The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 21, 1941, Image 7
INSTALLMENT 12 THE STORY SO FAR: Dusty King and Lew Gordon had built Bp a vast string of ranches in the West. King was killed by his powerful and un scrupulous competitor, Ben Thorpe. Bill Roper, King's adopted son. was deter mined to avenge his death in spite of the opposition of his sweetheart, Jody Gordon, and her father. After wiping Thorpe out of Texas, Roper conducted a great raid upon the vast herds on Thorpe's Montana ranches. Told that Jody had disappeared, he left his men and set out for the home of Lew Gordon, a man who was once his partner, but was now his enemy. Jody Gordon had tried to reconcile her father with Roper; failing, she set out with Shoshone Wllce. one of Roper’s men. to find him. * CHAPTER XVII Shoshone Wilce, riding with Jody Gordon through the same hundred mile snow which screened Bill Rop er and Tex Long in their aid on the Little Dry, found himself the most bewildered and the most unhappy of men. He could have refused to guide Jody Gordon to Bill Roper’s rendez vous; he thought it improbable that Jody Gordon would have been able to locate the rendezvous alone. But , whether she found it, or merely got herself lost, Shoshone Wilce would have been answerable to Bill Roper for leaving her to attempt the ride alone. The alternative he had chosen of fered no greater prospect for a long and helpful life. Lew Gordon would go wild as a wounded silvertip at the disappearance of his daughter; and every King-Gordon cowboy in the country would be scouring the brakes after Shoshone’s scalp. Jody believed now that the split between Lew Gordon and Bill Roper was the basis of inconceivable dis aster—not only immediate and per sonal, but far-reaching in its import to the cow country. Together, those two very different cattlemen could have beaten Thorpe, and consolidat ed the King-Gordon empire. Separated, Lew Gordon and Bill Roper were mutually destructive; Lew Gordon was probably right that Bill Roper’s savage attacks upon the Thorpe interests were the cause of Ben Thorpe’s heavy reprisals upon King-Gordon. And even though Roper might bring down Ben Thorpe in the end, which still seemed in credible, he could never profit by his victory, even if he lived. Unless Gordon and Roper could be recon ciled, Roper would in the end be come just one more outlawed cow boy whose trails could have no mean ing, and only one end. Jody Gordon had one other motive in attempting the all but hopeless reconciliation. She believed her fa ther’s life to be in the sharpest dan ger. Bill Roper, an even harder fighter than the old trail breaker who had trained him, would auto matically take those precautions that would safeguard her father’s life, if once they could be brought to work together again. But the first move toward recon ciliation must come from Bill Roper himself. If she could persuade Rop er to this, there was a bare possi bility that she could also manage her father. It was a forlorn hope; but, as she saw it, of such vital importance that it could no longer be ignored. It was as if events that would alter the whole history of the cow country lay in her persuasion of these two stubborn men. She rode doggedly now, with set face, trusting Sho shone to find the way. They rode until after midnight, blind, as far as Jody could see, in the wet fall of the snow. They threw down their bedrolls then in the shel ter of stunted snow-laden trees, and Shoshone Wilce measured grain for the horses onto his own poncho. They pushed on again early the next morning, miserable in the raw dawn, after coffee which Shoshone made in a frying pan. All day long they rode steadily, stopping only once for bread and bacon, and to bolster their horses with more grain. The snow slacked off, giving place to a bitter wind. Jody’s knees stiff ened with saddle cramp and she continually had to nurse her fingers deep in her pockets to keep them from going numb. She had a strange sense of having taken an irrevocable step which she might find great rea son to regret. The fact that the snow had hidden the trail they had made, so that no one could follow to find her, gave her a feeling of be ing cut off from everything friendly she had ever known. She no longer knew where she was. She set her eyes straight ahead, too proud to ask Shoshone how far they had come, or how much farther they must go. Just before dusk they climbed a long rocky ridge which commanded the length of a shallow valley set brokenly with juniper and ragged cedar. Shoshone motioned her to stop her horse. “Wait a minute." Far down the valley Jody Gordon could see a faint haze that blurred a rabbit-fur grey and brown of the brush and runty timber. “That’s smoke,” Shoshone Wilce said at last. “This ought to be the place.” “So we really got here at last. ..” “Two hours more.” “The smoke—that means he’s there.” Shoshone Wilce, suspicious and doubtful by temperament, was less sure. “Don’t know if it’s him. Some body’s there. Or, anyway, some body’s been there.” A swift panic chilled Jody at the thought of meeting Bill Roper face to face again after so long a tune. She tried to imagine what she was going to say to him, and was com pletely unable. She wondered how he would look, and whether he would be glad to see her. Now Shoshone Wilce reached out to catch her bridle reins, and they stopped. She started to ask what was the matter, but checked her self. Wilce had become tensely watchful, and she saw that he was listening. After a moment or two of utter stillness, Wilce whispered “Wait a minute;” and pushed his horse slow ly forward into the dark. For a lit tle while as he moved away from her she could see the tall black sil houette of his horse against the pale snow, but soon this blurred with the darkness and was lost. Growing impatient at last, and a little uneasy, Jody moved her pony ahead after Shoshone. There was a moment or two of panic, in which it seemed that she had lost him alto gether in the dark; but her pony knew where the other was if she did not, and presently brought her alongside. Shoshone Wilce was sitting per fectly motionless on his horse, star ing ahead into a darkness to which the snow gave a curiously deceptive luminosity that did not aid the eye. “I don’t like this so good.” Sho shone said. “What’s the matter?” "No lights.” They moved ahead a little now, Jody holding her pony beside that of Shoshone Wilce. Shoshone moved his horse forward twenty paces, and Wilce whispered, “Wait a minute.” stopped again for a full minute; then ten paces more. Jody said, “What in the world—” Wilce seized her arm and silenced her with a quick shake. Then sud denly— An inarticulate oath snarled in Shoshone’s throat; he snatched at Jody’s rein, whirling her pony. His own horse came straight up on its hind legs as he spun it at close quarters. “Get going!” he said between his teeth; and brought his romal down across her pony’s flank in a snap ping cut that made it plunge ahead. She heard the rip of steel on leather as Shoshone’s gun came out. Then the silence of the night exploded into happenings that were incredi ble. Two guns smashed out in a swift flurry of detonation. A queer whis tling grunt was knocked out of Jo dy’s horse. It dropped from under her, and the ground struck upward with stunning violence. For a moment Jody Gordon lay motionless, her cheek buried in the cool snow. She was aware of fur ther firing, and more than one run ning horse, and she tasted blood from a cut lip; but at first she was unable to think. Someone said, “Well, we got one of 'em, anyway.” “Haul him inside.” “Look out now, Bud—no funny business.” The voice was unknown to her, as was the figure that now bent over her. Suddenly the man jerked forward to peer at her more closely. “What the—Hey! It’s Calamity Jane, or somebody!” Jody Gordon struggled to her feet, shock giving way to anger. "You fools, are you crazy? Bill Roper will kill you for this!” There was a moment’s silence, and she sensed rather than saw that they were looking at each other. “Bill Roper,” one of them repeat ed. “She says she’s looking for Bill Roper!” “Lady, you better come Inside!” Dazed and shaky as the fall of her killed horse had left her, Jody Gor don still appeared the most self possessed of them all as she al lowed herself to be led into the lit tle cabin at which she had hoped to find Bill Roper. The shack in which she now found herself was a cramped makeshift, intended only as a shelter for cow boys. storm-caught while riding the northern limits of the Fork Creek range. A single lantern hung from a roof pole; and now, by its yellow light the two men studied her with an unconcealed amazement. ‘‘By God,” said the older of the two, “it’s a girl, all right!” The other man, tall enough so that the door at his back looked small, was much the younger of the two. His face was prematurely hard-cut —the face of a man who even in youth had learned an effectiveness in action upon which he could well rely. He spoke sharply. “Jim — you know who this is? That’s Lew Gordon’s girl!” “Good Lord Almighty! I believe you’re right!” “It’s her, sure enough!” "So you know me?” Jody said. “I seen you once in Ogallala, and another time in Bandera.” The older man shifted his eyes to his partner. “Queerest turn of the cards,” he said, “I ever seen in all my born days!” The younger man’s voice was sharp and strained. "Jim, we got to get her out of here, and get her out quick!” The man called Jim appeared to consider intently, his eyes still on the other’s face. "I ain’t so sure,” he said after a moment. "You talk like a fool,” the younger man snapped at his superior. "Look what we got! We got the law back of us. We got the most powerful cowman in the West back of us. We got one of the biggest rewards that’s ever been hung up, right ready to drop into our hands. We’ve located Roper’s main shebang, after work ing on it for months. We got all the odds in the world in our fa vor—and here comes this girl and bogs the whole works!” “Just how do you figure she bogs it?” “We got every chance of nailing our man, right here, any hour now. But don’t ever think we’ll nail him without a hell of a sharp fight. Sup pose this girl gets hurt in this fight, or gets loose and loses herself, or runs out of luck some other way? The quicker we get her out of here—” ‘■Can’t.’* “What's the reason we can’t?” “We got the bear by the tail. She’s dynamite so long as she’s here. I grant you that. But what if we leave her go? She warns Roper off. Then where are we?” The younger man’s eyes were keen with a repressed excitement. “Jim—you figure she come to meet Bill Roper here?” "She didn't come here by ac cident,” Leathers said with convic tion, “any more than you or me. And she sure didn’t come here to throw in with us.” A swift panic struck Jody with the shock of a blow in the face. If Jim Leathers wished, he could hold her here—literally as bait with which to draw the man whom it was his mission to kill. If Shoshone Wilce had got clear, and could reach Roper, Roper would certainly attack as soon as the best ponies of the raiders could bring him. Or, fail ing to locate Roper, Shoshone Wilce might even bring her father—and what orders Jim Leathers had in regard to Lew Gordon she could only surmise. "I’m getting sick of this,” Jody told Jim Leathers. “You owe me a horse; there can’t possibly be any argument about that. I’ll have i to ask you to rope a pony and bring him to my saddle—and I'll be on my way!” Slowly Leathers shook his head. “You won’t give me a pony?” “I’m afraid—you’ll have to wait until your friends come, lady.” For Jody Gordon’s white flash of anger there was no outlet whatever. She turned away to hide from them the furious tears that sprang into her eyes. She took off her sheepskin coat and flung it on the table, for the room was very hot; but be cause her fingers were still chilled to the bone she pulled off her gloves, tucked them in her belt, and went to the shallow fireplace to hold out her hands to the flames. They went on talking now in the drawling, well-considered speech of the trail, long pauses marking ev ery interchange. Whatever else they might think of her, they evidently did not consider that she implied any necessity to secrecy. "If Roper is on his way,” the younger rider said thoughtfully, “and this side rider of hers has got loose and meets him, so that Rop er knows what he’s up against—that might be kind of bad medicine, Jim. If he’s got his war-riders with him—” “I’ve missed hooking up with Rop er twenty times when I thought I had him,” Leathers said. 'Td soon er meet up with him on any terms, than carry back the word that I fell down.” (TO BE CONTINUEDJ Fall Social Calendar Demands Smart Clothes for the Matron By CHER1E NICHOLAS ' I 'HE time is not too far fllflj away now whan you daughters of the household will en gage in the exciting experience of getting off to school in the fall, with a wardrobe tuned to your exact needs and whims. Only please remember you are not the only heroines holding the spotlight in fashion realms. You have rivals, yes indeed! . We are not telling who but here is a tip. Keep an eye on modern moth ers, matrons and women in general, who are so importantly carrying on in club work and in social activities that tend to “keep the home fires burning” while college faring daugh ters are away from home. Fashion is catering to the costume needs of women with whom “life begins at forty.” With unbounded zest and enthusiasm inspired by an ever-increasing appreciation of the tremendous influence smart clothes have, they are achieving new chic and poise. It's no secret or myth or fairy tale that women who "go places” and “do things” in this busy world of ours have gone utterly modern in matter of dressing glam orously. So look to your laurels Miss Teen-age, Miss Debutante and Miss College girl, you will have to step lively to keep up with queen mother’s fashion pace! One of the fashion gestures that will serve mothers and matrons well who happen to be limited to a re stricted budget, is to select a simple basic dress, smart in lines, made of good material and styled with the thought of complementing this one gown with flattering interchangeable accessories. These have a magic way of glorifying their appearance. Chic jewelry, feminizing and lovely lingerie neckwear touches, can do wonders in transforming the entire aspect of your costume. And don’t forget flowers! Be sure to wear flow ers for that refreshing accent of youthful charm that is always so endearing. To the right in the illustration “somebody's mother" presents a lovely “picture" as she graciously presides at the initial autumn meet* ing of her favorite club. She is clad in the simplest sort of a gown made of fine sheer black wool to which frilly white lingerie accent lends endless charm, la the lovely quaint Victorian bouquet of carna tions, violets and stephanotis which she carries so caressingly in her lovely hands, ohe immediately senses the gallantry of friend hus band or a devoted son who, per haps being out of town, wired to the nearest florist for the prettiest bouquet fancy might picture. Just as an afterthought this dainty bou quet may be a tribute of admiration to their leader from various club members. The lady seated goes in'for ultra modern fashion as you can readily see in her swank gown of hand some black wool ribbed crepe. This together with her chic English sailor so piquantly veiled, goes to show how very smartly one can dress in all-black. Notice the low-cut V-neck line, a stylizing detail that was pop ular this summer and will continue good form right through the fall. The patriotic corsage she is wearing is of blue cornflowers, fragrant red roses and white carnation petals. Glittering satin is scheduled for a big play this fall. A satin dress is a good “buy" for it not only gives marvelous wear, but it has that air of dressiness that tunes in with so cial environs. The lady in the top oval has on a satin frock which is intriguingly shirred about bodice and sleeves. She wears a tiara of sal mon pink gladiolas. Evidently the lady in the oval below to the right has a yen for pastel colorings. Her eyelet-embroidered dress in soft blue crepe is really lovely. She adds to the glamour by dramatizing her well-groomed hair with a cluster of rosebuds and hyacinths. (Released by Weslern Newspaper Union.) Jeweled Bow Knots There is going to be a big play made on unique buttons and jewel fastenings of every description this fall and winter. Note the tailored jacket of chalk white crepe shown here. Its sleeves, yoke and front panel are cut in one, a character istic feature of the newer fashions The five crystal and enamel bow knot fastenings herald intriguing gadgets to be used like buttons. I Rich Browns for New Autumn Wear There is considerable emphasis on handsome browns for fall. The dresses in initial showings are most ly of rayon crepes and jerseys. These are simply styled so far as “lines” are concerned but have in teresting surface treatment in stitch ing, self-fabric appliques and quilted decoration. The dressier afternoon models of ten combine fabric with lace dyed to match or with velvet or satin. In keeping with the trend to browns, touches of embroidery ap pear in bronze sequins and metal threads, also favor is expressed for mink fur. Milliners are making up smart little mink hats with match ing neckpieces. Fringes Take On New Importance in Style Fringed dinner gowns appear in scores of individual treatments. Aft ernoon dresses too take on accents of fringe. The originality and ver satility expressed in trimming with fringe is most interesting. There is every sort of arrange ment from narrow fringe placed row and row in tiers covering the entire skirt to long swinging panels of fringe extending in one continuous line from waist to hem. Fringe also is worked in interlaced manner to give the new drop-shoulder line and to form pockets and girdle effects with long streaming ends to add grace. _ Farm Topics _ .. . I POOR CUTTING RUINS WOODLOT Carelessness Endangers New Stand, Profits. By FRED TRENK (Extension Forester, University of Wisconsin.) Not all of the wreckage of war 1* to be found on the other side of the water. Rising log and lumber prices have caused many farmers to “cash in” with their marketable trees. Regardless of who does the cut ting. there are two things any tim ber owner must bear in mind if he has any hope of ever making a sec ond cut—first, he has to keep all livestock out so that young tree seedlings and sprouts have a chance to grow; and second, the slash, or limbs, tops and waste parts of trees resulting from logging or wind dam age must not be allowed to burn in one large, destructive Are. Woodland owners who fully under stand timber values and who can estimate closely the volume of mer chantable timber on their land are in a position to realize a larger re turn through a lump sale of stand ing timber. However, unless they are fully protected by contract, small trees, so essential to a future stand, are frequently sacrificed in the jogging job. There are means of selling timber by which the selling price might be increased, and the future productive ness of the land be protected. This is by having all trees of merchant able size measured for their con tents, and to have such trees “blazed” or marked so that a pur chaser would know definitely what trees are to be cut and what are to be left. Such a selection might be on the basis of an arbitrary mini mum diameter of trees to be cut, or it may provide for the removal of trees based on their present con dition, rate of growth and on their effect on other trees growing under or near them. Select Breeding Hens Before Culling Layers This Is an excellent time to start a poultry breeding improvement program. Dr. W. C. Thompson, professor of poultry husbandry at the New Jersey college of agricul ture, Rutgers university, says that such a program should be quite eas ily established on many farms. “After the pullets approach ma turity, select the superior individu als. Use every bit of information which may be available in this proc ess. Place numbered aluminum leg bands on the best 25 per cent. House the remaining 75 per cent of the oncoming flock in quarters where they can be forced for maximum safe egg yield. “House the best quarter of the flock separately and keep records on them. Trapnesting for one year, starting October 1, is highly desirable. “As trapnesting records accumu late, apply minimum standards. It is suggested that bands should be removed from individuals which failed to lay 50 or more eggs between October 1 and January 31, or which failed to average 25 eggs a month for March, April and May; or which failed to show a persistent produc tion of at least 50 eggs between June 1 and September 30.” Dirty Cooling System Causes Hot Motors Does the motor of your tractor overheat? If it does, G. W. Mc Cuen, farm engineer, Ohio State university, suggests checking to see if the fan belt is too loose, if there is an accumulation of dirt on the outside of the cooling fins of the radiator, if the tubes in the radiator are clogged, or if the wa ter jacket of the cylinders is bad ly limed. If the tubes of the radiator are partially clogged with slime, Mc Cuen advises this may be cleaned out by filling the cooling system with a caustic solution such as half a can of lye in four to five gallons of water, or one pound of sal soda to four or five gallons of water. A safe way is to heat the solu tion and stir it. Then put the so lution in the radiator cooling sys tem and thoroughly heat it up by running the motor. This gen erally takes about 15 minutes, after which the solution may be drained and the cooling system thoroughly flushed out before re filling with water. Lightning Rods Lightning rods have an efficiency of 97 per cent if properly construct ed and installed. Inspection of rodded buildings which have been struck by lightning generally uncover one or more of several defects, the Board states. These include lack of grounding to permanent moisture, insufficient number of points, particularly at chimneys, cupolas, gables and other elevations; points and connections not electrically secure. Smart Chair Set Simple to Make t ■ — 1 - "■ 1 ”" Pattern 7002. TPHIS crocheted bowl, filled with *■ colorful embroidered roses is fascinating and varied needle work. Add this touch of decora tion to your chairs. * • • Pattern 7002 contains a transfer pattern of a motif 13 by 8 inches and two motifs 8*,4 by 5 Inches: directions for crochet; illustration of stitches; materials needed; color schemes. Sewing Circle Needlecraft Dept. 82 Eighth Ave. Newr York Enclose 15 cents in coins for Pat tern No. Name.. Address.. Live Stock Commission BYERS BROS & CO. A Real Live Stock Com, Firm At the Omaha Market Through Your Window You cannot believe in honor un til you have achieved it. Better keep yourself clean and bright; you are the window through which you must see the world.—George Bernard Shaw. Indigestion what Doctors do for It Doctor* know that ga* trapped in the stomach or gullet may act I ike a hair - trigger on the heart. They aet gas free with the faateet-acting medldnsa known —the faateet act like the medidnee in Bell-ana Tablets. Try Bell-ana today. If the FIRST D06B doesn’t prove Bel I - ana better, return bottle to ue and receive DOUBLE money back. 25c. at all drug stores. Bearing Reproof Fear not the anger of the wise to raise; Those best can bear re proof who merit praise.—Pope. ■-Nervous Restless-. Kirin I Cranky? Restless? 1? u' 1 IN " Can’t sleep? Tire Iflll III ■ easily? Because of distress of monthly functional disturbances? Then try Lydia E. Ptnkham’s Vegetable Com pound. Plnkham's Compound Is famous for relieving pain of lrregularperlods and cranky nervousness due to such disturbances. One of the most effec tive medicines you car^.buy today for this purpose — made especially /or women. WORTH TRYING! Greatest Fool There’s no fool like the young fool who tries to act like an old fool.—Bombay Chronicle. JUST A DASH IN ■__1 MERCHANDISE IMust Be GOOD | to be | Co nsisten tly Ad vertised | BUY ADVERTISED GOODS §