The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 28, 1941, Image 2

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    Woolknits, Jerseys, Gay Plaids
‘Big Three’ Campus Wardrobe
THIS is the home-from-vacation
time of the year and “so what”?
There’s no guess work about the an
swer. Throughout shopping dis
tricts from coast to coast the very
air is vibrating with the message
of a wild “rush” in pursuit of
clothes such as go to make up the
perfect campus and classroom
wardrobe for Miss Collegiate and
her pert little sister, who must an
swer "present" when the back-to
school role is called.
Campus clothes collections are so
intriguing this fall it is going to be
difficult to arrive at actual choices.
After you have window shopped and
looked to the limit, the better part
of wisdom is to calmly and delib
erately take time off to go into con
ference with yourself. To think it
through with the aid of notes you
jotted down as you meandered
through miles and miles of aisles
and aisles of sports clothes sections,
dress shops and departments, mil
linery displays and so on.
Sifting it through you'll find that
•11 signs point to woolknits, also
handknits, jersey dresses and gay
plaids (especially smart for suits)
playing the role of “Big Three” in
a college girl's wardrobe. Invest
in a woolknit two-piece, a plaid suit
that has the "new” look silhouette.
Add a jersey dress cut along a pat
tern of chic simplicity as expressed
in the new drop shoulders, deep
armholes and sleeves cut in one
with the yoke (see illustration) and
you will be started in the right di
rection toward a wardrobe that will
serve you faithfully throughout your
fall and winter campus career.
A new day of triumph is dawning
for knitted fashions. Sweaters es
pecially were never more attrac
tively designed and varied in mood.
Plan to buy several sweaters for
they are so versatile they tune to
every occasion, from most formal
to most Informal and sports.
The new woolknits are simply
amazing. One of the big favorites
is the trim swank jacket suit that
looks as if it had been expertly man
tailored of a stunning wool weave.
Once try on a woolknit jacket two
piece and instantly you will be mak
ing an inroad on your clothes allow
ance to the extent of the amount on
the price tag. There is a great deal
to be said for woolknits "as is”
these days. Their production has
been so perfected they neither
stretch nor sag and they are styled
to the 'nth degree of chic and
See the charming machine-knit
dress shown to the left in the illus
tration. This casual two-piece of
gold nubby wool chenille yarn has all
the appearance of a "classy” ex
clusive handknit. It’s only trim is
the knotted plastic buttons and
crescent bordered pockets. With it
is worn a new and flattering hand
knit hat made of bows that stand
up behind a pompadour, the bows
attached to a band of the same
hand-knitted yam. The accent on
knitted and crocheted hats and
trimming details on wool dresses is
"strong” this season.
Jersey for this, jersey for that,
jersey for everything from hats to
dresses and blouses is a trend that
is bringing vast influence to bear
as to what must be included in
every well-ordered wardrobe of
schoolgirl and college miss. For of
fice wear, unwrinkable, unstretch
able jersey is regarded as the ideal
fabric. The jersey dress pictured
to the right is designed on a pattern
of simplicity that’s news for fall of
1941. Smooth “dropped-shoulder”
yoke, elongated molded midriff, ac
cent on hips are exclamation points
of high fashion that point to a def
initely new silhouette for this casual
gray jersey frock. The plaid suit
in the oval also announces a sil
houette so new and "different” it
is sure to intrigue the interest and
fancy of every style-conscious
school-faring maiden.
(Released by Western Newspaper Union.)
i v Plaid Ensemble
Every little girl starting out to
Join the fall and winter style parade
will be wanting a cunning little
plaid ensemble that teams a Stuart
plaid kilt with a matching plaid tarn
o’shanter as pictured here.
The idea of a little jumper skirt
that can be worn with a change of
blouse each day, will delight moth
er, for it solves the problem of send
ing forth little daughter each morn
ing to school looking as "fresh as
a daisy” and quite picturesque too
with a wee bit of Scotland injected
into her costume.
Brown Outstanding
Color for Autumn
If in doubt, choose tones of brown
for your color lead in assembling a
new autumn wardrobe. With brown
as a basic color, you will make no
mistake. Opening displays put the
emphasis on brown suits, brown
dresses, brown fur coats and brown
furs as trimming on cloth coats.
The milliner, the Jeweler and the
glove maker have all joined in the
brown fashion crusade this fall.
With the now-so-fashionable beige
and biscuit colors you will find thrill
ing schemes that call for acces
sories in the new browns. The new
topaz and amber jewelry is especial
ly attractive. It will be very much
in the foreground this fall. Brown
leather buttons and beltbuckles
match the new brown gloves and
many sports hats are now trimmed
with brown suede or smooth-finished
Sweaters Very Fanciful
For Modern School Girl
It is the opinion among enthusi
asts on the knitted theme that a girl
starting to school should take along
at least six sweaters. And there’s
a reason. Sweaters this season cov
er the entire field of both utilitarian
and social needs. Then too, not
only is there a sweater for every
occasion but the new sweaters are
simply irresistible, having taken on
intriguing detail that is fascinating.
You will find the new sweaters
made very fanciful with wrool fringe
trimmings, little dangling yarn ball
treatments. Then there are quilted
effects, wondrously achieved, and
plaid patternings and color contrast
with bright yokes, sleeves and
banded sections. Formal sweaters
have flattering decollette treatments
' and sparkling embroideries.
Cdma Scctl 'ItJaUoH
(Released by Western Newspaper Union.)
Steamboat Inventor
ONE hundred and fifty years ago
—on August 26, 1791—the newly
established Patent Office of the Unit
ed States issued 13 patents. This,
In Itself, is not important except for
the fact that it marked the begin
ning of the controversy over “Who
invented the steamboat?” which,
after a century and a half, is still
For among the 13 patents issued
on that day, six were awarded to
James Rumsay
(or Rumsey), one
to John Fitch,
two to Nathan
Read and three to
; John Stevens Jr.,
1 and the names of
I all these men
were destined to i
| be linked with the 1
invention of the *
steamboat. Of
course, the school
book histories say
Robert Fulton
that Robert Fulton was the inventor
of the steamboat. But whether or
not that is true depends upon the
definition of "inventor.” Partisans
of Stevens, Rumsay and Fitch assert
that all three have better claims to
the honor of "inventing” the steam
boat than does Fulton.
Read had begun experimenting
with steam engines for propelling
John Stevens Jr.
boats in 1788
and his contri
bution to the
development of
the steamboat
was the inven
tion of the mul
ti-tubular boiler
and the porta
ble high - pres
sure engine—
both important
but hardly a
large enough
contribution to entitle him to the
honor of being called the “inventor”
of the steamboat.
Stevens began studying steam en
gines in 1789 but it was not until
1798 that he completed his first
steamboat and operated it success
fully on the Hudson river. It was
Stevens who made the first applica
tion of steam to the screw-propellor
for driving a boat through the wa
ter and his steamboat contained the
first condensing double-acting engine
ever made in America and a multi
tubular boiler on which he secured
American patents in 1803.
Among the patents granted to
Rumsay was one for “propelling
boats or vessels” and his claim to
the title of “steamboat inventor”
rests upon these facts: On Septem
ber 7, 1784, George Washington saw
and certified to Rumsay’s model of
a boat which could go upstream by
machinery; in 1785 he obtained from
the Pennsylvania assembly an exclu
sive right for 10 years to “navigate
and build” such contrivances; in
March, 1786, he exhibited on the Po
tomac river a boat propelled by
steam; in 1787 both Virginia and
Maryland granted him patents on
it; later he obtained similar pat
ents in England, France and Hol
land and in December, 1792, gave
a successful exhibition of his steam
boat on the Thames river.
Most vocal of all the partisans are
those of John Fitch and the evidence
which they sub
mit to prove his
right to the honor
that has been giv
en to Robert Ful
ton seems to be
conclusive enough
to establish his
right to the title
of "inventor of
the steamboat.”
Arranged chrono
logically, here are
the steps which
establish their
John Fitch
1785—In April, Fitch, then living
in Bucks county, Pa., conceived the
idea of a steamboat and in Novem
ber he presented a drawing of the
boat, models and tube boiler to the
American Philosophical society.
1787—On August 22 his boat,
equipped v-ith a 12-inch cylinder was
demonstrated at Philadelphia and
members of the Constitutional con
vention, then in session, witnessed
the successful demonstration.
1790— Newspaper advertisements
prove that Fitch was operating a
steamboat successfully and carrying
passengers across the Delaware.
1791— Congress voted to grant
Fitch a patent on his steamboat. It
was signed by President George
Washington and is the only one grant
ed on August 26, 1791, in which the
wording "Propelling boats &c by
steam &c" is used and there is no
record of a similar patent issued on
any earlier date than that.
• • »
Fitch was unable to interest
enough people in his invention to
capitalize on it and he died in pov
erty in Bardstown, Ky., July 2, 1798.
| In his last years he wrote: “The
| day will come when some more pow
i erful man will get fame and riches
: from my invention; but nobody will
j believe that poor John Fitch can do
I anything worthy of attention." The
man who did get "fame and riches"
was Robert Fulton, for he had ac
cess to Fitch’s drawings and specifi
cations and from them constructed
his "Clermont" in 1807.
Shooting the News
These pictures deal
with those gentlemen
of the press who go
around with little
black boxes and take
pictures of contempo
rary history in the
making, and who
think nothing of risk
ing life and limb to
get a good ushot
Right: The boys are
carrying on their jobs
in a blizzard. This is
not a posed picture,
either. It was made
covering story of trial
of Bruno Hauptmann
for murder of the
Lindbergh baby.
Shooting up at a ledge on the 17th floor of the Hotel Gotham
New York, where John Ward, 26, teas perched on the brink of
eternity while police pleaded with him not to jump. But he did!
Suspense . . . Whooping it up
high in the air while photo
graphing construction work on
the Hoover dam.
Hanging from the Empire State
building is all right for window•
washers, but it's tough on the
news photographer.
Left: Press photographers are likely to be aroused at any hour
of the night, as ue see at the left. Right: While covering a disas
trous flood this lensman had to submit to the rules and be inoculated.
Press photographers en
dure anything to get
“something different” as
this picture proves.
Like the postman, neither snotv nor rain nor heat can halt the
photographers of the press, who cover flood, fire and earthquake.
ASK ME 7 A quiz with answers offering
another: information on various subjects
The Questions
1. In navy slang, what is known
as an “ash can”?
2. Which of the following is not
both in Europe and Asia—Russia,
Turkey and Iran?
3. Which, Plato, Aristotle or
Socrates first expounded his
4. Where is the original Bridge
of Sighs?
5. The projectile called shrap
nel is named after a general who
served in what country’s army?
6. What are Kiushiu, Shikoku
and Riukiu?
7. What is Polaris?
8. Who was secretary of state
in George Washington’s first cab
9. How much of Greenland’s
total area (736,518 square miles)
is ice-free land?
10. Where is the world’s largest
The Anawera
1. A depth bomb.
2. Iran.
3. Socrates.
Wasn't Asking for Trouble
That Early in the Morning
Two travelers had just met.
One was doing most of the talking.
“Yes,” he said, “I arrived home
one morning after midnight and,
as I opened the door, I saw a
stranger kissing my wife. I
closed the door softly and hur
ried downstairs. At 1 a. m. I
came back. I opened the door
softly—and there was the strang
er, still kissing my wife. So I
went downstairs again. At 1:15—”
“Just a minute,” interrupted the
other man. “Why did you keep
galloping downstairs? Why didn’t
you walk right into the room?”
“What?” cried the talkative
man. “And have my wife catch
me coming home at that hour?”
De-Oiling Sea Gulls
For almost two years, a de-oiling
hospital for sea gulls has been
operated near Penzance, England.
Every time a submarine is sunk
off this coast, the explosions kill
many fish, thereby attracting
flocks of gulls, which become so
drenched with the floating oil that
they cannot fly. As many as 700
of these birds have been rescued
and sent to this “de-oilery” in a
single day.
4. Venice (connecting the pal
ace of the doge with the prison).
5. Britain (Henry Shrapnel,
6. Islands of Japan.
7. The North star.
8. Thomas Jefferson.
9. Only 31,284 square miles.
10. In Convention hall in Atlantic
City. It contains seven manuals,
or keyboards, 487 keys, 933 stops,
32 pedals, 7 blowers, with motors
totaling 365 horsepower and 33,056
pipes, ranging in height from a
quarter inch to 64 feet.
J. Fuller Pep
Old Doc Wiggins used to eay: “No
man Is rich who's got a hole In his
Which reminds me of getting
your vitamins. Polks need them
all: If any one of them Is missing
the old vitality Is punctured. And
that's why this delicious cereal,
KELLOGG'S PEP, Is Important—
for It’s an extra-good source of the
two vitamins that are lacking In
many meals—Bi and D.*
PEP’s a Jim-dandy tastin' cereal,
too. Why not have It tomorrow? I
Just know you'll like it I
•P#r serving: 1/2 tht dally nted of O;
4/S to 1/5 the minimum daily nted of Bx.
Men Grace Places
" ‘I will show,’ said Agesilaus,
‘that it is not the places that grace
men, but men the places.’ ”—
• For quick
relief from
i discomforts
I of summer
■ colds Insert
f Mentholatum j
' In your nos- "f
From the Heart
Prayer is not perfect without the
presence of the heart.
■—miHimiM liii ■
Your Situation
Despise not your situation. In
it you must act, suffer, and con
quer. From every point on earth
we are equally near to Heaven
and the Infinite.—Amiel.
fgjfcMjffci $ wa) aSS&B
an distinctly American. They ■
began early in the 19th Century |
and since 1850 have been the
most popular sport at county
fairs. Sulkies are unknown in
custom is daily enjoyment of mild,
fragrant King Edward cigars. For
a real winner in smoking pleasure,
try King Edward today.
The merchant who advertises must treat
you better than the merchant who does
not. He must treat you as though you
were the most influential person in town.
As a matter of cold fact you are. You
hold the destiny of his business in your
hands. He knows it. He shows it. And you
benefit by good service, by courteous treat
ment, by good value—and by lower prices.