The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 07, 1941, Image 2

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(See Recipes Below)
With food taking on a greater than
ever importance under the national
defense program,
you'll want to
make a thought
ful selection for
stocking a shelf
of extra good
jams and jellies
for later use.
When winter
comes you'll glow with deep satis- ,
taction over your canning efforts of
the rummer
Since a record breaking peach .
crop, the third greatest in the his
tory at the country, is expected, plan
to put up many, many jars at this
golden ripe fruit not only as Jam,
jelly, or marmalade, but as con
serve combined with other fruits.
•Ripe Peach Jelly.
(Makes 6 medium sized glasses)
24 cups juice
34 cups sugar
1 box powdered fruit pectin
To prepare juice, pit and crush
thoroughly (do not peel) about 24
pounds fully ripe peaches. Add 1
cup water, bring to a boil and sim
mer. covered 10 minutes. Add a few
peach pits, crushed, to mixture
while cooking. Place fruit in a jel
ly doth bag and squeeze out juice.
Place the juice over a hot fire,
and add fruit pectin. Mix well and
continue stirring until mixture
comes to a hard boil Add the sug
ar, stirring constantly. Bring to a
fully rolling boil, boil hard 1 min
ute, remove from fire, skim, pour
quickly into glasses Paraffin at
•Peach Marmalade.
(Makes 11 small glasses)
4 cups prepared fruit
74 cups sugar
1 bottle fruit pectin
To prepare fruit, peel off the yellow
rind of 1 medium orange and 1 me
dium lemon with sharp knife, leav
ing as much at the white part on
the fruit itself. Put rinds through
food chopper twice. Add 4 cup wa
ter and tV teaspoon soda, bring to a
boil and simmer covered 10 minutes.
Cut off the tight skin of the peeled
fruit and slip the pulp out of each
section. Add pulp and Juice and the
juice of an additional lemon to the
rind, simmer, covered 20 minutes.
Peel 14 pounds of ripe peaches
Pit, grind or chop fine. Combine with
fruits. Mix sugar and fruit, place
in a large kettle. Bring to a boil,
boil gently 5 minutes. Stir constant
ly while boiling. Remove from fire,
stir in bottled pectin. Then stir and
skim by turns tax 5 minutes to cool
slightly and prevent floating fruit
Pour quickly and paraffin at once.
Preserved pears make a good ac
companiment either for die meat
course or for muffins and rolls
served at luncheon. You'D like:
•Pear Chip*.
8 pounds pears
4 pounds sugar
4 pound ginger (preserved)
4 lemons
Wipe pears, remove stems, quar
ter and core. Cut into smaU pieces
Add sugar and ginger and let stand
overnight Add lemons cut in small
pieces, rejecting seeds and cook
slowly 3 hours. Put into glasses.
To test when jelly is done, dip
in a clean spoon and bold it high.
When the last drop sheets or
flakes off the side of the spoon,
remove from the fire. Another
way which I like too, is to see if
two drops drip off the side of the
spoon simultaneously. If they
do, the jelly will jelL
Fresh fruit which is ripe should
be used for jams, jellies, con
serves, marmalades, and pre
serves. Remove any spots or
bruises as they may cause your
whole batch to spoil. Cook them
as short a time as possible so
they will retain their lovely col
ors and look as though they were
brought from garden to glass
Pick a rainy day or a day be
fore you start canning to look
over your equipment and get it
clean for use Dirty jars should
be boiled in soda water and
washed in soap suds. Boil old
lids 20 minutes in soda water
using 1 teaspoon soda to 1 quart
of water.
•Ripe Peach Jelly
•Peach Marmalade
•Pear Chips ‘Apple Butter
•Gooseberry and Raspberry Jelly
•Harlequin Conserve
•Recipe Given
*eaL label and store in a cupboard.
Apple butters hare lone been fam
ily favorites since they're so espe
daily nice for
children’s lunches
or snacks when
they come in
from playing or a
hurry-up batch at
filled cookies.
Thick and deli
cately spicy, an
pie butter fills the bill and uses much
less sugar than jams and Jellies.
•Apple Batter.
(Makes 6 pints)
4 quarts cooked and sieved apples
2 cups sugar
1 teaspoon cloves
1 teaspoon allspice
l'k teaspoons cinnamon
6 cups sugar
2 cups cider vinegar
Combine apples. 2 cups sugar, ana
spices; cook until thick. Add remain
ing sugar and vinegar Cook un
til thick, stirring constantly. Pour
into hot sterilised Jars and teal im
mediately. This may also be cooked
in a pressure cooker or in the oven
to prevent sticking.
Since some fruits do not convert
into jelly easily, a commercial pec
tin is usually employed to make the
fruit Jell properly. Often fruits
which jell easily, that is. those which
have sufficient pectin in themselves
are used in combination with fruits
which do not Crabapples, unripe
grapes, currants, gooseberries, cran
berries, quinces, huckleberries, and
blackberries Jell well. If enough of
them are not used in the combina
tion, better use the pectin and play
Here's a bright and quivery jelly
which you'll like to have on hand for
fair weather or foul. It's a grand
accompaniment for chicken or hot
•Gooseberry and Raspberry Jelly.
(Makes 11 medium glasses)
1 quart ripe gooseberries
Vfc cup water
1 quart red raspberries
cups sugar
1 box powdered fruit pectin
Crush and grind thoroughly the
gooseberries, add water, bring to a
boil. Simmer, covered, for 10 min
utes Crush thoroughly the raspber
ries and combine with gooseberries.
Place in jelly bag and squeeze out
Juice. This should make about 4Vfc
cups juice. If there is a slight short
age of juice add small amount of wa
ter to the pulp and squeeze again.
Put juice into a 5 to 6-quart sauce
pan. Place over a hot fire, add
fruit pectin, mix well and continue
stirring until mixture comes to a
hard boil. Pour in the sugar. Let
boil hard for a half a minute. Re
move from fire, skim, and pour into
jelly glasses. Add hot paraffin im
Conserves ought to have a place of
honor on the canning shelf for
there s nothing
quite to yummy
as these tweet,
jamlike mixtures
of several fruits
delightfully en
hanced by nut
meats and raisins.
Serve them forth
on relish trays or as garnish on
meat platters and they'll make a
delicacy of the most humble meal.
'Harlequin Conserve.
(Makes 15 6-ounce glasses)
25 ripe peaches
10 red plums
1 fresh pineapple
1 pound white grapes
1 orange
\ pound walnuts or pecans
Wash fruits thoroughly. Prepare
peaches, plums, and pineapple; cut
in small pieces. Halve grapes and
! remove seeds Slice whole orange
! very thin Cook fruits slowly over
low heat until soft. Measure, add
, %4 cup sugar for each cup of fruit.
Cook over slow heat for 20 minutes,
then add nuts. Cook slowly, stirring
occasionally until thick and clear,
about 1H hours. Seal tn hot steri
lized glasses.
(Released by Western Newspaper Union. I
■ '
! (0*>: runm*—WC S*nx« J
N EW YORK-The C5 A gets •
quartette cf political warriors
on the job. to map and push for
ward a campaign of eounter-esfao-1
cage and ag
Impetus la Added gressiv e
To (J. S. Attack on propaganda.
military intelligence division of the
war department and Capt Alan G.
Kirk, bead of the office of naval in
telligence. All of them have highly
specialized and iauque schooling for
the job. They will work together,
the flying wedge of a quickening at
tack on spies and lies.
Captain Kirk, a veteran of 35
years" service in the navy, eases
quietly mto the picture, which is his
usual procedure. It just happened
die captain, a discreet and highly
personable officer, was sent to Lon
don, as naval attache, in May, 193#.
His investigation and report an the
sinking of the A then: a impressed the
state department and. from his
ringside seat, be was a keen observ
er of many important events of in
terest to this country. When the
Germans were taunting the British
about -Where is the Ark Royal?""
Captain Kirk quietly reported that
be had just had lunch aboard her.
\l ’E MISS the garret inventor.
’ ’ but here's the penthouse inven
tor. doing just as well. Charles L.
Lawrance, widening the bomber
range by his
Wealth *Handicap’ tiny auxil
Fails to Prevent'*^ aircraft
Ideas Developing trtut*%nbert
O. Hubbard might have put down
as the handicap of wealth and social
position, but be tinkered and
schemed aviation over many a
hump and now. crowding 60. he turns
in another finished performance.
There are no loose ends or rav
el mgs to anything be does. His
“watch charm" engine is already in
mass production for the navy. It
is a supplementary power plant
which will enable the bombers to
venture high and far, as it takes
care of the energy overhead of
starting motors, feathering propel
lers. and powering heat, light, radio
and instrument board.
Mr. Lawrance, toe first man to
adapt air-cooled engines to air navi
gation. also contributed much to
wing design. His is the Wright
Whirlwind motor and he was the
designer of the engine that catapult
ed Charles Lindbergh to Paris—also
the engines of the three Byrd polar
flights, the Chamberlain flight and
many other historic hops of airplane
When he was a Yale undergradu
ate, Phi Beta Kappa passed him by
because he spent all his spare time
scheming and dreaming about air
plane engines. Out of Yale, be at
tended the Ecole des Beaux Arts in
Paris, bringing through his first en
gine before he finished his three
year course. Returning home, he
took up his profession of engineering
and established the Lawrance En
gineering corporation, of New York.
It was in 1917 that he perfected
his first air-cooled engine. He is
given to cautious understatement.
When, in 1927, Adm. Richard E.
Byrd said passenger planes would
be flying the Atlantic in 10 years,
he said we couldn't be too sure about
that—mail possibly but not passen
gers. for a long time to come.
HARPER SIBLEY, newly elected
president of the United Service
Organizations, is the sign, symbol
and substance of unifying, and
never of
New U.S.O. Head disruptive
Is *Business Man' forces. If
O, Wide «™.'
try seem to have divided inter
ests. he has farms scattered here
and there and everywhere, and he
also carries a nice line of lumber
companies, banks, loan societies and
coal companies.
When the government and busi
ness are at outs. Mr. Sibley is the
man in between, counselling a bit
of give and take here. He was the
successful intermediary in the auto
mobile strike of 1937. and while, as
a conservative business man, he
was shelling the New Deal, he was
backing up Secretary Hull's trade
treaties and the President's foreign
He has held forth steadily against
class animosities. His career is a
refutation of the philosopher Berke
ley. He can see both sides of any
object at a given instant As a for
mer president of the United States
Chamber of Commerce. Mr Sibley
is an authoritative voice in Amer
ican business and he is never happy
unless he has 8 or 10 highly diversi
fied jobs, with plenty of time for
tennis and golf. He is a former
Groton and Harvard schoolmate of
President Roosevelt, and like the
President an upstate country squire.
R»r«r»»W fey
'Joint Return Income
Tax Laic W ould Hit
High-Salarieii Class ...
IF heeler; Hoot er Atti
tude Tovard Russia
Vxtum TV. Service I
WASHING IaiW is ex
pected to vote Use joint return”
prevision Into the sew tax law. This
means that after th.s husbands ami
wives will no laag«r be permitted
to submit separate returns, but
MUST file Goe for both at them.
Most people seer.-, to think that
this is important only to California
and the other states that have the
•'cerr.uHMiity property law. This is
the law that assumes a wife owns
half at her husband s income.
It has been a sore point with the
tax experts in the treasury depart
ment and on Capttc. HiH for years
that married couples with large in
comes in these states—particularly
California because there are so
many big incomes os the movie col
ony—were getting away with this.
But die states ksvo.Ved were very
important, politically and nothing
ever has been done about it.
Actually, tbe charge in the law
will not hurt the small taxpayer. It
will hurt only the big ones. Under
the old law, the married man got an
exemption at *2,300. whereas if be
and his wife filed separate returns
each got only *1,000 So for the
small income family it was obvious
ly better to file a joint return. The
couple had *500 more exemption.
High Brackets Different
But this ceased to be true the
moment the income reached tbe
hitter brackets. Then by splitting
tbe income somewhere nearly in two
equal parts, neither part reached
brackets as high as the joint in
come for both would have. Hence,
the RATE of tax on the whole of
the two incomes at the husband and
wife would average considerably
What has not been generally ap
preciated, even in congress, was
that it was not just the movie stars
in Hollywood who were benefitting
by this separate return racket—it
was rich people all over the country.
There were numerous cases of enor
mous savings on income taxes by
big income folks in New York, Chi
cago. Philadelphia; in fact, every
city in the country There were
thousands of cases la Florida, where
so many rich people have their offi
cial residence and from which they
file their income tax returns, be
cause Florida happens to have no
state income tax.
• • •
Hoover, Wheeler Attitude
On Soviet Russia
Writing for the Democratic na
tional committee Charles Michelson
resents the attacks at Herbert Hoo
ver and Sen. Burton K Wheeler of
Montana on U. S. aid to Russia. It
is nothing new for Michelson to at
tack Hoover. It was the campaign
conducted by Michelson, under the
auspices of John J. Raskcb and Jou
ett Shouse. which is generally ac
credited with doing more than any
other two or three things to make
Hoover so easy to beat in 1932.
It is only since the Supreme court
packing fight that the Michelson pen
has been turned against Wheeler.
More in sorrow than in anger, doubt
less, Michelson recalls Wheeler’s at
titude toward Russia BEFORE the
Hitler invasion of the Soviet
In 1930, Michelson recalls, Whee
ler, after a long tour of Russia,
wrote a series of articles which were
later reprinted in the Congressional
Record. He quotes this "conclusion”
by the Montana senator at that
“Russia for 13 years has main
tained a stable government—much
more stable than have most of the
South American and Latin countries.
They have maintained order within
their borders . . . They have met
promptly the obligations incurred
by them since they came into power.
"By all the rules of international
law and practice they are entitled
to recognition."
Michelson thought that was line,
then. Apparently he still does though
he does not say much about that any
more. He now takes the more prac
tical ground.
Practical Aspect
“Perhaps in view of the potentiali
ties of the Russo-German war,” he
writes, “the Importance of material
aid to the Soviet outfit will be ap
preciated. It amounts to a great
deal more than our distaste for Bol
shevism, or Bolshevik habits, cus
toms or excesses—which have no
more to do with what the defense
of America demands, than Joe Sta
lin's pipe or complexion.”
Actually, President Roosevelt has
been accused often of leaning too
much to the ideals of the Soviet
Republic. And it has not been so
many years since Wheeler was ac
cused of being a Communist at
heart, if not in fact.
But there is no doubt in the minds
of some of the severest critics of
this alleged excessive sympathy
w’ith the Communists on the part
of the administration that we should
not slap down anyone who is fighting
on what is actually OUR side in
this war
I-J ERE'S one of those very satis
* ■* fying everyday dresses that's
decidedly out of the ordinary in
charm and practicality. The lines
are really as good as those of your
favorite afternoon dress. The skirt
sweeps, from a high, small waist
line, to a flare that ensures work
ing comfort and looks pretty be
sides. You can draw* the waistline
in as slim as you please, by means
of the back-tied sash belt—and ad
just it to give yourself plenty of
leeway for reaching, stretching,
sweeping, dusting and so on. This
design (No. 1360-B) is simple to
make and it really is necessary
to a busy day.
Checked gingham, flowered per
cale, plain-colored chamybray or
\ A General Quiz * ?
1. What South American coun
try has a Colorado river?
2. What writer described the
3. What is the weight of a gallon
of pure water?
4. What is believed the world's
oldest city still inhabited?
5. The bundle of rods on the
back of a dime is called what?
6. What is the largest star
7. Is a pound of feathers heavier
than a pound of gold?
8. How many names of U. S.
Presidents begin with A?
The AnBwera
1. Argentina.
2. Swift (in ‘Gulliver's Trav
els,” people of a country where
everything is of enormous size).
3. One gallon of water weighs
8.355 pounds.
4. Damascus.
5. Fasces.
6. Antares (90,000,000 times larg
er than our sun).
7. Yes. Gold is weighed by the
troy system, 12 ounces to the
pound, while feathers are weighed
by the avoirdupois measure.
8. Three — John Adams, John
Quincy Adams and Chester Ar
seersucker all look very attrac
tive made up like this, with braid
and buttons to match or contrast.
You'll enjoy following the pattern
which includes a sew chart.
• • •
Barbara Beil Patter* No I360-B is de
rigned in sires 12. 14, 16. 16. 20 and 40.
Corresponding bust measurements 36, 32,
34, 3E. 36. and 40. Size 14 (32) requires J!i
yards edging. Send your order to:
Room 1324
311 W. Wicker Dr. Chicago
Enclose IS cents in coins for
Pattern No.Size........
Drafting Bills
Many bills presented in the sen
ate arvd the house of representa
tives are not written by the con
gressmen or the congressional
committee whose names they
bear, but by one or more of the 10
lawyers in the office of the legis
lative counsel, an organization set
up more than 20 years ago for this
purpose and which costs the gov
ernment about $75,000 a year.
--- ... -
Lockless Sues Canal
The Suez canal is a sea-level
“ditch," requiring no locks The
narrow ditch in the sand runs for
104.5 miles through desert and
marshy land from Port Said on
the Mediterranean to Port Taufiq
on the Gulf of Suez. Its channel
depth is now 45 feet, and its nar
rowest width is 70 yards. Although
it has been concreted at some
places to halt erosion, the banks
are chiefly sand or gravel.
The northern half of the canal
cuts straight through the desert;
the southern half leads through a
chain of small lakes which act as
“expansion chambers” to help
take up the flow of the four-foot
tide from the Red sea.
Failures Teach
Every failure teaches a man
something if he will learn.—
Driving a cross-country bus is a man-sized job/*
sm,s Bus Driver WALTER STINSON
“That’s why I go for the
A big bowlful of Kellogg's Com
Flakes with some fruit and lots of
milk and sugar.
plus the famous flavor of
Kellogg s Corn Flakes that tastes
so good it sharpens your appetite,
makes you *ant to eat.
Use of Facts
Real knowledge consists not in
an acquaintance with facts, which
only makes « pedant, but in th*
use of facts, which makes a phi
losopher .—B uckie.
M fworife *°.UT
^ssSJ^ /
*■*• *•» «fa; daily
Use of Satire
A satire should expose nothing
but what is corrigible, and make a
due discrimination between those
that are not the proper objects of
fine roll-your -
own cigarette*
In every handy
pocket tin of
Prince Albert
B. J. RfjnoldiTub C#., Wlniton Salan N a
In recent laboratory “smoKin*
bowl” tests. Prince Albert burned
than the average ef the 30 ether
I ef the largest-seHIng brand*