The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 04, 1941, Image 3

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    Making ‘’Leathernecks' at Parris Island
Above are three photos of marines-in-the-making at Parris Island, S. C. At left, recruits begin their
three-week course on the rifle range. Center: After a day’s firing at the range these recruits scour cut
the barrels of their rifles in a long trough of hot water. And at the right we have a view of the leatherneck’s
laundry, with recruits busily engaged at one of the wash racks.
Brazil’s Contribution to Hemisphere Defense
An impressive view of the military airport in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, (upper picture) showing some of the
planes of the Brazilian air force, most of which are of U. S. manufacture. Below: Three of Brazil’s four
submarines, at their base at Luakes island navy yard. Brazil keeps these submarines, all of which were built
in Italy, in tip-top shape, ready for any eventuality.
Fighting ‘Raid Bombs’ in Gotham
Assisted by regular firemen, air raid patrol workers are shown using
rescue ladders in the “air raid” drill staged in Union Square, New York
city. Mayor Fiorello LaGuardia, national director of civilian defense,
watched the boys douse “incendiaries” and rescue victims.
U. S. Officers in Eskimo Regatta
An army lieutenant (upper left) and a navy lieutenant (center) are
here shown as they participated in an Eskimo kayak race during a
visit of a navy patrol vessel to Lake harbor, Baffin land. The officers
are members of the Greenland patrol.
Lucky Driver
This auto, driven by Philip Falco,
34, of New York, smashed through
the guard rails, sending car and
driver to railroad yards below.
Falco got off with a bruised knee
and a cut over the eye.
Back to the Wars
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Released by the British naval at
tache, photo shows British battle
ship H.M.8. Malaya steaming out of
New York harbor after undergoing
repairs under lend-lease program.
U. S. Merchantman ‘Packs a Rod’
One of the first American merchant ships to be given a gun in ac
cordance with the revised neutrality law which permits U. S. ships to
enter belligerent ports and combat cones is shown here with the gun
being bolted to the stern mount. Photo was made at an East coast
: port. The ship’s name is withheld at the navy's request.
‘U. S. Help Avails Nothing"—Ribbentrop
Joachim von Kibbentrop, German foreign minister, is shown (center
background) as he addressed the foreign ministers of Axis satellites
after the signing of the anti-comitern pact in Berlin. Von Ribbentrop
said that Hitler already has won the war in Russia, and warned that
U. S. help to Russia or Britain would avail nothing.
Louis Boudreau, 24, has signed a
two-year contract as player-manag
er of the Cleveland Indians. Bou
dreau, who Is shown above, was the
Indians’ shortstop for the past two
Hull Takes Japanese to White House
Saburo Kurusu, special Japanese envoy bearing his government’s
final terms for peaceful settlement of Japanese-American differences In
the Pacific, is shown (right) with Secretary of State Cordell Hull (cen
ter) and Japanese ambassador Kichisaburo Nomura, as they entered the
White House grounds after leaving the state department.
Before Miners Accepted President’s Terms
Flanked by district leaders William Hynes (left) and Patrick J.
Fagan (right), United Mine workers’ chief John L. Lewis is shown after
leaving the deadlocked “peace conference” with steel officials. Their
failure to agree on closed shop issue was the signal for a general strike
in “captive coal mines.” Later, the miners agreed to submit the dispute
to mediation and the strike ended.
Back From Russia
Laurence A. Steinhardt, U. 8.
ambassador to Russia, is shown
surrounded by reporters after he
arrived in New York, en route to
Washington to report on Russia’s
stand before the Nasi machine, and
the effect of U. S. lease-lend aid.
Axis Masquerader
First photo of the capture of the
German ship “Odenwald” by U. 8.
navy cruiser in south Atlantic.
Boarding: crew of U. S. sailors
is shown alongside of the “Oden
wald” which flew the American flag
as U. 8. 8. “Wilmoto."
First Seal Purchaser
President Roosevelt, the nation’s
first purchaser of Christmas seals
of the National Tuberculosis asso
ciation, buys his seals from Steven
Dohanos, artist who created seal.
No. Z9397
A WALKING duck, a hopping
rabbit, clown ring toss toy
and owl bookends—all come from
your workshop to make some
child happy. Each is traced to
wood, cut out with jig, coping or
keyhole saw and painted. Off cen
ter wheels make the rabbit hop
! merrily—feet on a disc turning in
side make the resplendent duck
walk when pushed. The clown’s
long nose is an excellent target
; for catching the ring on the end of
I the string.
No. Z9397, 19 cents, brings cutting out
lines and directions for all four items.
Send your order to:
Bos 16C-W Kansas City, Mo.
Enclose 19 cents for each pattern
desired. Pattern No...
Name ..
Address .
Beware Coughs
from common colds
That Hang On
Creomulslon relieves promptly be
cause it goes right to the seat of the
trouble to help loosen and expel
germ laden phlegm, and aid nature
to soothe and heal raw, tender. In
flamed bronchial mucous mem
branes. Tell your druggist to sell you
a bottle of Creomulslon with the un
derstanding you must like the way It
quickly allays the cough or you are
to have your money back.
for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis
Cigarettes and smoking tobaccc
have moved rapidly to the fore
front as ideal Christmas gifts with
Camels as America’s favorite cig
arette and Prince Albert Smokinn
Tobacco, the world’s largest-sell
ing smoking tobacco, well to the
fore. The beauty of these gifts for
smokers lies in the fact that their
cost is modest and their welcome
always assured. Local dealers
have been featuring Camels in the
carton of ten packs of ‘‘20’s” and
a special gift of four “flat fifties.”
Prince Albert is available in the
humidor . specially wrapped for
Christmas giving.—Adv.
It you suffer from monthly cramps,
headache, backache, nervousness
and distress of “Irregularities"—
caused by functional monthly dis
turbances—try Lydia Plnkham's
Vegetable Compound — famous for
relieving pain and nervous feelings
of women’s 'difficult days."
Taken regularly—Lydia Plnkham‘8
Compound helps build up resistance
against such annoying symptoms.
Follow label directions. WORTH
Worthy Tests
What we can do for another is
the test of powers; what we can
suffer for is the test of love.—
Bishop Westcott.
6^3 KENT
• cumn COMPANY • ST.
Thread to Cable
Habit is a cable; we weave a
thread of it every day, and at
last we can not break it.—Horace
auicktu tuie.
# 9
Let Us Show You
What We Can Do
If you prefer, send the
order by mail or bring
it to the office in person.