The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 13, 1941, Image 1

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The Frontier
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By Rontaln* Saunders
I have ever been aware of the
fact that my penmanship was bad.
but not aware of it being so diffi
cult to decipher that an old timer
like D. H. would make “valuable ’
out of the word “venerable."
A big strike of trainmen hang
ing over them, citizens up in arms
to retain trains on short stretches
of railroads that arc operated at a
loss, the **brass collars” are not
having a rosey time jusst uow.
Alluring ads that would have
^ you believe cigarettes and beer
are the gifts of the gods take the
place of these sure-fire remedies—
St. Jacob's Oil, Scott’s Emulsion,
Perruna and Doc Corrigan s stock
of Chamuerlain’s Cough Kemedy.
Ladies better stick to their old
winter coat unless they are pre
pared to pay 10 per cent tax ad
ded to the price of a new one.
The household dictionary gives
Neb. as the abbreviation of Ne
braska. When used as a com
mon noun the word neb refers to
a bird’s beak. In a plant at Lin
coln I handled the printing jobs
of an Omaha lawyer who was just
about ready to send the printer to
the penitentary who struck an r
on our state abreviation in any of
his work.
Bill Pettis, one time a resident,
in the east section of the countj.
was supposed to have established
a record for gluttony. At a con
test in Page he is said to have
consumed something like twenty
quarts of oysters, and I think the
true record of Bill’s achievement
would out-class the chap down at
Burwell who ate 77 pancakes in
. eight minutes, his son coming in
* second with a record of 74 in
fifteen minutes. At current cafe
breakfast rates these two Burwell
gormands consumed $7.55 worth
of pancakes. It was Easter morn
ing on the big prairie of Wheeler
county that I met a neighbor who
greeted me with the query as to
how many eggs I had eaten. I
told him none, whereupon he an
nounced. “Well, I ate 18 and my
wife 16.’’ The last I knew he was
still alive.
Champions come with a flash
and within a brief day they are
forgotten. It is not the blue
bloods at national shows that in
any sense represent the old herds
on farms and ranches that supply
the household demands of Ameri
ca. It is not the one out of a
million who has made a life study
of how to get an ear of corn into a
wagon box faster than his neigh
bor who will gather the eighty
odd million bushels in the corn
belt. The champion has shown
what he can do and has his re
ward. But I think of the men,
alone—no curious crowds to en
courage, who who are out at break
of day on cold, wind swept morn
ings rattling across the hard earth
^ in a wagon to cornfields, working
on till nightfall gathering the
fruits of a hard summer’s labors
that wives and little ones of our
humble farm homes may be pro
vided for. It is these men that
have the herioc mold and are the
true representatives of American
Charley Meals, retired lieuten
ant colonel, an O’Neill boy who
won his spurs at West Point mili
tary Academy and served over
seas with Pershing’s army, tells
an incident of the No. 1 World
War which illustrates that any
thing can happen at the battle
front. Col. Meals promoted a lieu
tenant to that of Captain on the
9th of September, on the 10th he
was shot down a few feet from
Charley, on the 11th armistice
was announced. For the second
time in this generation Europe has
become a lazar house. Denials
of responsibility re futjje in the
face of the fact that one man,
then as now. must answer at the
bar of final reckoning for the
lives of millions of the people of a
continent. Two of the ancients,
occording to Homer, wearied of
slaughter, settled it this way:
Enough of Trojans to this lance
shall yield.
In the full harvest of yon ample
Enough of Greeks shall dye they
spear with gore.
But thou and Diomed be foes no
g more.
The totalitarian philosophy
Montana Jack Sullivan
And Phil In Auto Accident
The sturdy left arm of Montana
Jack Sullivan that stood off the at-;
tack of the famous Stanley Ket
chell in a prize fight just couldn’t
cope with the brutal attack brot
on by a careening automobile in
New Mexico several days ago,
Montana Jack suffered four
fractures in his arm when hit by
the steering wheel of his car ten
miles out of Albuquerque.
The famous Montana puglist
was traveling through New Mexi- j
co with his brother, Phil, October
12, when their car struck a loose
joint in the paving. The steering
wheel jerked out of control smash
ing the left arm of Jack, who was
driving. The automobile careen- i
ed out of control and turned over.
Phil suffered a severe head ab
raison, and the car was said to
have been demolished.
Both men were rushd to a hos
pital in Albuquerque, where they
were admitted as patients. They
remained in the New Mexico hos
pital for 13 days before attempting
to return to Butte.
Tuesday the two returned home, j
Montana Jack to another seige of
hospitalization. His arm, doctors
said, had not been set properly.
So Wednesday Montana Jack
went under ether to get the arm
that whipped Fireman Jim Flynn.
California Joe Thomas, Sailor
Burke and scores of other pugilists i
back into the shape it once was.
Hospital attendants said his con-1
dition Wednesday night was
Jack Sullivan operates an elec
tric shop. Phil Sullivan is cash
ier of the Anaconda company
here.—Butte (Mont.) Standard.
The peak of the seasonable
cattle movement appears to have
been reached with last Monday’s
receipts running a little lighter
than a week ago, at the local
livestock market. The quality of,
the offering was only fair to good
with no really choice stuff on
sale. Prices on the better grades
held about steady with last week,
but the plainer quality cattle,
of wihch there was a considerable
number, sold a little cheaper.
Calf receipts were lighter last
Monday and no really choice
calves showed up. The toppiest
oackage of steer calves ranged up
$12.10 and these weighed around
300 pounds. Bulk of the steer
calves paid from $10 50 to $11.50.
The top short-load of heifer calves
cashed at $10.60, with the long
end of the heifers selling from
$9 00 to $10.50, depending on
weight and quality.
Yearlings were here in good
supply and prices were about
steady. The bulk of the yearling
steers turned at $9.00 to $10.00.
Those of heavier weight sold for
In the cow division, receipts
were again heavy. The quality of
the offering was not the best, and
this fact considered, the prices
looked about steady tho the un
dertone was on the weak side. The
best fat cows sold around $7.50
with a few heiferettes reaching
unwards to $7.75. The latter were
scarce. Bulk of the feeding cows
drew from $5.50 to $6.50. Bulls
placed from $6.50 to $7.50:
An extreme top of $9.85 was
paid for choice butcher hogs and
a considerable number of this
quality was here However the
practical price on butchers weigh
ing around 225 pounds was $9.75
to $9.80. Sows sold mostly from
$9 30 to $9.45. Feeders were rather
limited in suooly and paid from
$11.00 to $11.10.
About 50 sheep and 12 horses
and mules completed the day’s
The next regular auction will
be held on Monday, November 17.
I ——
measures the greatness of a people
by its ability to smite with the
fist of wickedness. Our litera
ture glorifies in poetry and song
the work of the roaring cannon
and flashing sword.
On Fame’s eternal camping
Their silent tents are spread,
And Glory guards with solemn
The bivonac of the dead.
I have purposefully substituted
the word “silent’’ for the word
‘‘snowy.” Since the dawn of
history emotions of mnkind have
responded to the bugle call. There
came one to point a better way—
Peace on Earth, Good Will to
Guy James, who has been the
bookkeeper and cashier for the
O'Neill Livestock Commission
company since last Match, tender
ed his resignation and will leave
Monday for Creighton, where he
has accepted a position as assist
ant cashier of the American Na
tional bank. His family will join
him there as soon as he can find
a desirable home. Mr. James
mde many friends during his re
sidence in this city who wish him
success in his new home. His posi
tion with the O’Neill Livestock
Commission Company will be tak
en by Albert Harm, of Bloom
field, who will start upon his du
ties next onday. Mr. Harm will
move his family here as soon as
he can find a suitable residence.
Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Pierce and
Mrs. Mary Keenan, of Lincoln,
came up last Saturday for a
couple of days visit at the home
Mayor and Mi's. Kersenbrock
Mrs. Keenan is the mothr of Mrs.
Kersenbrock and Mrs. Pierce.
The departed for home Tuesday
■ ■ ■ in.—i.
Mrs. D. H. Cronin and son,
Richard, left Friday for Lincoln,
where they spent a coupe of days
visiting Miss Marjorie, who is a
student at the Nebraska Uni
versity. They returned home
Sunday afternoon.
Misses Darlene Grass and Al
meda Kubart, spent the week-end
at Page, visiting Miss Grass’ par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Grass.
Miss Eileen Olson, resigned her
position at the Ben Franklin Store
Saturday, and left Monday for
Hastings, where she will make her
Mr. and Mrs. William Steven
son and son, came up from Co
lumbus Friday, and visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Vin
cent until Sunday.
Louis Vitt went to Omaha
Saturday, to get his father, Fred
Vitt, who has been in the Clark
son hospital for several days.
Mrs. F. A. Harper, entertained
her Bridge club at her home Fri
day evening. Mrs. Mabel Gatz and
Mrs. R. H. Parker, won the prizee.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Oppen of
Creighton, spent the week-end
visiting their son and wife, Lt.,
and Mrs. Ralph L. Oppen.
Mr. and Mrs. John Duffy and
daughter, Marylin Lou, arrived
Mohday fom Casper, Wyoming,
to visit Mrs. Duffy’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. L. A. Simonson, and
other relatives.
Lt, and Mrs. Ralph Oppen left
Monday for Little Rock, Ar
kansas, after a ten days visit with
Mrs. Oppen’s, mother, Mrs. Jeanne
Scott, and friends.
» I
Hugh McKenna, who has been
visiting his parents, Mr. and MrsJ
C. F. McKenna, left Friday for
Lincoln to visit friends for a few
days, prior to returning to Camp
Robinson, Arkansas.
Mrs. Gene Kilpatrick of Nor
folk, spent the week-end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Kil
Mr. and Mrs. James McNulty
and Mr. and Mrs Willaim Grut
sch, entertained a group of friends
and relatives at a pitch party at
the McNulty home Friday eve
ning. Mrs. Bernard Pongratz won
high for ladies and John Grutsch
Sr., high for the men.
Mrs. Mattie Soukup and son,
Sgt., Francis Soukup, went to
Lincoln Friday, where they visit
ed relatives until Sunday, when
Francis left for Fort Leonard
Wood, Missouri, and Mrs. Soukup,
returned to O’Neill.
Mrs. Harrison Bridge entertain
ed the 9-F. F club at her home
Friday evening Mrs. Bennett Gil
lespie, won high. Mrs. Allen Jas
zkowiak, second, and Mrs Robert
Armbruster. third.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt en
tertained a large group of friends
Monday evning. with a 3 course
chicken dinner, followed by all
playing pitch. Dave Loy received
high and Bob Cook low score for
the men. Mrs Fred Grandorff, re
ceived high ,and Mrs. Frank
Greeneir low for the ladies. Lunch
was served at midnight.
The Alpha C lub
The Alpha Club met Thursday
with a covered dish luncheon a<
the home of Mi's. Carl Pfie. All
members answered to roll eaU
with bible verso. Mrs. Carl
Widfeldt levirwed "How We Got
Our Bible" and Mrs. Sam Robert
son gave the biographies of Im
portant Women of the Bible.
These were both well given and
indicated serious thought and
time had been spent on their prep
Marriage Licenses
Lawrence Fryer, Luella May
Burch, of Royal, November 8th.
Harvey M. Kcenzer and Gert
rude Schneider,| of O’Neill, on
November 8th.
Jether Page Stroud, Fort Meade.
S. D., and Elsie McLaughlin, Stur
gis, S. D., November 10.
William Fred Backhaus and
Celia Flower, erf Atkinson, No
vember 12.
Joe F. Foreman, Walnut and
Lottie S. Hrbek, Verdel, Novem
ber 12.
Rollie Calvin Jiuntley, Jr., Mi
lan. Illinois, Elver a Laura Schw
ager, Orchard, November 12.
John Marvin Gallagher, Inman,
Velda Jennette Kemper, Page, No
vember 11th.
Casper F. Enfeelhaupt passsed
away at his home in Inglewood,
California, on Monday of this
week. The body is being shipped
to Butte where funeral services
will be held at Saint’s Peters and
Paul’s church at Butte at 9 o’clock
Saturday morning November 15.
with interment in Calvary ceme
tery In O'Neill, Saturday morning,
at 11:00 a. m. Caspar was one of
the pioneer resident of this county
Obituary next week
Mr. and Mr Herman Frish,
son, named Larry Herman. No
vember 11th
Mr and Mrs Clarence Emsst,
girl. November 11th
Dotty Moore, Inman, patient
Friday and Saturday.
Charles Claus, Monday, medi
cal treatment.
Mrs. Armanda Coffman, dis
missed Friday after eight weeks.
Alexander Hamilton of Kansas
City. Mo.. Wednesday; chest in
juries from a car accident.
Alexander Hamilton of Kansas
City, Mo., a representative of the
Ethyl Gasoilne Corporation, was
seriously injured in a car accident
at the junction of highway 20 and
275 Tuesday night when he fell
asleep and the car wnt into the
ditch. The car was demolished
He was brought to this city and to
the O’Neill Hosiptal. where he
was unconscious until Wednesday
morning He is slowly recover
Mr. and Mrs. C’has Mullen and
Mrs. W T Coughlin, of Wagner
S. D, went to Creseo, Iowa, Sat
unlay to visit Mrs. Coughlin’s and
and Mrs. Mullen's brother, who
has been ill.
Mr. and Mrs Robert Smith, Sr..
Mrs. Bernard Madison, and Robert
Smith Jr., wont to Anita, Iowa.
Saturday' to attend the funeral of
Frank Mitchell on Monday. They
all returned Monday evening, but
Mrs. Smith, who remained and
visit relatives in Osceola, and
Council Bluffs, Iowa, for a few
Mrs. J. P. Gilligan came up
from Nebraska City Saturday to
attend the funeral of S. J. Weekes
and to visit at the home of her
brother, Charles Stout. Mrs. Gil
ligan went to Omaha Thursday
morning, before returning to Ne
braska City.
Mrs J. F. Hayes, who has been
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Henry
Grady for the past six weeks, left
Wednesday morning to visit her
daughter, Mrs. John Ellis at Cas
per. Wyoming, before returning to
her home in Los Angeles, CaL
Mrs. Robert Smith, Jr., enter
tained the REH Bridge Club at
her home Wednsday evening. Mrs
Melvin Ruzicka and Mrs. James
Walling won the prizes
Mrs. C. W. Porter entertained
the MW Club Friday at 1:30 des
ert bridge at her home. Mrs. Guy
Cole won high score, Mrs Harold
Lind berg low and Mrs. Lindley
Stout guest prize.
Miss Agnes Reznicek returned
Sunday from Columbus, where
she had been called by the illness
of her brother.
Mrs. Art Barnes entertained
her Bridge club at her home Wed
nesday afternoon.. Mrs. Robert
Drietell won high score, Mrs. E.
1 Peterson low and Mrs. Frank Cle
' ments traveling.
Mrs. Ed Verbal entertained the
Sewing Club at her home last
Thursday evening .
Mr. and Mrs. R. Lucas, attend
ed the Chadron Hereford Show
and Sale held Friday and Satur
I day While there they were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. William Hem.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Hansen and
family of Wagner, S. D., visited
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dor
ance Crabb Sunday.
Miss Betty Storjohann of At
kinson. spent the week-end with
her sister. Miss DeLorso Stor
Staff Sgt. T. E. Petranek came
down from St. Charles. S. D.,
Saturday and his sister. Mrs.
Paul Shierk. accompanied him
home to visit their mother. Mrs.
‘ Marie Petranek until Tuesday.
Money in bank
here means you
have cash for instant
use at any time, while
we assume the re
sponsibility for keep
ing it safely in the
Capital, Surplos and Undivided
Profit*. $140,000.00
This Bank Carries No Indebtednt
of Officers or Stockholders.
Maabsr hsdsrsJ Dsposi’ Insurants Corporahvt
Mrs. Henry Zimmerman
Mrs. Catherine Zimmerman
ril'd at the heme of her son,
1 iarence, in Omaha, last Sunday
night at 11 58 p. nv, after an ill-'
ness of three weeks of broncho
pneumonia, at the age of 80 years,
f<mr months and twenty-three
days The body was brought to
this city Monday and the funeral
was held from the Presbyterian j
church Wednesday afternoon at
2 o’clock. Rev. Dr. Spencer in
charge and burial in Prospect
Hill cemetery at the side of her
husband who passed away in
Catherine Zunken was born in
Bremerhaven, Germany ,on June
16, 1861. She grew to womanhood
in her native town and there in
1879 she was united in marriage to
Henry J Zimmerman. Six
children were born of this union,
two of whom preceded their mo
ther in death, leaving four sons
surviving her. The surviving sons
are: Leo H., Hutchinson, Kansas;
Dr. L. John, Chicago; Harold E...
Hastings; Clarence, Omaha. She
is also survived by sixteen grand
children and six great grandchild-1
ren. All of the living children
were present at the funeral ser
vices, Leo being accompanied by
bis wife and Harold being accom
panied by his wife and three
Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman came
to the United States in January
1888, and came at once to this
county, locating south of Emmet,
j They did not stay in that section
very long and moved to O'Neill,
which was the family home until
after the death of Mr. Zimmer
man in 1929. Since that time Mrs.
Zimmerman had made her home
with her children, spending the
last year and a half with Clarence
in Omaha. Mrs. Zimmerman was
an industrious woman and had a
host of friends in this city, where
she spent the greater part of her
We wish to take this oppor
tunity to thank each and every
one, who in any way participated
in the benefit s ponce red by St.
Mary’s Alumnae on November
St Mary’s Alumnae Assoc.
Miss Nadine Kilpatrick came
up from Omaha Tuesday to visit
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. A.
1 Kilpatrick. Miss Kilpatrick had
the misfortune of falling on some
1 ice Monday and breaking her
j right arm and is spending her
forced vacation with home folks.
Bennett Gillespie went up to
j Bassett Sunday to get his father,
j L. G. Gillespie who has been in
the Bassett hospital for the past
week Mr. Gillespie is improving
rapidly and expects to be out and
j around soon.
Abe Saunto, went out to Phoe
nix, Saturday, to visit at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. George Syfie, for
a few days.
Miss Nadine McNally, came up
from Schuyler, and spent the
week-end with her father George
Joe Reznicek returned to Om-j
aha Tuesday, after visiting his
sister. Miss Agnes Reznicek.
Mrs. H. W. Heriford entertain
ed the Pinochle club at her home
Friday afternoon.
Mrs Claude Johnson and child
ren and Mrs. John Cuddy, ar-;
rived from Sioux Falls, S. D.,‘
Monday to visit their parents, Mr!
and Mrs. J. P, Protivinsky, and
Mr. and Mrs. Anton Stanton.
C. E. Abbott, came up from Fre
mont to attend thefuneral of S. j
J. Weekes, on Saturday,
Mr. and Mrs. Oral L. Fox, en
tertained Miss Helen Fitzgerald
and Mrs Lou Beck, at dinner
Tuesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Weekes, Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Weekes, Mr. and
Mrs James Weekes. and Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Weekes, came up from
Omaha Saturday, to attend the
funeral of S. J. Weekes.
Mr. and Mrs Louis Jones left i
Wednesday for their home ini
Miles City, Montana, after a visit
at the home of Mrs. Jones’ father
R. H. Murray.
Mrs J. A. Donohoe and Ford
Hovey came up from Omaha
Saturday, to attend the funeral
of S. J. Weekes.
A goal-splitting convention by
Gene McKenna provided the mar
gin of victory as the O’Neill Eagles
downed Nclighs Warriors, 7-6
on Armistice Day at O'Neill.
There was no score at the half
but a last half packed with action
saw the Eagles take advantage of
a fumble to drive deep into enemy
territory, only to lose the ball on
downs after Warren Burgess had
advanced the ball to the Neligh
five-yard line Neligh kicked out
of danger to their 35. From there
the O’Neill attack was not to be
denied, with Fullback Calkins
carrying, it to the four. Burgess
scored on a fast end sweep. Mc
Kenna, benched with a bad knee,
bad been saved for just such an
emergency. The conversion was
good making the score 7 to 0.
The points loomed larger and
larger as the fourth quarter wore
on. Then Nelight, operating from
its customary “T" formation, ex
ecuted a fast sneak play and Cen
ter Broberg sped througr dazed
O'Neill’s defenders to go some 40
yards for a touchdown. On the
crucial try for point, Hackendarf/s
plunge was stopped by Wyant ami
Wetzler, left side of the Eagle’s
The game was marred by many
peal ties Action was held up at
one time when both teams claimed
possession on O’Neill’s disputed
pass completion.
O’Neill's starting linup includ
ed: Wetzler and Lewis; Ends;
Wyant and Ridgway, Tackles;
Wolfe and Oberle, Guards; Van
Every. Center; Burgess, Manzer.
Osenbaugh, and Calkins, Backs.
Ed George at Creighton and
George B&hara of Bellingham.
Washington, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Saunto Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kuska, Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Lindbrg and K.
D. Fenderson went to Norfolk
to attend a “Pilot” breakfast at
the Norfolk Hotel Sunday morn
Mrs. Jack Vincent, Mrs. Tern
Clift and son George were in
A in worth Wednesday on business
Mrs. Goldie Liddy went to Co
lumbus Saturday to spend a few
days at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Hans Egger.
Sidney R. Goodfellow went to
Lincoln Tuesday to attend a
Farmer’s Security meeting of the
District Supervisors.
Miss Irene Yocum has accept
ed a position at the Ben Frank
lin Store, and started working
The Employees of the Ben
Franklin Store had a farewell
party for Miss Eileen Olson Fri
day evening at the home of Miss
Frances Yocum. The evening en
tertainment was Bingo, and a.
delicious lunch was served. Miss.
Olson was presented with a love
ly gift
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Schneider
went to Omaha Sunday after their
three week old baby, who was at
the University hospital.
Charles Walling returned to
Fremont Sunday after visiting at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Walling for a few days.
Mrs. Nellie Hoehne, Misses
Harriett Lisle, Pearl and Wini
fred Record and W. McWhorter
of Osmond spent Sunday at the
Ira George home.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Verzal came
up from Wayne and spent the
week-end at the home of Mrs.
Verzal’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Quinn. Their son, Jerry, who had
been visiting his grandparents
for the past two weeks returned
with them.
G. H. Herre is remodeling his
jewelry store this week. He has
taken the parition out, that separ
ated his store from the O’Neill
bakery, and is going to use the
entire front for his jewelry store.
When the work is completed he
will have one of the most attract
ive jewelry stores in this territory.
Mrs. Katherine Verzal. Mrs.
Bertha Conderinger and daugh
ter, Helen, and son, Robert of At
kinson were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. E. Verzal Sunday.