Make Merry With Cookies and Candies! (See Recipes Below! Xmas Gift Boxes Christmas is the time for giving! Thus runs the refrain during this A festive season. And mat could be more appro priate. more wel come than gaily wrapped boxes packed right in your own kitchen i —boxes full of I sweet, crunchy I cookies warm and fresh from the oven, candies, tempting tidbits of sweetness made with spices and nuts. Cookies and candies wrapped with waxed paper in small tin boxes will delight the heart of that boy you may have sent to camp, your daugh ter away at school, or a neighbor. •Bras Filled Hermits (Makes 45 medium-sized cookies) 4a cup butter or margarina Ilk cups sugar 3 eggs Ik cup milk 4k cup all-bran 3Vk cups flour 3 teaspoons baking powder 14k teaspoons cinnamon 1 teaspoon cloves 4k teaspoon mace 4k teaspoon nutmeg 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup mincemeat or preserves Cream shortening, add sugar and eggs and beat well. Add milk and all-bran Sift flour with remaining . dry ingredients and add to first mix ture. Mix well and chill. Roll dough to an eighth at an inch ttiickness on lightly floured board. Cut into rounds. Place 1 teaspoon, mince meat on one-half the rounds and top with remaining rounds. Crimp edges with a fork. Bake on ungreased cookie sheet in fairly hot oven (400 degrees) for 13 to 15 minutes. Cookies right in tune with the Christmas season are these with red or green sugar dusted cm them. Make them in fancy Christmas tree. Santa Claus or wreath shapes with a cookie cut ter. Use butter for a really food flavor, cut them this and chill well before cutting. "Christmas Butter Ceohiea. (Makes 0 dozen small) % pound butter 1 cup sugar * eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla l teaspoon almond extract teaspoon salt X to Xty cups flour Cream butter and sugar. Com bine beaten eggs and flavoring with creamed mixture. Add flour and salt Mix well and chill. Roll thin, cut into shapes Dust with colored sugar. Bake on a sheet about 15 minutes or until light brown, in a moderate <400 degrees) oven. Make your cookie and candy boxes provocative with tiny squares of rich, delicious penuche. These pieces can be dressed up in individ ual wrappings of gold, silver, green or yellow gift paper. ' * Gift Box Suggest!*** •Bran Filled Hermit* •Chr is tma* Cookie* •Brazilian Penuche •PopcOTD Brittle •Popcorn Fudge •Recipe* Given ‘Brasilian Penorhe 2 cups brown sugar (packed firmly) cup top milk Vi teaspoon vanilla 1 tablespoon butter Vi cup chopped Brazil nuts Dash of salt Combine sugar, salt and milk. Cook, stirring constantly over low heat until sugar is dissolved and mixture boils. Cook until a small amount forms a soft ball when dropped into cold water (238 de grees). Remove from beat Add va nilla and butter without stirring. Cool until lukewarm and beat bard until creamy Add nuts and turn into greased pan. Sprinkle with sliced nuts Cut into squares. An old favorite, popcorn, is fea tured in a new role in these candy recipes. If you don't want to go through the busi ness of popping the corn yourself, you can get along nicely by using the popcorn that comes tightly sealed in tin cans. It's as fresh and nice as if you made it yourself. •Popcorn Fudge. 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup thin cream 1 tablespoon butter 2 cups popcorn 1 teaspoon vanilla Combine sugar with cream and stir over low heat until sugar is dis solved. Cook until the soft ball stage <238 degrees) or until it forms a soft ball in cold water. Remove from heat and let stand in cold water un til cool. Add butter, popcorn, and vanilla. Beat until creamy. Pour into buttered plate and cut •Popcorn Brittle. 2 cups granulated sugar 1 cup dark corn syrup H cup water 1 quart popcorn (slightly salted) 1 teaspoon vanilla 2 teaspoons soda Cook sugar, syrup and water in a heavy skillet Stir until sugar is dissolved, then boil until mixture will crackle when dropped into cold water. Remove from fire, add va nilla and popcorn. Add soda and mix well. Pour into shallow, but tered pan. When cold, break into pieces. No Christmas box of cookies would be complete without the delicately flavored Swedish Sprits cookies: Swedish Sprits. (Makes 4 dozen) 14 cups butter 1 cup sugar 1 egg yolk 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon abnond extract 34 cups flour 4 teaspoon baking powder Cream butter and sugar thorough ly, add egg and flavorings. Beat well. Blend to dry ingredients un til mixture is smooth Press through cookie press into various shapes and decorate with candied fruit. If de sired. Bake to a hot oven (400 de grees) 8 to 10 minutes. Cookies hard to make? Not if you use this recipe: Krispie Marshmallow Stars. (Makes 18 to 18 stars) 4 cup butter 4 pound marshmallows 4 teaspoon vanilla 1 package oven-popped rice ce real 4 ounces semi-sweet chocolate, melted Melt butter and marshmallows to double boiler. Add vanilla and chocolate and beat thoroughly. Pul cereal to a large buttered bowl and pour to first mixture, stirring brisk ly. Put to a shallow buttered pan and allow to cool. Cut into stars or circles with a cutter. (Note: this cookie is not baked.) (B«luwd by Western Newspaper Union, i WHO’S NEWS THIS WEEK I ■ By LEMUEL F. PARTON (OoeioMi!^ Fniarw—WVL* Smlu.1 NTEW YORK —Air Vice Marshal • Arthur Coeingharr comuuod teg the air arm at the British offen sive in Libya, probably could find his w*y Psychologist a Can around the Find No Subjects Seating *« Among the R A F. nm w thout a map or a compass. For many years, off and on, he has been scouting this sunburnt waste of jagged rock and sand, with the British air force, based in Egypt. Be is a bosky aad g—d Ini tag 46-year-old Australian, a group captain at the CtkM R A F. station in IMS. apped rapidly ia rank since the start at the war. a veteran at every kind at air fighting and nn air knekaro* who has ridden every kind at plane. Bis snccess and responsibility, however, is not aB due to technical skill. It is n personality snccess as well, and i; jnst now happens that personality resources in air wars is being sntboritatively examined. Dr. Robert Dick Gillespie, distin guished British neurologist, now lec turing in this country, held forth at tbe New York Academy of Medi cine the ether night, on the lack of neuroses in the R A F , as com pared to other arms at the fighting forces. The doctor’s theory, which be says has been convincingly dem onstrated. is that air training and fighting makes for individuation which greatly strengthens personal ity resistance to the devastating nerve shocks of modern war Marshal Coningham would make a fine laboratory sample. In all this department's gleanings about his career, from various sources, it is emphasized that his every relation ship in his fighting command is per sonal He has a prodigious memory and he likes persons, rather than people. He has a keen wit and ready humor. But he's a hard-boiled dis ciplinarian. He entered the World war from his native Brisbane, Australia, at tbe age of 19, serving first in Samoa and then in Egypt. Coming to England, he joined tbe Royal Fly ing corps, where be knocked about in all sorts of primitive planes. He won the military cross and the dis tinguished service order. HEN Nebuchadnezzar married a country girl the daughter at Cyaxares, she was homesick and wanted a bit of foliage around the bouse. The Aerial Gardena of king put in Rockefeller Center just » tew Surpass Babylon's w » D d ° w j boxes at first, then got really interested and built his famous hanging gardens. Rockefeller Center went botanical for an entirely different reason, and will, if it hasn't already done so, surpass anything Babylon could show in the line of aerial agricul ture. The genius of the gardens in the sky is A. M. Van Den Hoek, horticulturist for the center, whose wizardry with growing things he successfully transplanted from his native Netherlands lowlands to the Sixth Avenue highlands. We were checking with him on that chestnut tree he planted re cently. It has a mate and hive of bees ready for the big job of pol lenization at the first signal of spring. These trees were brought from China. Weather-wise and earth wise, the sky-high farmer might have come out of Vergil's Georgies, but there's nothing rural about his smart tailoring, or his red leatber, push-button office. But this setting is mostly for winter farming. In the summer, he wears overalls on his St-1 acre, ground-level farm near Flera ington, N. i. After studying horticulture in sev eral continental countries, he went to England, in 1905, at the age of 21. There he worked in the famous Rose Gardens of Hampstead and tended the ancient grape vine, the fruit of which goes annually to the king. After 14 months in England, he re moved to this country. He worked for two years in a nursery at Morrisville, Pa., then got a job with a Netherlands horticul tural firm. Advancing steadly in his profession, he became the horticul j turist for Rockefeller Center in 1933. The skyscraper onion crop was ! exceptionally good this year—also ! the cabbages, tomatoes, mint, kohl-1 rabi, spinach and carrots. The espalierd pear and apple trees are getting on famously as are the 15C plane trees and the eight 50-foot elms that were planted around the center. Mr. Van Den Hoek just recently , planted 25.000 tulip bulbs, of Hol land ancestry, via England. He says that these tulips are extraordinarily varied and beautiful and seems to see in each of them a chalice of hope for his native homeland. Totcn of T. B. There is a small town m Mary land called T. B. The name is derived from the initials of a colo nial settler, Thomas Brooke, who became an owner of several thou sands of acres of land now in cluded in the present town site, says Pathfinder. The Brooke boun dary stones marked "T. B.” were found within the township, and early residents started to call their town *T. B.” CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT CREMATION FOREST LAWN CEMETERY • OMAHA • CREMATION j of tha most modem type Write to ns for booklet Union of Good When bad men combine, the food must associate; else they will fall, one by one, an unpitied sac rifice in a contemptible struggle.— Burke. /*— Seim MOKTSLY-\ FEMALE MIN Women who suffer pain at irregu lar period* with craniy nervousness — due to monthly lonctlcoal dis turbance* — should end Lydia E. Prnhham'* Compound Tablet* (with added iron) riarreUms to re lieve such distress. They're made cj Ptrtsltr far wotnew. Taken regularly—LvdiaPinhham*» Tablets help build up resistance against such annoying symptoms. They also help build up red blood and tfau* aid in promoting more itreegta. Fellow label directions. Lydia Pinkham's Compound Tablets ^are WORTH THTTXG' J Variety a Pleasure The variety of all things forms a pleasure.—Euripides. leery Wednesday Night WITH El KENNY BAKER I ) A Good Book As good almost kill a man as kill a good book.—Milton. Ppatterns : ) SEWNGCBRCLE^ Tit CHEERFUL CHER1/B . ———^ Ve $et uhti we ext wortky oF, I thmk 1 3tid the other dey, Bvt when I look tt movie 3tej“3 T Find it herd to Feel thet wty GAS ON STOMACH ■ ■ < Benefit From Trouble But for some trouble and sea row, we should never know ha| the good there is about us.-« Dickens. .. COLDS Cquickiy ale LIQUID TABLETS SALVE NOSt BIOM COUCH DftOPS — To Laugh One inch of joy surmounts of grief a span, because to laugh ia proper to the man.—Rabelais. IUST the kind of dress the larger ** woman appreciates—it is inter esting and individual and at the same time manages to make pounds seem to disappear. The full bodice sections are excellent Out of Order It is because things have been put in the wrong order that the present chaos and disaster is upon the world. The order, expressed in four words, has been: Money, things, man, God. The new order will have to be God, man, things, money.—The Bishop of Exeter. There’s always a Cousin Joe from Kokomo on your Christmas list. You’d like to send him more than a card, but you can’t afford an expensive gift. Send him a carton of cigarettes or a pound tin of smoking tobacco. The cost is moderate and it’s a gift any smoker welcomes. More smokers prefer Camels than any other cig arette and, of the smoking tobac cos, the National Joy Smoke is Prince Albert. Local dealers are featuring gift-wrapped Camel car tons and a novel package of four “flat fifties.” Also Prince Albert Smoking Tobacco in pound tins and pound glass humidors hand somely wrapped for giving.—Adv. for the larger figure and the vestee section between continues as a smart slimming belt. If you want 3 dress which is decidedly differ ent make this part of a lighter tone than the rest of the dress, or contrast it in beige, for instance, if the dress is to be brown. • • • Pattern No 1971 is to sixes X to SX Six* 39 requires 314 yards 35-inch materiaL Coctrast aectaoa would take % yard. For tin attractive patters send your order to: ‘Spirit of ’76’ This famous painting, in which the artist caught the spirit of the patriots who "fifed and drummed it,” was sketched and later paint ed by Archibald M. Willard. The artist, who lived through four of America’s wars (1836-1918), was the creator of "Puck” comics aft er the Civil war. He originally made a humorous sketch for the opening of the Centennial exposi tion at Philadelphia in 1876. A serious attempt to portray early American patriotism fol lowed the cartoon, and the origi nal now hangs in Abbott Hall li brary, in Marblehead, Mass. -HEATS All Day and Night Without Refueling • Holds 100 Pounds of Cosl • Start a Fira but Onca a Yaar • Sami-Automatic, Magazina Food • Requires less attention than moot furnaces Patented construction of the Warm Iferaiae Heater ia Sirin* aroaxin* raaoJta to thousands of users thrso*boot America. Saras yoo time, work and fuel. Ne fires to rekindle. A Holds fire for several days oa checked draft. ifl Banti any kind of coal, coke; bnqaeu or wood. V No clinkers. only fine ask. g? SEE rOUS DEALER or write for Free Literature. B] LOCKE STOVE COMPANY f . 114 W. lit* St. Kansas City, Me g: _Pat No. 2,255,527 | MODEL 120A Retail Price $49.95 Valuable Polonium Polonium, a material extracted from radium ore and costing about $2,000,000 an ounce, is now | used in a certain spark-plug alloy. The price is not considered pro ; hibitive, however, because of th* I "minute traces’* required. What? Those lines bend in the middle? Sorry— but they’re perfectly straight and the same dis tance apart at every point Just an eye-fooler! .'Bur there's no mystbw About why HA. Rolls Faster, Easier! 70 fine roll-your-onrn cigarettes in every handy pocket tin of Prince Albert la recant laboratory “smoking boorf" tests. Prince Albert burned than the average of the 30 other of the largest soling brands tested— coolest of am %. J. RtTTsoUi Tbtaoeo Co* Wlnilon-Stl«sa.N.a it's that f SPECIAL PRINCE ALBERT CRIMP CUT THAT SHAPES UP SPEEDY AND SURE INTO FULL, FIRM 'MAKIft's' SMOKES. AND THEY SMOKE LIKE THEY LOOK \ SMOOTH —MILD, YET SO ( GOOD-TASTIN', RICH. ( P.A/S THE SAME IN A PIPE, TOO1. V VV /V V