The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 11, 1941, Image 10

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Shcller. See R H. Parker. 30-3
Hand Furniture.—Green's Sec
ond Hand Store. 30-3
IF PARTIES who took overcoat
from car on streets of Inman
Saturday night, or anyone
knowing its whereabouts, re
ward will be paid.—L. R. Tomp
kins, Inman, Nebr. 31-1
Remember this name!
Absolutely the best buy in Port
able and Sectional farm build- j
ings today. Read our Pamphlet
“Why you should buy Economy'’
and you’ll never seriously con
sider another make. For this and
other valuable literature with
price lists, Just address Economy,
Wahoo, Nebraska. 31-1
)r. Fisher, Dentist 3-tc
1DR RENT—Three room apart
ment.—R. H. Parker. 21-tf
s(First Publication, Nov. 20, 1941)
To The Heirs, Devisees, Le
gatees, Personal Represenatives
.and all other persons interested in
the Estate of Edward Gilg, De
ceased, real names unknown and
All persons having or claiming
.any interest in the West Half of |
Section Eleven (11) in Township
Twenty-eight (28) North of
Range Fourteen (14) West of the
0th P. M., in Holt County, Ne
braska, real names unknown, de
You will take notice that the
plaintiff, C. D. Bertolet, did on
the 20th day of November, 1941,
file his petition in the District
Court of Hoft Caunty, Nebraska,
against you and each of you and
that you must answer or plead to
said petition on or before the 29th
■day of December, 1941, or the al
legations of said petition will be
taken as true, and a decree enter
ed in said action foe $1,425.00 with
interest thereon at the rate of 6%
per annum from the 4th day of
March, 1041, and coots of suit, and
for the foreclosure of a certain
mortgage described in said
petition, upon the following des
cribed real estate in Holt County,
Nebraska, to-wit: The West Half
of Section 11, in Township 28,
Range 14, West of the 6th P. M.,
and adjudging plaintiff to have a
first lien upon said real estate by
virtue of said mortgage and de
cree, and ordering said property
sold, and the proceeds therefrom
applied to the payment of plain
tiffs decree, interest and costs,
and forever barring jpd foredos
tng you and each of you from all
right, title, Interest, or equity of
redemption in or to said premises,
or any part thereof. ;.t- . • • i>
Dated this 20th day of Novem
ber, 1941.
C. D BERTOLET^ Plaintiff,
- By Charles E. Chace, His Attor
ney. *28-4
(First ipublication Uov.' 27, 1941)
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney
Estate No. 2981
In the County Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, November 26,
1941. In the mat»t Estate
-of .Stephen J. WaflkestPf caused
Tirfttee is hereby oMKt th&t a
petition has been filed in said
Court for the probate of a written
instrument purporting to be the
last will and testament of Stephen
J. Weekes, Deoeiiked. and for the
appointment of KnWna Dickinson
Weekes as executrix thereof; that
December 18, 1941. at 10 o'clock
A. M„ has been set for hearing
said petition and proving aaid in
strument in said CoWH when all!
persons concerned may appear
and contest the probate thereof.
29-3 County Judge.
(First publication Nov. Tl, 1941)
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney
Notice is hereby given that by
virtue ol a license granted to me
ov the Honorable l). R. Mounts,
Judge of the District Court ox
Holt County, Nebraska, in an
action pending- in the District
Court of said ’county, entitled,
•*ln the Matter of the Application
of R. H. Parker, Administrator of
the Estate of Zebedee M. Warner,
Deceased, for License to Sell Real
Estate,” dated November 12, 1941.
I will offer for sale and will sell
to the highest bidder for cash, the
following described real estate
The Southeast Quarter of Ser
mon twenty-three (23) Town
ship thirty (30). Range thir
teen (13), Holt County, Ne
braska. ^ . .
The Northwest Quarter <»
Section twenty-six (®>.
Township thirty (30), Range
Thirteen (13). Holt County.
Nebraska, _ , .
on the 18th day of December, A.
D., 1941. at one o clock P. M.. at
the front door of the Court House
n the City of O'Neill Holt County
Nebraska, subject to all charges
ahareon by mortgage or otherwise
existing at the time pf the death
of Zebedee M. Warner.
Said sale will remain open one
Administrator of the Estate of
Zebedee M Warner. Deceased
. ■ ■■■-—•
(First Publication D^c 11, ,1941)
TO: Hans P. Neble, and Mary
Neble, wife of Hans P Neble,
first and real true name unknown;
The heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate
of Hans P. Neble, deceased, real1
names unknown; A. R. Howard, i
and Mary Howard, wife of A. R. i
Howard, first and real true name
unknown; The heirs, devisees,,
igatees, personal representatives;
and all other persons interested'
in the estate of A. R. Howard,;
deceased, real names unknown;;
Atlas Land Company; E. A. Mar-i
shall, and Mary Marshall, wife
of E. A. Marshall, first and real
true name unknown, and the
following described real estate,
to-wit: All of Section One, in
Township Twenty-nine North,
of Range Eleven West, of the
6th P. M., in Holt County, Ne
braska, defendants. You will take
notice that on the 10th day of
December, A. D., 1941, Luiu 1
Moore, as plaintiff, filed her peti
tion against you and each of you
in the District Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, the object and
prayer of which is to foreclose a
certain tax sale certificate issued
to the County of Holt, Nebraska,
by the Treasurer of said County,
and by him subsequently, legally
sold and assigned to the plaintiff
herein, which said tax sale certifi
cate was originally issued on
August 1, 1939, numbered No. 101,]
dated August 1, 1939, and for the
delinquent taxes due for the
years 1931 to 1937 inclusive,]
and covering the real estate
above-described. That there is
now due the plaintiff on such tax
sale certificate and the sub
sequent taxes paid thereunder on
said premises, the sum of $1379.95,
together with interest thereon at j
the rate of seven per cent per]
annum, from and after November
18, 1041, and costs. The plaintiff
prays for a decree of foreclosure
and sale of said real estate for
the satisfaction of the lien of ■
taxes so paid.
You are required to answer
said petition on or before the
19th day of January, A. D., 1942,
otherwise the allegations thereof
will be taken as true and judge
ment rendered against you ac
cordingly. _ _ __
LULU I. MOORE, Plaintiff.
31-4 Her Attorney.
(First Publication Dec. 11, 1941)
TO: Hans P. Neble, and Mary
Neble, wife of Hans P. Neble,
first and real true name unknown;
The heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all
other persons interested in the
estate of Hans P. Neble, deceased,
real names unknown; A. R. Ho
ward, Mary Howard, wife of A.
R. Howard, first and real true
name unknown; The heirs, de
visees, legatees, personal repre
sentatives and all other persons
interested in the estate of A. R,
Howard, deceased, real names un
known: Atlas Land Company; E
A. Marshall, and Mary Marshall,
wife of E A. Marshall, first and
real true name unknown; and
the following described real
estate, to-wit: Northwest quarter
of Section Twelve in Township
Twenty-nine North, of Range
Eleven West, of the 6th P. M., in
Holt County, Nebraska, defend
ants. You will take notice that
on the 10th day of December.
A. D., 1041, J. B. Ryan, as plain
tiff. filed his petition against you
and each of you in the District
Court of Holt County, Nebraska,
the object and prayer of which
is to foreclose a certain tax sale
certificate issued to the County
of Holt, Nebraska, by the Trea
surer of said County, and by him
subsequently, legally sold and as
signed to the plaintiff herein,
which said tax sale certificate was
orieinally issued on August 1
1939, and dated Augustl, 1939,
numbered No. 103, and for
the delinquent taxes due for the
years 1931 to 1937 inclusive, and
covering the real estate above-des
cribed. That there is now due
the plaintiff on such tax sale
certificate and the subsequent
taxes paid thereunder on said
premises, the sum of $503.45, to
gether with interest thereon at
the rate of seven per cent per i
annum, from and after September
2, 1941, and costs. The plaintiff
prays for a decree of foreclosure
and sale of said real estate for
j the satisfaction of the lien of
taxes so paid.
You are required to answer
said petition on or before the
19th day of January, A. D.. 1942
otherwise the allegations thereof
will be taken as true and judge- '
ment rendered against you ac
J. B. RYAN. Plaintiff, i
31-4 His Attorney.
Insurance of All Kinds
O’Neill, Nebraska
Phone, Office 28
O’Neill :: Nebraska
Office Phone 77
I Complete X-Ray Equipment
I Glasses Correctly .Fitted
f Residence i Dr. Brown. 223
Phones I Dr. French. 242
(First Publication Dec. 11, 1941)
(Julius D. Cronin, Attorney.)
In the Matter of the Estate of
Robert R. Dickson, decased.
On this 10th day of December,,
1941, the Administratrix of said
estate filed in said court her final
report and petition for final
settlement and distribution of said
estate, therefore,
IT IS ORDERED that said peti
tion and report be heard in said:
Court on December 31, 1941 at
10 o'clock A. M., and that notice
thereof be given by publication for
three consecutive weeks in The
Frontier a legal newspaper of
said County.
31-3 County Judge.
Notice is hereby given that a
meeting of the shareholders of the
O’Neill National Bank, O’Neill, |
Nebraska, will be held in the
banking rooms of said bank be
tween the hours of 9 a. m., and 4
p. m., on Tuesday, January 13,
The purpose of the meeting is
for the election of a Board of j
Directors for the ensuing year and j
the transaction of such other
business as may properly come:
before the meeting.
F. N. Cronin,
Vice President.
Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka, Mrs. Ro
bert Smith, Jr., Mrs. Anna Jor
dan and Mrs. Catherine Keiser
were in Albion Friday.
The Misses Ruth Renner,
Kathryn McCarthy and Bart
Hickey attended a district and
state personnel meeting in Nor
folk last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Murphy
entertained twenty-five relatives
at a pitch party at their home
Friday evening. High scores
scores were won by Mr. and Mrs.
A1 Fritton, low score by Mrs.
James Murphy and Francis
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobney, of
Norfolk, visited at the home of
their daughter and son-in-law,
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Armburster
Mrs. Fred Schemmer of
Bonesteel, S. D., visited at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary
Ernst Thursday and Friday of
last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson
went to Elgin Sunday and visited
at the home of Mrs. Hanson’s
mother, Mrs. Sidney Anderson.
Mrs. C. J. Gatz entertained the
Delta Dek Bridge club last Thurs-'
day evening at a 7 o’clock dinner
at the M and M cafe and cards at
her home. Mrs. H. J. Lohaus
won high score.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oberle
■visited relatives at Verdligre
from Sunday until Monday.
Mrs. Art Waldman and Mrs.
Miles Minahan of Amelia, Mrs.
H. Lee of Chambers called at the
H. O. Russ home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. McElvain
returned to Fairmont Friday,
after being called here by the
illness of Mr. McElvain’s mother,'
Mrs. W. T. McElvain.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roche and
Mrs. Ida M. Becker of Atkinson,
were guests of Mrs. Helen Simer
Miss Charlotte Hillard of Win
ner, S. D., was a guest at the M.
H. McCarthy home over the
week end.
A racgk of Silk Dresses Special
at $3.98 at Simar Apparel Shop.!
Miss Teresa Connelly went to
Omaha Friday and visited friends
until Sunday evening.
Sheriff Peter Duffy made a
business trip to Lincoln Tuesday.
The Rebekah Lodge held elect-j|
ion of Officers Friday evening ati
the Odd Fellows Hall. Mrs. Myrtle
Manzer was elected Noble Grand;
Mrs. Anna Shierk, Vice Grand ;j
Mrs* Mildred Lindberg, Secretary
and Mrs. Esther Harris, Treasurer.
Miss Genevieve Biglin and
Frank Biglin took Alexander;
Hamilton to Omaha Saturday in
the Biglin Ambulance. He went
on from Omaha to his home in
I Kansas City, Missouri. Mr.
Hamilton has been in the O’Neill
Hospital for several weeks re
covering from injuries sustained
in a motor car accident.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur King took
Mrs. Paul Montgomery to Grand
Island Friday, where she left by
train for her home in Trindad
Colorado. Mrs. Montgomery has
spent the past ten days here vis
iting her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Grady and other relatives.
Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Fisher
moved Friday to the C. J. Gatz
home, recently vacated by them,
just east of their new home on
Eighth and Douglas Street.
Norb Uhl and Merle Hickey
made a business trip to Valentine
Mrs. Esther Harris of O’Neill
and Mrs. Guy Cole of Emmett left
Tuesday for Omaha, where Mrs.
Harris will attend a County Offi
cials Convention the rest of the
week and Mrs. Cole will visit
Miss Roberta Arbuthnot of
Omaha spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L.
Miss Margaret Miller and Mrs.
Harold Dean were in Lincoln Fri
day and Saturday visiting re
latives and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl James and
family moved Friday to the
home formerly occupied by Dr.
and Mrs. F. J. Fisher.
• ' , t , • ‘
I am placing all dresses in my shop on the j
SALE rack.
Prices Ranging From
$1.0( I - $.o.95
Most of the Dresses are modern in style —
A few priced to meet alteration cost.
[ 30 to 30 percent
We Have Useful and Timely Xmas Gifts
Purses, Costume Jewelery, Handkerchief
Gloves, Mittens, Housecoats
4 Shoppee
The Tops in Gifts!
The Finest in Quality!
Here it is — the gift that
will please him because he
can wear it anywhere with
Clean, sharp printed patterns. I
stripes and dressy whites that
will give him the best in
satisfying service.
All in good taste—all fast
colors—all with Nu-craft* col
lars and all of Sanforized
broadcloth which insures a
lasting and comfortable fit!
Plus finer tailoring to please
him more
Bound to be his favorite!
Give Him The Best In
Men’s Dress Gloves
98c to $1.98
For the Smartest Style!
For the Greatest Warmth!
For the Longest Wear!
Why Not Give
They’re Always Welcome
A beautiful collection of fine
fabrics in bright new plaids,
attractive new stripes, rich
solid colors and fancy figures!
Good for sports or dress be
cause they have both style
an Warmth!
Men’s Plaid Shirts
In Bright Colors He'll Want
for Outdoor Wear!
OTHERS $1.98 — $2.98
-1 '
Men who know jacket values
will recognize this as a grand
The current favorite cossack
in pliable, good-looking cape
leather 1
Fashion right, too, with plenty
of style details I
1 length zipper front, zip
I pocket, and plenty of
ofher pockets— both large
«pd small I
| Filled back for complete
} wearing comfort!
i Lined with rayon!
jfttcn^ ponula* mejj.1
Christmas Comes But
Once A Year!
So Give H er
What She’s Wished For
Lace Table Cloth
She'll show it oft with pride
during the festive season, for
nothing could look so elegant
for special occasions as this
dainty lace cloth!
Striking design in a rich
cream color, to make her sil
ver and china look lovelier
than ever before!
Will it wash?
Yes. indeed—and a simple
task, too!
The Wise Choice For
A really grand type of under
wear that's fine for gift giv
ing ... or keeping! Knitted
rayon, cut for smooth fit . . .
narrow taped front waist
Smart trimming of em
broidery or lace.
Tea rose in color!
A Sensible Gift
For Any Age!
Here's the gift that will
please every women . . . yet
not strain your budaetl
These are beautifully styled
direct copies of more expen
sive bags!
Sleekly tailored of simulateH
leathers in rich winter colors!
Mark these for several names
on your list . . . you’ll be
“Her” Gift Should Be
Extra Nice!
Exquisite lace or fine em
broidery on lusciously smooth
rayon satin put these pretties
in first place for Christmas
Bias cut to fit smoothly and
very nicely made.
Priced to pamper your bud
get tool
Velveteen Trimmed
Women’s Everetts
Warm felt fashioned into a
house shoe, ideal for the wo
man who wants something
Leather soles and heels 9**e
just that little support sue
enjoys—and demands!
Lovely Rayon 0 Q
RaJndi«“' 49c
! Bu„d9£.pric,d $2.98