BRIEFLY STATED Miss Grace Connolly went to * the west coast for a visit a few weeks ago. Now word comes from there that she had accepted a position with the Bell Tele phone company at Beverley Hills, -—-— . Farmers! Stockmen! Owing to the Special Annual Calf Show and Auction next Monday, Sept. 29, we suggest that you hold your miscelleaneous stock until the following Monday, October 6. However, we will sell anything that conies in, and will give cash on all consign ments—calf and otherwise—the best service possible under the existing conditions. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 O'NEili LIVESTOCK COMMISSION Cc Phone 2 -> O’Neill, Nebr Where Buyer and Seller Meet Fifth Annual Holt County Calf Show And Sale Sponsored by O’Neil] Commercial Club O’Neill Business Men Holt County Farm Bureau Monday, September 29, ’41 -AT O’Neill Sale Pavilion Sale advertised in Omaha Stockman Journal, Chicago Dro vers Journal. World Herald, Nebraska Farmer The buyers will be here, bring in your calves. James W. Rooney, Manager Lyndle R. Siout, Manager California, and enters upon her new duties next Monday. Miss Grace has been with the Bell Tel ephone company here for the past six years and her position with the company in California is a decided advancement. Her many O'Neill friends tender congratu lations. , Mrs. Margaret Allen of Page, Mrs. Donald Allen of Lynch, Mrs. L. W. Hines and Miss Mary Jo Allen of O’Neill, spent the week end at Lake Okoboji and Storm Lake, Iowa. Mr and Mrs. F. A. Peterson and daughter, Irene, of Moline, 111., and Mrs. J. D. Maben, of Fremont, Nebr., were here Saturday visit ing old time friends, after a va cation trip spent on the west ^ast and in So kota. Mrs. •son was Alma daugr s. v\ . : \ . . ■_ ■V, t . «*. .- t.' 3 ' \ \ I . V ... .<*h Miss n c is taking a weeks vac£ ‘ in the M. M. Cafe and spem •< it at Meek vis. iting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Ross cele bated their fifty-second wedding aniversary on Monday September 22, 1941. They spent the afternoon at the home of their son at At kinson where refreshments were served. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Ross, Elmer Ross, and Mr. and Mrs. John Ross and son, Edward. That evening their grandson, Arhur Miller, and his wife and a couple of friends of Neligh stopped at the home of his grandparents to wish them many happy returns of the day. Mrs. Franklin Eppenback of At kinson, was a pleasant caller at this office last week and order ed the Frontier sent to their ad dress for the coming year, so hey could keep posted upon the hap penings in this big country of ours. Mrs. Myrtle Manzer has accept ed a position at the National Farm Loan Association and started to work Monday. This position was formerly occupied by Miss Mar garet Shearer who has accepted a position in Holloywood, Calif. Saint Mary’s Academy gave a dance at the gymnasium Tuesday night. Almost all of the school children came. The dance was given in honor of the Freshman and a song was sung for them. Dancing was from eight till eleven and then the crowd sang Good Night Sisters and went home, all reporting having a very good time. Miss Mary Welsh returned from Wilcox, Nebr., Sunday after spending two w'eeks visiting her sister Mrs. Ernie Wagner. R. W. Adkins of Norfolk has ac cepted a position with the Cen tral Finance Corporation. Arbuthnot, daughter Ro 1 son Jack returned Omaha Friday where | mot had been for medi ment. ** Pete Heriford left Satur day -or Lewis Town, Montana, called there by the illness of her brother-in-law George Henry. Anton Toy returned Friday from Omaha where he had been i to attend Market Week. Vernon Craig has resigned his position at the Cheverolet Garage and plans to move to Page in the near future where he is going to run a restaurant. Miss Lorainne Penne and her nephew, Jimmy Hausman, left Monday for Elgin, Nebraska, where they plan to spend the rest of the week visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Mike Penne. Larry Kirwin left Wednesday for Los Angeles, California, where he plans to find work. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Steenbock of Laurel were guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Walling over the week end. . 1 -I-HW I CHEVROLET AIDS f NATIONAL DEFENSE Here’s the hlghest-quality motor ear Chevrolet has ever offered to the motoring public . . . with fleet, modern, aerodynamic lines and Fisher Body beauty which create “the new style that will stay new” . , , with a powerful, thoroughly proved Valve-ln-Head “Victory” Engine, built of quality materials and de signed to lead in combined performance and economy with all the fine comfort, convenience and safety features which have made Chevrolet the nation’s leading motor car for ten of the last eleven years* DISIGNED TO LEAD IN STYLING Chevrolet alone of all low priced cars hat "leader Line” Styling, swank fender capt and Body by Fisher. DESIGNED TO LIAD IN PERFORMANCE Chevrolet alone combines a powerful Valve-ln-Head "Victory" Engine, Safe-T Speclal Hydraulic Brakes, Unitized Knee-Action Ride, and Vocuum-Power Shift ot no extra cost. DESIGNED TO LEAD IN ECONOMY Chevrolet Is the most eco nomical of all largest-selling low-priced cars from the standpoint of gas, oil, tires and upkeep. i IT PAYS TO BUT THE LEADER AND GET THE LEADING BUY Miller Bros. Chevrolet Co.5 Ltd. j ► O’Neill, Nebraska ( Mr. and Mrs. Boshart, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lans worth and daughter of O'Neill, Mrs. Dwight Hammerlun of Spencer and Miss Aileen Kerns of Coffee, Missouri, visited Mr. and Mrs. Don Bos hart at Kearney, Nebr., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Klinler came down from Gregory, S. D„ and s p e n t the week end with his parents and other relatives. Mrs. Anna Jordan and daugh ter Dorothy Ann and Mrs. Cath erine Keiser went to Sioux City, Iowa, Tuesday. From there Dorothy Ann left for Philidel phia, Pa., to visit relativ Mr. and Mrs. A i spent Thursdp ■ Mr. and Mrs. A Wakefield, Nebr., tives here Wednesdp Misses Lanone Miles a garet Martin returned Omaha Sunday after spei several days visiting friends. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Verzal and son came up from Wayne Satur. day and spent the week end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed Quinn. Mr. and Mrs. James Rooney spent Friday in Burwell on busi ness. Mr. and Mrs. Ryland Parker and Dayle Hewett of Ainsworth returned from Oklahomn 'ity, Oklo., Sunday whe'- \ac. spent several d y: js Rev. Fortune, formerly pastor of the Methodist church, was in O’Neill Sunday on his way home to Hemingford, Nebraska, after attending cconference in Lincoln. ‘Stopped Eating Things I Liked ’’Stopped Eating Things I Liked because of gas, sour stomach and heartburn. ADLERIKA relieves me. Now I eat anytthing I like.” (J. M., Ark.) If spells of consti pation upset YOU, try quick-act ing ADLF.RIKA today. Johnson Drugs. Mr, Farmer ■ issue [ l-ed with Commo ^ Corpon t'>n grains. ’nd se * p . _y is wanted. !LLT,aPIE, Insurance Ageni O'NEILL. NEBRASKA I FRIDAY and SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 26 and 27 “CERTIFIED” FOOD VALUES Sale specials along with all other purchases made at Council Oak’s every day low prices are ‘Certified” Values and backod by the Council Oak 100% guarantee of complete satisfaction. This explains why so many thrifty shoppers buy practi cally all of their food requirements at Council Oak. They have found Council Oak to be “A Safe Place to Save.” I BEEF ROASTS Pound, | 25c and .. 1 «/C Shoulder STEAK K- ... 25c Fresh Gr’nd Pure Beef ZLl 20c Pork Spare Ribs Per Pound ... II Fresh Fillets of I HADDOCK, pound .25c | Whiting Fish, per lb... lOcI 11Pork Loin Roasts and Chops, . .pound 27c and 19c I if I Sugar Cured I [Sliced Bacon, V2 jfc... 14c Fre*h Beef Hearts, per lb. .. 17c Dole’s Crushed Pineapple For Cocktails and Gelatin Dessert 3 9-OZ. Cans.. T & G Apricots Full Ripe Halves. Light Syrup 2 No. 2i/a or Cans... JJC I LINDSAY Mammoth Ripe OLIVES 9 Ounce Can.. Superb Cut Green Asparagus I GINGER SNAPS EL. 10c | SUGAR POWDERED . 2 13c I ELITE JELLIES 6 Popular Flavors .. *. .Lb. 12c MORNING LIGHT flgjS VINEGAR, Qt. Bottle 12c II Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce 17 Ounce Can . Morning Light PORK and BEANS 27 Ounco Can . “V 3” Vegetable Cocktail 46-oz. Can 29c 2 OanfZ: 19c Morning Light PEANUT BUTTER Pound Jar ... Li C | BULK SAIR DATES, 2-lb. Cello Bag.27c | BEANS ffy" 4 £,25c SUPERBOATS ...15c| CLAPP’S FOOD ?SZB-.15c S..13c ■ Council Oak Coffee Exchange the empty hags for 22 carat (<«ld pattern dishes. Pound ... 26c MA BROWNwJSeat BREAD OUR EVERY FRIDAY FEATURE Nut Mpatcs “ -12c nut meats i5C Crisco3ib^r;23c:...59c “Tac-Cut” Coffee May be had in reg ular or drip grind. Parked in tin or glass. j Pound ...27c 2 £.. 52c DWARFIES WHEAT MIX, Package . .. 22c■ Sanitary Napkins iuJS.27c Toiletry ir,?.A ^ 25c I - I BUSHtL APPLES! See Council Oak for a Quantity price on your favoiitc apple for eating out of band, for sauce, for pies, for dump lings and for delicious apple Jelly. FRESH CRANBERRIES, lb. ISc j PASCAL CELERY ffit.8c (ICEBERG LETTUCE SST..8c (NORTHERN CABBAGE, lb. 2V2c 1 FRESH DUO JERSEY SWEET SPUDS, 10-lb. bag , ,25c PALMOLIVE I Toilet Soap, /% I Per Cake.OC B Crystal White I Laundry Soap, 6 Giant Bars . j SUPER SUDS I 24-oz. Pkg., 21c, rr Giant Package .... OjC 9 K LEK~ " | 9-oz. Pkg., lOc, ■ 19-oz. Pkg. lyClj