FOR SALK TWO t'OOK Stoves Mr* Emily Bear on *11 FREE POULTRY CULLING Her vk* By an expert Phone No 9 Corkle Hatchery—O'Neill. IS 5 I 11/ 5 a few Polled Hereford But lives that 1 will offer for Rah or a short time.—J. C. Stei O'Neill. 21 THli GO North vNatern Hail i~no> 'o, to highest bidder, set tlor »ou»e and out buildings Bid close October 13th. Eli qui< R. M. Sauer's, Agent. MAN ATT AN BEER -10c per bolt sold only at Staney’s in ON J, 13-tf FOR \LE—Used rebuilt washers 12 l nths guarantee—Both en f'inc nd electric models.—Corkle hit ery, O Neill, Nebr. 16-5 RED OP Ale sold only at Stanley's in ( leilL 13-tf l SCELLANEOUS Di *'isher, Dentist 3-tf SPO ED Shetland Pony last Thi day night. U found call Rot t Strong. Phone 7-F3. ~~ WANTED MAI for general housework.— Ma. »rie Dickson, O'Neill. 21-1 FRY TRAINED MEN WANTED by ading aircraft companies. Cat in on demand and get a GO D PAY JOB m SIX WEEKS thro h FRYE’S practical con cent ted training method. “j lYE AIRCRAFT CO, O AHA. NEBRASKA: G ADUATES DOING FINE. C N YOU REFER 50 A PLICA NTS WEEKLY U TIL ADVISED TO C NTRARY?” Don’t wait. Choose the Naval Reserve now. The Secretary of the Navy has announced: "All men now enlisting in the Naval Reserve will be retained on active Navy duty throughout the per iod of the national emergency, but they, will be released to inactive duty as soon after the emergency as their serv - ices can be spared, regardless of the ' •* *- A W: length of time remaining in their en listment.” s Remember —the regular Navy and Naval Reserve offer you the same * travel, training, promotion*, pay in- | creases. Physical requirements in the Naval Reserve arc more liberal. Find i out all about the Naval Reserve. Send m thexoupon now! KAi... it j- , e Kv - *Jt J *• » ’ i. * • * j * • * SERVE YOUR CQU^TT YOlip FOTUtfE 1 * ' t:4