-J9 " * Neb. Slate Historical Societ> Frontier VOL. LXII O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4 1941 NUMBER 30 _ f SOUTHWESTERN BREEZES By Romaine Saunders C. E. Addison took Mrs. Ad dison to a hospital in Omaha last Friday for surgery. Cap also ex pected to have some minor sur gery done. Ranchers of the southwest who were tempted to do a little farm 1, ing in addition to the normal I program of hay and cattle have a whale of a crop of corn. James Fredricks and Kennedy, in my f neighborhood, have more com piled up than has been seen in the county in the last five years. A fundamental fact of society was stated by Christ in a few I words: “The poor ye have always I with you.” And the noise of the shouting of many voices, political and social nostrums by organized groups, books and papers by starry-eyed reformers and plain nuts, daily brainstorms by syn dicated columnists are unable toi alter that fundamental fact. A gap in the columns of war j stories, defense propaganda, union pralk-outs and football scores was made to make room for an unusual romance down in old i fabled Texas. A 25-year-old par son took for his bride a 70-year old matron. Spinsters thirty pass ed need not despair. The steady roar of the motors of an invisible airplane over the big hills far to the southwest just after sunrise Sunday morning, with the frequent report of shooting, indicated one of three things—the chase was on for a white tail deer, a mess of ducks or the pelts of the dun-grey coyotes, the latter probably being | the true explanation. “And thou shalt take no gift: for the gift blindeth the seeing.’’ Wonder what that half-million dollar election gift from the funds of one group of union labor has had to do with the one-sided attitude at Washington in the widespread union sitdowns and walkouts? Orlan Frynar rode the sand hills Sunday searching out bad ger and polecat dens. What luck he had in snaring them with his lasso I don’t know, but he at least stirred up a mighty smell that floated this way on a mild southern breeze. A letter from Charley Bausch revive memories of happy days, early associates and conditions prevailing in O’Neill in that period of the six-shooter and supberb horsemanship. Charley’s mind runs particularly to the nights when he and Barney McGreevy oonstituted an orchestra at the dances held in McCafferty’s hall, access to which was effected by ascending a long stairway on the outside of the building. That hall and the old rink, now both gone, . held memories of the social and amusemnt life of a people who had few equals as business or play, politics, music, literature or oratorical flights to the clouds. It is by writing of these things that the memories of the human side of community life of a people are perpetuated. The glow of the Townsend vision has become dimmed but •cross the horizon has lately flashed a new-halo of hope for gray heads. This is a book that tells us how to "Look Eleven Years Younger.” Physiologically, bodily change is said to be ef fected every seven years, but here is a proposition from an up to-date Pone de Leon to put these processes in reverse on eleven year basis. About the time the town of O’Neill had begun to slip into middle age, Bill Lakey, a local patriot lately become a widower, began to preen and groom to cam aflag the marks of time. Dyed moustache and hair—a dead give away—daily shave, boots polished, a sudden interest in young ladies fooled nobody. Steve McNichols was trying it out too. Bill gave it up. admitted to me he was grow ing old. “I fit it off as long as I could—but there is no use!” This cry of dispair of Bill’s—or was it a happy recognition of his arrival at the mellow years of mature life—echos out of the past and tells us the Old Timer can’t kid himself forever. 1 _ Turning to Frontier files of any date in the 80’s will be found Heavy Run of Livestock And Stronger Prices A firm undertone prevaded the livestock market here last Mon day and prices ruled stronger on all classes. Receipts were much heavier than had been expected but buyers were plentiful and radily absorbed the day’s offering. An extreme top of $13.85 was paid for a short load of light weight steer calves and a lot of calves sold from $12.50 to $13.00. Heifer calves brot as much as $11.50 with the bulk selling from $10.50 to $11.00. One straight load of yearling steers cashed at $11.05. A few lightweights brot more but the long end of the yearlings sold from $10.25 to $10.75. One load of yearling heifers reached $9.50. A straight load of 2 year old steers collected $9.80 with smaller packages in this class bringing more. A heavy supply of cows showed up. A few good fat ccows reached $8.00. The bulk of the run drew from $6.25 to $7.25. Several loads of breeding cows were here and these sold by the head. Bulls were stronger in price. A heavy supply of hogs was here, an the extreme top of $9.80 was paid for butchers, but the popular price on these was $9.75. Sows paid from $9.00 to $9.30. Pigs were here in increased num bers and sold from $6.00 to $7.00 per head. — ■ ■ - i . 1 Kurtz Dairy Going Into Big Time Business R. M. Kurtz who has operated a dairy here for the past seven or eight years, has leased the O’Neill Locker Plant and is now in pos session. Mr. Kurtz will also buy eggs and cream and will retail them at the plant, north of the Golden Hotel. He also expects to put in a pasturizer and will be able to sell pasterized milk to those who wish to buy it. Mr. Kurtz has made a success of the dairy business, and he still retains his milk routes, but has added the locker plant as a business expan sion. If anyone can make a suc cess of it he can. Here’s wishing him all kinds of luck in his new undertaking. Hospital Notes Mrs. Walter Kopejtka and baby, dismissed Monday. Mrs. Agnes Pettijohn, not much improved. Alexander Hamilton, of Kansas City, will be dismissed soon. Bernice Green of Chambers, dis missed Saturday. ■ Marriage Licensee Constant Burchell of Wood Lake, and Miss Minnie Pelster, of Johnstown, November 26th. Edward Waterman, of Orchard, and Miss Martha Olson, of Bur well, November 28th. Raymond Joe Kerbel and Miss Mary Katherine Koerber of Spencer, December 2. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Harris of Lynch were O’Neill callers Wed nesday. __—__U_ _ among the 1-inch professional cards that of Dr. C. D. B. Eise man who had a double in the person of L. T. Shanner, an early homesteader in what is now Ver degris precinct, later a merchant in Inman, then a resident of O’Neill and an early represent ative of this section in the upper house of our state legislature. A settler from off the prairie met Shanner one day on the street, mistaking him for Eiseman and addressed him as doctor, request ing that he examine one of his ears that was troubling him. Lew looked the ear over and with a show of professional wisdom directed the prairie dweller to get a cake of castile soap and when he got home bathe the ear thoroughly with warm water and soap. Lew collected a dollar for his advice and in telling of it said if people called him doctor they had to pay him the doctor’s fee. Dr. Connally, a contemporary of Dr. Eiseman, drove into our prairie home one dark night a little worse for sampling the contents of a bottle from Billy Ryan’s. He want ed to know where he was and also to trade a roll at sausage he had in his buggy for a sour pickle. When the doctor was in his cups it was best to pacify him. The folks seemed to think so anyway as there was sausage on the none j too elaborate homestead menu for a few days. 1 Mrs. Wilhelmina Stein l Mrs. Wilhelmina Stein died at her home northwest of this city last Thursday morning at 1:45 a. | m., after an illness of about six 1 years, during which time she had i been a semi-invalid, of arthritis, I at the age of 85 years, 4 months i and 14 days. The funeral was held j Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock at I the Pleasant Valley church, Rev. J. E. Spencer officiating and burial in the Pleasant Valley cemetery. Wilhelmina Lendt was born in Chicago, 111., on July 13, 1856. Her family moved to Minnesota where she grew to womanhood and there on May 18, 1876, she was united in marriage to Ernest H. Stein. They remained in Minnesota for i four years after their marriage, and on October 23. 1879, they "moved to this county and located north of this city, where she had made her home for a little over sixty-two years. Mrs. Stein was the mother of nine children, all of whom are living and are left to mourn the passing of a kind and affectionate mother. Mr. Stein passed away on May 7, 1927. The children are: Mrs. Ella Storm, Owanka, S. D.; Mrs. Frank Karel, ,0’Neill; Mrs. Cellia Richter, O’Neill; Mrs. Laura Karel, O’Neill; Herman Stein, Hatfield, Virginia; Mrs Clara Woidneck, Spencer; Mrs’ Dora Elshire, O’Neill; Wal ter Stein, North Hollywood, Calif.; Mrs. Maria Kuhns, Boulder, Colo. She is also survived by one brother, Fred Lendt, Fort Cal houn, Nebr. Mrs. Stein was one of the real pioneers of the county. When she came here with her husband in 1^79 there were very few settlers ii) this section. But notwithstand ing the hardships of the early days they persevered and built up one of the nicest places in that section of the county and raised a splen did family of men and women, i many of who are still residents of the county. She was a charm-, ing lady and had many friends among the old timers of the county. Federal Judge Munger Passes Away Judge Thomas C. Munger, one of the judges of the Federal court for the district of Nebraska, pass ed away at his home in Lincoln last Friday night, following a heart attack suffered a couple of weeks before. He was a little over eighty years of age at the time of his death. Judge Munger was appointed to the Federal district court by Pre sident Theodore Roosevelt in 1907 and was the oldest presiding judge of the Federal courts in the United States, having put in thirty-four years on the bench. He was noted for his ability as a jurist and was looked up to for his ability and integrity by all members of the bar of Nebraska as well as those of surrounding states. Outside of his ability as a jurist he was a splendid citizen and a man and in his passing Nebraska has lost one of its distinguished and val uable citizens and the bench of the state one of its keenest legal minds. O’Neill High School Presents A Play Monday On Monday evening December 8, at 8 o’clock in the High School Gymnasium the Vocal and Instru mental Muic Departments of the O’Neill High School will present a varied program for your enjoy ment. This is the first formal ap pearance of these groups for the season and it will feature the Band, Boys Glee Club, Girls Glee Club and Mixed Chorus. The program will include such well known compositions as Light Calvary Overture—Von Suppe and Reverie—Debussy. As a climax to the program the com bined band and mixed chorus will do an arrangement of the Victor Herbert selections including such numbers as Gypsy Love Song, Italian Street Song, The Irish Have a Great Day. Tonight and others. The entire program will be an hour and a half in length. A small admission will be charged which will go to the school Music fund to help with contest expenses in the spring. Tickets will only be sold that night at the window. See the adf vertisement in this paper. Come and bring your friends. Your support for this fine program will be very much appreciated by the young people in our com I munity. County Court B. J. Shemwell, of O’Neill, ar rested by Patrolmen John T. Meis trell on delinquent operators license, November 29, fined $1.00, cost $3.10. Beauty Operators Have Meeting, Elect Officers The unit of the NSNHCA had an election of office: s for the coming year at the Mrs. Leola Peterson shop in Atkinson Mon day evening. Mrs. Bernice Platt of Chambers was reelected Pre sident; Mrs. Elma Evans, of O’Neill was re-elected vice pre sident, Mliss Dorothy McGoech of Atkinson, 2nd vice president; Miss Veramae Landis, of O’Neill, Secretary; Mrs. Anna Brook of Atkinson, Treasurer; Miss Esther Gruenbery of Atkinson, Mrs. Eva Bordson, of Spencer, and Mrs. Margaret Clausen of O’Neill membership committee. Those at tending the meeting from here were: Mrs. Elma Evans, Mrs. Margart Clausen and Miss Vera mae Landis. BRIEFLY STATED Miss Doris West spent Thanks giving with her parent* in Scotia. Mrs. C. F. McKenna entertain ed the Martex club at 7:00 O’clock dinner at the MM cafe, and cards at her home. Mrs. Max Golden, Mrs. C. E. Stout and Miss Helen Biglin, won the prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Zutz and family, of Burke, S. D., Miss Vi vian Harder, Ira Harder, and Kenneth Hamm of Gregory, S. D., were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dwight Harder Thanksgiving Day. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Martyns and children returned Sunday from Lincoln, after spending Thanksgiving vacation/ with re latives. — Billy Kubitschek- returned to Omaha Sunday, to resume his studies at Creighton University, after spending Thanksgiving with his parents, Dr, and Mrs. F. J. Kubitschek. Mrs. D. F. Stout and Mrs. R. W. Ford of Atkinson visited at the home of Mrs. Ford’s daughter, Mrs. Francis Murray Wednesday. Mrs. Dwight Harder entertain ed the Tuesday bridge club at her home Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. R. Miller, won high, and Mrs. Har rison Bridge, second high Mrs. Fred Sauton entertained the Emmet bridge club at her home Tuesday evening. Mrs. Clyde Allen won high, Mrs. Har old Givens low, Mrs. Frank Fore man traveling and Mrs. Jess Wills all-cut. Mrs. Harry Bright returned to Orchard Friday after spending several days at the home of her son, Raymond Bright. BRIEFLY STATED Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Bright of Orchard spent Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Bright. Mr. and Mrs. George Hirsch re-i turned to Dayton, Ohio, Monday and Mr. Hirsch’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hirsch, accompanied them home. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rohde and son Walter, and Mr. and Mrs. Mike London of Wewela, S. D., spent Saturday and Sunday here visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Seiler, Mrs George Krikac and Mrs. Brad street of Butte, were O’Neill call ers Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Byers, of Omaha, visited at the home of Mrs. Byer’s sister, Mrs. C. E. Yantzi from Saturday until Sun day. Mr. and Mrs Fred Drayton of Orchard and Mr. and Mrs. Spatz of Piainview were Thanksgiving guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Drayton. Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Moore and Mr. and Mrs. Pat Harty spent Thursday in Sioux City. Mrs. R. V. Johnson of this city and her mother, Mrs. Haynes, of Page, were in Wayne Tuesday vis iting relatives. John Cotton, who is working in Valentine, was here Sunday visit ing his family. Mrs. Ned Allendorfer returned Saturday from Newport, where she had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lane for sever al days. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole and children, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Mc Ginnis and Mr. and Mrs. John Conard and daughter, of Emmet, were guests of Mrs. Esther Harris Thanksgiving day. Sherriff Peter Duffy returned Wednesday from Aberdeen, S. D., where he was attending Federal court. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Reimer went to Omaha Wednesday to attend the funeral of a relative. Mrs. Elton Johnson of Central City, visited at the home of her sister, Mrs. Mart Hickey, from Thursday until Saturday. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sinc cere and heartfelt thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors who were so kind to us during the sickness and death of our be loved husband and father, Harry Fox, and for the many beautiful i flowers. Your thoughtfullness will us in our hour of sorrow will ever be held in grateful remem-1 brance.—Mrs. Harry Fox. Mr. and i Mrs. Charles Fox and children. MONEY in bank here means you have cash for instant use at any time, while we assume the re sponsibility for keep ing it safely in the meantime. O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK Capital, Surplos and Undivided PreflU, fl40.0M.00 This Bank Carries No Indebtedness mi Officers er Stockholders. Mam bar l-adaral Dapoait Inauranca Corporation Mrs- Mary A. Uttley Mrs. Mary A. Uttley passed away at the Stuart hospital last Friday night, about 11:45, after an illness of several months, at the age of 72 years 5 months and ! 12 days. The body was bought to this city and the funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the Pres byterian church, Rev. Dr. Spen cer officiating and burial in Pro spect Hill cemetery. Mary A. Payne was born at Solon, Iowa, on June 16, 1869 The family moved to Keya Paha county in the early eighties and she came to this city in 1892 and accepted a position on the law of fice of H. M. Uttuey as a steno grapher. On November 23, 1898, she was united in marriage to Mr. Uttley, who at that time was one of the leading lawyers in this sec tion of the state. About ten years after their marriage Mr. Uttley re tired from active practice of law and moved to a farm southeast of this city where they lived for about ten years, then moved back to this city, where she had made her home up to the time of her death. Mr. Uttley passed away in October, 1933. Mrs. Uttley had always taken an active interest in civic affairs and was for several years pre sident of the WCTU of this county. This organization had charge of the funeral services at the grave of their deceased leader. She leaves to mourn her passing four sister, Mrs. Alice Oamek, River side, Nebr.; Mrs. Lottie Hamman, Jamison, Nebr.; Mrs. Marie Hicks, Inola, California; Mrs. Violet Jen sen, Arlington, Washington. Holt County Pioneer Raises Great Com Crop William Grothe, one of the largest and most successful farm ers of the Emmet township, was a pleasant caller at these headquar ters last Saturday and was the firat Frontier reader to take ad vantage of our new offer of two years subscription for the sum of $3.00. Bill says that he has been reading the Frontier as long as he remember, his father having taken the paper when he was a little shaver and he has taken it himself ever since he reached manhood's state and says that it would not feel like home, with out the weekly visits of The Frontier. Bill says that he raised 3,500 bushels of corn this year and that it is the finest quality corn that he had ever raised in the county, He had a field of hybrid corn that average fifty bushels to the acre and of very fine quality. His small grain was also good and of a very fine quality, so that all in all the year 1941 treated him fairly well Here’s hoping that the year 1942 will be even a better for Bill and the rst of the farmers of Holt county. They have had several years of tough sledding and per haps the tide has finally turned. BRIEFLY STATED Mr. and Mrs. Ed Psotta and daughter, Shirley, and son Char les, of Pilger, were gueats at the home of Mrs. Psotta’s sister, Mrs. Frank Clements, Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Reid of Or chard spent Thanksgiving at the home of thnr daughter and son in-law, Mr and Mrs. Joe Bazel ruan. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vandersnick of Ewing spent Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements. Miss Mabelle Osenbaugh re turned to Lincoln Sunday after spending Thanksgiving vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Osenbaugh. Francis Valla a student at the college of engineering at the Uni versity of Nebraska, returned Sunday to Lincoln, after spending Thanksgiving with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Valla. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sin cer and heartfelt thanks to the many kind friends and neighbors for their many acts of kindness to our beloved sister during her illness and to us following her death. Our hearts are overflowing with gratitude to the people of O’Neill and Holt county.— Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Hamman, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oamek, Mr. and Mrs. W I. Hicks, Mrs. Violet Jensen and family, Mr. and Mrs. William Wolfe and family. Former Holt County Boy Killed On Way Here To Attend Funeral While on the way to the funeral of his uncle, Harry Fox, last Saturday morning the car driven by Lester Rausch, of Akron, Iowa, hit loose gravel and Mr. Rousch was instantly killed and his wife seriously inpured. Mr. Rausch was 26 years of age and was well known in the Meek neighborhood as he had made his home with Mr. and Mrs. Fox for about three years. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox, Ed ward Kaczor and Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones left Sunday to at tend the funeral which was held at Akron, Iowa Monday afternoon. St. Mary’s Basketball Schedule For 1941-42 December; 5 Long Pine, there 7 Sacred Heart of Norfolk, there 15 St. Joseph’s Hall of Atkinson, here. 19 Inman, here. January; 7-8-9 Holt County Tournament at O’Neill 11 Spalding Academy, here. 16 Page, here. 20 Plainview, here. 23 Butte, there. 25 St. Joseph’s Hall, there. 30 Orchard, there. February; 2 Atkinson, there. 6 Long Pine, here. 8 Spalding Academy, there. 13 Ewing, here. 17 Inman, there. 20 Plainview, there. 22 Sacred Heart of Norfolk, here. Mrs. Horace Henifin Mrs. Rose Viola Record Henifin was born at Osceola, Nebr., Febr uary 6, 1873, and departed this life at Fort Collins, Colorado, Monday November 24th, 1941, at the age. of 68 years 9 months and 18 days. On February 20, 1887 she was united in marriage to Horace Homer Henifin at Niobrara, Nebr., where they resided until 1892, when they homesteaded in Hok county, Nebraska, where she has spent the greater part of her In*. Her husband preceeded her in death August 8, 1932. Surviving are nine cmidren, Lester, O’NeiU; Mrs. Myrtle Johnson, O’Neill; Edward, Brainard, Minn.; Madi son, O’Neill; Calvin, Lyden, Wash.; Mrs. Mary Hansen, O Nein,; Freu O'Neill; George, Bellingham Washington; and Arthur, Fort coxiins, Colorado. mzo surviving two stepsons El Wiu ana £.iuy and one sister, Mrs. Jane siioemaxer, Fort Cotuns, twenty-eigm graxxdcxiiidren ana six great granucnuaren. She was a kind and loving mo ther, ready io lend a nexpmg. hand where ever ueedeu. one was loved and nignly appreciated by all who knew ner. Out of town relatives attending the funeral were: Mr. ana Airs. Edward Henifin and Marvin, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Henifin ail of Brainard, Minn., Mr. and Mrs. Julius Erickson and Abby of Niobara, Nebr., Mrs. Clara Kin kaid of Winner, S. D., Mrs. Hattie Carr and daughters of Williams, Iowa and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Luber of Anthon, Iowa. Mrs. Minnie May Turner Mis. Minnie May Turner passed away at West Point, Nebr., last. Wednesday afternoon at 1 o’clock after an illness of about three and a half years, at the age of 69 years, nine months and sixteen days. The body was brought to this city and the funeral was held from the Catholic church here last Satur day morning at 9 o’clock, Rev. Father O’Brien of Emmet, officiat ing and burial in Calvary ceme tery Minnie May Hunt was born at. Adel, Iowa, on January 30, 1872. In the early eighties her parents moved to this county and located in Saratoga township, where she ! ™Tanhood °n Decem ber 23, 1890, she was united in marriage to Thomas Coleman the ceremony being performed in this city.. Her husband passed k feW yearS and on March 7, 1898, she was united in marriage to Fred C. Turner, the ceremony being performed at Chelsea, Nebr She was the mother of four child ren, four of whom are living The ™drf,n Mrs- Bertha Vequist. O Neill; Edward Turner, BuhL Idaho; John Turner, O’Neill.