For the One who Cares.... j ’ *w»< >■ I‘l . . Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits $32.50 i 'll. ! . t Hart Schaffner & Marx O’Coats $32.50 J. W. Correct Oxfords .... $5.00 Arrow Shirts $2.00 Arrow Ties $1.00 S TETSO N HATS * P. J. McMANUS ■ The Home of Good Merchandise Mrs. Flora B. Lewis celebrated her eighty-fourth birthday Mon day with a turkey dinner at her home prepared by her daughters, Mrs. E. A. Dimmitt and Mrs. Ray Eidenmiller. That evening her great grand daughter, Miss Donna Dae Cooper called from New York and told her to tune in on the Fred Waring program that even ing as she would dedicate a song to her. Mrs. Bart Hickey entertained Nouveau Club Tuesday evening at her home. Mrs. James Rooney won high and Mrs. Allen Jaszko wiak low. Mrs. Bennett Gillespie Mrs. Harrison Bridge and Mrs. H. M. Van Dollen were guests. Floor Covering and Rug Prices are definitely going to ADVANCE soon. We have a big stock on hand and urge you to buy now while the price is still low Yardage as low as 35c yard 9x12 Rugs as low as $4.50 Fresh candy a> rives her * every week....come and get s me! * mi. ■■■ i .. i ---- * , 1 1 ■ - i »• * WE'RE BENCHING THE FUMBLERS! When a player fum bles, the whole team suffers. THAT'S TRUE in beer retailing as well as in football. THAT'S WHY the Nebraska Brewing and Beer Distributing Indus try believes in benching the fumblers—the very few beer dealers who penalize the whole in dustry by improper operation. For the past three years the industry has helped to regulate itself — assisted the authori ties in eliminating vio lators. You've heard of our Clean-Up Program. YOU CAN HELP! Co cp2rate with the great majority of law-abiding beer retailers by pat ronizing only reputable dealers and reporting any unlawful condi tions to our Committee. Nebraska BREWERS AND BEER DISTRIBUTORS COMMITTEE CHARLES E. SANDALL, State Director 710 Firat National Bank Bldg. Lincoln, Nabr. FUBt-HUtf a IM COOPinATIOM WITH THI UNITED bWtWBM liQU»T»iAi Hunn.Tin. " rOPEYE, THE RECRUITING OFFICER, ANCHORS AWEIGH! _ f NAS. THA'S V/THEV SURE LOOK KEEN A DESTRCNKERA No WONDER TKi KlAVW THE RES PLENTY/ IS PROUD OF THEM O' thrills on ) do sou sufpoee j THOSE / I'M STRDNO ENOUGH ' sea-horses A and SMART ENOUGH ) -/ TOT5EA ^ . ^SAILOR?; 'arf-arf-1 dkxjtA J . ru-y'S I V 1 hAv'c A MUSKLE \ f * . iUKEM I FIRST UUEKJT 1}(.THEWRE PUUNo, Tr c EA. BUT TH' DP ANCACR i y MAVW FOOD MADE ME Vs- -^ MUSK LBS BLOSSOM \ LIKE ELEPHAlik EARS,}—f— t AN' I BARKED . ■(/->" IIT7^ luhilb i r_ rv > -> learked.^v- W i HERE'S WHAT th'NAW DID FOR * BICEPS! > -u°'s rr \ GOES.’ I 1^. » Copi 19*1, King Feature* S ; . .i- Ini; V. ueW righ ^ed. H© 7A It’s dear sailing in the Navy You're on the road to success the minute you join the Navy. You Qet reg ular increases in pay It costs you noth ing to live ... no board bills, no doctor or dentist bills. You even get $118.00 worth of uniforms free And you learn a skilled trade that pays good money when you return to civilian life. • If you are 17 or over, get a free copy of the illustrated booklet, "LIFE IN THE U S NAVY," from the Navy Editor of this newspaper.