■mm n .. w-» . ii.t itti Hin—, ..... ■ , ——a li A DELAIDK'S father heartily ap /\ proved of Walt Msy© as shus £ \ band for hi* daughter and un dertook the task of giving Adelaide some advice. "You'd better accept his offer of marriage," he told her. "You can't go wrong. Walt will give you se curity," Adelaide smiled and a faraway look came into her eyes. "I'm not so sure,” she said, "that I want security. That kind, I mean." "There’s only one kind," Mr. Steers considered his daughter for a moment "Adelaide, you're think ing of that crazy galoot, Fred Cram.” Startled, Adelaide turned upon him. “He’s not a crazy galoot!" "I knew it! Ye gods, girl, won't you realize that Fred’s no good? Why, he han’t a sound idea in his head." "He's good looking," said Ade laide dreamily. "And good natured. And he doesn't care a darn whether school keeps or not. Also, he says he’d like to marry me. Is that a sound idea?" "Ho!" Mr. Steers laughed heart ily. "Ho!" he said again. "Marry you! Why, the young whippersnap per couldn't support a bantam chick, let alone a wife.” “Perhaps if he had a wife—who loved him—she might be able to in spire him with the thing it takes to want to support her.” “Rubbish!" said Mr. Steers. He scowled, studying his one and only offspring. Ever since the girl's She saw the men tying on the road and she began to tremble. mother had died two years after their daughter was bom, Adelaide had been a constant source of worry. He wished heartily that she would marry some sensible young man like Walt Mayo. Take a load off his mind. “I suppose," the elder Steers con tinued, "you've heard about Walt’s experience the other night Held up by bandits, he was, while driving from Kenwood to Moreton. They de manded his billfold and he gave it to them. It contained six dollars. When Walt got home he lifted up the seat of his car and took out a second wallet containing $38, the bulk of what he’d been carrying. That man thinks of everything. He’s j smart Saved himself a lot of trouble for $8. Fred Cram wouldn't have pulled a stunt like that." "Fred Cram,” said Adelaide, "wouldn’t have had $38 to conceal, or six.” Mr. Steers snorted and stomped into the house. Left alone on the veranda, Adelaide picked up the daily newspaper. There was quite a splash about the two bandits that had during the past week been terrorizing the vicinity, but Adelaide couldn't concentrate. Her thoughts kept wandering to Fred Cram. She had promised to go out with him that night. ‘ Fred arrived an hour later. He came in an automobile that an nounced its presence several blocks away by virtue of loose joints. "Why," asked Adelaide, climbing aboard the front seat, "don’t you jack up the windshield of this thing and put an automobile under it?” He grinned. “You know, darling, if there's one reason why I’m glad you’ve decided to marry me, it’s because you’re very witty.” "Marry you! Such a nerve! Why, you couldn’t support a—a bantam hen." “There you go—always making me laugh.” Adelaide set her lips grimly. They had bounced out of town and were wheeling along the wooded road that led to Moreton. There was a moon and the air held a fresh smell of growing things. It occurred to Adelaide suddenly that her father had been right. Fred was an irresponsible sort of person. Not the sort, in fact, that a real sensible girl would want for a hus band. Yet, darn it!—an idea sud denly flashed into her head. “Fred,” she said abruptly, "have you heard about Walt Mayo’s ex perience last night with the ban dits?” "Heard it? You bet I have. Who hasn’t?” He wagged his head ad miringly. “Walt’s smart. That bird thinks of everything." "Fred, why don’t you try being like Walt? I mean, being a little more serious about life and—and things?” “Thing!!?" said Fred, He brought the car to a sudden atop and turned to her "Honey, you’re the only thing ! could be serious about. And believe me, I am," Adelaide shook her head. "I’m afraid you're wasting your time. I —1 couldn't risk It, Fred. A woman wants security," Fred stared at her for so long without speaking that Adelaide thought he actually was getting seri ous, and she became alarmed. "Fred," she said, “I—I’d like to make you a proposition. Suppose, just to show me that you could pro vide security, you save up a thou sand dollars. I'll marry you when you get a thousand." She swal lowed. It hadn’t sounded as con vincing or grand as she had ex pected. "Done!" said Fred unexpectedly. And at that moment two men stepped out of the bushes and lev eled guns at them. At sight of the men Adelaide uttered a little sup pressed scream of terror. “H’ist ’em!” said the biggest of the pair, "an’ keep 'em h’isted." Fred turned casually. "Hello, boys,” he grinned. "Nice evening." “Oho! A wise guy?” The big man leered and winked at his com panion. “Well, I guess we know how to handle wise guys, eh, Tony? I wonder if this jigger hides his dough under the seat, too?” “Honey,” said Fred, grinning at Adelaide, “you’d better climb out These boys want to look under the seat” Adelaide thought she caugni a significant inflection to his tone. She climbed out, on the opposite side of the car from the bandits. Fred opened the door on his side, and then things began to happen. She heard Fred yell: "Duck, Adelaide!" And she ducked. While ducked, she heard a gun go ofT, and a shower of broken glass sprayed over her. The windshield. Of all the nervel Why, that windshield was the only good part of the car! Fred was still yelling. There were sounds of a scuffle. A couple of thuds. Another shot. Promiscu ous grunting. Then Fred came around the car. "O.K., honey. The boys have had enough." Adelaide stood up. She saw the men lying on the road and she be gan to tremble. “Oh, Fred, are you all right?" "Well, yes. Mostly. Couple of bruises. 1 wish I'd been smart, though. Like Walt Walt would have saved himself all this trouble by some clever tricks.” He paused suddenly and began to grin. “Heck. I just thought. There’s a reward for these birds. Five hundred smacks each. Add ’em together, girlie, and we have the required amount.” Adelaide began to cry. "Fred— oh, you didn't need a thousand. You didn't need anything. And—and I’ll bet Walt Mayo would have let them steal my money, too. He would have said it was smart, because he saved most of his.” Fred Interrupted her babbling by picking her up and setting her back inside the car. “Are you by any chance trying to get acfoss the idea that you accept my marriage pro posal?” "You crazy galoot!” said Ade laide, shamelessly stealing her fa ther’s stuff. “Of course I will!” “Well, well,” said Fred. And he took her in his arms and kissed her very, very seriously. Three Thousand Attend Prep School for Pups Michael von Motzeck of Chicago is headmaster of a prep school tor pups. His pupils are disobedient dogs whose masters enroll them to learn the ABCs of canine etiquette. In his $40,000 halls of learning he has graduated in the last 10 years almost 3,000 Ph.D. pooches owned by movie stars, tycoons and society folks. As reward for passing final tests every dog gets a beauty treatment, with trimming and pluck ing, in the dog beauty parlor run by Mrs. Von Motzeck. Courses last from a month to a year. Month’s course of seven first grade lessons, includes learning to obey commands to “heel,” “sit,” "lie down,” “come” when called, and to “fetch.” A two months’ course includes seven more ad vanced lessons, and so on up. Von Motzeck once trained a dog to an swer 150 commands perfectly. After the first two weeks’ train ing, masters must attend the school three times to be put through the paces with their pets. Most ad vanced pup scholars learn to pose in the show ring, jump high walls, guard objects and people, and do parlor tricks. A few Von Motzeck tips for training your dog: Best reward for a lesson is a pat on the head; train your pup before meals; never strike him; don’t prolong a lesson more than 15 minutes. Sponge Cake From Oven As soon as you take a sponge cake from the oven, invert the pan on a cake rack until the cake is cool. This lets air circulate under the cake, helping to prevent gathering of moisture in the pan. When cake is cool, loosen the sides with a spatula and slip the cake out WHO’S NEWS THIS WEEK By LEMUEL F. PARTON | (Consolidated Futures—WNU Servlet.) XTEW YORK.—It was last August 1 v that Mrs. Oveta Culp Hobby of Houston, Texas, became head of the women’s division of the army's bu reau of pub Woman Journalist nc relations. Scores for Ladies She said she In Defense Effort would organ ize the divi sion to tell women what they wanted to know about the army. Her suc cess has been such that today her achievement is being nationally rec i ognized as a bang-up score for wom en in the defense effort. Mrs. Hobby is executive vice president of the Houston Post, and hence a specialist in telling people what they want to know. Newspaper women are happy in finding a government public re lations bureau which offers some thing more than hand-outs in press co-operation. The post Is Important as a liaison between soldiers and wives and mothers. She is 35 years old, pretty, slen der, stylish, brisk and businesslike, the wife of William Pettus Hobby, twice governor of Texas. Her achievements in the above few years are such that they may only be briefed in the space available here: In addition to running the Houston Post, she is the active executive of radio station KPRC; director of a national bank; director of the South ern Newspaper publishers’ associa tion; a member of the board of re gents of the Texas State Teachers’ college, of the Junior League, the Houston Symphonic society and the National Association of Parliamen tarians. She studied law, was admitted to the bar, codified the state banking laws, was parliamenta rian for the Texas assembly for several years, was assistant city attorney of Houston, wrote a book on parliamentary law called ‘‘Mr, Chairman,” which is used as a text book In the schools of Louisiana and Texas, syndicated a column on parlia mentary law and served as re search editor, literary editor, as sistant editor and, since 1938, executive editor of the Houston Post. In 1939, Mrs. Hobby was awarded the annual certificate of merit of the National Federation of Women’s Press Clubs, for outstanding work in journalism. She was born in Tem ple, Texas, the daughter of an at torney of the town. With all the above activities, she says she has had ample time for her children, a boy of nine and girl of five. EIGHTY-year-old Rep. Joseph Jef ferson Mansfield of Texas has made a career of planned river and harbor development and control. It d .. - goes back to Rep. Mansfield at boyhood 80 Is Still Battling days in Vir Unruly Waterways S*"18 when he was rid ing a horse to the grist mill, with sacks of corn stowed fore and aft. When he forded an angry stream, corn and horse were swept away and he had a hard time making shore, with no end of trouble there after. Then and there he became a flood-battler, ready to take on any undisciplined waterway, for Its own good and the well-being of the commonwealth. So, nat urally, In his 25 years in con gress he has been chairman of the rivers and harbors commit tee. He’s In form and in his stride today, as he contends that only river and harbor projects qualify as bona fide defense un dertakings, and rate advance ment in the "immediate con struction" file. He has been 54 years in politics, a resident of Texas since 1881, when he settled in Eagle Lake—city at torney, mayor, county attorney, county judge for 10 terms, and con gressman. In 1926 he suffered a mal ady which cost him the use of his legs. He campaigned and won in a wheel chair and carried on in con gress, from his special wheel chair stance to the right of the speaker’s dais. His father, a Confederate soldier, was killed in battle six months after his son was born. He battles val iantly for a sea-level Panama canal and for transportation of Texas oil eastward on inland waterways. JUST before the war started, Vlad imir Kyrillovitch, a son of the late Grand Duke Cyril, and pretend er to the throne of czarist Russia, was working in a Diesel engine fac tory in England. He said he would learn and impart to his following of 2,000,000 White Russians the skills i necessary to reclaim their homeland. | He was soon back to his Brittany estate and now news of his repeated visits to Paris follow several reports that the Nazis are encouraging him I to believe that he might yet stage a j Romanoff comeback. NATIONAL AFFAIRS Reviewed by CARTER FIELD Capital's Job After W ar Will He to Prevent Unemployment Problem . . . Aluminum Produc tion and Post-1C ar Period Discussed. (B«ll Syndicate—WHU Service.I WASHINGTON. — At several re cent meetings of manufacturers there has been serious discussion about the prospects AFTER the shooting stops. Just when that will be, whether in 1943 or 1950, nobody is sure, but there is no blinking the fact that a tremendous prob lem will be presented when peace stops all this national defense spend ing. Most of the advice which the busi ness men are getting from editors of the publications identified with the industries is to the effect that the capitalistic system can survive, in that post-war period, only if busi ness starts right in full steam ahead. "Never again," said a prominent figure at one of these meetings, (which was a meeting of execu tives, so his name cannot be men tioned) "will we stand by w'hile mil lions of men are out of jobs, while industry is prostrate, while there are huge unsatisfied needs for goods and while the banks are filled with money." "That sounds radical," said S. T. Henry of the McGraw Hill Publish ing company, in addressing a re cent meeting of the American In stitute of Steel Construction, “but it was made by one of the most noted industrial leaders of the country, not by a New Dealer, nor by a labor leader. Must Rebuild Devastated Lands “Here is another statement made recently," Mr. Henry told the gath ering: " 'After the war ends we must feed Europe and will get nothing for doing it; we must supply most of the capital to rebuild the devastated countries, and will be lucky if we get a return on the investment; we must be ready for other radical un dertakings, whether we wish to do so or not All landmarks of how to proceed to do business will be gone.* "This was said by the senior part ner of one of the great Wall Street banking houses. He was address ing a small group of labor leaders, financiers, industrialists, manage ment engineers and others. "The position occupied by busi ness in the revolutionary post-war activities that are unescapable," Mr. Henry said in another part of his talk, "depends entirely on the vision and the courage displayed by business. If business has any idea that pre-war commercial policies will return, then it will fail, when the post-war period comes, to have much of a hand in what is done. "On the other hand, if business can forget the past—remembering that 'all the old landmarks will be gone’—and will readjust its think ing so that it may take the lead in the huge undertakings that are in the making, then business may ex pect to be an important factor in the post-war period." "After having sat in with officials speaking off-the-record for all of the government agencies concerned with post-war planning," said Mr. Henry, "it has been possible to make a summary of the vast pro gram of government and other ac tivities they have in mind. This summary shows a total of about five billions a year. It is likely to be more!" Aluminum Production And Post War Period One of the revolutions in Ameri can industry almost certain to fol low the end of the war is involved in the enormous expansion of alumi num production. This light, but strong metal will be available in quantities never before dreamed of, and at prices on which engineers have never thought of figuring. Just before this country started its “priorities” and began curbing production of articles not required for national defense there had been a considerable building of “stream liner” trains. Some of these were built of aluminum, more of stain less steel. The essential desire of the engineers in each case, after streamlining to cut down wind re sistance, was to cut down the weight so as to insure quicker starts and hence lower running time. But the point is that the engi neers recently had turned to stain less steel because aluminum was so expensive. With aluminum selling at a very low price, and no more terrific pressure for turning out large numbers of airplanes, alumi num naturally will be pushing other materials in commercial competi tion. There will be more aluminum than ordinary needs would provide a demand for, and hence aluminum MUST find additional markets. At the low price which will then be possible, it is unthinkable that this will not provide a revolution in our railway trains, and in doing so provide a lot of the employment which will be so vitally needed when the war is over, and the demand for more shells, tanks, planes and guns suddenly ends. /TO MAKE, t> ED, white and blue are starred in an attractive quilt which bears the intriguing name—Stars of Stripes. You'll be charmed with the easy piecing of these clever eight-pointed star blocks of which just 20 are required. Diag onal setting is used and with a narrow border, the sire is about 90 by 110. Here is a patriotic patchwork Relief At Last For Your Cough Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause it goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, in flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way it quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis Vanity’s Tongue Egotism is the tongue of vanity. •-Chamfort. quilt that will brighten your bed room to a remarkable degree. • • • Accurate cutting guide with estimated yardages and directions for the Stars of Stripes is Z9330. IS cents. The quilting may be either diagonal cross lines or a star motif. Send your order to: AUNT MARTHA Box 166-W Kansas City, Mo. Enclose IS cents for each pattern desired. Pattern No. Name. Address. Have you entered the Raleigh jingle contest. Liberal prizes. See Raleigh ad in this paper for details. —Adv. Danger in Wit Wit is a dangerous thing, ever to the possessor, if he know not how to use it discreetly.—Mon taigne. INDIGESTION 1 ► does not harm the heart, bat it can make one mighty uncomfortable. If gas seems to distend stomach, causing that embar rassing “gurgling” and crowding, try ADLA Tablets. They contain Bismuth and Carbonates for QUICK relief. Drug gists have ADLA Tablets. * " • Mind's Tongue The pen is the tongue of the mind.—Cervantes. (wr/maw /^\ 1 J CUm MGMW0 1 run vm urn TVS . union made DON’T PASS UP this easy I way to save money. Raleighs m are the popular-priced ciga- 9 rettes that give you a valuable 9 coupon on every pack—cou- 9 pons good in the U.S.A. for IS each in cash, or even more I in luxury premiums well I worth owning. j|| Buy Raleighs by the carton Itg and get ten coupons, plus two m extraineachcartonofRaleighs % cork-tipped, or four extra with I Raleighs plain. That makes a total coupon saving of or H lOViff acarton! Askfor Raleighs today-afine-qualitycigarette, 9 plus a worthwhile dividend. fell &>JS B ft W coupons also with Kool Cigarettes and Big Ben Smok ing Tobacco. For new catalog, write Brown & Williamson To bacco Corp., Bo* 699, Louis ville, Ky. Coffee Table with inlaid top of matched Walnut and Mahog any......460 coupons. Clothes Hamper with Pearl Py ralm lid. Airy. Removable liner.550 coupons. Koroseal Lady’s Umbrella. New style. Rustless frame. Choice of colors.250 coupons. Zippo Pockot Lighter of satin chromium. Wind guard. Plain or initials.. 175 coupons. Premium Catalog. 60 pages. Full-color illustration* and com plete descriptions. HERE’S WHAT YOU DO It's simple. It’s fun. Just think up alast line to thisjingle. Make sure it rhymes with the word "too.” Write your last line of the Jingle on the reverse side of a Raleigh package wrapper (or a facsimile thereof), sign it with your full name and address, and mail it to Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp., P. O. Box 180, Louisville, Kentucky, post marked not later than midnight, November 10, 1941. You may enter as many last lines as you wish, if they are all written on separate Raleigh pack age wrappers (or facsimiles). Prizes will be awarded on the ^SaidTweedleduin to Tweediedee^j 5 Raleighs are the smoke for me.