The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 02, 1941, Image 1

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    N#b- State Historical Society
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VOL. LXII O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, October 2, 1941 Number 21
By Komaine Saunders
A strange, brooding silence lies
over the prairies. No whirring of j
wings of pheasant or prairie:
chicken as you move across the |
landscape in solitary rambles. |
The meadow lark is gone, the
dainty oriole, the love-lorn turtle j
dove and the magpie are neither;
seen nor heard. The hawk, the|
golden eagle, the somber-coated
raven, soaring on stately wings
in search of prey in early autumn
are not here as formerly. Butter
flies and bumble bees have hidden
away and the buzz of insects has
been stilled. In half hour’s ramble
you may see a frightened rabbit
bound away from you—but the
prairie, in the closing days of
September, still robed in the
summer garb of green, lies silent
—ominious portent that the garb
of summer green awaits the white
shroud of winter’s cold embrace.
Three millions Tutons, brave
men enslaved to a blood thirsty
monster, dead or wounded along
a far-flung battle line across the
vast Russian valleys and plains.
Perhaps no fewer of the defend
ers have gone down in the shock
of battle. Somewhere in the
homeland there are mothers whose
souls are wrung with anguish
over sons who never more come
home. Groups of our own boys,
brave Nebraskans from the towns.
the farms, tne ranwi«,
county taken into military camps
makes us alarmingly aware that
the world tragedy is reaching its
bloody fingers to tear the heart
strings of fathers and mothers
among u, The valleys of
the Euphrates and the 1'gris>
along the troubled Tiber, Cart
age and Thermopylae, Titus at old
Jerusalem, the plains of Phl»PP».
the land of the Incas. Austelitz
and Waterloo, Verdun and the
Rhine, venerable China, from
Warsaw to the Volga and acrosss
the Helenic lands-scenes of un
speakable butchery. To what
purpose? The Creator “hath
made of one blood all nations of
men to dwell on all the face of
the earth.’’ At intervals, as cent
ury after century dawns and pas
ses into night, a wise guv struts
across the pages of history pio
proposing with a bloody hand to
„ amalgamate into one people the
• nations, whose “bounds of habi
tation.” God has appointed, i here
is a way that seemeth right unto
a man but the end thereof are the
ways of death.’
Maybe the interest stirred up
in the towns along that bit of rail
road from O’Neill to Sioux City
will result in an awakened public
to the need of turning more busi
ness to these branch lines if they
are kept in operationn Some forty
odd years ago I ventured a youth
ful enterprise by taking over a sort
of crude buffet service on the stub
train on whet was then known as
the Short Line. Itfy temperment
not being molded to that sort of
business, after two months I re-1
tired, though the business brought
ssome profit and what seemed to
a youth quite a bit of fun.. My
best customer at any one serving
was the late John Harmon. Like
W. J. Bryan, John’s capacity at
meal time was remarkable. He
was on the train once these two
months coming out of Sioux City.
That night he cleanded up my
stock of hot cofFee, sandwiches,
boiled eggs and pie. Along
about Randolph I closed up the
buffett and sat down for the re
mainder of the run to chat with
the brakeman. informing other
inquirers after lunch that all I had
left was part of a box of oranges.
One trip a horse got on the track
^ in front of the engine down about
BWalerbury and deftly picked his
fl way from tie to tie across a long
!■ railroad bridge. One trip out
^ from Sioux Ciy the conductor
1 was quite the worse for having
I been in his cups, so the brakeman
i was flagging the train through
■ an i at a stop for a station a
f^Baman dead drunk was helped
l^Board. Then the passengers had
■ ■onething to joke over. On an-!
r other occasion, soon after leaving
4 Sioux City, Patrick McCoy, a set
tler just west of O’Neill who had
fflbeen to the city for medical treat-j
I®^Bvt breathed his last. The train
^Bed on to O Neill with a dead j
B among tne passtnffer. We
got four passengers cue morning I
off! the Northwestern, two in-!
^B woman, one a negress, in the'
ra ■- “ ~!
Half way to the city I was called
upon to help subdue the white
woman and put on the straight
jacket. A lot of things happened
during those two months, and for
sentimental reasons I trust to
learn the the little stub train is to
continue to function.
Julian Rummel left Friday for
Long Beach, California.
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Loy, Davene
and Donald, visited relatives in
Allen Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Shriner
spent the week-end in Omaha
visiting friends.
Gius Caldwell of Huron, S D.,
spent Monday here visiting his
many friends.
Mrs. Della Shaw, who has been
quite ill for the past week, is
improving at the present.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Nelson of York,
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Clausen Tuesday evening.
Miss Mary Flannigan came up
from West Point and spent the
week-end with her mother.
Ray Bosen has accepted a
position at the Gamble store and
started working Wednesday.
Mrs. Mollie Kelly returned to
Omaha Wednesday after spending
several days here visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Gaines and
daughter, Amelia, of Omaha, vis
ited friends in O’Neill Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Bright went
to Orchard Suaday to spend the
day at the home of Mrs. Harry
Joe Saunto of Sioux City, Iowa,
spent Tuesday visiting at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Miss Marjorie McElhaney s
classmates had a birthday party
at Jo Ann Burgess’ home Friday
Rev. H. H. Beers of Omaha
Kansas, spent Thursday night at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry
Clausen .
Mrs. H. LePage returned to
Omaha F iday, after spending sev
eral days visiting her sister, Mrs.
S. L. Thompson.
Mrs. Seth Noble and Mrs. A.
Cowperthwaite went to Omaha
Friday and spent until Sunday
visiting friends.
Mrs. Edward Quinn went to
Wayne Sunday to spent the week
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Ray
Vcrzal and family.
Mrs. Pat Sullivan and Mrs.
Alice Minton returned Thursday
from Fremont where she attended
a familly reunion.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bowen of
Page, and Mrs. Will Luben and
sons, of Emmet, spent Sunday at
the Art Barnes home.
Mrs. A. Cowperthwaite enter
tained the Merrymix club at her
home Tuesday afternoon, Mrs.
Harold Lindberg winning high.
Dr. L. A Burgess returned Tues
day evening from the North Dis
trict Dental meeting that wah held
in Norfolk Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Peterson
came up from Phillip Sunday and
visited at the home of their son,
Herbert Peterson until Monday.
Miss Maxine Barnes and Tony
Getwillo of Sioux City, came up
Sunday to spend the day with
Miss Barnes’ parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Art Barnes.
Mrs. H. J. Lohaus entertained
the Delta Dek to a 7:00 o’clock
dinner at the M M cafe and after
wards bridge at her home. Mrs.
Mable Gatz wining high score.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones went
to Polk, Nebraska, Sunday and
spent the day visiting relatives.
Mrs. Jones remained for a longer
Mrs. Carrie Hunter and Mrs. Joe
Hunter went to Dorsey Wednes
day to visit Mrs. Carrie Hunter’s
brother, Edward Carson for a
few days.
Mrs, Earl Branch of Omaha,
spent the week-end at the homes
of Mrs. Mable Gatz and Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Morton.
The F. F. A. organization of
the O'Neill High school and their
sponsor Harold Mathis, gave a
dance Tuesday evening for the
High School students.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Kruse went
to Algona, Iowa, Sunday, return
ing on Tuesday bringing Mr.
Kruse’s mother, who plans to
spend the winter with them.
Sixteen ladies had a surprise
house warming for Mrs. Irving
Johnson at her home Tuesday
evening, each one presenting her
with a lovely gift. The evening
was spent playing bridge. Mrs.
Bennett Gillespie winning high,
Mrs. Ambrose Rhode second high
and Mrs. Irving Johnson low.
* -
Mrs. Mabel Hildebrandt Home
Economist of the Westinghouse
Electric and Manufacturing Co.,
Mansfield, Ohio, will conduct an
electric cooking school at the
O’Neill Golden Hotel Dining room
! on Friday, October 5, at 2:30 p.m.,
1 under the auspices of Consumers
Public Power District, local rep
| resentatives of Westinghouse. •
Mrs. Hildebrandt’s demonstra-1
tion of Westinghouse Electric
i Ranges will feature VITAmized
I COOKing.” “Properly cooked
foods," she states, “are those in
j which vitamins, minerals and
■ natural food flavors are preserved. |
; To insure such preservation of
| these, strength-giving and body
! building contents of the foods we
I eat, science recommends five
simple rules: (1) Use little or
no water. (2) Start fast, cook
quickly. (3) Avoid violent boil
ing. (4) Use covered utensils—
don’t stir. (5) Use odorless,
draftless heat. Electric Range
make this VITAmized COOKing
Mrs. Hildebrandt will be assist
ed at the school by Marie Salis
bury, Consumers home economist
in this division. In addition to
' learning how easy electric cook
ing is and what kitchen short
cuts it provides for saving time,
energy and actual money, O’Neill
fine atendance awards,
homemakers will have an oppor
tunity to receive one of several
No admission will be charged,
of course, so plan to attend and
bring a friend.
- I
Saint Mary’s Academy lost
| their first game under lights in
the city park by the score of 56
to 6. It was a better game than
' the score indicated. Page had a
pretty fast team but if Saint
Mary’s team had more experience
the score would have been differ
ent. The only excitement that the
Saint Mary’s fans had was when
Jack Gallagher intercepted a pass
on his own goal line and ran the
eighty yards necessary for a
touchdown. Jack started his run
in the middle of the field and
then cut to the sidelines stiff arm
ing the only player left and went
over for the touchdown. The ex
.tra point failed when John Proti
vinsky, an end substitute dropped
a pass in the end zone. The start
ing line-up for Saint Mary’s was:
Pat Hines and Vincent Streeter,
ends; Jean Higgins, center; Jack
Harty, quarterback; Jim Higgins,;
halfback and Jack Gallagher, full-;
back. Saint Mary’s next game is
with Stuart, whom Saint Mary’s!
beat last year 19 to 0 and 46 to 0
in 26 minutes of play.
We desire to express our sin
cere and heartfelt thanks to the
many kind friends and neighbors
for their many acts of kindness
to mb following the death of our
beloved husband, father and
brother. Our thanks are also es
pecially tendered to the members
of the American Legion and Vet
erans of Foreign Wars. Your
kindness will ever be held in
gratefuly memory.—Mrs. Clyde
Hershiser and family, Mr. and
Mrs. D. W. Anderson.
We desire to express our sincere
thanks to the m*ny kind friends
and neighbors for their mank ex
I pressions of sympathy and assist
| ance rendered following the death
of our beloved father, the late
I Elvin E. Cole. We especially de
( sire to express thanks to Rev. V.
C. Wright for the splendid and
inspiring sermon he delivered and
his eloquent tribute to the old'
timers.—Mr. and Mrs. Charles j
| Cole and family, Mr. and Mrs. Max1
Powell and family, Mrs. Nellie
Haynes and family.
Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Taylor, who
resided in the Opportunity
I section of the county for many |
years, but, who for the past year!
and a half have been residents
of Idaho, returned last week and
are now residents of O’Neill. {
Somehow or other when a man
puts in over a quarter of a cent
ury in this county no other section
of the country suits him.
One Thor Electric washing
machine. Also numerous miscel
laneous articles.
Mrs. J. P. Protivinsky and
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Thomas came
up from Hastings Friday where
Mrs. Protivinsky had been visiting
for the past ten days. Mr. and!
Mrs. Thomas returned to Hastings!
Saturday where they have recent
ly moved from Brady, Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Smith went
to Grand Island Monday, return
ing home Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Drayton
spent Sunday with his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drayton, at
Mrs. J. F. O’Donnell came Fri
day and willl spend several
weeks here visiting relatives and
Mr. and Mrs. Gus DeBacker
went to Omaha Wednesday to at
tend a J. C. Penney Company em
ployees’ meeting.
Harold Connors arrived Thurs
day from Washington, D. C., to
visit Mrs. Connors until Sunday
when he will leave for the army.
Miss Nadine Kilpatrick came
up from Omaha and spent the
week-end with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. O. A. Kilpatrick.
Ernie Nelson and daughters,
Mary Ann and Nancy Jo returned
to Omaha Friday after visiting a
short time at the Harry Reardon
Mrs. Clara Miles, Mrs. L. A.
Carter and Mrs. A. Cowperth
waithe went tq Inman Thursday
to a 1:00 o’clock dinner at the
home of Mrs. Roberta Malone.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins
of Inman and Mrs. Tompkin’s’
grandmother, Mrs. Martha Cald
well of Utica, spent Tuesday
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will
Mrs. Frank Clements enter
tained her bridge club at her home
Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Geo.
Mitchell winning high, Mrs Art
Barnes, traveling, aqd Mrs. Dean
Selah low.
Mr. and Mrs Dorrance Crabb|
and d a u gi 11 e f’/fet u n led Wednesday:
evening from Pocasset. Okla
homa, where they had spent a
week visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. F. Cron.
Miss Lorraine Penne and her,
nephew, Jimmy Hausman, return-!
ed Sunday from Elgin, where they
spent the week visiting her par
ents Mr. and Mrs. Michael Penne.'
Mrs. Art Turner and daughter,
Shirley Ann. and son Jimmy Paul,
returned to Winner Wednesday!
after spending a week visting at,
the home of her mother, Mrs.:
Theresa Connolly.
Mrs. Fred Robertson went to
Norfolk Saturday where she met
her daughter, Patrica Robertson
of Sheldon, Iowa. On Sunday
Mr. Robertson went down and
spent the day with them.
Mike McHugh of Philadel
phia. Pa., arrived Friday to visit
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Minton and Mrs. Roy Judge. |
He will also visit his sister j
Mrs. Pete Judge at Atkinsom |
Despite the inclement weather
last Monday, the livestock sales
pavilion was filled to overflow
ing with an immense crowd of
people, one of the largest ever
assembled here for a livestock
auction. The seating capacity of
the building was taxed to the
limit all afternoon. A large
number of buyers were here and
cattle were shipped out of here to
several states, including Illinois,
Indiana, South Dakota, Iowa,
Kansas, Missouri as well as to
many eastern Nebraska feed lots.
The auction was a snappy affair
and the action was very brisk
The quality of the cattle offer
ed was good and prices show
ed a definite upswing. The price
paid for the Grand Champion calf
was the tidy sum of $20.75 per
hundred weight and the Reserve
Champion paid $19.50. The calf
which took third topped all in
price at $21.00 per hundred
weight. This calf was consider
ably lighter in weight than the
champion and reserve which fact
probably accounts for the higher
price. Other 4-H club calves paid
correspondingly fancy prices.
In the Commercial calf division
a high of $13.50 was paid for a
small package of high quality
Hereford steers averaging 375
pounds. Both Angus and Here
ford calves weighing from 400
pounds to 500 pounds tied for
price at $13.25. Several load lots
of choice quality Hereford steer
calves wt. about 350 lbs. sold at
$13.00. The same price was paid
for Angus calves of similar
weight. Several load lots of
calves—booth straight steer and
mixed—sold at $12.75. Hereford]
heifer calves, in short carload
lots, paid $12.55 with full carload
lots going at $12.00 to $12.25.
A good supply of yearllings
was'on hand and the best kind
sold at $11.95. These were in
load lots and averaged 500 lbs.
Others in this class averaging 550
lbs., paid $11.40.
The supply of two year olds
was very limited but the price
looked fully steady to strong.
Cows were not too plentiful and
few really good cows showed up,
probably due to the fact that the
day was given over to calves al
most exclusively.
Hogs were in light supply.
Butchers ranged in price from
$10.30 to $10.50 and sows paid
from $9.30 to $9.(50. Not enough
pigs were here to make a quotable
The next regular auction will
be held on Monday, October 6.
Mrs. Fannie Flannigan arrived
Tuesday from Scattfe, Wash., to
visit her niece, Mrs. F. D. Mc
Millan and Miss Markey. Mrs.
Finnigan is enroute to her home
in Miama, Florida.
the words of the wildcat pro
motor and believing those of
the banker has prevented
many meeting with
heavy loss
Capital, Surplus and Undivided
Profits, $140,000.00
This Bank Carries No Indebtedness
of Officers or Stockholders.
Mwhtr Federal Depoait Inaurapre Cocparauno
The O’Neill Woman’s Club was
entertained by the officers of the
Club Wednesday afternoon at the
home of the new president, Mrs.'
Arthur Cowperthwaite. The
program for the year \/as out
lined and prospects are good for
a very good club year.
At a meeting of the Holt County
Activities Association on Septem
ber 18, O’Neill was chosen to en
tertain the Holt County Basket
ball Tournament in the week of
January 7,8,9, 1942.
This association is made up of
the ten high schools in Holt
Atkinson wiLl entertain the
County Track and Field meet,
April 24.
Mr. Grill of O’Neill was elected
president, Supt. Benton of Ewing,
vice-president and D. E. Lockmon
of O’Neill secretary of the associ
ation for the coming year.
" ■■
Representatives of the Burling
ton railroad met with a dele
gation of O’Neill business men in
this city Tuesday evening and dis
cussed the matter of taking off the
passenger train between Sioux
City and O’Neill. The hearing
before the Railway Commission,
which was called by the Commis
sion after the railroad had filed
an application with the Commis
sion for the discontinuance of
the passenger train, and which
hearing was to have been held
in Plainview on October 1,, 1941.
has been postponed to Monday,
October 27, 1941, the meeting to
be held at Plainview.
At the meeting here on Tues
day the railroad representatives
made a showing that the company
has been losing money on its
passenger train for several years,
and gave figures to sustain their
view' of the matter tnd o prove
their contention. The figures are
voluminous and in the short
space of time, since we received
a copy of their statement, we
have not a chance to study them,
and we haves more to say about
the figures invnur next issue. Rep
resentative of the railroad at the
meeting w'as J. W. Weingarten, of
Omaha, attorney for the railroad.
Commissioner Good, of the
State Railway Commission, was in
the city Wednesday and held a
meeting in the assembly room
of the court house on the appli
cation of tile Northwestern rail
road to discontinue services of
an agent at Emmet. Accompan
ing Mr. Good was E. Viren, secre
tary of the Commission.
The railroad company was well
ed at the hearing, their delegation
being beaded by Wymer Dressier,
Omaha, their attorney. He was
assisted by M. F. Hoover, Div
ision Superintendent; Charles H.
Watschke, company auditor of
Attorney William Griffin rep
resented the interests of the
people of Emmet and vicinity.
About 50 residents of that section
were at the hearing, all protesting
against the removal of the agent
and the closing of the depot. The
hearing occupied several hours
and the evidence presented taken
and the matter will come up for
decision before the full Commis
sion some time within the next
month or six weeks.
Mr. and Mis. ivan r^russ pian
on moving to their lovely new
home on Fremont street the last
of the week.
Mrs. J. P. Brown, Mrs. C. E,
Lundgren and Mrs. James Rooney
went to Sioux City Tuesday
where they spent the day.
Mattie Soukup and Theresa
Harrington returned Sunday
from Lincoln where they had
been visiting friends.
Merle Hickey purchased the
Mrs. Esther Reka home the first
of the week and plans to move
there in the near future.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hart,
Helen Sullivan and'Jerry Classen
went to Grand Island Sunday.
From there Mr. Classen left for
Chicago where he plans to study
to be a mortician.
Mr. and Mrs. John Selden and
daughters arrived Saturday from
Griswold, la., to visit her mother,
Mrs. Letta Sexsmith and other
relatives. They returned to their
home Wednesday.
Miss Marjorie Joan Cronin,
who is a student at the University
of Nebrraska, came home last Fri
day afternoon and spent a few
days with the home folks, return
ing to her school duties Sunday
The most successful 4-H Club
Feeder Calf show ever to be held
in Holt county was staged in
O'Neill Monday, September 29, in
which over eighty 4-H members
gathered at the O'Neill Sale Pa
vilion to compete in the show
sponsored by the O’Neill Commer
ciay Club cooperating with the
Holt County Farm Bureau and
other business men.
The show, which was held in the
morning, was divided into the 4-H
and commercial divisions and at
racted a crowd of 1,500 interested
buyers, ranchers and business
men. Judging of the calves was
done by Mr. Bill Derrick of the
Extension Service of Lincoln and
the show was under the manage
ment of James Rooney and Lyndle
The grand champion feeder calf
grown and shown by Verne Wrede
of O'Neill was a Hereford steer of
very good type and was sold
through the sale for $20.75 per
The reserve champion was a
Hereford steer shown by Ernest
Gotschall of Atkinson and sold for
$19.50 per cwt.
The calf shown by Ralph Rec
tor was sold through the sale for
the top price of the day of $21.50
per cwt., although much younger
and lighter than the grand cham
pion. This steer was a fine in
Both friends and contestants left
the show feeling that it had been
a great success.
Following is the list of pre
miums awarded:
Hereford Heifers
Helen Rector,1st; Marian Mc
Nally, 2nd; Orville Bachman, 3rd:
Shirley Schaffer, 4th; Irene Her
shiser, 5th.
Hereford Steers (under 375)
Ernest Gotschall, 1st; Evan Gar
wood, 2nd; Ralph Rector, 3rd;
Dorothy Clark, 4th; Tommy Blake,
5 th.
Hereford Steers (over 375)
Vernon Wrede, 1st; Patty Schaf
fer, 2nd; Dean Gotschall, 3rd;
Dorothy Carpenter, 4th; Dick
Clark, 5th.
Angus Steers
Lois Siders, 1st: Delores Oberle,
2nd; Audrey Siders, 3rd; Dean
Oberle, 4th; Dewayne Oberle, 5th.
Angus Heifers
Billy Sitz, 1st; Norman Oberle,
Shorthorn Steer
Donald Ridgeway, 1st; Ross
Rakow, 2nd; Betty Murphy, 3rd;
Helen Johnson, 4th; Gloria Mur
phy, 5th.
Shorthorn Heifer
Everett Murphy, 1st.
Baby Beef
Delores Sitz, 1st; Billy Sitz, 2nd;
Helen Garwood, 3rd; Evan Gar
wood, 4th; Lois Siders, 5th.
Delores Sitz, 1st; Tommy Ressal.
2nd; Jack Ressel, 3rd.
H. R. Holcomb, 1st; Frank Shaf
fer, 2nd; Joe Wadsworth, 3rd.
Hereford—Lots of 5
Frank Shaffer, 1st; Frank Shaf
fer, 2nd; Harold Berglund, 3rd;
Sam Robertson, 4th.
Ray Siders, 1st; Jim Fullerton,
2nd; Ray Siders, 3rd.
Angus—Loti of 5
Ray Siders, 1st; Jennie Crosser,
funeral of former Citizen of
Holt County Held Here
Funeral services were haW
from the Presbyterian church in
this city Monday afternoon, Sept*
29th, at 2:00 o’clock for Geo. M.
Henry, a former re&ident of this
city who died at his home in
Lewistown, Montana on Septem
ber 25th after an illness of three
months from heart trouble. Burial
followed in Prospect Hill ceme
tery at O’Neill.
George Vinton Henry was bom
at Vinton, Benton county, Iowa
on November 4th, 1881, and at the
time of his death was 59 years, 10
months, and 21 days of age. He
came to Holt county in the year
1884 with his parents from Vin
ton, Iowa, and grew to manhood
here. He was united in marriage at
O’Neill to Miss Mabel G. Martin
on August 20, 1913,
Mr. and Mrs. Henry left O’Neill
in 1915 and went to Livingston,
Montana, where Mr. Henry was
associated with the Montana Pow
er Company for a few years. They
returned to O’Neill in 1918 where
they remained for a short time*
then back again to Montana where
he was associated with the Port
land Cement Co. at Hanover. Lat
er he moved to Lewistown, where
he was in the electrical business
up until the time of his death.
Although Mr. Henry had not
lived here for many years, he had
many friends who will be sorry to
hear of his passing.
With a bit of pride, the late
Edward Rosewater claimed the
distinction of being our most cor
dially hated citizen. From wha«
I read in various publications, the
Honorable Secretary of the In
terior has succeeded to the Rose
water heritage on a much larger