The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 23, 1941, Image 1

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    Neb- Stat® Historical Social
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VOL. LXII O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, October 23, 1941 Number 24
_______ J __ » , , - ' L , V/_; V
By Romaine Saunders
The great American football
men divert attention for a time
from the voices raised to restore
order out of chaos, the books, pap
ers, magazines planketing the
globe, but sem only to add to the
confusion of a world in distress.
O. C. Bates, a fellow craftsmen
of the long ago, not so much as
a printer, but gifted above many
as a writer, was said to be the
first to call a Nebraska snow
storm a blizzard. Now it turns out
to be a family name, Oklahoma
having a citizen by the name of
Blizzard, and bearing the honored
title of Judge.
Mr. and Mrs. Ned Saunders and
baby Royal came in from Lincoln,
Monday to visit home folks, and
look after real estate interests
“Why should the spirit of mor
tal be proud?” Because we’re built
that way. But if you can wear the
robe of exalted position and yet
be one among humble neighbors
your pride hasn’t gone to your
Those who tried it say if you
want pheasant hunting without a
good bird dog you were apt to
come in empty handed. Birds are
plentiful but stay under cover un
less put to flight by a knowing
dog. The bird dog population of
O’Neill when Geo. Merritt black
smithed one day a week and was
out with his dogs and gun the
other six was about equal to the
voting population, but I haven’t
seen one of those red Irish setters
running loose since automobiles
clutter the streets.
It may be like treading in where
angels fear to enter for a mere
man to say it, but the observation
will be risked that those devoted
to a round of bridge, sipping cof
fee with fair heads enveloped in
a haze of cigarette smoke, must
come to the end of the trail under
poignant realization of the empti
ness of life that has been void of
no greater accomplishment than
carrying off the prize at the party.
‘ Writing up” a recent Hereford
sale, down in Custer county, Mrs.
Weaver of the Nebraska Farmer
says: ‘‘Cars were there from
more than 30 states, including Vir
ginia, Texas, Michigan, Wisconsin
and Kentucky. That tells the rat
ing of Nebraska Herefords.” And
concludes: ‘ Now that I have seen
them sold in the ring. I have the
yen to follow the winding high
ways deep into the sandhills to
see the big herds at home, to see
the cows and their sturdy babies
placidly munching the famous
sandhills grass, to see at first hand
the industry of Nebraska’s great
open spaces—the cattle business.”
The topnotch aristocrat at this
sale was sold to a Garden City,
Kansas, buyer for $3,500. It used
to be the pleasure of dwellers on
the gravel flats, the high clay
ridges and the river bottoms to
have their little joke about the
sandhills. The sandhills are now
producing over half the wealth of
The high cost of living has be
come an additional worry. Life
does not center at the dinner
table. The things which give life
inspiration are free. It costs no
thing to say a kind word or lift a
fallen brother. It costs nothing to
breathe clean air, to walk in the
sunlight among the flowers and to
listen to the music of humming
insects and the whispering of the
wind. The autumn tints on trees
and shrubs, the patter of the rain
drops and the varied colors of the
rainbow arched across the after
noon sky cost nothing. It costs no
thing to see the mingled gold and
purple beauty of a prairie sunset,
to behold the far-off glow in the
night sky of Orion and Arcturus,
to humble arrogant pride and sub
due nerve tension by a quiet walk
out in the open under the stars.
The bes things, the enduring
things, that the Omnipotent Hand
holds out to mankind cost no
thing in money. “The spirit and
the bride say COME . . . and who
soever will let him take the wa
ter of life FREELL.” “Come ye
buy and eat . . without money
and without price. ”
Up at O’Neill last week Pat Mc
Manus harvested his pear crop
That was merely incidental, an
Uivforseen development to the
The teachers in Nebraska have
turned their attention to conven
tion activities during Thursday
and Friday of this week. The con
vention center for this district
is at Norfolk. Most of the O'Neill
j teachers are attending at Norfolk,
j with a few going to Lincoln or
j Omaha.
A good program of sectional
meetings and outstanding speak
ers has been arranged on the Nor
folk schedule. Rene Dussaq, an
Argentinian Traveler, will give
an address on “A South America’s
View of South America”. Strick
land Gillian, humorist, poet, and
commentator on national events
from Washington, D. C., will give
an address entitled ‘‘Sucker, Why
Don’t you Try”. Dr. Mayice Sout
hall, Professor of Elementary
Education, George Peabody Col
lege, Nashville, Tennessee will
I speak on the topic, “Democracy
; As a Way of Life in Our Schools”.
An address will be given on
“Education for National Defense”,
by Dr. William H, Pillsbury, Pre
sident of the American Associa
tion of School Administrators, and
Superintendent of Schools, Sche
nectady, New York. Mr. John T.
Whitaker, correspondent of the
Chicago Daily News Foreign Ser
vice. will give an address entitled,
“A World Revolution—The World
Through Axis Eyes.” Other noted
speakers are on the program and
participating in the sectional
From the O’Neill facffity, Ira
George is serving on the Resoul
tions Committee and C. F. Grill is
secretary of the Superintendents
and Principal sectional meeting.
Led by left end Benny Wetzler,
who scored both his team’s touch
downs, the O.H.S. Eagles came
from behind to gain a 13-13 tie
with a stubborn Ewing Tiger ele
ven, October 17, under O’Neill’s
O’Neill took control shortly
after the game opened and drove
deep into Tigers territory, but a
very stiff defense held them off.
and Ewing managed to kick out of
danger from its five-yard line. The
Eagles soon resumed their march
and were knocking on their op
ponents’ ten at the end of the first
quarter. On the first play of he
second period, an over-the-goal
pass from Lewis to Wetzler ac
counted for the first O’Neill touch
down. Wetzler’s sparkling catch
was possible only after he took
the pass from two pairs of enemy
hands. McKenna’s kick pass was
was good for a very large gain
and touchdown. The point was
made on a line plunge to put the
Tigers ahead, 7-6. Neither team
again threatened in the first half.
Almost before any of the spect- j
ators had settled to watch the last
half, Oetter, fleet Ewing back
broke loose, outran several frantic
Blue and White teamsters,, and
streaked 70 yards to increase the
Tiger margin by six ponts. The try
for point failed as the O.H.S. line!
braced to hold. O’Neill then took
command, trailing by seven points
A long heave by Lewis was
snatched again by Wetzler, who
scampered to the enemy goal,
making a total gain of 65 yards
on the play. Lewis plunged hard
to gain and all-important point,
making it a tied ball game, 13-13
Although O’Neill threatened
often in the final quarter, all at
tacks failed and the game remain
ed a deadlock to the end.
Mrs. Joe Hunter, and Miss Mar
jorie Dickson, went, to Lincoln
Friday to attend the Nebraska
Indiana game. They returned Sun
! day.
1 larger undertaking of trimming
\ dead branches from a lone pear
tree in his back yard. Pat was on
a 10-foot ladder cutting out dead
wood, when a large pear, the only
fruit on the tree, caught his eye.
He got a shorter step-ladder from
which to get the pear and had just
closed an eager hand over the
| luscious fruit, when the ladder
i fell, leaving P. J. suspended from
the tree by a shirt sleeve that had
caught on a limb, but he succeed
ed in reaching terra firma, with
the pear and no other damage
than a slight rent in the shirt
sleeve. Whether this was a
Montgomery-Ward shirt or one
out of his own stock of Arrow
brand, I neglected to ascertain,
but P. J. is of the opinion that this
incident that called for quite a
display of gymnastics emphasises
his claim of renewed youthful vig
J or since attaining to an octogen
I arian.
M. C. Coffman, passed away at
the O’Neill hospital this morning
about 2 a. m., after an illness of
several years of general disbility
at the age of 82 years, ten months
and twenty-seven days. He was
taken to the hospital last Sat
urday. The funeral will be held
Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock
i from the Methodist church, and
burial in Prospect Hill cemetery.
I Monroe C. Coffman, was born
in Ohio, on November 26, 1858
When a young man he moved to
; Iowa, and at Ida Grove, in that
state, on December 25, 1888, he
was united in marriage to Miss
Amada Coziah. One daughter
1 was born of this union, Mrs. Em
met Revell of Star, Nebraska,
who with her mother are left to
mourn his passing. He is also sur
vived by five grandchildren and
six great grandchildren.
Mr. Coffman came to this
county in 1906, and practically
all the time he has been a resident
of the county has lived in the
northeastern part, in the vicinity
of Star, until about a year ago
when he disposed of his property
and moved to Page. He was a
splendid citizen, a good neighbor
and a loyal friend and had a host
of friends in the section where he
was wel known.
The following named men have
been selected for induction in
the army by the local Selective
Service board. They shall report
to the local board at O’Neill, at
one a. m. on November 6th, 1941.
Whereupon they shall be sent to
an induction station at Fort
Crook, Nebraska.
V-S-1837, Gerald Allen Ramsey,
S-781, Ray Delbert Spencer,
429 Dick Jacob Timmerman,
387 Wiliam Earl O’Brien, Page.
V-S-1155 Floyd Mickile Jareske,
V-41 Paul Frank Azkazewski,
1012, Virgil Paul Butzke, At
Miss Jane Parkins, has accepted
a position at the County Clerks
office and started working Wed
Junior Harris, returned Sat
urday, from Omaha, where he had
been attending the Frye Aircraft
Company school of instruction for
several weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm Biglin went to
Omaha Tuesday, they were ac-.
companied by their son Bill, who I
had come up from Omaha, Friday
to go pheasant hunting.
Mrs. C. J. Gatz, entertained
the Delta Dek club Thursday
evening. Mrs. H. J. Lohaus, winn
ing the prize.
Dr. Irvin Gallagher, who has
been visiting at the home of Mrs.
J. P. Gallagher, returned to La
Crosse, Wisconsin, Tuesday, and
Miss Helen Gallagher accom
panied him home.
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Dwyer, re
turned to Omaha Sunday, after
spending several days visiting at
the home of his sister, Mrs. Hugh
Coyne, and other relatives.
The Emmet Methodist church
wishes to thank the O'Neill peo
ple for their splendid
our supper October, 20.
Mr. and Mrs. George Pryor of
Nebrraska City, were week-end
i guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Young.
I Jack Pickard, of Fremont, was
an over night guest Friday at the
I O. M. Herre home.
Mrs. C. J. Gatz, Mrs. Mary !Vk>
Leod, and Mrs. H. J. Lohaus, went
to Norfolk Sunday and visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. George
Agnes. Ann and Bruce Fangman.
daughter and son of Mr. and Mrs.
Fangman of Omaha returned with
Mrs. Earl Petti, from Elkhorn,
Nebraska spent Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Mike John
i son. •
Roy Johnson, Jr., who is at
tending school at the Wayne
College, arrived Wednesday to
' spend a few days at the home of
; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
The application of the Burling
ton railroad company to remove
from service the two passenger
train running between O'Neill
and Sioux City, will come up for
hearing at Plainview next Mon
day, before at least one member
of the Railway Commission. Sev
eral of the business men of this
| city are expected to attend and
I business men as a rule are all op
I posed to the removal of the trains
land it is hoped that a large dele
j gation will go from here to the
meeting at Plainview.
Opponents of the removal of
the trains in the east end have
chartered a special train on the
road for next Monday and will
run from South Sioux City to
Plainview and it is expected that
all of the towns from Plainview
east will have delegations on the
train, headed for the meeting.
According to word received here
by officers of the Commercial
Club, who are active in the op
position to the removal of the
passenger service, are advised that
all of the towns between here and
Plainview will have good dele
gations at the meeting. Now is
the time to make your protest felt.
Mrs. Ralph Rickly admitted
Wednesday tor medical care.
Mrs. Oral Rleken, son, born
Emil Sniggs much improved.
Mrs. A. Coffman, is much im
Mrs. Leo Hausman and daugh
ter were dismissed Sunday.
Permit us through you columns
to express our sincere and heart
felt thanks to the many old friends
and neighbors for the many acts
of kindness extended following
the death of our beloved Mother
Mrs. Levi Ahn, who passed away
in Iowa, lait Sunday and was
buried at the side of her husband
here Wednesday of last week.
Mrs. Charles Brown
and family
The Presbyterian Guild wish to
thank all those who in any way
contributed to the success of the
annual rummage sale.
Mrs. Robert Smith, Sr., and Mrs.
Bernard Madison, spent Tuesday
in Norfolk.
Mrs. Lod Janousek, was hon
ored Friday evening, with a sur
prise house warming, which sev
ral of her friends held at her new
home. The entertainment was con
tract bridge, at which Mrs. Bill
Martin, had high score, and Mrs.
J. H. McPharlin low. The guests
brought a lovely lunch which they
prepared and served. The self in
vited guests presented Mrs. Jan
ousek with a beautiful gift for
the home.
Mrs. H. L. Lindberg, entertain
ed the M. M. club at her home
Tuesday evening. Mrs. Guy Cole,
and Mrs. C. W. Porter, won the
The Catholic Daughters had a
social meeting Tuesday evening
at the Golden Hotel. The time
was spent in playing cards, at
which, Mrs. W. J. McDonough,
held high score, Mrs. Frank Cle
ments all-cut, and Mrs. Leo Car
ney, low. Refreshments were ser
ved at the close of the evening.
The hostesses were: Mrs. Arthur
Spittler, Mrs W. J. McDonough,
Mrs. A1 Sauser, Mrs. Tom Donlin,
and IVTrs James Kelley
Mrs. Tom Green, Bernadette
and Bobby Lee Donlin went to
Ft. Randall, S. D., Wednesday to
spend the rest of the week at the
Donlin ranch near Ft. Randall
Mr. and Mrs. D. C Bishop and
Jimmy Herre, returned to Kansas
City, Missouri, Sunday after
spending several days at the O
M. Herre home.
Mrs. Jerry DeVore, went to
Norfolk Tuesday and spent the
^ day there.
Misses Hilda Gallagher, Loretta
Enright, Margaret Miller, Maxine
Mills, Edna Couch, Helen Weibel,
Lawrence Hanna, D. Lochmon, Ira
George, C. F. Grill and Ellsworth
| Peterson, went to Norfolk to the
l Nebraska State Teachers Conven
Ellen Lois Wilcox, went to El
gin Wednesday, ,
Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Anderson
and daughter Jeanne, of Omaha
arrived Thursday and are guest.
of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson
Miss Lou Iller, entertained 12
guests at her home Tuesday even
ing, the occassion being her birth
Mr, Francis and Leonard Pri
bil and their sister Ann, left Wed
nesday. morning for Lincoln.
Mrs. Ed. Campbell entertained
the Martez club Tuesday evening
at a 7 o’clock dinner at the M. M.
Cafe. Afterwards bridge at her
kinson, Mrs. C. E. Stout and Mrs.
Campbell, won the prizes
J. D. Cronin, Judge D. R.
Mounts, Ted McElhaney and
Jj P. Matron, attended the funeral
of Judge Charles Stewart a Nor
folk Wednesday.
Thomas and James Gaughan of
North Bend, visited their uncles
Jim and Ed Early, Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Penne and son
John, of Elgin, spent Sunday vis
iting their daughters and sisters
Mrs. Leo Hausman and family,
and Miss Lorraine Penne.
Mrs. O. A. Kilpatrick, went to
Norfolk Sunday to spend the day
with her daughter Nadine of
Mrs. Clarence Bergstrom, went
to Newcastle, Wyoming, Friday
to spend a few days visiting re
Mr. and Mrs. Gifford Bachman
left Thursday for Phoenix, Ari
zona, to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Dowd, of
Schuyler, are the parents of a son
born October 18th. Mrs. Dowd’s
was the former Eileen O’Malley.
Miss Katherine Kramer, who is
employed at th Elite Cafe, re
turned to her duties Wednesday,
after being confined to her home
for the past week.
The Misses Clara Lowery,
Betty Williams, Genevieve Graves
and Roy Lundgren and John
Gaughenbaugh went to Norfolk
Thursday, accompanied by Mrs.
C. E. Lundgren. They will repre
sent the O’Neill High School in
the large mixed chorus which
will be made up of High School
students from different towns, un
der the direction of a teacher
from Wayne, and w'hich will be
a feature of the Nebrraska State
Teachers convention that is be
ing held in Norfolk October 23
and 24. *
Mr. and Mrs. M. O. Howard
had a family reunion dinner at
their home Sunday in. honor of
Mr and Mrs. John Soukup of
Oakland, California. The guests
were, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Red
dick of Wood Lake; Mrs. M. A.
Gordon and son, Lyle of Omaha;
Anton Soukup of Page and Mr.
and Mrs. Stanley Soukup of this
city. This is John Soukup’s first
visit to Holt county in nine
teen years.
Fred Osenbaugh had ten of his
friends at his home Thursday
evening to help him celebrate his
thirteenth birthday.
Mr and Mrs. Gene Asmus of
Stoughton, Cal., and Mrs. Fritz
Asmus and Mrs. Charles Dobney,
of Norfolk, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Armburster on
Mrs. J. H. Perkins returned to
Ainworth Thursday after spend
several days visiting her father,
R. H. Murray and other relatives.
Mrs. Dave Loy entertained the
O. T. C. club at her home Wed
nesday afternoon.
Mrs. Virgil Kline spent Thurs
day visiting friends in Ewing.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cook and
Terry, of Omaha, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cook.
Adjutant Wisson, retired Sal
vation Army officer of Sioux City,
is spending the week here visiting
her sister, Mrs. C. H. Harris, east
of town.
Mr and Mrs. Glenn Tomlinson
spent Saturday and Sunday at Or
chard, visiting at the home of Mrs.
Tomlinson’s sister, Mrs. R. E. Hill
and family.
Mrs. Roy Bearce returned
Thursday evening from Norfolk,
where she had spent several
weeks visiting friends.
Mrs. Harold Connor has re
signed her position at the Cent
ral Finane Cosporation. Miss
Evelyn Coyne has acccepted the
position and started work Thurs
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McManamy
came up from Council Bluffs,
Iowa, ancf spent the week-end
visiting relatives and friends.
Mr. and Mis. Dell Baker, Dr.
and Mrs. George Baker and
daughters of Casper, Wyoming
who have been visiting at the
home of Mrs. J. P. Gallagher, left
Tuesday for Omaha.
Mrs. F. W. Van Drunn, ar
rived Monday from Council
Bluffs, Iowa and is a guest at the
home of Mrs. Carrie Hunter for
a few days.
Mr and Mrs. Jack Cromwell
arrived Thursday from Denver
and visited at the homes of his
sisters, Mrs. Marvin Johnson and
Mrs. D. Baker. They left Friday
for Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
Mrs. John Jaszkowiak, and son
Dwight, of Rushville, visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allen
Jaszkowiak, from Saturday until
MONEY in bank
here means you
have cash for instant
use at any time, while
we assume the re
sponsibility for keep
ing it safely in the
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
Profits, $140,000.00
This Bank Carries No Indebtedness
of Officers or Stockholders.
Member heberal Insurance Corporation
Livestock prices Barely Steady
Stockers and feeder were subject
to the current pressure evidenced
on practically all classes of live
stock, the past week and, altho the
action was gradually good here,
the prices were barely steady with
some kinds selling a little lower
than a week ago. Quality of the
offering was not quite as good as
last week and the plainer grades
took most of the price decline.
Lightweight steer calves of the
choice quality matched last week’s
high at $12.60. Bulk of th day’s of
fering of these sold from $10.50 to
$12.50. Heifer calves sold upwards
to $11.00 with the long end rang
ing in price from $9.50 to $10.50.
Yearlings were here in increa
sed suuply last Monday, and sev
eral carload lots were sold. One
full average weight 645 lbs., mov
ed at $9.50
Another load, averaging 737
lbs., paid $9.65, one load of 710
lbs., steers brought $9.60. Other
load lots, averaging from 800 to
825 lbs., cashed from $9.15 to $9.
45. A sprinkling of yearling steers
sold up to $10.00 and better.
Heifers in this class ranged in
price $8.25 to $9.40. Plainer grades
sold for less.
Heiferettes paid upwards to $8.
85. Cows sold mostly from $6.50
to $7.50 and bulls placed from $7.
50 to $7.85, with a few up to $8.50.
In the hog division, butchers
sold at $9.45 to $9.50 and sows at
$8.30 to 8.45. Pigs were scarce and
moved at $10.85.
Around 50 head of sheep show
ed up and these sold mostly by
the head. A few horses completed
the day’s offering
The next acution will be held
on Monday, October %1.
Jim Davidson, and Roy Johnson
went to Norfolk, Tuesday to at
tend the Firemen’s Convention,
Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Sawyer, of
St. Charles, Soi’ui Dakota, were
guests of Mr t> J Mrs. Mike John
son Sunday.
Mrs. Lyndle Stout, entertained
the Tuesday afternoon bridge club
at her home. Mrs. Harrison Bridge
won high and Mrs. Bennett Gilles
pie, second high.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ambruster
and son Bobby spent Sunday in
Norfolk, visiting her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Dobney.
A1 Studebaker of Sioux City,
Iowa, was an over night guest of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunto Tues
Bob Stutz, of ' Hebron, spent
Wednesday, visiting his brother
Joe Stutz.
Betty Jane and Mary Lou Ernst,
went to Bonesteel, S. Dak., Wed
nesday to spend the rest of the
week visiting heir grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schemmer.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Rakowski,
and son left Wednesday for Den
ver, Colo and Wyoming for sev
eral days vacation.
Misses Zelma Waldo, DeLores
Storjohn, Marjorie Graybill
Frances Cash, Howard Dean, K. L.
Martyn and A. Mathis went to
Lincoln to the Nebraska State
Teachers Convention.
Miss Frances Rotherham, went
to Omaha, to attend the Nebraska
State Teacher's Convention.
Attorney William Griffin was in
Lincoln Monday and Tuesday on
Judge and Mrs. J. J. Harring
ton attended the funeral of Judge
Charles Stewart at Norfolk Wed
Henry Grady returned Satur
day from Lincoln, where he had
been in the Veterans hosiptad for
several weeks.
Miss Frances Polly and Ed
Fleming, of Chicago, were guests
of Mr. and Mrs. W. ^T. Froelich
from Saturday until Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Finwell, of
Alameda, California, were dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard
Manson, Tuesday evening.
Mrs. H. J. Hammond entertain
ed at a 1 o’clock luncheon at the
M and M cafe Wednesday in
honor of Mrs. J. Hayes of Los
Angeles, Cal., and Mrs. Hannah
Medls of Atkinson, who are here
visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Grady.