The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 31, 1941, Page FIVE, Image 5

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    Over the County
Mrs. Rob Corrard. who had be£n
visiting Mr. and Mrs. George Con
• ard and family of Meek, returned
’ home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Hawk and
family, of Ewing, visited Mrs. Sarah
Sholes Sunday.
A birthday party was held in
honor of Miss dUrylin Watson on
Saturday. ■
Miss Leona French of O'Neill
visited Mr. and Mrs. Ike Watson
and family Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carson and family
of Wyoming are visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Steverts and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson and
children, Tom and Ella, drove to
Sioux City Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cooper and
son Jimmy, of Orchard, visited Mr.
and Mrs. Jim Thompson Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ike Watson and
family drove to Sioux City Sunday.
Patty Bowering, who has been
visiting relatives in Meek, returned
home for a days visit with her
grandmother, Mrs. Rob Conard,
Ronald Dodd of Atkinson visited
Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Davis Sunday.
Mrs. Dave Miller, Mrs. Rose Ben
nett and Alfred Bradley drove to
Yankton South Dakota, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lester Perry and
small son Lloyd of O’Neill visited
Miss Deloris Lyncfc Sunday.
Robert Hutton, "Jof C C Camp
Madison, visited H>s parents Mr\
and Mrs. T. D. Hutton over the
week end. (
Mr. and Mr*. L. R. Tompkins
and Mr. and Mrs. a| N. Butler drove
to Sioux City on business Tuesday.
The Royal Neighbors Lodge
■ held a special meeting Wednesday
afternoon at the ,home of Mrs.
J. T. Thompson.
J. T. Thompson Jr., Dick Sholes
and Donald Keyes drove to Atkin
son Sunday where they met Donald
Jacox and than drove to Stuart.
Mr. and Mrs. Fay Brittell and
daughter Shirley of O’Neill visited
at the Frank Brittell home in Inman
Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Brittell and
two children, of Clearwater, were
visitors at the Frank Brittell home
Mr. and Mi*. Arthur Englehaupt
and family drove to Chambers Sun
day wh#re they visited relatives.
Lois Englehaupt, who has been
visiting for the past several week’s
• ,; at the home of her uncle near cham
k ._
f-bej'K returned bomb with hfcr
| parent*.
Mr. and Mrs Paul Marsh left
Monday morning for their home in
1 Enid, Oklhomn. Mrs. Marsh has
tented her residence in Inman U
Mr. and Mrs. Walter JaCox who
will ipwe in in a few days.
Miss Louise Englehaupt is visit
ing her grandparents near Cham
bers this week.
Jackie W'alford, of O’Neill is
visiting this week at the home of
her sister Mrs. Dick Stearns and
Mr. and Mi’s. Donald Moe and
gtnall son, of Orchard, visited
Monday at tht home of Mrs. Noe’s
father W. H. Chicken.
Bill Norsback and Lela Harvey,
of Neligh, visited Mr. and Mrs.
j Charles Norsback.
Miss Helen Peterson, of Atkin
i son, is spending this week in Em
met with her aunt, Mrs. Bonen
Mrs. Dean Beckwith was hostess
to tht Ladies Aid Socitey on Wed
nesday afternoon.
Dr. Prouty, district Superinten
dent of the Methodist church, came
to Emmet Tuesday noon and in
the evening held the quarterly con
ference at the church.
Mrs. Alice Bridges and sons, Jim
mie and Eddie, of Sioux City, Iowa,
spent the week end in EYnmet at
the Guy Cole home. They came up
with Mr. and Mrs. James Robert
son, of Sioux City, who visited at
the Jake Ernest home east of here
and at the Robertson homes north
of O’Neill.
Mervin Kee visited his parents
Mr. and Mrs. John Kee over Sunday.
The Kees are also enjoying a visit
from their son-in-law Theodore
Herring of Omaha.
Mrs. A1 Grehn and daughter
Ellen, left for their home at Fre
! mont, Nebraska, Friday, aftei
spending several weeks here with
Mrs. Grehn’s sister, Ruth Wagon.
Fire of unknown orgin destroyed
the barn at the George Babl farm
| Saturday evening about eight
o’clock. Several sets of harness
and a wagon and rack was also
burned. Loss of the barn was part
ially covered by insurance.
Miss Deloris White of Sioux City
Iowa, is visiting at the home of
her grandmother, Mrs. Walter
I Spangler, who lives north of Em
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Peacock, Miss
Margery Foxworthy, Rev. and Mrs
( * •
Peacock and son, Grunt, spent
Sunday at CHombcrs, visiting Mfla
Mrs. G. Bressler of Elmonte. Cali <
| fornia, is visiting her daughter ]
Mrs. Dean Beckwith and her family |
Pat McGinnis and John Conard
drove to West Point, Nebraska
Thursday morning to attend thej
funeral of Pat’s niece, Mrs. John
Walter Schmohr has been ill with
the flu the past week.
John Taylor of Sioux City, Iowa,
was a business caller at the Hay
office in Emmet Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Winship of
San Antonio, Texas, stopped in
Emmet Saturday for a short visit
with Mr. Winship’s cousin, Guy
Cole and with his aunt, Grandma
Cole. They left for Lincoln, Ne
braska, in the afternoon.
The Emmet Baseball team lost
to Green Valley Sunday with a
score of 8 to 10, playing on the local
Twenty-one young men have fill
ed out questionaires recently at the
Emmet State Bank.
Mrs. Sibyl Maring of Yankton
South Dakota, and her son Keith,
of Brownsville, Texas, stopped at
the Guy Cole home Friday morning
They were on their way to Yellov
Stone Park. After a short stop they
continued on their journey accom
panied by Zane Cole. They ex
pect to be away about ten days.
Miss Olive Beckwith spent the
past week at the Leon Beckwith
John Conard has a crew of men at
work at his home enlarging his
basement. He expects to have a
full basement in a short time.
Mrs. Homer Lowery and Clara
and Mrs. John Lowery drove out to
James Parkers north of O’Neill Sat
urday evening after Sadie Marie
Lowery who spent Sunday in Em
Miss Margery Foxworthy of New
port spent the week end in Emmet
with Rev. Peacock’s family.
Miss Ruth Harris of O’Neill is
visiting at Guy Cole's and Grandma
Mrs. Mad Henifin and children
spent Monday with Mrs. Andrew
| Johnson.
Mrs. Charles Manson of O’Neill
J spent several days the past week
I at the Lansworth home.
Harry Fox went to Roches
: ter, Minnesota, last week where
j he underwent a very serious oper
do you Know
... that besides yourselves
is more interested in the safety and welfare of your car than any
Jt i body else? BECAUSE, as your Ford Dealer, it’s our job, our duty, our
i , obligation to you! THAT'S WHY we’re calling your attention to our
\ Chromium-plated license plate frames
Regular $1.75 Value ;j $1,1V
( Special per pair ..
First-quality Visor Vanity Mirror
Regul*r 70c Value 4“
. i*. . •
Side-View Mirror
Regular $2.75 Value
Special ...7.
Chromium-plated w heel bands for
Ford and Mercury Reg. $7.25 V alue CIJ QQ
Special in sets of five —.—
Seat Covers for all cars $2*25 an<l
I Universal ®nd Tailored-- up
which includes these
© Adjust Brakes. © Adjust Steering
Gear and Front Wheel Toe-in. © Re
arrange Tires if Necessary. © Adjust
and Clean Spark Plugs. © Clean Fuel
Pump and Adjust Carburetor for Sum
mer Driving. © Adjust Fan Belt. ©
Inspect Battery and Clean Terminals. .
mfa ’37S
Pius this FREE 10-Point Check-Up
Lights .. . Windshield Wiper .. Horns ...
Wheel Bearings . . . Shock Absorbers . . .
Transmission • • . Differential ... Cooling
System ... Oil Filter . . Ignition.
j Lohaus Motor Co., O’Neill, Nebr.
ation.. At the Iasi report he was
petting along as well as ecu Id he
Billy Harrison returned tovhis
home at Chadron on Thursday after
spending several days with his aunt
Mrs. Delia Harrison.
Clarence Devall and Jeunille
Duereke spent Sunday at the Wal
ter Devall home.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Armstrong
went to Sioux City the last of the
week, where Mrs. Armstrong will
receive medical care.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Devall and
sons and Mr. and Mrs. Orville Pet
erson and children of O’Neill motor
ed to Valentine on Sunday to visit
Mrs. Pete Sydow is now caring
for the children of Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Putman in O’Neill.
Arthur Rouse motored to Clear
water last week and purchased a
1940, V eight.
Mrs. E. X). Harrison of Chadron.
and Burton Harrison and children
Betty and Billy, of Meadow Grove,
spent Friday at the Delia Harrison
Mary Janice Renter spent the
past week with her grandmother
Mrs. Martin I^ngon, near Spencer.
Andrew John motored to Atkin
son on Monday where he purchased
a 1939 pick up.
Miss Elaine Streeter left on Sun.
day for Sheridan. Wyoming, where
she will spend the next two weeks
visiting at the home of her aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs, Ray Wil
Lyle Har tford who has been here
visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs.
George Hartford, for the past ten
days on a furlough, left Wednesday
for Norfolk, West Virgin*, where
he will rejoin his naval unit.
M iss Heifer* Ruth Gallagher left
on Sunday for her home at Lincoln,
Nebraska, after visiting here for
the past ten days at the home of
her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Gallagher.
Mrs. F. M. Brennan and Mrs.
Berradette Brennan drove to Sioux
City on Saturday and met Colonel
L. M. Brennan of Fort Knox, Ky.,
who will spend two weeks furlough
here with his wife and family.
Mrs. M. A. Sullivan, Mr. and
Mrs. Gerald Graybiel, Mias Ruby
Weisman and Cletus Sullivan drove
to Sioux City on Sunday and attend
ed the annual cirus put on' by Ten
Thousand Sioux Citizens.
t i '
Miss Grace Tuor of Madison.
South Dakota, left on Sunday for
Grand Island, where she will visit
before returning horde. While here,
she was a guest at the home of Mrs.
Teresa Connelly.
Mr. and Mrs. Max Golden, and
daughters, Constance and Maxine
returned Monday from Hampton,
Iowa, where they visited at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. John Robert
son over the week end.
Rev. B. J. Leahy, at present
pastor at Laurel, and formerly as
sistant pastor of Patrick’s church
here, will leave August 9th for Fort
Collins, Alabama, where he is to be
^ an army chaplain.
Miss Elizabeth Wright of New
York City, New York, arrived the
first of the week to visit her par
ents, Rev. and Mrs. V. C. WYight.
She will leave on Sunday.
This office is in receipt of a card
from Sumner .Downey, of the
O’Neill Photo company, from
Wynona Lake, Indiana, where ht
and three members of his staff
are attending the National Photo
graphers Association Portrait
school being held in that city.
Those with him attending the school
are Mark Patterson, O. G. frrom
well and Kenneth Hoosinan. He
said they would be homt on August
The business men of Creighton,
who have had a very active Lyons
Club for several years, decided last
week to disband the Club and organ
ize a Commercial club to promote
the business interests of the city.
This city took the same step a^out
a year ago and no one is sorfy for
the action taken, for the Commer
cial Club has a much larger mem
bership and are thus enable to do
big things more easily than the
former Club with a smaller member,
Our congressmen seem to enjoy
getting back to the old State as
often as possible. Mr. Stefan was
back for the Forestry celebration
at Pierce and Mr. Copeland was
back for the dedication of the new
wing on the Lincoln postoffice and
the dedication of Kingsley Dam.
Senator Butler is expected in a few
Congressman Curtis wrote before
the sentatorial election in Texas,
giving u« the low down on how
Roosevelt was backing Johnson;
so we really yelled "hurrah” when
the radio announced that O’Daniel
had won. It would seem as theugh
otir president would soon see that
th«- toters feel he has enough to di
to handle his job and let them han
dlo theirs.
State Chairman Wherry b, at
tending a meeting of state chair
men in Wisconsin.
General Lear who punished the
soldier for “yoo hooing” at the girls
in shorts seemed to have weakened
and complimented one of our Ne-1
braska men-CoI. Marcus L. Poteet-;
for the fine work he has accomp
lished with his Company at Ft.
Robinson, Arkansas.
I Sat Up In Bed
trying to get a little sleep. Stomach
upset. Since using ADLER1KA 1
feel s ogood! Am 64 years old and
do my own work.” (E. P.-Okla.) If
gas in stomach or intestines bothers
YOU, try ADLERIKA today.
Johnson Drugs
Farmers and Stockmen
Live Stock Prices are High
It might be a good time to market a part of
your surplus stock. Let men w ho have spent
a lifetime in the livestock business sell them
for you. All consignments, large and small,
receive our careful personal attention. Try
us with your next consignment.
Phone 2 • O’Neill, Nebr.
That's the way Council Oak wants you to feel while you make your personal se
lections in our neat, sanitary, low priced stores . . . You must feel that you get
‘ Full value” at the price you pay and there is the Council Oak 100% guarantee
of complete satisfaction for your protect'o*. Council Oak is a safe place to save.
rl . h
The “Dependable” Council Oak Markets
will be glad to assist in the selection of
a Sunday Roast that meets your exact
requirements in every particluar.
Per Pound,
24c and .*.
BACON, 5-pound box 69c I
Mild Cure
Short Ribs
of Beef
Roasts and Chops 19c
PICNICS, pound . . . . 25c
6 to 8 Pound Average !
ICED MACAROONS, 2 pounds 33c
Swedish Striped MINTS, lb. ... 15c
Sugared LEMON DROPS 2 Z 25c
Dry Pack
2 Large
No. 2Va Cans
IJGHTNG Cider Vinegar, Qt. ...12c I
||7| T V Quince, Currant, Grape and -| e\
1 Crab Apple, l«-oa. glaaa . 1^1
White Loaf “ThhZr‘-r,,yV4ST1.$1.491
ff lUlir or PANTRY PRIDE Bag .
Miller's Corn Flakes, 2f»^ 15c
Orange Juice
One ran makes 3 pints
2 fr.25c
Enriched with Vitamins and
Minerals. Stays fresh longer.
Pound Loaf, 7 c
1^4-Pound Loaf ..
Pork & Beans j
In Tomato Sauce
2 27-Ounce
Cans .
Council Oak
Exchange the empty
bags for 22 carat
gold pattern dishes.
Lb., 26c »7 r-c
3 lbs. .. / J
Ma Brown Bread Friday Feature
Yellow Label
YrlK 43c OO.
V^-Pomid.. 4lC
Golden Brown
2£... 13c
California Elberta
Now at the peak of the season for these Fancy Freestone
Peaches. Just right for canning next week. See Council
Oak for dozen and quantity price.
Williams Early Red
An Excellent Ee.tin* Apple
£ 29c
' ‘ Duarte ’ I New
Red Meat \ . ,
Plums Cabbage
SL !J g.2k
.. ..
Large Bar, 9c
Medium Bar .... I
Regular Fkg.90 |
Large Pk*.310 I
Gia»t r C 1
Package . DDC I