The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 17, 1941, Page EIGHT, Image 8

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    City Council Proceedings
O’Neill, Nebraska, June 3, 1941
Council met in regular session:
Present Mayor Kersenbrock,
Councilmen Arbuthnot, Wallace, j
Phalin, Johnson, Yantxi,
Meeting was called to order by
the Mayor:
Minutes of the previous meetings
were read and approved:
City Treasurers statement for
the month of May read and approv
Upon motion the following bills
were allowed:
On the General fund:
W. S. Rarley and Co. .. 36.34
Holt Co. Independent - 19.60
Frank Greiner . 80.00
G. E. Miles_ 4.00
Norman Gonderinger —. 30.00
Chas Switzer ....--- 10.00
Chas Peterson —. ~ 60.0(1
Arbuthnot Oil Co.— 15.15
Ray Osborn-.- 4.80
School Dist No. 7 ....600.00
R. E. Calvert... 11.70
A. Toy ....—— 5.95
A. A. Hiatt ..—.- 9.50
Lohaus Motor Co. ...—. 16.98
J. M. Hayes . 39.96
Elmer Neal . 18.00
Chester Calkins . .—100.00
Bob Cook .. 76.00
Ray Lowery . 30.00
C. W. Porter.-. 20.00
John Meyer ...-—. 26.65
Grant Mfg. Co...144.75
For a Good Holiday |
Dug Hunt ...—— 2.10
Hugo Mittlestadt .- - 7-&0
J. M. Hayes - "-20
Edith Castleman .- 6 40
J. P. Protivinsky .. — 2.66
Stanard Oil . 1,93
Lindberg Petro. Co.—
Consumers Public Power .... 201.35
On the Water Fund:
Consumers Public Power .— 46.00
Con O’Connell . J.00
C. W. Porter - 1U-W
Chas Richter -••••*. ®<9®
N. W. Bell Tele. Co.— 8.60
Ed. Gunn ..
Seth Noble . 20.18
Texaco Co.- oo’on
Ralph Scofield . 22.20
P. C. Donohoe . 11.52
Pittsburg Equitable .— 8.85
J. M. Hayes.-. 26.95
Jesss Seoaeld - 100.00
John Kersenbrock .- 7-6'>
Frank Yralla. - _
Montgomery lldw’..l7-29
Jack Kersenbock . 6.30
Mattie Soukup . 12 37
Nebraska Culvert Co. 41.25
James Davidson .- 8<.88
Worthington-Gammon . 10.58
Interstate Machinery . 10-83
Motion by Phalin, aeconed by
Arbuthnot that the Sewer Tappers
bond of James Davidson be approv
ed: Motion Carried:
Motion by Johnson, seconded by
Yantai, that the insurance policy
No. F 6043, Firemen’s Insurance
Co. P. C. Donohoe. Agent, on ele
vated water tower period June 6th,
1942, be approved. Motion carried.
Motion by Phalin, seconed by
Johnson, that the Insurance policy
No. 264,926. Anchor Causalty Co.
on Fire Truck period of June 24th.
1941 to June 24th, 1942, J. M.
Hayes Agent be approved. Motion
The Council took up the matter
of prepairing the “Estimate of
Expenses for the ensuing year:”
Estimate of expenses of the City
of O’Neill, Nebraska. The follow
ing is estimate of expenses of the
City of O'Neill, Nebraska, for the
fiscal yean commencing Ihe first
Tuesday in May, 1941, and ending
the first Tuesday in May, 1942.
Wages and salaries, as
provided for by
ordinance T $ 2,000.00
Maintenance of Police
Department . 3,000.00
Maintenance of Water
Works . 1,200.00
Operation of Water
Works . 5,000.00
Improvement of Water
Works .- 6,000.00
Street Lighting . 4,260.00
Street Maintenance and
repair of walkB, and
Construction . 4,000.00
Refunding Bonds, Sink
ing Fund .. 2,600.00
Refunding Bond Inter
est ._. 1,000.00
Maintenance of Fire
Department . 1,500.00
Maintenance of Sewer 1,500.00
Miscellaneous . 2.800.00
Support of Band . 700.00
Intersection Paving
Bond Sinking Fund .... 260.00
Interest on Intersection
Paving Bonds .. 190.00
Paving Warrants, Dis
trict No. 3 Including
Interest . 2,000.00
Engineer Expenses .... 600.00
Parks and Grounds .... 2,000.00
| 40,390.00
Entire receipts of revenue for
the fiscal year ending the First
Tuesday in May, 1941, was as fol
Water Collections f 8.839.70
Holt County Treasurer 13,100.00
Road Fund . 1,617.65
Licenses, Shows, Ped
dlers, Occupation Tax.
Police Judge . 3,130.80
Curb and Gutter Fund 641.80
Sale of Fire WhiBtle .... 126.00
$ 27,464.85
Motion by Johnson seconded by
Phalin, that the water rates for
residence Property only be reduced
for the 2nd and 3rd quarters of
1941, to ten cents per thousand
for all water used over the mini
Farmers and Stockmen
Livestock prices are mighty
good just now. If you have
stock to sell, consign them to
us. Our aim is to satisfy you.
Sale Every Monday!
Phone 2 O’Neill, Nebr.
mum of 10.000 gallons. Motion
Upon motion the Council adjourn
ed subject to the call of the Mayor:
C. W. Porter,
City Clerk.
List and Numbers of
Last Registrants
S-l Arthur Dale Bessert
Redbird, Nebraska.
S-2 Raymond Henry Timmer
mans, Stuart, Nebraska.
S-3 Gerald Dale Snyder
Page, Nebraska.
S-4 Donald John Skrdla
Stuart, Nebraska.
S-5 Robert Lowell Murphy
Page, Nebraska.
S-6 Alfred Anton Straka
Stuart, Nebraska.
S-7 Glen Arthur Burge
Emmet, Nebraska.
S-8 Lawrence Ingatius Hamik
Stuart, Nebraska.
S-9 Louis David Walter
Chambers, Nebraska.
S-10 George Francis Schneider
Stuart, Nebraska.
S-l 1 Lorin Chauncey Keyes
Inman, Nebraska.
S-12 John Charles Hipke
Stuart. Nebraska.
S-13 Harold Marion Risor
Stuart, Nebraska.
S.14 Lyrui Cameron
EWing, Nebraska.
S-15 Garold Myron Risor
Stuart, Nebraska.
S-16 Donald Aim
Middlebranch, Nebraska.
S-17 Arby Lee Kruger
Stuart, Nebraska.
S-18 Lawrence Vitgil Rouse
O’Neill Nebraska.
S-19 Frederick Joseph Kunz
Stuart, Nebraska.
S-20 Leo Russell Sorensen
Page, Nebraska.
S-21 Bernard August Kramer
Stuart, Nebraska.
S-22 Eugene Edward Donohoe
O’Neill, Nebraska.
S-23 John Gilman Slaymaker
Stuart, Nebraska
S-24 Orville Marvin Metschke
Ewing, Nebraska.
S-25 Ivan Merwyn French
O’Neill, Nebraska.
S-20 Donald Arthur Mille
Chamber . Nebraska.
S-27 Robert Dean Ott
O’Neill, Nebraska.
S-28 James Irl Fox
Emmet, Nebraska.
S-29 Ted Frank Spes
Ewing, Nebraska.
S-30 Robert Allen Clouse
O’Neill, Nebraska.
S-31 Roy Harold Schacht
Page, Nebraska.
S-32 William Wallace Watson
Inman, Nebraska.
S-33 Gerald Dwight Hansen
O’Neill, Nebraska.
S-34 Adolph George Wetzler
O’Neill, Nebraska.
S-35 J. I. Smith
Atkinson, Nebraska.
S-36 Don Robert Medcalf
O’Neill, Nebraska.
S-37 August John Muettner
Atkinson, Nebraska.
S-38 Frank Raymond Belmer, Jr.
Ewing, Nebraska.
S-39 Edward Gootlieb Ohde
Atkinson, Nebr&ska.
S-40 William Edward Hansen
Star, Nebraska.
S-41 Ralph Dale Garwood
At.-.nson, Nebra ,v\.
S-42 Hebert Thomas Wuba. n
Atkinson, Nebraska.
S-43 Francis Bernard Valla
O’Neill, Nebraska.
S-44 Ray Delbert Spencer
Dorsey, Nebraska.
S-45 Quentin Lee Hickok
Atkinson, Nebraska.
S-46 Jerome Henry Loeffler
O'Neill, Nebraska.
S-47 Eugene Leland Owen
O’Neill, Nebraska.
S-48 Otto Frederick Hubei
Ewing, Nebraska.
S-49 Leland Orvile Spry
O’Neill, Nebraska.
S-50 Donald Robert Scott
Atkinson, Nebraska.
S-51 Floyd Mickle Jareske
O’Neill, Nebraska.
S-.S2 Neill Roseoe Ames
Atkinson. Nebraska.
S-5J1 Fred Alvin Daniels
Ewing, Nebraska.
S-54 Ralph Richard Schrunk
Atkinson, Nebraska.
S-55 Neal James Schipman
Chambers, Nebraska.
S-56 George Casper Winkler
Atkinson, Nebraska.
S-57 Kenneth Louis Barthel
Amelia, Nebraska.
S-bd Kci neth Duane Schmidt
Page, Nebraska.
S-59 Michael Martin Schmit
Atkinson, Nebraska.
S-60 Edward Gifford Stent
O’Neill, Nebraska., f
S-61 Robert Coe Matfiiir
Atkinson, Nebraska
S-62 Thomas Tony Tilmi ■ if
Opportunity, Nebraska.
S-63 Willard Blake Sfcrdlit
Atkinson, Nebraska..
fi-64 Henry Edwin Fleek
Chambers, Nebraska..
S-65 Araon Samuel Lange*
Atkinson, Nebraska.
S-66 Maurice E. Tomjack
. Ewing, Nebraska.
S-67 Orville Fred Eppenbadfe
Atkinson, Nebraska.
S-68 Charles Wesley Botdk
Redbird, Nebraska.
S-69 Donald Herbert Clevi^HaK
Orchard, Nebraska.
S-70 William Charles Mursl'adfc^
Inman, Nebraska
S-71 Martin LeRoy Craijg.
Page, Nebraska1.
S-72 Vernon Dale Spangten.
Star, Nebraska.
S-73 Vernon William ThtrexpoMb^
Amelia, Nebraska. >
S-74 Joseph Hiram Barter,
Atkinson, Nebraska .
S-75 Glenn Leslie Drews ten
Page, Nbraska.
OUR first "Twin" is no stranger to you — namely, ttE
you like it, you have come to expect it. Moreover, the modern
mode of living classifies it as an essential. We recognize our
responsibility as dispensers of this vital necessity. Service must
be available at all times for countless uses. The housewife de
pends on it to preserve her foods through the medium of elec
trical refrigeration. The man of the house rises punctually
every morning to the tuneful tinkle of his electric alarm clock.
The morning meal is prepared practically entirely by elec
tricity. and in many modern homes all cooking is done elec
trically. Many more daily uses, so convenient and accepted
that they have become almost commonplace, find electricity
performing many services around the home. Business people,
manpower in industry, office workers, alike find electricity a
useful, helpful, saving servant throughout their every-day
duties.... And so. Consumers, your electric service institution,
its "Twin Policy."
h t j
#" A UR second element of the "Twin Policy" is also a familiar"
friend—particularly to Nebraskans who have enjoyed
rates below the national average for a number of years;. This ^
"twin" is MOST REASONABLE RATES—as low as they can
possibly be made and still maintain the highest type of efff
ciency in operation and adhere to the principal# of sound man
agement. Rales for electric service are reduced through two
mediums—economies in operation and increased consumption.
The management of your electric service institution—The Con
sumers Public Power District—is mindful of its responsibilities
to you and pledges you its best efforts to accomplish the desired
end of MOST REASONABLE RATES commensurate with RE
LIABLE, EFFICIENT SERVICE as uninterrupted as Nature
will permit.
REMEMBER—electrical appliances save as they serve_Save
Time, Save Work. Save Money!
See the many
new, attractive
modern electric
appliances now
on display at
your dealer*.
fcfajdt/iiciiij i& Qkmpsh 9'low jhan £vah dbitfoM
The employees of Ihe Consumers
Public Power District, skilled thor
oughly in their various lines of work,
have dedicated themselves to the
service of the public. With the pro
duction and distribution of your elec
tric service in the capable hands of
these experienced employees, many
of whom you know, some of whom
are your neighbors and fellow towns
people, you may have every confl
denc# In receiving GOOD SERVICE
in complete SAFETY.
Serving 249
Ntbrnk C*mi»BiiW«» j