’Neill High School Senior Class Play “For Pete’s Sake!” Wed., Dec. 17 O’Neill High School Auditorium At 8 p. m., Admission 27 Defense 3 Total 30 ning at 7 o’clock dinner at a local cafe and cards at her home. Mrs. Ed. Campbell, Mrs. C. J. Gatz and Mrs. W. J. Froelich won the prizes. Mrs. Tom Sullivan and son Jack went to Spencer Friday and spent the day with Mrs. Sullivan’s mo ther, Mrs. H. Semon. Saint Mary’s Academy has just about completed their Christmas decorations and they are the prettiest that have ever been up there. The High especially is very pretty. Announcement: We wish to announce, that through the purchase of all the out standing interest of the Miller Bros. Chevrolet Co., of O’Neill, Nebr., that we have come into full posession of all business of the firm in O’Neill. With this change in ownership, the name of the firm becomes the Midwest Motor Company, Ltd., of O’Neill. Sale of Chevolet cars and trucks will be continued, and full service facilities for the repairs, re building, or maintainence of all makes of cars as well as Chevrolet cars will be maintaince, as well as the sale of and reconditioning of, used cars. G. E. Lundgren J. E. Davis Midwest Motor Co., Ltd., “Your Chevrolet Dealer” O'Neill, Nebr, Phone, 100 O’Neill Drug Co. f C. E. Stout, Proprietor UlEIIOmE SUGGESTION! Homrt of Font WITH BEADS AND BUTTONS Helpstrain little hands & AAC eyes . . a" Take Command! LITTLE SKIPPER BOAT FLEET Four Little ships toi Sail! Sails in «%r l and Keels && | \ NUT BOWL f MALLET AND - SIX NUT PICKS NATURAL t FINISH . . Pink or Blue ' three piece \ BABY ^ SET Soft Brush, comb, beautiful QQC Bank BookTO ^ Leon Loraine TRIPLE Y COMPACT Black enamel with gold AM Tone Trim»i5! a iDlXONIA I PLAYING I CARDS I Beautiful Designs F and colors. ^ vr V Bridge SizeOS \ I Genuine B "AMITY” f BILLFOLDS 1 Many attractive \l styles & J[Oe \ Designs . “» ' [ L’ ADONNA | 3 PC. SET | Powder, Lipstick& I Rouge 450 ■ compact . . ■_ BOURJOIS GIFT SET Cologne and Fla con of aak Perfume PO-DO 4 PC. SHAVE KIT Cream, Lotion, Talc & 5 A ac Blades . . 70 Leon Laraine 3 PC. SET i Single Compact. | Powder & ATI L Lipstick! . . i CHUCK FULL OF FUN! CHRISTMAS STOCKING It's almost vr\e 2 ft. Long . . 3U* Everything For Kiddies! V ^ g He 'll always USE PO-DO , GOLF BALLS t riXo°nf.y 350^ Tough, Long, Trm, BARBASOL 'll* 50c SHAVE CREAM . . 30c HELLS COLD TOOLETS ■ ■ ■ MAR-C-OIL COc 1.00 SHAMPOO ■ ■ ■ Plus 10% Federal Excise Tax on Toiletries. 1 ■> Fine Selection s of Quality [ TAGS ' AND SEALS PKG. TREE DECORATIONS! \ MAZDA SET Assorted colors or all +OC BLUE . ■ Qy WREATH Silver Leaf and a Red Berry . ICICLES i Assorted colors ^ Priced 4 AC 1 LOW'. . . . IV fl Beautiful Assorted 1 Christmas Cards! Distinctive DesignsI % 29* box r ; Lovely, colorful assortment of greeting cards. 4