The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 20, 1941, Image 8

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DRESSED Chickens Call 128-W
bull calves. See any day but Sun
day—rty A. Puckett 28-2
<X)OD BROODER house SxlO.—
James Lewis. 4 miles N W. of
E 27-1
over your farm machinery and
.order vour repair parts now—If
yt ur McCormick Deering tractor
needs overhauling call us.—F M.
K ating & Sons Phone 75, At
k 26-4
)r. Fisher, DentLst 3-tc
WAITED To buy ear and snapped
corn.—Fay A. Puckett 23-2
POSITION as Nurse or Clerk in
Store. Write Box 100, this office.
fO KENT—Furnished apartment. ]
Inquire Frontier Office tfc
ed practical factory metheod
trains you for BETTER JOBS—.
BIGGER PAY. Glenn L. Martin.
Consolidated, Douglas, other
leading factories everywhere hire
Frye-trained men quickly. Be
a success in aviation. Visit train-]
ing plant or write now'for FREE
Dept. 1A, 25th and Farnum,
Omaha, Nebraksa. 28-1
EMLALS for fun, fascination and
profit. Save your valuable hunt
ing torphies. Decorate your!
home and den. Be a Taxidermist.!
Turn your spare time into cash
•rith this profitable hobby. Learn
by mail from 39-year old reliable
school. Over 300,000 graduates.
Simple, easy, no previous exper
ience required. FREE BOOK
tcIL you howF you can become a,
taxidermist, absolutely FREE if]
you write at once. Write fori
your copy today. Please state
your age. N-W School of Taxi-]
nermy, Dept. NPA., Smith Build- i
mg, Omaha, Nebraska. 28-1
T)R RENT—Three room apart-1
ment.—R. H. Parker. 21-tf
IX ROOM Modern House. Close
m—Mrs. J. B. Mellor. 26tf
First Publication Nov. 13, 1941
WHEREAS, Walter Gregor,
Convicted in Holt County, on the
10th day of May, 1925, of the
crime of 2nd Degree Murder, has
made application to the Board of
°ardons for a Commutation, and
he Board of Pardons, pursuant
« law have set the hour of 9 A. M.
*n the 10th day of December, 1941,,
or hearing on said application, all
oersons interested are hereby
notified that they may appear at
the State Penitentiary, at Lin
coln, Nebraska, on said day and
hour and show cause, if any there
be, why said application should,
or should not be granted.
Secretary, Board Of Pardons
Chief State Probation Officer.
26 2 __
'First publication Nov. 13, 1941)
Estate No. 2874
In the County Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, November 10,
1941. In the matter of the Estate
«f Clyde L. Hershiser, Deceased.
Creditors of said estate are
hereby notiiied that the time lim
ited for presenting claims against
aid estate is March 4, 1942, and
fur the payments of debts is No
vember 10, 1942, and that on De
cember 4. 1941, and on March 5,
1942, at 10 o’clock a. m„ each day
T will hr* at the County Court
Room in said county to receive,
examine, hear, allow, or adjust
ni claims and objections duly
26-3 County Judge.
Julius D. Cronin, Attorney ,j
(First Publication, Nov. 20, 1941>
To The Heirs, Devisees, Le
gatees, Personal Represenatives
and all other persons interested in t
the Estate of Edward Gilg, De
ceased, real names unknown and
AP persons having or claiming
any interest in the West Half of
Section Eleven (11) in Township
Twenty-eight (28) North of
Range Fourteen (14) West of the
•tli P. M., in Holt County, Ne
braska, real names unknown, de
You will take notice that the
plaintiff, C. P. Bertolet, did on
the 20th day of November. 1941,
file his petition in the District
Court of Holt County, Nebraska,
against you and each of you and
that you must answer or plead to
said petition on or before the 22nd
day of December, 1941, or the al
legations of said petition will be
u»kon as true, and a decree enter
ed in said action for $1,425.00 with
interest thereon at the- rale 6%
per annum from the 4th day of
"March, 1941, and costs of suit, and
for the foreclosure of a certain
mortgage described in said
petition, upon the following des
cribed 'cal estate in Holt County.
Nebraska, to-wit: The West Half
of Section 11, in Township 28,
flange 14. West of the 6th P. M.,
and adjudging plaintiff to have a
first lien upon said real estate by
virtue of said mortgage and de
cree, and ordering said property
soid, and the pro eeds therefrom
applied to the payment of plain
tiff's decree, interest and costs,
and forever barring and foreclos
ing you and each of you from all
right, title, interest, or equi.y of
redemption in or to said premises,
or any part thereof.
Dated this 20th day of Novem
ber, 1941.
C. D. BERTOLET. Plaintiff,
By Charles E. Chace, His Attor
ney. 28-4
J* Insurance of All Kinds |
O’Neill, Nebraska y
i W. F. FINLEY, M. L>J ;
: * i
Phone, OHice 2h
| O’Neill :: Nebraska |
Office Phone 77
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Glasttf>« Correctly Fitted
Residence l Or. Brown, 223
Phone* I Or. French, 242
KclHi«»rs To Have A
Swell Feed To-day
Since President Roosevelt by
virtue of his office also is com
mander-in-chief of the United
States army the one-half million
soldiers now in service will obey
his proclamation and eat their
Thanksgiving dinner this year at
the first table November 20 re
gardless of the date observed by
the state where they are quarter
Although turkey prices are
higher than last Thanksgiving al
most one pound of that meat,
supplemented by generous por
tions of Virginia baked ham, has
been allotted on all standard
army menus to each soldier.
Average cost of the day's ra
tions has been estimated by the
quartermaster general's office at
only 81 cents per man. Average
for other days is about 45 cents.
Despite the low cost of the sol
diers’ meals that day few civilians
are expected to fare better.
The Menu:
Breakfast—fresh fruit, prepared
cereal, fresh milk, fried eggs,
French fried potatoes, toast, but
ter, marmalade and coffee.
Dinner—hearts of celery, ripe
olives, sweet gherkins, oyster
stew, saltines, roasted stuffed
Turkey, cranberry sauce, giblet
gravy, mashed potatoes, Virginia
baked hain, candied sweet pota
toes, creamed peas, esealloped
corn, apple and celery salad, hot
Parker house rolls, assorted
breads, pumpkin pie, mince pie,
layer cake, fruit bowl, cream
cheese, mixed hard candies, mix
ed nuts.
Supper—utilization of holiday
Quartermasters requisitions for
the day assure ample supplies oi
each item. For every one hundred
men there are to be one hundred
pounds of turkey, 35 pounds of
ham, three gallons of oysters, one
hundred pounds of Irish potatoes,
50 pounds of sweet potatoes, 150
apples, 100 oranges, 40 pounds of
bananas, 20 pounds white grapes,
30 pounds candy, 30 pounds nuts,
30 dozen (300) eggs, five gallons
bulk milk, 6 1-4 gallons milk in
1-2 pint bottles, 48 cans evapor
ated milk, 18 pounds butter, 6
pounds cheese and other items in
Seedling Trees
For Shelterbelts
Seedling trees for the 500
miles of shelterbelt to be planted
in Nebraska next spring by the
Forest Service are now being
dug, graded, and transported to
the various planting areas ac
cording to State Director, John
L. Emerson. Approximately 150,
000 seedlings are being dug and
graded each working day at the]
Government operated nurseries J
located at Fremont and Norfolk,
approximately 100 WPA men]
are engaged in this work which
must be completed before'
freeze-up. Most of the tree stock;
is in prime condition acording to;
Emerson. It will be hauled out I
to the various field headquarters]
and stored for the winter pre
paratory to planting it in field
and livestock shelterbelts early
next spring.
briefly Stated
A number of friends were en
tertained at, the John Schmidt
home Sunday evening. The eve
ning was spent in playing Euckrt
after which a delicious lunch was
served. High prize went to Anton
Loeffler and Mrs. George Pan
gratz, low to Mrs. Herb Jenson,
and Iven Givens.
c. E. Martin, one of the pioneer
residents of the country south of
his city, was an O’Neill visitor
Monday morning and made a
business call at this office, extend
ing his subscription to this house
hold necessity.
George W Davies, of Lincoln,
was in the city last Saturday visit
ing his many old friends and,
while here made a pleasant calr
at this office, extending his sub
scription to The Frontier. George
was a resident of Ewing, Inman j
and this city for many years
but for the past seven years!
has been a resident of the capitol
Misses Teresa Connelly and
Mary Jardee spent the week-end
in Winner, S. D., visiting at the
home of Miss Connelly’s sister,
Mrs. Art Turner.
Mrs. J. R. Miller entertained
her bridge club at her home Fri
day evening, Mrs. J. Miller won
high and Mrs. Irving Johnson,
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Lundgren
and son Roy spent Sunday in
Valentine visiting friends.
Mrs. C. F. Grill and Mrs. C. E.
Jones entertained Circle 11 of the
Presbyterian church at Mrs.
Grill’s home Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. B. J. Sherr.well, Mrs. Car
rie Hunter of O’Neill, and Mrs.
James Carson of Page attended
the funeral of Floyd Wolfe Tues
day afternoon, at Lynch.
The S. O. S. club had a sur
prise house warming in honor
of Mrs. C. E. Melena Friday after
noon. A covered dish luncheon
was served at 1:30 and the after
noon was spent informally.
Mr. and Mrs. John Duffy and
daughter Marilyn Lou, returned
to Casper, Wyoming, Saturday,
after visiting at the home of Mrs.
Duffy’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
A. Simonson for a week. Miss
Edna Simonson accompanied them
home and will visit there a couple
of weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Hammer
lin and son of Butte, visited Mrs.
Hammerlin’s mother Mrs. P. J.
Lansworth Sunday.
While riding a bicycle Wednes
day afternoon about 4:30 on west
Fremont street Carolyn Good
fellow and and automobile driven
by Mrs. James Brown collided, re
sulting in a fracture of Carolyn’s
right leg Carolyn is ten years of
age and is in the fifth grade of
the O’Neill public school. She is
in the O’Neill hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk spent
Sunday in St. Charles, S. D., vis
iting at the home of Mrs. Shierk’s
mother, Mrs. Marie Petranek.
Mr. and Mrs. Halvo visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs Alex
Juracek, near Star, last Sunday.
Mrs. Alamanda Coffman, who
returned home from the O’Neill >
hospital, is getting along fine. Miss
Gladys Neigerfind is caring fori
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Casey
drove to Lincoln last Saturday
morning, where they took in the
Nebraska-Pitt football game.
Jerry is not very enthusiastic
about the game. He said Ne
braska had the game won, then
got careless and finally lost it.
Mr. and Mrs. Bub Thomas
came up from Hastings Monday to
visit Mrs. Thomas’ parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. P. Protivinsky. Mr.
Thomas returning to Hastings
Tuesday evening and Mrs. Thomas
remained for a longer visit.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Mammond
j came down last Thursday from
Gregory, S. D., and took Mrs.
Mammond’s sister, Mrs. Mary A.
Uttley to the Stuart Hospital for
medical care.
O’Neill Woman’s club met at
the home of Mrs. Irving Johnson
Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Lois Jean Robertson who
teaches at Dalton, arrived Wed
nesday to spend Thanksgiving
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S.
R. Robertson.
Mr. and Mrs. George Worth
and family of Dalton arived Wed
nesday to spend Thanksgiving
with Mr. Worth’s sister and hus
band, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Karr. On
Saturday Mr and Mrs. Worth
and Mr. and Mrs. Karr plan to
attend the Nebraska-Iowa foot
ball game in Lincoln.
Miss Maxine Mills spent the
week-end in Tilden visiting her
A group of friends had a house
warming for Mr. and Mrs. Ho
ward Dean Sunday evening. The
evening was spent playing cards
and Mr .and Mrs. Dean were pre
ed with a lovely coffee table.
Mrs. Mattid Soukup and Miss
Teresa Harrington spent Sunday
| in Atkinson and Stuart_
Truckload of Lemons-Oranges-Grape
fruit. Fresh from the Orchards
Grapefruit Large 96 size IOC
6 for ... 10
Oranges 324-5 nice size 1EC
Per Dozen . *
U'mons Large 200 size The largest JC
Ix'inons ever sold in O’Neill each
Fresh Head Lettuce EC
l*cr Head.
Onions Fancy l>arge Colorado OEC
10 lb. Bag ...„._.....LU
Popcorn IOC
2 lb. Bag ...----- lu
Campbell’s Tomatoe Soup , OC
Large Can --- ®
Campbell’s Soup All other Variety QC
Per Can -----.-.—. '
Gallon cans Italian Prunes OQl
Pineapple Sliced or Crushed IOC
No 2 Can._..-.. 1J
Cream Corn—Green Beans—Tomatoes QC
Extra Standard Grade No- 2 Cans.
Apples fancy No- 1 Delicious or Black Cl JjQ
Ben 5 lbs. for 25c, Bushel Basket.y ■•O#
Winesap—Willow Twig—Black Ben Apples
Good Bulk Apples OEC
7 lbs. for .-.... w
Bushel Baskets in your Cl 0^
Sack ...r...^1
Schoolboy size No. 1 Ringpacked Cl /.Q
Delicious Apples per bushel basket ........
Antifreeze at the New Deal Oil Company
Zerex—Zeronc—Thermo Royal—Alcohol
Lowest Prices
Miss Hazel Schwisow and Don
Hill came up from Omaha Friday
to spend the week-end with Miss
Schwisow’s father, Paul Sch
Tony Asimus went to Omaha
Monday on business and to attend
the Sonja Henie Ice Revue Tues
Stella Miller, Rose McLaughlin,,
Grace Anderson and Ruth Stats-j
man of Butte, and Alice Stats
man of Omaha were guests of
Mrs. Anna McCartney Friday.
Tom, Reed, who was enroute
to Ainsworth from Buffalo, N. Y.,
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Vincent Friday and
Mrs. Jane Baker, Mrs. Allen oft
Neligh and Mrs. H. W. Starlin of
O’Neill spent Tuesday in Stuart.
Chick Gaines of Omaha was in
O’Neill Wednesday visiting with
J. B. Slate of Omaha was a call
er at the Treaveler’s Insurance
Office Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Donohoe
went to Norfolk Tuesday. Mr.j
Donohoe returning that evening
and Mrs. Donohoe will remain,
until Friday.
George Hart was a business
caller in North Platte Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Campbell of
Hollywood, California were guests
at the home of Mr. Campbell’s
uncle, Ed Campbell Friday.
Mrs. Fred Armbruster of Stan
ton arrived Sunday to visit at
the home of her son, R. E. Arm
bruster for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Wolfe of An
thon, Iowa, visited Mrs. Wolfe’s
aunts Mrs. Margaret McMillian
and Miss Mary Markey, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Honke of
Butte, spent the week-end with
Mrs. Anna McCartney.
Mrs. Ida M. Becker, Mr. and>
Mrs. J. W. Roche and Mrs. Leona
Landon, of Atkinson, were guests
of Mrs. Helen Simar Monday eve-1
Mrs H. H. Story, Mrs. George j
Story, Miss Delores Raynier and
Howard Story of Butte were
guests of Mrs. Anne McCartney j
11 1 "
Miss Nadine Kilpatrick return-'
ed to Omaha Sunday after visiting1
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A
Kilpatrick for several days.
Joe Grutsch, Maurice Grutsch,
Hugh Benson and George Hend
ricks went to the Pittsburg-Ne
braska game Saturday in Lincoln.
Mrs. John Sorensen and son
John Jr., and daughter Doris, of
Marsing, Idaho, arrived Saturday
evening at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Taylor
and help them celebrate their
55 wedding anniversary on Sun
Miss Emily Lou Fisher came up
from Scribner and spent the week
end with her parents, Dr. and Mrs
F. J. Fisher.
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert McWhor
ter and Robert McWhorter of Fre
mont, Mrs. Etta Compton, of
Waterloo and Mrs. B. J. Shem
well of O’Neill were dinner guests
on Tuesday evening of Mrs.
Frank Hunter, after attending
the funeral of Floyd Wolfe at
The latest reports from John
Carson, who is in the Mayo Hos
pital at Rochester, Minn., are to
the effect that he is getting along
as well as could be expected
John is suffering from a heart
ailment and will be in Rochester
for several weeks yet. His many
Holt county friends hope that he
will shortly return home as well
as ever.
Mrs. Clifiord Seger and Miss
Margaret Horton of Atkinson were
in O’Neill Tuesday.
Mrs. V. W. Spargur and son of
Omaha and Mrs. Margaret Sp.,r
gur of Fort Collins, Colo., spent,
from Saturday until Monday a^
the Arlo Hiatt home. They aie
former residents of this county.
Mrs. J E. Knight entertained
the Tuesday afternoon bridge club
at her dome November 18. Mrs.
J. R. Miller won high, Mrs. Har
rison Bridge second high and Mrs,
Herb Peterson low.
Merle Hickey and Carl James
were in Norfolk Tuesday at a
cream quality meeting.
L. O. Johnson made a business
trip to Sioux City Monday.
Ann and Bruce Fangman re
turned to their home in Omaha
Friday after spending several
weeks visiting here in the homes
of Mr. and Mrs. C J. Gatz and Mr.
and Mrs. Henry Lohaus.' They
made the trip with Mr. and Mrs.
Mrs. Fred Robertson entertain
ed the Merrimyx bridge club at
her home Wednesday evning at
7:30 dessert and cards. Mrs. Har
old Lindberg won high and Mrs.
Fred Robinson low.
Central Finance Co.
C. E. Jones. Manager.
First National Bank Biulding
O'Neill. Nebraska.
KIDS! A Bigger
Prize Contest
That’s Easy To Win
1 ^st
' Prize
I $39.50
3rd Prize
Table Model
$17.50 Value
Contest Starts November 17th and ends December
23rd—Prizes awarded December 24th
Five Other Consolation Prizes
All prizes are on display in our windows!
Each contestant must come to the store
and register.
Votes can be cast by self or friend.
Votes must be cast at time of purchase . . .
not transferable.
Persons having greatest number of votes
wins contest; 2nd to 8th prize awarded
according to votes.
20,000 votes will be given to each contes
tant when entering.
Positively no soliciting or campaigning for
votes inside or directly in front of store.
The standing of contestants will be an
nounced daily on bulletins in our win
Start right now to get votes don’t delay
get friends, neighbors and relatives to
Voles wilh "Pass-Oul" Cards: 2000 votes will be given each contestant passing out special vote
cards. 5000 votes will be given for each pass out card brought into our store . . . Cards must bear
contestant’s name and presented by purchaser at time of purchase.
Voles wilh Purchases: 2000 votes will be given for each $1.00 purchase. 20,000 votes will be given
in addition for each pair of Poll-Parrot, Heel Latch or Uptown shoes. 10,000 votes for each pair
of Star Brand shoes, 5000 votes for each pair of Light Tred Tennis shoes. Get your friends, re-_
latives and neighbors to buy their shoes at our store and cast their votes for you. ^gfjjM
Voles for Old Shoes:
. . . 2000 votes for every pair of
old shoes tied in pairs brought
into our store. Limited to 100
pairs from each contestant for
each Monday. Shoes turned
over to charity.
Votes for Registration:
Tell your adult friends to come to
our store and simply enter their
name and get 2000 votes for you
every Wednesday ... no purchase
required. Double votes on pur
Double Voles:
Instead of the usual 20
for every dollar we g:
every Friday. Get your
to buy bn Friday and
their votes. J
Corner Golden Hotel O’Neill, Nebjjjj