The Frontier D. H. Cronin. Editor and Owner Entered at the postoffice at O’Neill, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. ___ SUBSCRIPTION One Year, in Nebraska-$2.00 One year, outside Nebraska 2.25 Every subscription is regarded as an open account. The names of subscribers will be instantly removed from our mailing list at expiration of time paid for, if publisher shall be notified; other wise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscrip tion price. Every suscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract between publisher and subscriber. Display advertising is charged for on a basis of 25c an inch (one column wide) per week. Want ads 10c per line, first insertion, subsequent insertions, 5c per line. THE DAYS OF LONG AGO Fifty-Five Years Ago The Frontier, August 19, 1886 O’Neill new nasby, Frank Campbell, will take possesion the first of September. Tom Camp bell, brother of Frank, is now in the postoffice learning the mysteries of the business, that he may take charge when the time comes. O’Neill people were excited over the possibility of the Union Pacific building a line into this County, coming north from Al bion to Neligh and then west and northeast to O’Neill and northwest from here and would cross the Niobrara in the vicini ty of Dustin or Grand Rapids. The dream never materialized. Fifty Years Ago The Frontier, August 20, 1891 O. O. Snyder and Co. of Allen, a station on the Short Line, have purchased the Barnett and Frees lumber yard at this place and will take possession soon. There is a possibility that Ed. May, the obliging manager of the v"BEER Potter, may take charge of a larg er and more commodious hotel to be built in O’Neill soon. (And | we wafted about twenty-five ! more years for it.)—Editor. A heavy rain last night and again today will bring on the late com in good shape. Fred Gatz is building a large addition to the Hotel Evans. The mail route between O’Neill and Fort Randall, Van Turner, ; Sizer and Spencer, has been per manently located and Charles A. Moore awarded the contract. Service will start September 1. The postoffiee at Minneola has been discontinued and the mail will go to Star. _ The Item, August 20, 1891 The first populist convention was held in Atkinson last Satur day morning. The senior mem bers of the Item was in attend-; ance and witnessed a real circus. There were about 110 delegates accredited to the convention, and as all preciniets except four were represented there was present about 100 delegates and of this number about ninety were candi dates for office. After an after noon and part of night balloting, the work being slow on account of the large list of canidates, the following tickets was nominated: C. M. Smith, Sheriff; J. P. Mullen, treasurer; Conger, County Clerk; William Bowen, County Judge; George W. Lessinger, Clerk of the district Court; John C. Morrow, County Superintendent; Phillips, County Surveyor; H. A. Skelton, Coroner. More than one hundred and fifty teachers have enrolled for the institute. More coming next week. Forty Years Ago The Frontier, August 22. 1901 The Holt County Teachers In stitute covened Tuesday. There is an enrollment of eighty. The woven wire fence enclos ing the court house premises is now completed. There are seven ty rods of fencing at an estimated cost of $1.25 a rod for the mater ial. The First National Bank people have filed articles of incorporat ion, for a bank at Inman. Mr. Reka, our enterprising cigar manufacturer, is the first O’Neill man to venture an automobile He has one ordered and is look ing for it any day. Guy M. Green and Miss Eva Lewis were married at Meadow Grove on Monday. They arrived here Tuesday and will make their home in the southern part of the city. Thirty Years Ago The Frontier, August 17, 1911 The most successful race meet ever held in this city was brought to a close last Saturday afternoon. A very pretty wedding was sole mnized at the Catholic Church last Wednesday morning when Rev. Father O’Sullivan perform ed the ceremony that united Ed ward Donohoe of Stuart to Miss I*Mlie Brennan of this city. Judge Malone issued a marri age license last Wednesday to John W. Walters, of Chambers, and Miss Matilda Liermann, of Amelia. Conrad C. Reka died at his home in this city last Monday after an illness of two months of paralysis of the throat. He was forty-nine years of age and had been a resident of this city for twelve years. Work on the addition to St. Mary’s Academy is completed. Painters are now busy putting on the finishing touches. Mrs. E. H. Thompson passed away at her home in this city on August 13, at the age of seventy-three years. She came here with her husband and fam ily in 1873. Twenty Years Ago The Frontier, August 18, 1921 Miss Florence McCafferty en tertained at cards Monday even ing, twenty-five guests being present. Miss Mae Hammond won the honors at auction. State and Federal engineers last week inspected the Whiting bridge site on the Niobrara river between O’Neill and Spencer and are now preparing plans and esti mates for a proposed new State Aid structure. The nomination of Dennis H. Cronin to be United States Marshal for the district of Ne braska was confirmed by the United States senate last Thurs day. He will take office Septem | ber 1. Another fine rain visited this j County on Friday and again on i Monday. A couple of weeks and | corn will be safe from frost. Mike Harriskey has applied for a patent on a new system of finding lost golf balls. Mike paints ’em with luminous paint and then goes out after dark and picks’em up. Ten Years Ago The Frontier, August 20. 1931 Col. James Moore has opened a gas filling station on West Douglas street. John Enright celebrated his nintieth birthday anniversary last Thursday. He came to Holt County in 1876. L. C. Walling, district manager of the Interstate Power company left for Chicago this morning op a business trip. A chronic heart ailment caused the death of F. J. O’Neill at) Cas per, Wyoming, last Thursday afternoon. He was a son of the late Senator Hugh O’Neill and was born at Leonia, this county. He was thirty-five years of age. — Many letters have been receiv ed here asking questions about Albert Engel—the one-man army camp investigating committee. Engel is a member of congress from the State of Michigan. He is a members of the House Com mittee on Appropriations and also a member of the sub-committee which handles appropriations for the War Department. He saw service with the A. E. F. in France during the last war and he made statistics a hobby. Many members who know him intimately believe he is probably more completely informed regarding the details of expenditures in the War Depart ment than any other member in the House today. He is a Re publican, but often consulted by members of both parties. He has confidence of members on both sides of the aisle and they know that no matter what party his statistical information affects, he lets the chips fall where they may. When the committee began re ceiving request for huge appro priations for national defense, Engel detrmined that the waste, and inefficiency of the first world war should not be repeated. When the War Department began building new camps, Engel de termined to make a personal in vestigation. He served notice on his colleagues that he feared the cost-plus program of construction would result in great waste of money and he proceeded to go out and get the facts. He first requested committee approval of his action and that was promptly accorded. He sec ured official permission from the Adjutant General to inspect the camps and then he formulated his plans of procedure and started out. The result has been that he has, without contradiction, devel oped the fact that out of an ex penditure of $800,000,000 in the building of army camps about $250,000,000 has been wasted. Certain changes in plans were made and correction of some of the abuses has been made by leg islation. He has made it possible to cut the engineering costs from 11 percent to 7 percent. He has unearthed a wealth of informa tion which has aided the elim ination of waste and inefficiency and he is now reporting to Con gress those who have profited by commissions on insurance and bonds in connection with the building of these camps. He has shown that the waste in camp construction up to this time amounts nearly the total cost of the entire camp construction pro gram of the first world war. To stop further waste and ineffici ency he is continuing his work and is taking the floor of the House frequently to point out constructively how costs can be held down and how efficiency can be promoted. Engel has not yet submitted his bill to Congress but he has told firends that the entire cost of his investigation is $248.00 What he has saved the government in ex posing useless waste and ineffici ency will undoubtedly amount to many millions of dollars. Fre quently, leading democrats have come to Engel and praised him for the work he has accomplished. Following Engle’s reports to : Congress the Naval Affairs and | Military Ahairs Comittees have ; started investigations. These will : be more expensive but with the foundation laid by Engel, it is believed that additional savings can be accomplished for the bene fit of taxpayers. It must have been quite a sur prise to the commanding officers of the various camps when they were suddenly confronted by this lone Congressman and asked to produce the information he re quired. Engel’s procedure was unique. He drove his automo bile from Washington in the very early morning and arrived at camps at about 6:30 A. M. After driving around the camp, by him self, until about 9 o’clock, he made his appearance at the office of the commanding officer. By that time he had taken many pictures of the buildings and had counted the trucks and machines going into camp. His first in struction to the commanding offi cer was to direct the public re lations officer to give no publicity to his visit. He then called in the construction engineer, the con tractor or his representive and the ordinance officer for a five hours session during which he asked questions. Frequently he had the engineers and contractors alone. Many of his questions re lated to the recommendations the engineers and contractors had made to the army and he also fully developed the facts about recommendations that the army had rejected. In eighteen days he had visited thirteen camps and not one word of publicity came out until he had finished his investigation and reported the results on the floor of the House of Representatives. To date his figures have not been disputed. He has shown that there has been waste and that there has been inefficiency and that there have been rackets. Tax payers will be glad to learn that Congress is listening to these re ports and has demanded that the money being expended for na tional defense be watched more carefully and that we get a dol lar’s worth of defense for a dol lar spent. Heavy underwear; a heavy dress; two sweaters; shoes and overshoes and a fur coat and a life belt. That is what Miss Mar ion McGill of Tekamah wore when she was plunged into the icy North Atlantic last June when her ship was torpedoed. Her thril ling adventure# are going to be told in exclusive stories soon to be published. Waitresses in some of the sea food restaurants here make as much as fourteen dollars a day. That, of course includes the big tips which liberal visitors give for special service. Washington is the number one tipping town. No tips—no service. Even clerks in stores say they get liberal tips from customers. It is no longer a question of selling here. Ne braskans get the impression that clerks feel they are doing the customer a favor if they wait on them. A lot of army fliers that have returned from foreign obesrva tion are in town urging Congress to do something about a separate and unified air force. They be lieve that Germany’s sucess in the air with unified air force should not be ignored by Uncle Sam. Many of the suggestions to alter the established system in the Army and Navy encounter the resistance of generals and admir als. The "Union Now” advocates are not fooling. They are ser ious and sincere in their beliefs. The president of the convention of Federal Union, Inc,, says: "There is at least a possibility that we are right in believing that we can neither maintain the essentials of our constitutional system even here at home, nor win the war without establishing a provision federal union with the British.” Col. Wedgewood, member of the British Parliament, when he was here said: "From the war in which accounts between Britian and America are now getting somewhat mixed, the step for ward to a common army, navy and air force—and taxation to pay for them—is not far distant. We in Great Britian have all to gain from a union, and the invit ation must come from America.” Those opposing these ideas say that “union now” means renunci ation of the Declaration of In dependence, and a "shooting” participation in the war by the United States. Filipino leaders who have fought all moves to extend the protection of the United States over the Philippines after 1946, now say that the invitation to ex tend that time must some from the United States. While soldiers in foreign lands are fighting, great diplomats are developing political strategy be hind closed doors. Statements by men in high offices are made only after long conferences in secret diplomatic chambers. What the soldiers do usually follows the decision of these diplomats. In answer to questions about the interest we pay on bur nation al debt, it can be said that the annual interest payment now is around one billion one hundred and twenty-five million dollars based on a debt of fifty billion dollars. Next July, that indebt edness will be around 62 billion dollars and the annual interest payments must be correspond ingly higher. The vacation of Lord Halifax has not been unexpected in Washington. Some of his critics! say that he has not been discreet-' ly tactful with Americans who feel that too many Britishers have talked out of turn and have left the impression of the assumption of superority and in some cases have tried to tell American of ficials how to run their business. From now on more dipolmacy will be used by the thousands of Britishers here working in close co-ordination with our govern ment. About 300 new restaurants have opened in town. Thous ands of girls have joined the dan cers and entertainers who are trying to make the visit of thous ands of soldiers to Washington pleasant. The Federal government is un dertaking to discourage Washing ton’s effort to procure conven tions this year. There is no room left for conventions. Conven tions have been bringing about five million dollars a year to this town and the Board of Trade here is always on the job to get more business. That organization is fighting the decentralization program which has started. Army maneuvers which start ed last May, will continue thru to November 30th next. A number of members of the House have been asked to attend some of these maneuvers and stay in the camps with the soldiers for a week or ten days. BRIEFLY STATED Mr. and Mrs. Jim Rooney drove to Spalding, Nebraska, Monday on business. Mr. and Mrs. John McManamy of Council Bluffs, Iowa, spent the week end here visiting relatives. Mrs. G. O. Racely returned on Saturaay from a vacation trip to the west coast. Attorney W. H. Whalan of Hastings, Nebraska, was in O’Neill Wednesday on business. Mrs. H. J. Hammond, daughter, Mary Lois, and Henry Grady made a business trip to Sioux City, Iowa, on last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Richter, Jr., announce the birth of a son, James William, on Friday August, 15th. Miss Ruth Scott of Marti, South Dakota, spent Sunday here vis iting at the home of Miss Ber-, nadine Protivinsky. * Mr .and Mrs. Pete Swanson, of Herman, arrived the last of the CASH at ONCE We advance money on all makes of cars—without delay or bothersome details — and without co-makers or en dorsers. The most conven ient way to get cash in a hurry and at low rates. If your car isn’t paid for, ask about our thrifty refinancing plan. Usually we can re duce payments as much as one-third to one-half and pro vide extra cash besides. For Quick Convenient Loans —See— Central Finance Corporation Prompt Courteous Service j 1st Nat’l Bank Bldg. O’Neill C. E. Jones, Mgr. Loans made in nearby towns. ! week to visit Mrs. Swanson’s ' parents, Mr. and Mrs. A .Toy. F. H. Parkins and son, Bob. returned on Monday evening from a combined business and plea sure trip to Brainard, Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin left on Sunday for the Black Hills of South Dakota, where they will spend a weeks vacation. Jesse L. Myers is visiting at New Market, Va., while on a motor trip through the Shen andoah Valley of Virginia. Miss Vivian Eidenmiller re turned on Friday from Omaha, where she spent several days vis iting friends. FAMILY OF ELEVEN and all take ADLERIKA when 1 needed.” (W. N.-Iowa) When partly digested foods decay, for ming gas, bringing on sour stom ach or bloating, try ADLERIKA Get it TODAY. Johnson Drug WANTED MEN AND WOMEN 1 OFFICE WORKERS ♦ I • :i ' Competent secretaries, typists, clerks, machine operators, and accountants are urgently needed : In Civil 8ervice, in every arm of , military service, in Federal Bit* 1 reau of Investigation, In Industry • and in business. ♦ l ; PREPARE NOW Write for Enrollment Oates VAN SANT SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Corner Nineteenth and Douglae ENTRANCE 207 South 19th Omaha J . ■ " ■ ' TM ■ ■ ■ ,n " ■ "V ■ We make a special point of cleanliness to keep this the sort of place you like to come to for service— without worrying about getting hands or clothes soiled. And cleanliness goes for every job we do, too! Our men are factory-trained specialists who know instantly pre :isely what to do and how to do it. No fumbling. Our Dig stock of genuine factory parts not only means exact fit, but immediate action. Special tools and equipment Insure accuracy in determining precisely what needs to be done. No guesswork. Drive in, next time your car needs tuning up, and see for yourself. WE SERVICE ALL MAKES OF CARS LOHAUS MOTOR CO. O’Neill, Nebraska MAU9 unDnanm