The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 14, 1941, Image 1

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VOL. LXII O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, August 14, 1941 Number 14 _
Achievement Day For
4-H Members At
O’Neill August 23
4-H members from all parts of
Holt County will compete in the
contests at the 4-H Achievement
Day to be held at the O'Neill Public
school on Saturday, August 23. The
program will allow 4-H club mem- \
{bers to compete for a fine group of
county awaids furnished by thej
O’Neill businessmen and an oppor
» tunity to represent Holt County
at the Nebraska State Fair this fall, j
Members of 4_H home econmics
clubs will have a fine opporunity to
exhibit the work they have com
pleted this past summer as well as
entering the judging and demon
stration contests from which State
Fair teams will be picked.
1 Members of 4-H calf clubs will
not exhibit their calves at this time,
but will have their opportunity at
the calf show to be held later in tiie
fall. The judging contest will be
open to all members enrolled ir
a livestock club and from the win
ners will be selected a livestock
. judging team to compete in the
State contest. Livestock demon
strations will also be selected to
enter the State Fair.
A county poultry judging teair^
will have been selected at an earlie.,
In order that the results of all
the contests may be tabulated and
the premiums awarded by the end
of the day, it is necessary for all
exhibits to be in place by 9:00 a.m.,
so that the contests may start
Premiums will be awarded in all
contests and as far as possible, the
members winning each event, and
who meet the legibility require
ments will be selected to represent
Holt County at the State Fair.
Assisting county agent, Lyndle
R. Stout in conducting the contest
will be Mrs. John Drayton, who was
formerly district Home Demon
stration agent for Holt County,
v Miss Hazel Leupold, FSA Home
Supervisor, and Mrs. Ed. Verzal ot
O'Neill. The Livestock judging and
demonstration contests will be
conducted by Mr. Chet Walters and
Pay). Fidler, county agents at
Wayne and Ainsworth.
The Achievement Day is one.
occasion when all 4-H members in
the county are encouraged to com-:
pete in order that those reprsent- i
iing the county at the State Fair
contest may be the outstanding
talent in 4-H work. Each member j
will furnish his own lunch and an}
person interested in the boys and
girls is invited to attend.
Pioneer Residents of Meek
Have Silver Wedding
Anniversary Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Preston Jones cele
brated their twenty fifth wedding
anniversary at their home north of
town last Sunday with fried chick
en dinner.
Five of their right children being
home and one in-law, Mr. Walter
It not being so they could all be
home but they all took part In pre
senting their parents with a very
nice dinner net and a very fine chest
of Silver Ware also wishes that
it might be possible that they may
repeat it in Twenty-five more
Englehaupt-J acox
On Sunday morning, August 10,
Johanna Engelhaupt of Spencer,
Nebraska, became the bride of
Kermit Jacox of Long Pine. The
marriage ceremony was performed
by Reverend Robert F. Barry, pas
tor of Sacred Heart church. The
couple were attended by Leo Engel
haupt and Mildred Liewer.
Mrs. Jacox for the past two years
was a teacher in the O’Neill Public
School. Mr. Jacox is employed at
the Strelow Pharmacy at Long
After a short trip the couple
will be at their home at Long Pine.
Two Holt County Girls
Return from 4-H Camp
Misses Mable Forbes and Mar
gery Rees of Amlia, returnedFri
day from the State 4-H Conserva
tion Camp held at Seward. The
camp which was attended by 85
members from over Nebraska was
held for the purpose of teaching
4-H members the conservation of
natural resources and ■wild life
which is so rapidly disappearing.
These girls, who were awarded this
trip for their work along conser.
vation lines, were the guests of the
Federal Cartridge Company.
A vry pretty wedding oecured
Wednesday, August 6th, at high
noon at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C. L. Teaquist, when their daughter,
Miss Clarissa was united in marri
age to George Spangler, son of
Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Spangler of
Stanton, Neb., the Rev. M. Blaine
Simon, pastor of the United Luth
eran church, officiating in the pres,
ence of the immediate family, Mrs.
Ilildor Grgen and John William
and Mrs. Fred Fuhr.
The ceremony was performed be
fore an improvised altar on which
were tall lighted candels and vases
of roses, and about the room were
eight tall baskets of gladiolas, roses
and asters.
The couple were attended by Miss
Cecilia Teaquist, sister of the bride,
and Bernard Fuhr. Preceding the
ceremony, Mr. Fuhr sang two solos,
At Dawn and I Love Thee, accom
panied by Mrs. M. B. Simon, who
also played the Lohengrin wedding
The bride wore a cream colored
wool suit with a shoulder corsage of
gardenias, while the bridesmaid’s
dress was a redingote of green geor
gette and crepe with which she wore
a shoulder corsage of pink roses.
The groom and groomsman both
wore gray suits with white carna
tion buttonaires. Mrs. Teaquist,
mother of the bride, wore a dress of
orchid and white silk crepe with a
shoulder corsage of orchid colored
aster pom-poms.
A three-course wedding dinner
followed the ceremony, the table
decorations being in pink and green,
with low bowls of pink aster pom
poms and tiny ferns, and pink can
dles tied with green tulle. A three
tier wedding cake formed the cen
The couple left early in the after
noon on a ten-day wedding trip to
Denver and other points in Colo
rado, and upon their return will
resid at the Teaquist residnce in
Mr. Spangler is a saleman for the
Consolidated Mills of Grand Island
and has made his headquarters in
Spencer for the past year. Mrs.
Spangler has livd in Spencer since
early childhood and is favorably
known. She has been employed
by the Bell Telephone company
for the past 19 years, being chiel
operator at Spencer, Gregory and
The best wishes of their many
friends are extended.—Butte Gaz
Livestock Receipts Heavy
Last Week—Prices Good
The seasonal run of livestock
seems to be gaining momentum as
the weeks roll by. Receipts last
Monday were the heaviest here this
season and showed a marked in
crease over a week ago. Prices
ruled about steady tho the mar
ket was a little easier on some
Good steer calves, light in
weight, reached upwards to $12.75.
Bulk of the steer calves placed from
$11.25 to $12.25. Heifer calves
were in broad demand and paid
from $10.30 to $11.00.
A considerable number of yearl
ings showed up and several car
load lots were sold. Top yearling
steers in carload lot, brought $10.55
with their heifer mates paying
These average 610 pounds and
575 pounds respectively, and were
of good quality. Another carload
lot of steers, average weight 720
pounds, cashed at $10.30.
Their heifer mates rang up $9.65.
Extreme top on choice yearling
steers was $11.65, but that price
was paid for only outstanding in
dividuals. Two year olds sola
mostly from $9.75 to $10.10. One
carload lot, weight 725 pounds,
bracketed at $9.90. Heifers in this
class reached $9.26.
Cows were plentiful and choice
fat cows sold from $8.00 to $8.10.
Others, less fancy, but of medium
to good quality brought from $7.00
to $7.75 with the plainer grade
ranging from $5.25 to $6.50. Bull
sold mostly from $7.50 to $7.75.
Receipts in the hog division were
only slightly heavier than a week
ago apd prices followed general
market tuends. Butchers notcheo
mostly from $10.85 to $10.95. Sow.
paid from $9.85 to $9.95 with a few
hitting $10.05. Pigs were scarce
and sold mostly by the head.
A few sheep were here, too few
to make a quotable market.
The next regular auction will be
held on Monday, August 18.
Miss Rose Taylor of Lincoln, ar
rived KSre on Sunday and is a guest
1 at the home of Miss Helen Biglin.
Congressman Stefan Has
Three Vacancies To Fill
Two vacancies for midshipmen at ,
the United States Naval Academy
and one vacancy for cadet at the
United States Military Academy
will accrue to the credit of the j
Third Congressional District cf
Nebiaska due to graduation of two
Third District midshipmen and one
Third District cadet in 1942. Nomi
nations to fill these vacancies will
be made by or soon after January
I 1, 1942.
Eligible candidates for these no
minations, in addition to being act
ual residents of the Third Congress,
ional District of Nebraska, must,
in the case of the Naval Academy,
be not less than 17 years of age or
more than 21 years of age on April
1st of the calendar year in which
they undertake to enter the Naval
Academy and, in the case of the
Military Academy, be not less than
17 years of age or more than 22
years of age. Candidates for the
Military Academy become inelig
ible for admission upon the day
they become 22 years of age.
Eligible candidates must, also, i
have graduated from high school!
or be assured of graduation not
later than the spring of 1942. High
school graduates who have also
completed one or more years or
college or university work will fina
the additional academic prepar
ation of considerable value in meet
ing entrance tests and in pursuing
the training following admission tt
either academy.
I shall make the nominations on
a purely competitive basis and the
preliminary competition will be in
itiated by a Congressional Design
ation Examination conducted by the
United States Civil Service Com.
mission on October 4, 1941. This
is not an admission examination
but solely an examination to de
termine the comparative qualifica
tions of candidates for the purpose
of enabling me to make nominations,
of principals and alternates on
the basis of the comparative quali-;
fications disclosed by the examin
ation. The nominees for admission1
will subsequently be called upon tc j
present themselves for physical ana
mental tests precedent to actual '■
admission. * i
At all times between now ana
September 8, 1941, but not latei
than September 8, 1941, I shall be;
glad to receive the written applica
tions of young men who possess the
above mntioned qualifications coup. !
led with a desire to enter the Naval
Academy or the Military Academy, I
as the case may be. The initial
application will be to participate
in the competitive Congressiona.
Examination and each applicai
should definitely state the academ.
of his choice.
All applications and request,
for further information should bt
addressed to me at 1017 Hous
Office Building, Washington, D. f
Orthopedic Clinic Held
Here Last Saturday
An Orthopedic extension clinic
sponsored by the Crippled Chidren’s
Services in cooperation with the
Elks Club was held Saturday, Au
gust 9, in the O’Neill High School
Auditorium. Forty children, thirty
of them active cases already
receiving services together with
ten new referrals by their family
physicians were examined by Dr.
William R. Hamsa, Orthopedist
and Dr. George E. Robterson, Pedi
atrician, both from Omaha. Assist
inp the Doctors were Mrs. Stanley
Soukup, registered nurse and Miss
Edna Simonson and Mrs. Lynus
Murphy Brennan of O’Neill. Mr.
August Snyder, chairman of the
Elks Committee for Crippled child
ren, was present to supervise the
noon day lunch sponsored by the
Elks Lodge of Norfolk.
The lunch was prepared by the
following ladies of the O’Neill Pres
byterian church: Mrs. J. P. Brown
in charge assisted by Mrs. L. R.
Burgess, Mrs. Fred Robertson
Mrs. Arthur Cowperthwaite, Mrs.
O. S. Goodfellow, Mrs. V. G. Kline,
Mrs. C. E. Lundgren and Mrs. H.
W. Tomlinson.
R. H. Parker and wife just re
turned from a business trip to Cas
per, Wyoming, and while there
made an extended trip through
Yellowstone Park, stopping 9 day^
in the Yellowstone, and 2 days in
the Black Hills of South Dakota.
Also visiting Devils Tower, the so
called tree stump 865 feet high o.
solid rock with a 2 acre surface or
top. The big Deadwood celobr
tion, “Days of 1876” w s r f-11
swino ard la f V m m' d
bra!" i" first d!s"«- ■ >
O’Neill Public Schools
Open Monday September 1
The O’Neill Public Schools will
open on Monday, September 1st.
All grade pupils art; to report to
their respective rooms at nine A.:
M. High School students will as- j
semble in the study hall on the j
second floor at nine o’clock. School
will be in session only in the fore
noon on the first day. That will en
able the student to receive their
texts and assignments.
All the registering for high
school work will be done on Monday
morning. Students who wish to
change their spring registration
will have an opportunity to do so at
that time. Every new student
will be given special assistance in
selecting their course of study for
the year. Parents are urged to
check the courses that the student
registers for, and if any questions
arise or suggestions; Mr. Martyn
and Mr. Grill are eager to confer
with you whenever there is an
opportunity to be of assistance.
A wide range of studies are avail,
able for the O’Neill High School
Student. Excellent instruction will
be given in each of the classes.
There will be a full program in the
commercial field, normal training,
vocational agriculture, first an.
second, and third year on
second years of home economics,
band and vocal instruction, English,
Mathematics, science, social sciene,
and other classes.
Mr. Godel and Mr. Richter have
been busy during the summer
months refinishing floors, paintinff
and cleaning in order to have the
school plant and classrooms in A-l
condition by September.
If you wish to have a studenf
to work for board or room at any
time during the year, the school
will be glad to assist you in learn
ing what students desire such jobs. |
Since there are about twelve
grade pupils living in the west end
of the school district, the board o?
Education has acted to open the
West Ward School this year. The
school building hjjf^Jjeen prepared
for use and the necessary fixtures
are being iinstalled.
This school will also open on Mon
day morning, September 1st. The
pupils will be dismissed at noon
for the remainder of the day.
F. F. A. Boys In
Albion Last Week
i On Friday. August 8. Mr. Mathis
took Rex Oberle and John Ether-!
ton to the District meeting at
Albion, Nebraska. The purpose of
this joint meeting of Vocaeional
Agriculture instructors and F. F. A.
officers was to train the officers and
establish a more efficient Vocation
al Agriculture program.
A Chapter contest was conducted
for all the FFA Chapters in this
district. The boys were asked
questions on parliamentary proce- !
dure and other facts about the
FFA. There were two-man teams
and three-man teams. The O’Neill
Chapter participated in the two
man team. In this Contest, John
and Rex won first, winning over
the Albion Chapter.
This coming school year the
O’Neill Chapter hopes to have one
of the best FFA Chapters in the
Brown-McDonalds* Strike
Winning Streak
Brown-McDonald beat the All
Stars Sunday night 21-17. In the
first inning the Brown-McDonald
team made a run but in the All
Stars half inning they also made
a run, so at the end of the first inn
ing the score was 1-1. In the second
and third innings the All Stars were
held to 2 runs on the surperg pitch
ing of Lowery, while the Brown
McDonald bats knocked in 6 runs.
At the end of the five innings the
score was 14-7 in favor of Brown
McDonald. It was then getting
pretty dark to play but the All
Stars insisted on finishing the
game. In the dark the game be
came a hitting battle but after the
smoke cleared the score read Brown
McDonald 21, All Stars 17. A
lot of credit should be given *he--e
Brown-McDonald boy’s because
that afternoon they had playe good
ball to beat the K. of C. 11-10.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dishner and
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Kinsman of
Columbus, returned on Monday ev
ening from a vacation spent at
Perk Panids, Minnesota. Mr. and
Mr*. Kin roan .i='ted r rt Tuos
< .. i ....».♦ -- *■ r t1 v
Residents Of County
Furnish 1,260 Pounds
Of Aluminum
Holt County organizations and
individuals displayed a fine cooper
ative spirit when they donated,
collected, and delivered l,2f>0 pounds
of scrap aluminum to relieve the
shortage in National Defense in
After the county drive was com
pleted all scrap metal was concen
trated in O’Neill from where it
was trucked to the state concen
tration bin at Norfolk. From this
point it will be placed into defense
production as needed. All alum
inum will be delivered to the smelt,
ers at the maximum price prescrib
ed by the Office of Price Adminis
tration and Civilian Supply. No
profit will be permitted.
The campaign was a jrood ex
ample of the big job that can be
done so easily in this country when
everyone does his part.
Legalized Beer In
Nebraska Eight Years
Lincoln, August 11 (Special)—
This week marked the eighth an
nversary of the return of legal
beer to Nebraska.
On August 10, 1933, the sale ol
beer was resumed after a 16-year
“dry” period, under provisions ol
a statute passed by the 1933 legis
lature legalizing 3.2 beer.
This legislation was superseded
in 1935 by the present Nebraska
liquor control act providing for the j
sale of both beer and liquor ana
placing administration of the law
under a State Liquor Control Coni,
The Nebraska Brewers and Beei
Distributors Committee, self-re
gulatory organization headed by'
Charles E. Sandall. reports that:
since 1933 the state of Nebraska has
collected a total of $3,545,547 i
beer excise taxes. Of that amount,
some $2,641,183 has been used to
help finance the state assistance
program for the benefit of the needy
aged, dependent ehidren and the
blind. The remainder has gone to
the state’s general revenue fund.
Approximately 9,500 persons are
employed by brewers, wholesale and
retail beer establishments in Ne
braska with an estimated payroll
in 1940 of $8,528,000. There are
five Nebraska brewers, 29 ship-1
ping brewers doing business in the
state, 97 wholesale distributors and
about 2,250 on-premise beer retail
To help preserve these benefits
the Committee was organized more,
than three years ago to improve
standards in the operation of beei j
outlets. Dealers have respondeu
so well that the “Nebraska Plan' |
has been adopted in 13 other states.
Two O’Neill Girls On An
Extended Tour
The annual Geography Tour of
the Nebraska State Teachers col
lege at Chadron, supervised by Dr.
V. Cal von McKim, left Chadron
Friday, July 18. The tour this
year is through the northeast, in
cluding 40 days of travel, covering
approximately 7500 miles. Points
of interest visited will include all
the large national parks in north
west Canada, as well as Jasper,
Lake Louise, and Watertown. In
the United States, parks to be vis
ited are Glacier National, Yellow
stone, Olympic, Grand Cooley1,
Lake Tahoe, and various redwood
parks along the west coast. The
governors of Washington and Calif
ornia have invited the party to use
state boats for fishing trips while
in those states. Among the forty
students who are taking the trip
are Vivian Clouse and Elaine Mart
field from O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. B. T.
Winchell Celebrate Golden
Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Winchell cele
brated their Golden Wedding anni
versaey at their home here on Sun
day. Over forty relatives and
friends attended the dinner which
was given in their honor at their
home on Sunday noon. Out ol
town relatives who were here are:
Alvin Winchell of Omaha, a son
Mrs. Clark of Cedar Rapids, Iowa.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter King of
P>imrose, Nebraska, and Mrs.
Winnie Graham of New Castle,
Mrs. Ralph Oppen of Little Rock,
Arkansas, arrived on Wednesdav
end wiU visit h^re for the ne t six
VTrnVs at th° r\C llOP
There was HaTdly A County In This Entire
j Section That Did Not Have Largre Delegations Here
The second annua] O'Neill Free
Day has passed into history and it
was a success from every point of
view. We do not think the crowd
here during the afternoon was as
large as that of last year, but in the
evening hours they kept (locking
into town from all directions and
by eight o’clock in the evening the
! streets were jammed with a happy
and jolly bunch. People familiar
with large crowds and who have had
experience in estimating their size
place the crowd in this city on Wed
nesday evening at about 8,000.
which is a lot of people. When
the large crowd was on the comer
during the distribution of gifts, the
free concessions were all running
and they were being liberally pat
ronized. With three amusements
device* for the little folks they all
had a swell time and will long
remember the O’Neill Day 1941.
Shortly after 10:30 in the morn
ing the festivities opened with a
grand parade in which the five
school bands present, Page, Stuart,
Ewing, Atkinson and O’Neill par
ticipated. The clown band also
participated and were the recipients
of much praise for their antics and
the quality of the music they rend
ered. The parade covered over a
mile in length and many attractive,
floats were in the procession.
After the parade the street sports
were held and the following were
the winners of the three positions
in each event:
Girls, 25 yard race under 8
years—First, Seding, O'Neill; Sec
ond, Murphy, O’Neill; Third, Rzes
zotarski, Emmet.
Shoe race under 12 years—Groff,
O’Neill; Second, Nelson, O’Neill;
Third, Ressel, Chambers.
30 yard race under 10 years—j
First, Ressel, Chambers; Second
Lewis, O’Neil!; Third Langan, I
_ i
50 yard race under 14 yeais—j
First, Banks, Chambers; Second,
Kelly, Atkinson; Third Sanders,
Balloon blowing contest (all)—
First, Clemens, O’Neill; Second,
Wyant, O’Neill; Third, AnspachJ
Crawfish race under 16 years— j
First, Sanders, Spencer and Mavis
Johnson, Spencer; Seconds Zelma
Banks, Chambers, and Higgins,
O’Neill; Third, Langan, OfNeill
and Wyant, O’Neill.
Blind friends contest (all)—First
Korf, Ewing, and McNickols,
O’Neill; Second, Lewis, O’Neill,
and Lewis, O’Neill; Third, Neper,
; O’Neill, and DeBolt, O’Neill.
| Potato race, free for all—First,
Higgins, O’Neill, Second, McNickol,
O’Neill, Third, Langan, O'Neill.
Boys 25 yard race under 8 years
—First, Asher, Page; Second,
Sanders, Spencer; Third, Pearson,
Shoe race under 12 years—First,
Donahue, O’Neill; Second, Johnson,
j Omaha; Third, Mathews, O’Neill.
50 yard race under 10 years—
First, Tibbets, O’Neill; Second,
EVery, O'Neill; Third, Johnson,
Sack race under 10 years—First,
Jareaki, O’Neill; Second, Keating,
Atkinson; Third, Sanders, Spencer.
Bicyle race under 16 years—
First, Stuart, O’Neill; Second
Varce, O’Neill; Third, Kipple,
50 yard race under 14 years—
First, Tibbetts, O’Neill; Stuart,
O’Neill; Third, Clarke, Emmet.
75 yard race, free for all—First,
Boles, Randolph; Stein, Clearwater,
Third, Clyde and Stauffer.
Blind friends contest (all)—
First, Wallace and Lewis, O’Neill;
Second, Uhl and Osborn, O’Neill;
Third, Christiansen and Christian
sen, O’NeilL
Egg throwing contest, .(all)—
Firsts, Kelly, and Faust, Atkinson;
Seconds, Green, and Green, Atkin
son; Thirds, Hynes, and Minten,
of O’Neill.
At 1:30 a large crowd journeyed
to the City Park to see th^ ball
| games. The first game was a
kitenball game between Atkinson
i and Page and was won by the
5 latter with a score of 3 to 1.
At 2:30 the bn«e hall frame be
1 bvcen the Spence’- T^Hon team
and the O’Neill team was started.
This was a good game all the
way through and was very interest
ing. The game was won by the
O'Neill boys with a score of 7 to
5. A very large crowd attended
the games, there being over 400
cars parked in the park near the
After supper the boxing program
was put on, on a platform on the
main square and was witnessed by
a great throng of people. The
different hovers were pretty will
matched and they put up interest
ing battles which were appreciated
by the huge gathering.
The pavement dance started
about 10:30 and continued until the
early hours of the morning and
everyone appeared to be having
a good time.
The Thayer Family Hold
Reunion At Long Pine
The first annual Thayer reunion
was held Sunday, August 10, af
Long Pine, Nebraska, a basket
dinner, served Cafeteria, was en
joyed by all, having been served in
a six room cabin, at Hidden Para
dise Park.
The afternoon was spent renew
ing old aquaintance and acquiring
new ones. Some old time fiddling,
singing, dancing and swimming
were also enjoyed during the after
It was decided to hold the 1042
reunion at the same place, the
second Sunday in August.
The oldest person there was Mrs.
Nella Maynard, of Orchard, Ne
braska. Also present from Or
chard were, Mr. and Mrs. Elltidge
Maynard and family.
Walnut: Mrs. George Matt and
daughter Delores and Mr. and Mrs.
Eugene Pierson and family.
Mon our: Mr. and Mrs. Gorg
Thayer and grandson, Dewayne
Brunswick: Mr. and Mrs. Perry
Lichty and sons and Miss Opal
Winner, S. D.: Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Truhe and daughter Viola, Miss
Pauline Rysavy, Paul Cohay and
Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Truhe and
daughter Bonnie Jean.
Merriman, Nebraska: Mr. and
Mrs. Alvin Thayer, Mr. and Mrs.
Alvie Thayer and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Harvey Thayer.
New Castle, Wyo., Miss Ruth
Elm Creek, Nebraska: Mr. and
Mrs. Fr$d Thayer and son Arlie,
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Thayer. Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Thayer and daughter
Lela Ruth.
Gordon: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Thayer and family, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Thayer and family, Mr. Del
bert Thayer and visitors Miss Betty
Fish, Charlee Closson and 1ms
New Port: Mr. arid Mrs. Jim
, Thayer and family and Mrs. George
Vorgason, a visitor.
Opportunity: Mr. and Mrs. Pore
Knight and family and visitors Misa
j Gladys Crippen and Mr. Frank
There were 78 at the reunion,
however a larger attendance is
expected next year as a numbei
from the eastern states and north
ern Nebraska were unable to at
St. Joseph Church Of /
Amelia Holds Picnic
Small towns are dying, bnt
Amelia laughs at the notion, and
invites you to see a live small town
Sunday, August 17th.
Special dinner from 4:00 till 8:00
P. M., baseball at 1:30, Binvo from
4:00 till 10:00, Music by Mullen’s
Orchestra from 9:00 P. M. on, are
on the program and other activities,
are promised, too.
The Picnic is for the benefit of
St. Joseph’s Church of Amelia, and
you will receive your money’s worth
in every item on the program. Do
Fried Chicken and y ' -cued
hams promise to mal dinner
one to remember.
St. Johns Tri-County Day Sun
day, August 31st. 13-4