The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 20, 1941, Image 1

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    The Fron ' ,. 1
By Romaine Saunders
One of those red and black
and organge monstrosities to be
found in the magazine racks has a
list of 58 editors, assistant editors,
managers and other functionaries.
It is said too many cooks spoil the
broth, and with the ideas of 58
editors to coordinate into one pub
lication this magazine sets less
type than a country newspaper.
The name of Secretary of Labor
Perkins not appearing in these
labor rows inspires an Iowa editor
to remark that the labor field, the
past few months, has been no
place for a lady.
Hybrid corn appears to be held
in high esteem in some quarters.
Out this way the old reliable yel
low out classes the hybrids. The
hybrids produce a large cob and
small kernel. The cattle men
perfer more corn and less cob.
With nine years af unparalled
extravagence as our public ex
ample, word now comes out of
Washington something about citi
szen practicing economy. The
suspicion is not absent throughout
the country that this monumental
"defense’’ bally ho has some con
nection with the thought of divert
ing public attention from the New
Deal domestic mess.
Bill Dierks sustained the loss of
five cows that got into his corn
and stowed away more than bo
vine digestive machinery could
handle. The C. E. Addison herd'
was depleted one cow from the
same cause. Sand hill cows feed|
from morning till night on grass
and get fat, but corn is not often \
a part of their feed.
Another home has been made
desolate, hearts bleed in anguish,!
soul wounds too deep for words.’
A child crushed under the wheels:
of one of our modem Juggernauts
at the family home near Atkinson
The little one out with its father
and aglow with childish interest
in the work about the farm. As
the story comes to us, the child
was with his father who was mov
ing hay with a car and trailer. He
supposed the child had gone to the
house but instead was between
the car and trailer and was run
over as the car was started.
Adults must learn, through trag
edy and heartache, that danger
lurks on every .hand for the child!
too young to look odt for himself
it is not enough to think he is in
a place of safety—find out foi^
sure. But with these precautions,
as in this sad affair, accidents can
not be wholly avoided.
“And Joseph died, and all his:
brethern and all that generation.’’
Age creeps stealthily along. The
generation that sprung from the
first pioneers on the virgin prairie!
of Holt county will soon be but a
memory. John Weekes, C. H.
Christensen, Casper Englehaupt,
Mrs. Zimmerman—four more now;
removed from life’s activities. I
knew them for over half a century,
John since he was a school boy
under the tutilage of Prof. O'-1
Sullivan in the little frame school
house on west Douglas street. I
saw Sam Thompson in O’Neill
lately. Sam’s memory goes back!
to the days when there was no]
O’Neill and he chased Antelope
on his pony over on Dry Creek.;
Sam greeted me by saying, “We
are getting old.” Maybe that’s i
so— but not superanuated. Then
until the silver cord be loosed, the;
golden bowl be broken the pitcher I
be broken at the fountain, life
holds its animated interests—its
work, its play, its opportunities toj
touch the harp strings that will
bring a bit of melody into the)
lives of others.
Nature’s tinted pictures hold no
charm to the one whose vision is)
never lifted from the pursuit of:
things that feed the carnal tastes, j
What to such are ‘‘Plato and the,
swing of Pleiades? What the long,
reaches of the peaks of song, the
rift of dawn, the reddening of the
rose?” But to those who some
times ramble “through the green
lanes of the country . . .
whose hearts are fresh and simple,
who have faith in God and nature’’ i
—who turn from the revolting
scenes of human butchery—from
the pursuit of gain and the vanity!
of ariflcial life—this mid-autumn
holds a matchless charm. Shortly
before break of day on the
15th, and for a few mornings prev
Pioneer Laid to Rest
Here Last Saturday
Funeral rites for Casper F.
Engelhaupt, who passed away
suddenly at his home at Ingle
wood, California, were held Sat
urday morning at 9:00 o’clock, at
St. Peter and Paul’s church at
Butte, with Rev. F. J. Werthman
celebrant at the Requiem High
Casper Francis Engelhaupt was
born at Mellrichstadt, Bavaria,
Germany, on July 26, 1868, and
died November 10th, 1941, at the
age of 73 years, 3 month and 12
On March 26, 1883, he em
migrated to the United States with
his parents, brothers and sisters,
locating first at Fulton, 111.,
where the family remained until
December pf that year when they
moved to O’Neill, Nebr., locating
on a homestead north of that
place. On June 13, 1893, he was
united in marriage to Mary Lud
wig of O’Neill. To this union seven
children were born, three of
whom died in infancy. Most of
their early married life was spent
in Holt county where Mr. Engel
haupt operated a creamery at
Amelia, Nebraska, for a few years
after having attended the Univer
sity of Wisconsin where he learn
ed the trade of butter-making.
He served as Deputy County
Clerk of Holt county in the early
days and could tell many interest
ing stories of the early political
life of the county. Following this
the family moved to California
where he was employed for three
years as butter-maker in one of
Southern California’s largest
The family returned to Ne
braska in 1904, locating at Em
met operating a general mer
chantile store and hotel. In 1913
the family moved to Butte, where
for a number of years he was en
gaged in the Hardware, Furni
ture and Undertaking business.
Later, for a few years, he operated
a ranch near Dustin, Nebr. Fol
lowing the death of wife in 1922,
he moved to California, taking up
the work as Inspector for the Ser
vel Refrigerator Co., of Los
Angeles. On August 23, 1926, he
married Mrs. Angeline Meloche.
Surviving him are his widow,
two daughters, Mrs. Edgar R.
Johnson and Mrs. Lucy B. Kocum
of Butte: Two sons, Casper P. of
Santa Barbara, Calif., and Ed
ward O. of Lincoln; Three brothers
Michael of Chambers; August of
East Chicago, Ind., and Edmund
of Butte, and one sister, Mrs. John
F. Reiser of Butte. Ten grand
children and one great grandchild,
other relatives and friends.
His later years were spent in re
tirement following a paralytic
stroke four years ago, but prior
to that he had always taken an
active part in church and civic
affairs. He was a willing and
helpful neighbor and a kind and
devoted father to his family, who
will always cherish his memory
His remains were accompanied
to Butte by his son Casper. Due
to ill health the widow was unable
to attend. Interment tbok place in
the family burial lot in Calvary
cemetery at O’Neill. ***
Nebraska is on the way to a
record, but it will be for consecut
ive games lost, instead of won,
unless they can clean Iowa next
Saturday and to do it they will
have to play a different brand of
football than they did last week.
ious, there was spread on the
eastern sky a picture of celestial
lovliness. Thin clouds, bathed in
the red glow of oncoming sun
rise, hung above the horizon, the
slender curve of the moon just
over the treetops and here and
there a point of light from a star
twinkling out of the gloom of the
early morning sky. I have noth
ing which calls me to be up and
astir in the morning, but as the
late Jim Shanner down at Page
said if he was kept in bed after
5 in the morning it would have to
be done with chains, so I find my
self early out in the morning. A
curtain of celestial splendor
spreads over the prairie at night,
the heavens aglow in silent grand
eur, but the hour before the full
flash of the morning sun has an
irresistible charm. Maybe it will
be said, “What do you think of a
saphead that gets up at 5 o’clock
to look at the sky?.’’ I am neither
astronomer, astrologer, necroman
cer nor stargazer but beliieve the
practical business of living is
simplified and made a little more
worthwhile as we see the beauty
in the infinite works of nature,
inspiring adoration of the Infinite
Creator of the manifold wonders
about us.
Floyd Z. Wolfe
Floyd Z. Wolfe died at his
home in Lynch, Nebr., last Sat
urday, after an illness of several
weeks, at the age of 67 years, two
months and twenty-two days. His
funeral was held last Tuesday af
ternoon in the Presbyterian
church in Lynch, Rev. Spencer
of O’Neill officiating and burial
in the cemetery at Scottville. The |
funeral was largely attended.
Floyd Wolfe was one of the
pioneers of the northeastern part
of the county, in Steel Creek pre
cinct, and was one of its most be
loved citizens. He left this county I
in 1919 and since that time had
made his home at Lynch.
Relatives from out of town
who attended the funeral were;
Mr. and Mrs. Will Carson, Lincoln;
Mrs. Etta Compton, Waterloo;1
Robert McWhorter and Mr. and
Mrs. Herbert McWhorter, Fre
mont; Mrs. Butt Van Buskirk,
Mrs. Tom Warning and William
Foster of Foster; Mr. and Mrs.
Duane Carson, of Chambers; Mr.
and Mrs. James Carson, Mr. and
Mrs. Melvin Carson and Mrs. Har
old Kelly of Page; Mrs. Frank
Hunter and Mrs. B. J. Shemwell
of O’NeilL
Red Cross Quota
Raised In All Towns
The annual Red Cross Roll Call
which will be held between
November 11th, Armistice Day
and November 30th will be con
ducted by the various chapters of
the county with Mrs. D. Stannard
as roll call chairman for the
Mrs. Stannard states that the
membership quota for Holt
County as set up by the district
office is $1275 for this year and the
qutoa for the different cities are
as follows:
O’Neill _ $450
Atkinson 250
Stuart 200
Ewing 125
Emmet _ 35
Page 75
Chambers ...... 75
Inman 75
The drive will start in O’Neill
On Wednesday November 12th
and as in the past the city has
been divided into four sections
with a captain in charge of the
workers for each section.
The Red Cross will need
many more members this year
than in any of the preceeding
years, on account of the many
men in the different armed ser
vices of the United States and
other calls on the organization.
Public spirited people of this com
munity, both men and women,
boys and girls, should make every
effort to support and strengthen
the Red Cross by enrolling
through their local chapter as
members of the Red Cross, or by,
renewing their membership in it
Pleasant Day Club
The Pleasant Day club held it’s
Octber meeting at the home of
Mrs. Florence Schultz.
A covered dish luncheon was
served at one o’clock.
The lesson on “Healthful
Lunches for school and home” was!
Mrs. James Curran demon
strated how to make a ‘‘Lincoln’’
We have welcomed a new
member into our club, Mrs. Bill
The next meeting will be held
at the home of Mrs. John Pinnt
November 24.
Six Holt County Boys
To Report December 1
The following named men have
been selected for induction into
the army by the Holt county
draft board.
They shall report to this local
board at O’Neill, Nebraska, at
one a. m. on Dec. 1st, 1941; where
upon they shall be sent to an in
duction station of the United
States Army at Fort Crook, Ne-j
577 Frank John Tomjack,
Ewing, Nebr.
1023 Loy Lafayette Fluckey,
Chambers, Nebr.
1069 Ted McKenize, Dorsey,
1163 Beniamin Ralph Blair,
Chambers, Nebr.
Volunteer, Benjamin Jardee,
O'Neill, Nebr.
Marriage Licenses
Joe J. Jerman. Verdigre and
Garce Rose Elis, Verdel, Nov. 19.
Otto M. Vessly and Leona Jo
Elis, Verdel, Nov. 19.
Market Tone Firm
Ibices Stronger Monday
The local livestock market took!
a decided turn for the better j
Monday with practically all class-1
es sharing the sti onger trend. Re
ceipts were a little lighter than a
week ago. Action was good and
brisk, demand readily absorbed
the day’s supplies.
The best lightweight steer
calves paid $12.00 but this kind
was not very plentiful. The bulk
of the steer calves sold from $10.50
to $11.50 with many selling in the
upper brackets. Heifer calves
ranged in price $9.50 to $10.50
with a few choice lights going a
little higher.
Light weight yearlings were
popular and supplies were readily
absorbed at stronger prices. Top
piest of the yearling steers cashed
at $10.25 but the long end of the
offering paid from $9,00 to $10.00.
Cow receipts continued heavy
and prices looked somewhat
stronger. Good young heiferettes
reached $8.05 which is a full
quarter over last week’s top on
this class. Feeding cows showed a
firm undertone and paid mostly
from $5.50 to $6.50. Most of the
cows were sold in carload lots.
Bulk ruled about steady with a
week ago.
Receipts in the hog division
advanced again this week as did
the prices paid for them. The
market reflected a healthy tone
and a top of $16.00 was paid for
butcher hogs. About half of the
butchers sold at this price the
other half sold at $9 90 and $9.95.
Sows likewise, shared the price
advance with the bulk of the
offering cashing at $9.50 to $9.60.
Feeder pigs sold mostly from
$11.30 to $11.15.
The next regular auction will
be held on Monday, November 24.
Bruno Henry Jacobs
Bruno Henry Jacobs died at his
home in Lynch last Monday
morning, after an illness of one
day of a heart attack, at the age
of 78 years, eleven months and
twenty-one days. The funeral
was held at 2 o’clock this after
noon at the Dorsey church and
burial in the Star cemetery.
Bruno Jacobs was born in Up
ant, Germany, on November 26.
1862. He grew to manhood in his
native section and on October 26,
1889, he was united in marriage to
Miss Heiche Margare Oltman, the
ceremony being perfomed at West
Oshtersum, Germany, coming to
this country shortly afterwards.
Siv children were born of
this union all of whom
survive. They are Mrs. Edyth
Peterson, Plainview; Ihno Jacobs,
Stayton, Oregon; Henry Jacobs.
Verdel, Nebr., William Jacobs,
Star, Nebr., Mrs. Margaret De
Vries, Roberts, Mont., Mrs. Min
nie Eiemsen, Bridger, Mont.
Mr. Jacobs had been a resident
of the Star neighborhood in this
county for about fifty years. A
couple of months ago he moved to
Lynch, where he was living at the
time of his death. He was a good
citizen and had a host of friends
in the northeastern part of the
county, where he spent so many
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Mohler, boy
November 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Zakrzew
ski, Opportunity, boy November
Mr. and Mrs. Lindly Crumly,
Page, boy November 17.
County Court
Oran Goodrich, Cody, arrested
by Patrolman John T. Meistrel.
Charge, delinquent operator’s lic
ense. Hearing, Nov. 19. Plead
guilty and fined $1.00 and costs.
Clarence Gilg, Atkinson, arrest
ed by Patrolman Metistrel. Over
load. Hearing Nov. 19, plead guilty,
Fined $10.00 and costs $3.10.
Francis B. Torpy, Atkinson, ar
rested by Patrolman Meistrel No
tail light. Hearing Nov. 13 and
plead guilty and fined $10.00 and
costs, $3.10.
The Golden Rod Club
The club held its meeting at the
home of Mrs. Vern Beckwith
November 12.
There was no lesson given as
Leader’s meeting is not to be held
until later. In it’s place a Thanks
giving Program was given by
several members of the club.
A lunch was served by Mrs.
Rex and Ralph Beckwith.
Mre. Ralph Rickly, dismissed
Carolyn Goodfellow, admitted
Wednesday evening, broken bone
in the right leg.
Bernice Green, Chambers, ad
mitted Monday evening.
Alexander Hamilton, much im
Armanda Coffman, dismissed
The Weather
November 13 _ 65 41
November 14 _ 64 23
November 15 _ 65 39
November 16 ___ 80 35
November 17 _ 53 34
November 18_ 45 38
November 19 _ 45 33
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goree and
daughters Eileen and Betty Lou,
visited at the home of Mrs.
Goree’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
A Simonson last Thursday.
Mrs. Carl Asimus left Monday
evening for Omaha to attend the
Sonja Henie Ice Revue.
Mrs. Otto Reising and child
ren returned to Gary, Indiana,
Saturday after visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Phalin,
for the past ten days
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Hayes went
to Norfolk Saturday. Mr. Hayes
returning Sunday and Mrs. Hayes
remained for a longer visit.
Bid or Bye contract club met
at the home of Mrs. O. W. French
Friday evening for 7:30 dessert
and cards.
Eastern Star held their regular
meeting last Thursday evening at
the Odd Fellows hall and after
wards lunch was served.
Mrs. Esther Harris entertained
the M. M. hridge club at her home
Monday evening. Mrs. Ted Mc
Elhnney. won high, Mrs. Arlo
Hiatt, low and Mrs John Conard
of Emmet, all-cut.
Mr and Mrs. Derm Streeter,
and Clyde Streeter vbited re
latives in Brunswick Sunday.
Mr and Mrs. Gerald Graybiel
and Mr. and Mrs. Lyndle R.
Stout attended the Nebraska- j
Pittsburgh football game Satur
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Cole of Em
mett, and Roy Spindler attended
the Nebraska-Pittsburg football
game in Lincoln, Saturday.
Mrs. Robert Smith, Jr., received
word from her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Reardon, that they
have moved to Cheyenne, Wyo
ming, where Mr Reardon has a
position in the Hays Drug Store.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred McNally and
daughter Betty, came up from
North Platte, Sunday to visit at
the home of their daughter, Mrs.
Richard Tomlinson and family
for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Connors
of Atkinson, spent Sunday visit
ing at the home of Mrs. Connors’
parents. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Wall
This office received a check
last week from Lee Downey, at
Hastings, extending his subscrip
tion for another year. Lee says
"we enjoy reading the paper
every week, abut time for this
check,” Thanks' Lee.
Charles E. Frost, who is the
manager of the Birmingham
ranch northeast of this city, was a
pleasant caller at this office Tues
day morning and ordered The
Frontier sent for one year to a
former employee, Private Hugh
E. Grosse, at Camp Roberts,
California. We are sure that Mr.
Crosse wil appreciate the gen
erosity of Mr. Frost.
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. McWhorter
and R. A. McWhorter of Fremont
and Mrs. A. D. Compton of Om
aha called at the home of their
sister, Mrs. B. J. Shemwell Tues
day evening, enroute to their
homes, after having attended th
funeral of Floyd Wolfe at Lynch
Tuesday afternoon.
Miss Delores Oberle entertained
around thirty-five guests at a
dancing party at the Scottsville
Hall Friday evening. A lovely
lunch was served to the guests at
the close of the evening.
Holt County Pioneer
Passes Away In Wyoming
Walter J. O’Malley, 89, long
time Casper resident, died Wed
nesday afternoon at his home, 555
'CY, after a 10-day illness.
I Mr. and Mrs. O’Malley, who
were married on Christmas day,
1881, were looking forward to
celebrating their 60th wedding
anniversary. He was bom Dec. 31,
1851, in Carbondale, Pa., and
came west as a young man. The
couple made their home in Cas-;
per in 1919, residing at the same
address throughout the 22 years
of their sojourn here.
Prior to his retirement several
years ago, Mr. O’Malley was a
bookkeeper by profession. In ad
dition to the widow, Mrs. Julia
O’Malley he is survived by 10
children. Two sons preceded him
in death.
Rosary rites will be observed
at 8 o’clock Thursday night at
the Bustard Funeral home. Re
quiem mass will be conducted
Friday morning at 10:30 o’clock at
St. Anthony’s Catholic church by
Father Thomas F. O’Reilly. Burial
wiU be in Highland cemetery.—
Casper (Wyoming) Tribune- Her
Christmas Seal
Sale Now No
The Christmas Seal sale, spon
sored by the Nebraska Tubei
culosis Association, finane" s the
association's “home defense" pro
gram for 1942. The sale has a
two-fold purpose: Raising funds
to support organized fight against
tuberculosis, and the dissem
ination of information about tu
berculosis, to the public.
The pupils from both St.
Mary’s Academy and the O’Neill
Public School are volunteering
their services in this war against!
tuberculosis. They will offer you
the opportunity to purchase the
1941 Christmas Seals beginning
; next week.
I It is hoped that every citizen
will look upon it as his duty to
purchase as many seals as possible
that every greeting card and gift
package that goes forth will carry
these small decorations, attesting
that our community is alive to
responsibility and is doing its
part to further “home defense
against tuberculosis."
C. F. Grill
Farmer* and Ranchers
Attend Omaha Meeting
A feature of the state Pasture
Forage and Livestock finish-up
in Omaha which will be attended
by several local farmers and
ranchers will be interviews with
six Nebraska farmers who have
been especially successful in pro
ducing some grown protein feeds.
The discussion will be a part of
the afternoon program which
starts at 1:15 p. m. in the Live
stock Exchange Building.
The market livestock grading
demonstration which has been so
popular in the past will start at
10:00 a. m. at the Omaha stock
yards. The program will attract
about 1,500 farmers from ovei
the whole state, who will be en
tertained by the Omaha Chamber
. of Commerce which will give a
banquet for all pasture-forage
livestock cooperators in the eve
Among those planning to at
; tend from this county will be M.
B. Higgins of Atkinson, Ora Yar
ges of Stuart, E. M. Jarman of
i Chambers, and county agent Lyn
: die R. Stout.
Niobrara Presbytery
Held Meeting At Norfolk
The United Promotion Commit
tee of the Niobrara Presbytery
! held an afternoon and evening
; meeting at Norfolk Monday. Rev.
John E. Spencer, of the O'Neill
Presbyterian church, who is
, chairman, presided at the pro
gram which presented three out
i standing speakers, form Mission
, fields.
Rev. George Walker spoke of
his work among the Apache In
dians in Arizona; Harold C. An
derson, who has spent nearly a
lift time in Brazil, reviewed his
experiences and Rev. Raymond
Kearns represented the BoaTd of
Christian Education. Approx
imately seventy persons from ^he
Niobrara Presbytery attended the
meeting. Those attending from
here were. Rev. and Mrs. J. E.
Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Grill,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sauers, Mrs.
Tina Williams, Mrs. J. M. Hayes
and John Myers.
Thirty-one Members
Admitted to Membership
Charles Carroll of Carrollton
Council, Knights of Columbus,
admitted thirty-one new members
into the order on Sunday, Nov
ember 16, 1941, at the K. of C.
The candidates and members
assembled at the K. of C. Hall at
7:45 a. m. and attended the 8:00
o’clock Mass to receive Com
munion. (
The initiatory ceremonies start
ed at 2:00 p. m. with over 150
members in attendance. Many
visiting members from the Ord,
Elgin, Albion, Norfolk, Chadron,
Creighton, and Omaha Councils
were present Following the in
itiatory ceremonies, the members
with their ladies, assembled in
the gymnasium of St. Mary’s
Academy where the Sisiters of St.
Francis served the banquet. The
St. Mary’s band, under the direct
ion of Mr. Ira George, furnished
music while the guests were be
ing seated and during the first
part of the meal. The Brass Sextet
rendered ‘‘Memories of Stephen
Foster.” R. E. Moore was in
strumental in supplying the musi
cal program during the latter part
of the dinner, by leading several
mixed choruses in singing such
old favorites as “My Wild Irish
Rose”, “There’s a Long, Long
Trail A Winding,” etc.
Reverend John J. O’Brien of
Emmet, was Toastmaster in
charge of the after-dinner pro
gram. The address of welcome was
given by Reverend Richard Parr
of O’Neill. Short talks were given
by Charles J. McDonald, Omaha;
George Nrssrallah, Omaha: Dr. J.
R. Hughes, State Deputy, St. Paul
and James L. Kudrna, State
Secretary, Wahoo. Between talks
the following musical selections
were furnished: Vocal, “Little
Boy Blue’’ by Kathleen Flood
Vocal "Rose Marie” by Dorothy
Moore. Vocal “Among My Sou
veniers” by Kathleen Flood and
Helen Kubitsehek.
The main address of the eve
rting was given by Reverend
Thomas J. Murray of Burwell, Ne
braska. Following this some ex
temporaneous talks were given by
the new members. Right Rev.
Monsignor J. G. McNamara of
O’Neill closed the program with a
short talk before giving thanks.
The list of candidates initiated
is as follows: Matthew G. Beha,
Edmond H. Carney, Edward G.
Casey, Brennan B. Davis, Clar
ence T. Donahue, Ramond J. Pern
holz, Lyle M. Green, Vincent J.
Higgins, Arthur F. Jurgensmeier,
John Francis Kelly, Francis Pri
bil, Leonard Pribil, Ivan G. Pruss,
William Ryan, Frank M. Sullivan,
Andrew W. Schaacht, Percy A
Watenbaugh, Robert J. Yantzi,
Charles E. Yarnall, of O’Neill;
Harold E. Connors, Gerald E. Gon
deringer, Robert G. Keating, Law
rence J. Kramer, William J. Mor
gan, of Atkinson; John M. Gal
lagher, Jr., Mike J. Gallagher, of
Inman; Joseph M. Hupp, and
William J. Leahy, of Ewing;
Francis D. Lee, and Robert A.
Ramm of Stuart; and Joseph W.
O’Malley of Chambers.
Clarke-McNary Trees
Available In 1941
Farmers and ranchers wanting
application blanks for the pur
chase of Clarke-McNary trees
may obtain them soon at the
county agent’s office in O’Neill.
Holt County has led the state
in both Clarke-McNary and other
tree plantings for the past several
years and will probably be more
interested than ever this year,
due to the favorable moisture con
ditions. It is estimated that Ne
braska farmers will obtain more
than one million trees next year
under the Clarke-McNary law.
Imporved moisture conditions in
most parts of the state during the
past few months will cause ex
tensive plantings of the trees and
farmers interested in obtaining
seedlings from this source should
place their applications early.
Miss Helen Fitzgerald enter
tained a group of her friends
Saturday evening at the residence
of Mrs. John Flanagan, where she
has been making her home. Cards
funished the entertainment, with
Mrs. Flanagan and Mrs. Oral Fox
drawing the prizes. Miss Fitz
gerald, assisted by Mrs. Flanagan
severd a lovely lunch at the close
of the evening.