EMMET ITEMS Charles Claussen and his sister, Mrs. George Lewis, and sister-in law Mrs. Bill Claussen of O'Neill, drove to Lincoln Saturday, and returned home Tuesday evening. Sunday callers at the Joe Wink ler home were, Ruby Claussen, Charles Graham and Lovina Klop penborg. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Foreman and daughter Norma Lou, visited relatives in Ewing Sunday. Je-f Crawford is back in Em met after being away for several j yc e is staying at Clarence Shaw's. Gus Dahm has been on the sit the past week Mr. and Mrs. Cal Tenborg and Mr. „,.d Mrs. Eart Malloy of O’Nt'ih were Sunday tauers at the Dan O’Connell home. Mr and Mrs. Ervne Johnsor ant. f Ly of Atkinson, Mr. and Mrs. William O’Connor and fam ily \\ re business callers at the Lev kwith home Sunday. I and Mrs. Gu" 'ckwiti and ily and Jim Ferris called at th Leon Eeckwith home Fri day evening. I a-?. Bob M. tins an family and Mr. and b L.o Beel w.ih a. d Leona Fci e, wen su, . u.. ,‘.o at Orvi. ■ liich co. Sunday. i Mr and Mrs. Leon L; .wi r and eora Feme, v M Beckwith’s parents, the E. R Yoi i. s’ Sunday. Mr and Mrs, Floy.I pindle were vi: i’ors .’.unday at ,k> IL mer Lowery home. Grandma Cole has be . ill th past week. She is be’ e at tin writing. Father O'Brien made a busines trip To West Point, Thursday. Mr and Mrs. Bill L. ('Ca’Ii leen Cadman) spent the week-eni at the Bill Teuborg home. The} returned to Omaha Sunday aftei noon. Larry Tenborg is back home after spending the past year a Fort Robinson, where he was i service. The South Side Social Servicr club met at the home of Mr; Leon Price near Amelia. There were thirteen members persent, and two visitor Mrs. Faust and Mrs. Price of Atkinson. Mrs. Schaffner gave a very fine book review from an autographed copy of “Rim of the Sandhills” by Will Spindler. After the review they drew names of the focal boys who are in service. The ladies were divided into groups and each group will send a boy .a, Chrictmas box. The club will also send a box to the Ortheopedic hospital in Lincoln. A. J. Storms of Creston, Iowa, was a pleasant caller in Emmet over the week-end. He returned to Creston Tuesday, taking a load of alfalfa seed with him. Zane Cole, returned home from Lincoln Saturday night with his parents, who attended the game in Lincoln. Lois Cole made the trip with them, Zane returned to Lincoln Sunday afternoon. EDUCATIONAL NOTES The next state teachers exam inations will be held in O’Neill at the Public School building on Saturday, November 22. The following schedule of sub jectss will be used: MORNING 8:00 to 8:50 Arithmetic, Mental Arithmetic, Bookkeeping. 9:00 to 9:50 History, Civics. 10:00 to 10:50 English Composit ion, Crammer, 11:00 to 11:50 Phy. and Hygiene, Music. AFTERNOON 1:00 to 1:50 Theory and Art, Course of Study. L00 to 2:50 Reading, Orthog ephy. 3:00 to 3:50 General Geography, ' ar«H Geog. of Nebraska. 100 to 4:50 Penmanship, Draw ing. elja McCullough, County Superintendent. y BRIEFLY STATED Miss Vivian Eidenmiller return 1 Monday from Casper, Wyo., where she had been visiting ends for a few days. Mrs. Nora McNally arrived Sat ■iHav from Casper, Wyo., enroute *o her home in Chicago, and is visiting at the home of Mrs. Tom Quilty. Mrs. McNally is the former Nora O’Malley. She had • in Casper to attend the fun eral of her father, Walter O’Mai-, ley. Mrs. C. E. Yantzi and Mrs. John L. Quig entertained Circle 1 of the Presbyterian church Thursday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. R. Miller. The Holt County W. C. T. U. held their institute in the parlors of the Presbyterian church in O’Neill Tuesday, November 18 Mrs. Minnie Rutherford of Page, county president, was in charge of the all day meeting. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon. Approximately fifty persons at tended, including representatives from Page and Inman. B. J. Shemwell and Tom Quilty sustained minor injuries last Thursday afternoon when the car j driven by Mr. Shemwell acci ' dently crashed into the back of a gravel truck. The two men were on their way to Ewing where they planned on attending the livestock sale. The car was badly dam aged. ' Mrs. Pete Heriford and Miss Agnes Resznicek left today for Los Angeles, Cal., to visit Mrs. Heriford’s sister, Mrs. Opie Cham bers and other relatives. Mrs. H. G. Kruse, Mrs. Harry Walling and Mrs. J. H. Fager en tertained at a birthday party Tuesday evening in honor of Mrs. Homer Asher. The evening was spent playing bridge. Mrs. Gordon Kuska won high, Mrs. G. E. DeVore honors and low. A delicious lunch was served and Mrs. Asher was presented with a lovely gift. Louis Zastrow arrived home Monday from Portland, Oregon, Air Base, on a ten day furlough to visit his mother, Mrs. Mary Zastrow and his many friends here. A nnouncement Dr. A. E. Gadbois Eye Ear Nose and Throat Specialist of Norfolk will make regular visits at Dr. Carter’s office in O’Neill. The next visit will be Friday, November 28 Glasses Fitted \ ur Farmers! Stockmen! Pr -s on livestock remain good and the de -ncT P still active for replacement cattle as well as for hogs. if yc u have stock to sell, we will be pleased to % have your next consignment, and will do our *est to fcr ng you the most favorable returns. 5 A UCTION EVER y MONDA Y O’Neill Live Stock Com. Co. TELEPHONE 2 At O’NEILL MONEY in bank here means you have cash (or instant use at any time, while we assume the re sponsibility (or keep ing it sa(ely in the meantime. , O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $140,000.00 This Bank Carries No Indebtedness of Officers or Stockholders. Member boderi! Deposit Insurance Corporation Miss Roberta Arbuthnot came up from Omaha and spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Arbuthnot. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Richardson spent last Thursday and Friday in Kearney visiting relatives. Mrs. Roy Sauers, Mrs. Mable Gatz, Mrs. J. P. Brown and Mrs. W. J. Biglin went to Omaha Wed nesday to attend the Sonja Henie Ice Revue. Mrs. Margaret Clauson, Miss Veramae Ladis of O’Neill, and Mrs. Bernice Platt of Chambers,1 attended a district meeting of the' N. H. C. A. at the Dale Hotel in Holdrege on Sunday. November I 16. They report a splendid meet ing. The ones attending the1 national convention in New York! gave reports and discussed some, very important topics. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stitt came up from Benkleman Sunday am. visited at the home of Mrs. Stit’s mother, Mrs. E. B. Carter and brother, Dr. L. A. Carter. | They returned home Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shelhamci went to Sioux City Tuesday to visit their son, Melvin for a few days. Miss 1 m raine Murray of Valen tine spen the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mur ray. H. J. Hammond, Mike Horiskey, and John Robert Gallagher went] to Omaha Wednesday to see Tom Griffin, who is seriously ill in St. Joseph’s hospital. The case of J. L. Fisher of Nor folk vs. Ora Keeler of Ewing way on trial before the clisUitl ton: the first of the week. The ca V*» Monday and was finished on Wei tried before Judge Mounts and Judge Wenke of Slanton. TMa case grew out of the .title o a piece of land. The case started on. Monday and was finisher s d nesday afternoon. The Judge;, de cided that on facts the } •- 0 stated them correct, but the* made no decision on tne tal facts of the case, so that will be decided later. Fred Lis or Norfolk and Julius D. Croni i of this city, were the attorney. for the plaintiff, while Judge o. J Harrington represented the de fendant. PreThanksgiving Sale! to ^SSTST Inc. Vitamins and Minerals! The good health of the family during the win ter hinges largely on what they eat ... It is a recognized fact that Canned Foods Cooked in Cans in high pressure retorts retain more precious vitamins than foods cooked in open pans on the kitchen stove. This 5-Day Sale Is your opportunity to stock your larder with well known brands of Dependable Foods at a most gratifying price saving. 2 16-oz. Cans 27c Urfe No. ZH Can lie 2 No. 1 Cano 23c i-ivn>n11 Yti aSSu \T\'\i 1°i*1 ■fcalnTii a-1 Tender Juicy BEEF ROAST Out from native corn-fed well covered beef. Pound, | A 24c and . l«fC Fresh Pork Feet, 2 lbs. . . 11c Fresh Boiling Beef, lb. . . 16c FRESH GROUND PURE BEEF, lb.17c SHOULDER BEEF STEAK, pound.25c FRESH PORK STEAK, pound.27c Pork Neck Bones, 2 lbs. . . 13c Fresh Side Pork, pound . . 16c Fresb Beef Hearts, pound 16c TENDERED 8HANKLB8S Smoked Picnics, lb. . .26c 4 to 6 Pound Avmo i Large No. 2*4 Cans 10C _ SUPERB FRESH PRUNES Selected Fruit. Bril liant color. Heavy Syrup Large No. 2i/a Can 13c Large, Sweet and Tender No. 2 Can 13c MORNING LIGHT ruFRRiES W-RS. :: 29c PLANTATION PINEAPPLE 15c MORNING LIGHT PEACHES ..20c LIGHT SYRUP APRICOT HALVES 17c ROYAL ANN CHERRIES 20c ROBB-ROSS ANGEL FOOD CAKE FLOUR, Package. 18c MORNING LIGHT COCOA, 2-lb. can . 19c APPLE JUICE 2 20-Cz. i r C-ns... ADC Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce 2 Cans... 29C Clapp’s Baby Food Strained Chopped ^ Cans 15C — ^—1 111— I Ml "T ~ California SARDINES Mustard & Tomato r.ioc VELVEETA Di&est:b!e as Milk Itself Terde” Cn+ GREEN BEANS, 3 SL*.25c Genuine rarftett Mcrrsnor Lirfit Pears Sn v'\.21c Fxr’r- '~'x for 22 Geret Gold Pattern Dishes COFFEE g?rciL..28c 3 E, 81c White—Cream S'vie Morning Light Com, 3 S™2.25c Luscious Halves or Sliced doming Light Peaches£°nZVl.20c A Mighty Fine Blend - * r.riJT c“. 29c 2 L Nut Meats Walnuts, 4-oz. Bag... Fresh Baked Newsboy Cookies 2 Lbs. for .... CANDY BARS 3 for 10c Fresh, Fluffy MARSH MALLOWS 14 Sag. 10c 7*? RICE KRISPIESI MARSHMALLOW SQUARES HALLOWII DATES 2 Lb. «t>Q Bag . Unbleached PULLED FIGS 6 Ounce f o Brick . IJC “Dependable” BROOMS N? and . 49C Texas—Thin Skinned JUICE ORANGES, per dozen . .15c EATMOR^RANBERWES^ lb. 17c Rutabagas & Parsnips 3 pounds.. ... 10c U. S. No. 1 Genuine Yams SWEET SPUDS, 4 lbs. for.19c Iceberg Lettuce Large t* Head. DC Scarlet Tip Radishes 3 r ioc Superb TOILET TISSUE 3 Rons . 17c Superb VELVET TOILETRY 3 Rons.25c