The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 04, 1941, Image 4

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    The Frontier
D. H. Cronin, Editor and Owner
ktered at the postoffice at
O’Neill, Nebraska, as Second
Class Matter.
One Year, in Nebraska-$2.00
One year, outside Nebraska - 2.25
Every subscription is regarded
as an open account The names
of subscribers will be instantly
removed from our mailing list at
expiration of time paid for, if
publisher shall be notified; other
wise the subscription remains in
force at the designated subscrip
tion price. Every suscriber must
understand that these conditions
are made a part of the contract
between publisher and subscriber.
Display advertising is charged
for on a basis of 25c an inch (one
column wide) per week. Want
tds 10c per line, first insertion,
lubsequent insertions. 5c per line.
The Misses Leona French, Rose
Mary and Ruth Ann Biglin, re
turned to Lincoln Sunday to re
sume their studies at the Univer
sity of Nebraska, after spending
Thanksgiving vacation with then
Miss Henrietta Schreier return
ed to her duties at the Brown-Mc
Oonald Store Monday, after be
ing home for the past three weeks
with the flu.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones re
turned Sunday from Davenport,
Iowa, where they had been visit
ing their daughter and son-in-law
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Anderson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElvain
had as their dinner guests Sat
urday evening, E. G. Grover, of
Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Vinton
Simonson; Mr. and Mrs. L. A.
Simonson and Calmer Simonson
of O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph McElvain
entertained at a 7:00 o’clock din
ner Wednesday evening. The
guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Cal
McElvain, of Fremont, Mrs. R. K.
Platt of Chambers, Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. McElvain and Mr. and Mrs.
H. O. Russ and daughters, of
at O’Neill.
The Presbyterian Guild met
with Mrs. R. M. Sauers, at her
home Thursday afternoon. Mrs.
J. M. Hayes, Mrs. J. R. Miller,
and Mrs. Paul Shierk, were the
assisting hostesses.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Drayton
went to Bassett Sunday and were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Mr. and Mrs. George Wein
gartner and son returned Tuesday
from Houston, Texas, where they
had been visiting relatives for the
past week.
Mr. and Mrs.Emmett Crabb re
turned last Wednesday night from
Pierre, S. D., Mrs. Crabb being
called there by the illness of her
father. On Thursday morning Mrs.
Crabb received word that, her
father had passed away and on
Saturday they left to attend the
O’Neill High School football
team wound up a very successful
season last Thursday by trouncing
the highly touted ‘Atkinson
eleven 13 to 0. O’Neill played
like champions all the way
through and to one of the largest
crowds that ever attended a foot
ball game in the county. *•*
Fay Puckett Voices
His Views
O’Neill. Nebr.
Dear Editor:
Back In the Eighties and Nine
ties. it was thot necessary to teach
youth the evils of liquor and tem
perance leagues and meetings
were sponsored by church and
civic organizations where enter
tainment was furnished that was
not only entertaining but edu
cational as to the evils of its use.
If that kind of teaching was
necessary in the eighties when
people couldn’t get farther from
home than they could walk in an
evening, how much more is it
necessary now in the forties
when one can be a hundred miles
from home in less than two
hours, and when there is worse
than a saloon on most every:
street, and where our hi-ways;
are banked with bill-boards de-j
picting different brands of liquor
as the source of happiness, and
where our radios are paid well to
blare forth at all hours of the day
and night the advantages of the
curse of mankind under different
We tax ourselves to the hilt
to stop Hitler because we fear
what nazi domination would be
and then license King Alcohol
to roam at will because we want
his revenue.
King Alcohol has killed more
men and ruined more homes than
Hitler will if he lives to be a
Herr Hitler can only kill the
body. King Alchol kills the soul.
Shame on us with all our mo
dern advancement and conven
iences to do so little about so
great an evil.
Legislation has helped, but let
us realize again the value of total
abstintence by individuals, and
the necessity of education to our
children at home and in school,
the evil effects of the use of al
cholic beverages.
Fay A. Puckett
Robert and John, Jr., Shoe
maker and Billy Biglin, returned
to Omaha Sunday to resume their
studies at the Creighton Univer
sity, after spending Thanksgiving
vacation with their parents.
Ed Dart arrived Saturday from
Wall, S. D., to visit at the home of
his mother, Mrs. Edson Sargent
for a few days.
Miss Pat Brennan entertained
fifteen girl friends at a Thank
giving party at her home Friday
Miss Helen Harty entertained a
few friends at her home Thursday
afternoon, in honor of her seventh1
The Misses Bonnie Kurtz and
Dorothy Yocum entertained
twenty-five guests at a party Fri
day evening, the occasion being
Miss Kurtz’s birthday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Cowley and
son, Terry, went last Thursday
to Superior to spend the week-end
with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Bart Hickey have
returned from their two weeks
vacation spent in Central City,
and Manning, Iowa, visiting re
latives and friends.
Miss Marjorie Joan Cronin re
turned to Lincoln Sunday to re
sume her studies in the University
of Nebraska, after spending the
Thanksgiving vacation at home.
Mrs. Helen Sirek, Mrs. D. H.
Cronm and son, Richard, went to
Sioux City Tuesday morning,
where they spent the day, return
ing home that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Gatz moved
into their new home the latter
part of last week. They now have
one of the nicest homes in the city,
modem in every respect and
built on the corner of Douglas and
Eighth streets, in the nicest re
sidence section of the city.
Hugh Birminghan left Wednes
day for Chicago, 111., Washington
D. C., and Florida, where he went
on business and to visit relatives.
Mrs. Tina Clift entertained
eight ladies at a bridge party at
the Western Hotel Tea Room
Wednesday evening. Mrs. Wm.
Gatz and Mrs. C. J. Gatz won the
Jack O’Donnell and John C.
Mullen of Omaha spent the week
end in O’Neill and Atkinson vis
iting relatives and friends.
^ You should see the beautiful
Chenille Bedspreads, Penney’s
have for Christmas. 30-1
Jerry Halva of Lynch spent
Thanksgiving with his brother
Victor Halva and family.
Mrs. O. A. Kilpatrick of O’Neill
and Mr. and Mrs. Kay Hill of
Orchard, took Mr. and Mrs Hill s
son, Douglas, to Grand Island
Monday where he entered the
Grand Island Business College.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Schmitz and
Mr. and Mrs, Irvin Krotch, of Os
mond, spent Thanksgiving day at
the John Kersenbrock home.
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Peterson
spent Thanksgiving day at Phil
lip, Nebr., with Mr. Peterson’s
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Semlock of
Norfolk spent last Wednesday
here with Mrs. Semlock’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Enright.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Verzal and
son, Jerry, of Wayne and Mrs.
Katherine Verzal of Atkinson
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed.
Quinn Thanksgiving day.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kersenbrock
and son Jack spent Sunday in Os
mond visiting relatives and
The Senior Class of the O’Neill
Publis school sponsored a dance
at the Public School auditorium
Tuesday evening. After the dance,
ice cream and cookies were served.
Mrs. Guy James and children
left last Thursday for Creighton
to join her husband who has a
position in the American National
Bank there.
Mr .and Mis. Carl Asimus left
Tuesday for Omaha, where they
will visit for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs Wm Barnard and
Sam Barnard arrived last Thusday
from Casper, Wyoming, to visit
at the C. E. Yantzi home. Mr.
and Mrs. Barnard returned to
Casper, Monday and Sam Bar
nard will spend the winter here.
I .. ■■ ■■■' ■ 11 ’
Give your eyes
„ the benefit of
the new scienti
fic method of
examination and diagnosis.
See Perrigo Optical Company
at Golden HOTEL Monday,
December 8th.
Public High School
Featuring the Band, Boys’
Glee Club, Girls’ Glee Club
and Mixed Chorus
O’Neill High
Monday, December 8th
8 p. m.
Admission 15c -- tax included
Gifts and Toys
Plants and Cut Flowers
We Have A Fine Selection Of Lamps, Vases,
Pottery, Coty Brand Cosmetics, The New Won
der True Flesh Dolls, Tanks, Trucks and Aero
planes, Books, Games, Cigars and Pipes.
SCHRAFFT’SBoxand BulkCandies
Folgers Coffee OQ^C
per pound
Butternut Coffee 00 VtC
per pound__
Limit of 2 lbs. per Customer
Chocolate Candy IrtC
per pound....—.
Juicy Oranges ICC
per dozen__—.
Sliced Bacon 00C
Swift Premium per pound —. ^
Mr. and Mr*. Clifford Bridge,
and Corkey and Robert Luth,
spent Friday here visiting re
latives and friends.
Miss Ruby Edlund returned Sat
urday from Holdrege, where she
spent several days with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Edlund.
Mrs. F. M. Brennan, Miss Ber
nadette Brennan and Miss Gene
vieve Biglin were in Sioux City.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Ferris and
with Mrs. Ferris’ parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Nightengale.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hannah
spent Thanksgiving at Utica, with
Mr. Hannah’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. U. B. Hannah.
Miss Ruth Renner went to
Orleans Thursday to attend a
wedding of a friend. She returned
home Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs C. Gailson of
Burke, S. D., and Mrs. Harry
James and Mrs Borden of Spen
cer visited at the Robert Schulz
home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs Clarence Cum
mingham and son, Vincent, spent
the week-end in Sioux City and
Ute, Iowa.
Mrs. Donald Enright and Roy
Bearce went to Norfolk Sunday af
ter Mrs. Bearce and Janet En
right, who had been visiting
friends since Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hank Martin and
son, Allan, and Mrs. Addie
Wrede were in Omaha Friday
and Saturday.
The Catholic Daughters held a
buisness meeting at the Golden!
Hotel Tuesday evening. After the
meeting, the evening was spent
playing cards. Mrs. G. C. De
Backer won high score at auction,
Mrs. H. M. VanDollen high score
at contract, and Mrs. Anna Jor
dan, all-cut. The hostesses were:
Mrs. Brennan Davis, Mrs. Jim
Kelley, Mrs. Frank Suchy, Mrs.
Henry Bauman, Mrs. Wm Martin,
Mrs. M. J. Wallace, Mrs. L. D.
Putman and Miss Bernadine Pro
tivinsky. Lunch was served at the
Elite Cafe.
Miss Dora Hughes of Irvington
was a guest of Miss Alice Sex
smith from Thursday until Sat
Miss Delores Storjohann and
Miss Margaret Miller Spent from
Friday until Sunday in Lincoln
visiting friends.
Mrs. John Kersenbrock and
son Jack went to Osmond Wednes
day to attend the funeral of Dick
Harold Hunt, a student at
Creighton University, spent the
Thanksgiving vacation with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hunt.
Mrs. Wm. J. Blglin returned
Tuesday from Omaha and Mrs.
R. E. Gallagher and son John Ro
bert, who had been in Omaha for
several days visiting relatives,
accompanied Mrs. Biglin home.
Mrs. Ruth Hughes of Denver,
Colorado, is here visiting her mo
ther, Mrs. C. C. Millard and
brother, Ralph Millard.
The Acorn 4002 T. S. has more features you’d j
want than any two other stoves- Compare !
it with all other stoves and you'd buy Acorn.
O’Neill Hatchery j
Over 80% of American women who buy auto- \
matic stoves, buy gas Stoves.
£y*o fTi
. - - - ' ’ ‘ '
General Policy
Lei ue remember that crTpibhc servants
;ri^-r;rlr-e are .em
bers ol the District's personne . 0
!Serving the public ȥ ȣea trust,
meni-it >» opie depending upon
sacred, that ^e p have piaCed in
r>nd the service we rende the -
Failure o! a single wofk (c
• assigned to him hundreds or thou
dship upon scores. Y • o! employ
lds ol «u, ««i«»«
‘"ch a devastating UP0”
,ht not have , t c utility business
•*%££££ -r- “ "h
manly possible to prevent them.
time Consumers Public
a short space lnl0 a large, lar
ger District has *v* der the law, wo
mg organization. Created una^ duly
re charged with the provide |
lecteU rep.-en.atn... oMto^tP al ^
lebraska hontee. „Uab,. heebie
erns, and term, with the mos ^
ervic. re8ponsibiUty should
ateTSo es.J n our minds and govern every
Bver be present Waste, extrava
act and thought, on or£ OTd lnelticiency
gance, uneconomical P majn elimi
o" - caneevned
nated so 1« as time. lQ be progres.
t* "•d'
*. lerv.nlly K> b. k»<=“" ™ \ \
erice in every community w | 1
) As individuals, as well as *^'^1 I i
above criticism in ^ per30na, opinions
lie's wishes come . c*ates at which L. I
■v subjugated. The" , outstanding. is still a fel
) Nebraska is not th » 1^ ^ evefy ngh, to our U |
land ol lree “e ' „uuty people we coniine th. I
"•^eUv,e^to oll-duty hour, - I
> Rs general manager^ol^sum^ubjic Power I
District. 1 cm prou tine8t groups ol I
opinion we have one discharge the duties k
employes ever assem . ag general man- k
ol public service In y P° problems B
ager. 1 want to be one o you, ^ permil m. to |
are my problems. I hop Y My door I
share your sorrow as whe,her you seek me 1
is °lwaYs open X° 1° w jusl plain old. lash- I
ior counsel, consolation, or )u
ioned "visiting. I
Your lellow employe. fe
Manager I
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