The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 28, 1941, Image 6

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    Juf Jlytui GkomL&iA.
(See Recipes Below)
Guests for the week-end? or just
the family? Whichever it is you’ll
want to take a brief vacation from
the kitchen or it won’t really be
Labor day for you.
Here's how you do it: Bake the
nutbread in advance, it’s better if
it stands a day or
so. Mix the meat
and set in the re
frigerator until
ready to bake.
As a vegetable
you’ll like tender
corn with lots of
butter, takes only
a few minutes to cook, you know.
Your salad is simple and is tossed
in a few seconds. Dessert, too, you
can make the day before and just
wait until you see what a lovely sur
prise it is, too. Cool and delicious,
the orange freeze is tops.
A change in the meat course is
the order of the day. A touch of
fruit borrowed from a favorite cake
and three of your favorite kinds of
meat go to make up this:
'Apricot Upside-Down Meat Loaf.
(Serves 8 to 10)
1 pound smoked ham (ground twice)
% pound beef (ground)
% pound fresh pork (ground
2 eggs
% cup cold water
1 cup milk
1 cup cornflakes (crushed)
1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
% teaspoon pepper
% teaspoon dry mustard
1 tablespoon onion (very flnely
4 tablespoons butter
4 tablespoons brown sugar
18 dried apricot halves (cooked)
Combine smoked ham, beef and
pork with slightly beaten eggs, milk,
water and cornflakes. Mix thorough
ly and add Worcestershire sauce,
pepper, mustard, and finely minced
onion. Melt butter in bottom of a
9 by 5 by 3 loaf pan. Add brown
sugar and heat until well blended.
Arrange apricots, cut side up, on
the bottom of the pan. Pack the
meat mixture over the apricots.
Bake in a moderate oven (350 de
grees) for 1V« hours.
You’ll really approve of this new
dessert idea, and since it's light it
will be especially appropriate with
a substantial main course:
•Orange Freese.
(Makes 1V£ quarts)
% cup sugar
1 cup water
1 package orange-flavored gelatin
1 cup orange juice
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 cups milk
Combine sugar and water and boil
2 minutes. Remove from fire and
dissolve gelatin in hot syrup. Add
fruit juices. Turn into freezing tray
of automatic refrigerator, setting to
coldest freezing temperature. When
partially frozen, turn into cold bowl
and beat with rotary beater until
thick and fluffy. Add milk and beat
until blended. Return to tray, stir
every 30 minutes, and freeze until
firm (5 to 6 hours).
Peach Shortcake.
Since peaches are so very good
this year, you’ll want to make the
most of them. This will win your
Vegetables with interesting
background and good vitamin
stories intrigue me. Take water
cress, for instance. You may
once have gathered this tender
little green among brooks and
runs, but its history harks back
much longer than either you or I.
Watercress is an excellent
source of vitamin A which pro
motes growth, increases resist
ance to infective diseases and
prevents eye diseases. Excellent
too is watercress in vitamin C
which is so essential to good bone
and teeth formation.
Vitamin B, too, is found in its
leaves, and that, you know, stim
ulates appetite and protects nerve
and brain tissue and brain func
tion. Its vitamin G content will
help you have normal nutrition.
The iron it contains in its copper
and magnesium deposits helps
make blood and nourish teeth.
•Apricot Upside-Down Meat Loaf
Nut Bread Corn on the Cob
Tossed Tomato, Watercress
and Cucumber Salad
•Orange Freese Sugar Cookies
Coffee or Milk
•Recipe Given.
family’s approval:
(Serves 0 to 8)
2 cups flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
V» teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons sugar
Vt cup milk
V4 cup butter
Mix dry Ingredients, sift twice,
work in butter, add milk slowly
and toss on floured board. Divide
into two parts, roll to a desired
thickness and bake in hot oven (400
degrees) for 12 minutes or until
done. Use a buttered baking pan
for baking. Split biscuit when done
and spread with butter.
Peel and slice fresh peaches fine
(or pulp them), sprinkle with sugar
to taste, let stand in refrigerator to
chill. When ready to serve, place
peaches between or on top or both,
top the whole with whipped cream.
Jellied Waldorf Salad.
1 package lemon gelatin
1% cups hot water
1 cup diced tart apple
V« cup diced pineapple
Vi cup diced celery
Vi cup chopped nuts or cherries
Vi teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons lemon juice
Dissolve the gelatin in the hot wa*
ter and add the salt and lemon juice.
Chill till the mixture begins to thick*
en and stir in the fruit and all other
ingredients. Pour into molds and
chill and serve.
Chicken Filling.
1 cup ground chicken meat
H cup ground almonds
2 to 4 tablespoons celery, chopped
Lemon juice
Salad dressing to moisten (cooked,
french or mayonnaise)
Mix meat, celery and almonds.
Season to taste with salt and lemon
juice and add enough dressing to
give a spreading consistency.
Shrimp and Cucumber Filling.
1% cups fresh cooked or canned
1 medium-sized cucumber
y< teaspoon salt
H cup mayonnaise
Chop shrimps to paste; peel, re*
move seeds from cucumber and
chop very finely, squeezing out ex
cess water. Combine with shrimps,
seasonings and mayonnaise. Chill
and spread between slices of bread,
cut in fancy shapes.
To accompany these good-tasting,
clever sandwiches, you’ll undoubted
ly want to serve a cool, refreshing
beverage. Why not try:
Coffee Frappe.
2 cups strong freshly brewed coffee
Vi cup cream
Vi cup powdered sugar
Vi teaspoon ground ginger
1 egg white
Place all ingredients and some
cracked ice into a beverage shaker
and shake well; or beat all ingredi
ents together with egg beater and
let stand in refrigerator to chill.
Egg Nog.
A teaspoon salt
1 egg
1 to 2 teaspoons sugar
Vi teaspoon vanilla
1 cup cold milk
Beat salt, egg and sugar. Add
milk and vanilla, beating thorough
ly; pour into tall glass and dust
with nutmeg. Yield: 1 large serv
Variations: two tablespoons choco
late syrup; 1 tablespoon malted milk
—top with whipped cream.
Sometimes on a Sunday or holi
day afternoon there comes a lull
which a bit of re
freshment seems
to All perfectly.
For that I would
suggest assorted
sandwiches, cool
drinks, jellied
Waldorf salad,
and peach short
cake. All of these
(recipes have the little added flavor
ing that make them company fare.
(Released by Western Newspaper Union.'
(Consolidated Features—WNU Service.)
NEW YORK.—Ever loyal in word
and, more importantly in deed,
to his liege lord, King-Emperor
George VI, as to those who had pre
Ruler of Patiala
All That Oriental
Prince Should Be
viously oc
cupied the
throne of
Britain, the
maha raj ah
of Patiala comes to Singapore with
troops from India to look over In
dian forces landed at the Malay
base some months ago.
In the first World war the maha
rajah placed his entire fighting force
of 30,000 highly trained Sikhs at the
British service and after the war,
when revolutionary disturbances oc
curred in the Punjab, he mobilized
his troops who took over the pro
tection of railroads running through
the Punjab to the northwest frontier.
Sir Bhupindar Singh, ruler of
Patiala, second largest state in the
Punjab section of India and one of
the wealthiest of India’s potentates,
has often bedazzled London and oth
er world capitals with his Oriental
splendor. He is six feet tall, broad
shouldered, black bearded. He goes
turbanned, gloriously enrobed, be
spangled with precious jewels.
A conservative estimate has
placed his annual income at $4,
000,000. He lives up to such a
sum, certainly. If a dog strikes
his fancy he will pay $1,500 for
the animal, provided he can get
it no cheaper, and for a pair
of flamboyant trousers of spe
cial weave he makes no bones
about parting with $1,200. Last
time he was in London with a
hundred retainers, a retinue as
magnificent as any glorified pag
eant, he took an entire floor of a
great Strand hotel.
He succeeded his father to the
Patialan throne in 1900 when he
was a lad of nine. Taking over di
rect rule at the age of 19, he im
State of Cropt
In Hi* Domain
Tax Barometer
mediate 1 y
qualities en
dearing him
to his sub
jects. One of his early acts involved
the adjustment of taxes in accord
ance with the state of crops. If the
harvest was poor taxes were remit
ted and his consideration in this
respect has been exemplified in
many other ways, as for instance in
the traveling medical caravans serv
ing the sick and diseased and injured
of his far flung people.
All in all, the maharajah is a
prince humane and wise and so rec
ognized by his people. He reads
philosophy and scientific works to
keep his mind on edge and in polo,
cricket and hunting he finds his main
A strict Sikh in religion, he
is not at all narrow. Once in
London he visited a Salvation
Army station in the Limehouse
district. “My faith,” he said to
the Salvationists, “is not yours.
But truth is a jewel of many
erst Taffinder, commanding two
U. S. cruisers visiting Australia on
a training cruise, spoke like the bluff
sailorman he
Admiral TafKnder is to the wel
Bluff but at Home coming com
With Alien People mittee of cit
izens of Bris
bane, that greeted him upon arrival.
"You must not go all out in these
receptions," he said, “for you are
likely to see more of the United
States navy."
The admiral Is at horn* in
alien lands and among alien peo
ples. Once, In line with service
rendered by the United States
Naval mission to Peru, he com
manded the Peruvian navy for
two years. He was chief of staff
and aide to the commander of
the battle force in 1939 and in
previous years was engineering
and at other times, navigation
officer of various warships.
He commanded the Battleship
Texas in 1935 and many a young
officer sat under hifn when he held
courses In navigation and engineer
ing at the naval academy He wears
the Victory medal with the Atlantic
fleet clasp for service in the first
World war. Born at Council Bluffs,
Iowa, in 1884, he was graduated
from the National Service academy
on the Severn in 1906.
RETURNED from England where
he had been inspecting aircraft
production, Merrill C. Meigs, head
of the aeronautical department of
, the OPM takes just enough
j out to be married—in MarxtenjHfo
Mrs. Blanche McKeever—bi nEWBP
‘ turning to his official dutias**' BP*
was born on an Iowa farm. At 1?,
i he went to Racine. Wis., to sell
I threshing machines, later going to
! Argentina in line with his business.
At 43. he became a publisher of a
Chicago newspaper and from this
position was called to Washington.
Check Pest Growth Now;
Save Spring Trouble.
(Agricultmal Agent at Large,
Uaasacbusatta State College.)
In the spring people talk about
weeds as well as about the weather,
only they do something about the
weeds. But in the fall, weeds are
overlooked. They are often accept
ed as part of the scenery and noth
ing much is done about them. In
fact, they are not always even
talked about. But the late summer
and the fall is really the time to
save a lot of future trouble. For
that time of year annual weeds are
forming thousands of seeds and lay
ing the foundations for next year’s
abundance. Perennial weeds are
busy storing up food in their roots
for good, strong growth next spring.
The simplest thing to do about
these fall weeds is to see that they
never ripen seeds. Mow them, or
pull them before the seeds are ripe.
It is usually best to rake them up
and destroy them after they are
cut, for weed seeds will ripen after
the plant is killed. They put their
last resources into preparing for the
coming generation.
The mowing machine, the scythe,
or just a plain knife may be used—
all depending upon the size of the
job; but don’t forget fence comers
and the patches of waste land.
These may be more expensive areas
than you might suspect if they
spread weeds over the rest of the
farm, and this is the time of year
to cut down their costs.
Encourage the weed seeds to
sprout in the land to be seeded this
fall. Then harrow them up at in
tervals before seeding time comes
around. Soon all the weed seeds
in the surface soil will have sprout
ed, and if, when grass and clover
are seeded, care is taken not to
bring to the surface new soil with
additional weed seeds, the crop next
year should be exceptionally clean.
Fall plowing is often a help in
killing perennial weeds such as
witch grass and other “tough cus
tomers.” If weed roots can be ex
posed to the cold and drying of win
ter winds, the plants will have a
hard time starting in the spring.
Harrowing with a spring-tooth har
row to bring these roots to the sur
face is often a help.
Taking care of weeds in the fall
will make that spring weeding job
much less arduous. In the long run,
time spent fighting weeds at this
time of year will do more good than
it will in the spring. And almost
equally important, fall weed con
trol makes the whole place neat and
attractive and supplies a “Good
Farmer” label that no passerby
can miss.
Can Control Gullies
By Eliminating Cause
Keeping water out of gullies is
a sure way of controlling them,
and this can be done by terrac
ing, explains R. C. Hay, exten
sion agricultural engineer of the
University of Illinois college of
agriculture. The approaching
slack season after harvest is a
good time of the year to do ter
racing work.
Gullies on cultivated slopes can
be starved and eventually elimi
nated by terracing. The terraces
not only slow up and divert run
off water from gullies but also
materially reduce sheet erosion
losses. Farmers’ experiences and
experiments conducted under the
supervision of farm advisers and
the college of agriculture show
that terraced fields lose only
about one-seventh as much soil
by erosion as comparable unter
raced fields.
R. C. Hay explains that water
diverted from fields must be han
dled with care or the formation of
gullies at the outlets may result.
Proper Planning Helps
Avoid Pasture Shortage
Livestock men who are finding
themselves short on pasture in late
summer and fall might well lay
plans now for better protection
against shortages next year.
W. H. Peters, chief of the animal
husbandry division. University farm.
St. Paul, urges rotation grazing of
permanent pasture.
For alternate grazing Peters ad
] vises fencing off a pasture into two
fields and running the stock into
one for two weeks and into the other
for a like period. This will result in
giving less strain on pasture plants.
• _
Small Turkeys
In experiments to develop small
type white turkeys, the U. S. depart
ment of agriculture is not trying to
displace the larger varieties; it is
frying to develop small birds to
fit the needs of small families. In
vestigators conclude that there is
room for the small-type and
medium-sized turkey, and that some
growers will find it very much to
their advantage to specialize in
•mall turkeys for sma’l ovens and
■mall families.
'T'HE new style the young jitter
bug fans are looking for. They
like the wide gathered skirt, the
snug waistline which flattens the
tummy in front, and the frou-frou,
feminine collar with the large
bow. Be first to make this new
style and wear it among your own
5 i 5" r#/‘
U 25! S
Her Prospect
Father—Isn’t it time you were
entertaining the prospect of matri
Daughter—Not quite, Dad. He
won’t be here until eight o’clock.
Don’t bother about the size of
the man in the fight. What counts
is the size of the fight in the man.
Some Satisfaction
“Would you be happy if you had
all the money you wanted?”
“I’d be happy if I had all the
money my creditors wanted.’\
The theory of flight is being
taught in some jails to prisoners.
Some of them would probably
be more interested in its practice.
Surprised Him
Speed Fiend (after the run)—Whee!
Don’t you feel glad you're alive!
Timid Passenger — Glad isn’t the
word! Pm amazed.
And Half Wrong
“Jane says she thinks I’m a
great wit.”
“Well, she’s half right, any
Not His Want
“Well,” asked the landlady,
showing a prospective lodger her
best bedroom, “what do you
think of it as a whole?”
“Oh, I suppose it’s all right as
holes go," was the reply, “but it
was a bedroom I wanted.”
crowd. Dotted voile, dotted satins,
polka dot crepes and novelty taf
feta are materials they are using.
• • *
Pattern No. 8967 covers odd sizes 11 to
19. Size 13. short sleeves, takes 4',2 yards
35-inch material, '.i yard contrast for
collar and bow. Finish with V,'a yards ma
chine made ruffling. For this attracUve
pattern, send your order to:
Room 1324
311 W. Wacker Dr. Chicago
Enclose IS cents in coins for
Pattern No.Size.
Prolific Insects
Every season the white ant or
termite proudly produces a million
baby termites to swell the world’s
ant population. Toads and frogs
both have large families, the for
mer in the neighborhood of 6,000
at a time, and the latter half that
Snakes are three to four times
as prolific as rabbits, for whereas
the latter rarely produce more
than a dozen baby rabbits at a
birth, a snake often produces 40.
The king of the jungle, Lord
Lion, is usually the proud father
of quads, and his hereditary
enemy, the tiger, can boast of the
same number. Finally, the ele
phant, last descendant of the pre
historic monsters, rarely has more
than one baby elephant at a time.
If you have any doubt about what
to give a man in any of the nation’s
military or naval services, send a
tarton of cigarettes or a pound tin
of smoking tobacco. Tobacco rates
first as a gift with them. And when
you check up, actual sales records
show that in Army, Navy, Marine
Corps and Coast Guard service
stores (where the men buy their
own) Camels outsell all other cig
arettes. It is well-known that
Prince Albert Smoking Tobacco iS
the “National Joy Smoke.” Local
tobacco dealers are now featuring
Camel cartons and pound tins of
Prince Albert Smoking Tobacco as
number one gifts for men in Uncle
Sam’s services.—Adv.
Led by Passions
A jealous woman believes any
thing her passion suggests.—Gay.
U. S. Voters
The census bureau estimates
that there are 80,528,000 American
citizens eligible to vote. The total
number of persons 21 years of age
or over, however, is 84,178,000, but
3.200.000 are aliens and 450,000
maintain their residence in the
voteless District of Columbia.
Counted in the voting eligibility
figure, but who are non-voters be
cause of illness and because they
have forfeited their voting priv
ilege are the 563,321 occupants of
our mental institutions, and the
161.000 members of America’s
prison population.
• Grandmother’s bak
ing day secret, the
baking powder that has
been the favorite of
millions of proud bakers
for years and years.
Duty Is Sweet
There is nothing so sweet as
duty, and all the best pleasures of
life come in the wake of duties
done.—Jean Ingelow.
WOMEN [££]
Thousands or women
are helped to go smil
ing thru distress pecul
iar to women—caused
by this period in life—
with Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Com
pound— famous for
I over 60 years. Plnkham s Compound
I —made especially for women—has
I helped thousands to relieve such
I weak, nervous feelings due to this
^functional disturbance. Try ltl
Dispels Vanity
The knowledge of thyself will
preserve thee from vanity.—Cer
Copr. 1941 by hello** company ^
Coward and Hero
This creature man, who in his
own selfish affairs is a coward to
the backbone, will fight for an
idea like a hero.—George Bernard
28% Less Nicotine
thaa the average of the 4 other largest-selling cigarettes
tested—less than any of them—according to independent
scientific tests of the smoko itself t
• Actual sales records
in Navy Canteens and
Ship's Service Stores
show the largest-sell
ing cigarette is CameL