‘ FOR SALE RED TOP Ale sold only at Stanley's in O'Neill. 9-4 RED CEDAR POSTS. All Sites — Earl Wrede, O’Neill. 45-26p USED McDRG tractor aad horse binders. Used McDRG tractor mowers and Farmal! cultivators. These machines are overhauled and ready to go.—F. M. Keating and Sons, Atkinson. 7.3 ONLY $525 for rebuilt complete regular Farmall mowing outfit Long terms.—Norris W. Coats. 1 H C dealer, Stuart. 9-1 MANHATTAN BEER—10c Pci bottle sold only at Stanleys in O’Neill 9-4 ONE ICE box, one dinning room set, one studio couch, kitchen cab inet. Mrs, R. R. Smith, Sr. tf MISCELLANEOUS Dr. Fisher, Dentist. 3-tf WANTED COMBINING, $1.50 per Acre.— Paul Zakrzewski, Opportunity. 9 5-5-p W. F. FINLEY, M. D. Phone, Office 28 O’Neill :: Nebraska DOCTORS BROWN & FRENCH OBce Phone 77 Complete X-Ray Equipment Glasses Correctly Fitted Residence i Dr. Brown, 211 Phones I Dr. French, 242 O’Neill Abstract Co. C. F. & Mabel McKenna j Real Estate - Insurance] PHONE 82 L. G. GILLESPIE I Insurance of All Kinds > ■ O’Neill, Nebraska » (First Publication July 3, 1941 Thomas Nolan, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate No. 2K57 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 27, 1941. In the matter of the Estate of Agnes It. Donohoe, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limit ed for presenting claims against said estate is October 24, 1941, and for the payment of debt is June 27, 1942, and that on July 24. 1911, and on October 25, 1941, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, 8-3 County Judge, (COUNTY COURT SEAL) (First publication June 26, 1941) NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 2860 In the County Court of Holt County. Nebraska, June 26, 1941. In the Matter of the Estate of Robert R. Dickson, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Marjorie Dickson as Adminis tratrix of said estate, and will be heard July 17, 1941, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. LOUIS W. REIMER, 7-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney (First publication June 26, 1941) NOTICE OF F1INAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 2829 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 26, 1941. In the matter of the estate of Fred Lorenz, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the Administrator of said estate has filed in this court his final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard July 16, 1941, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Ne braska, when all persons interest ed may appear and be heard con cerning said final report and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS ,W. REIMER. . 7-3 County Judge (COUNTYCOURT SEAL) Norman Attorney. J (First publication July 3. INI) James P. Marrom. Attorney NOTICE OF HEARING Estate No. 2858 Estate of Sarah E. Wilson, De ceased, in the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to all persons interested in said estate, creditors and heirs take notice, that Guy A. Wilson has filed his petition alleging that Sarah E. Wilson died intestate in Holt County, Nebraska, on or about October 16, 1901, being a resident and inhabitant of Holt County. Nebraska, and the owner of the folio wiry described real estate, to-wit: The South Half of the South east Quarter and the North west Quarter of the South east Quarter of Section Eleven (11) and the Northeast Quar ter of the Northeast Quarter of Section Fourteen (14) all in Township 32, Range 10 West of the Sixth P. M„, Holt County, Nebraska, leaving as her sole and only heirs at law the following rained per sons. to-wit: Her widower William H. Wil son,' now since deceased and the following children: Irvin LeRoy Wilson, Maude E. Pink erman, Ernest E. Wilson, Guy A. Wilson, Fay E. Pinkerman and W’illiam R. Wilson, and praying for a decree barring claims; that said decedent died intestate; that no application for administration has been made and the estate of said decedent has not been administered in the State] of Nebraska, and that the heirs at law of said decedent as herein set j forth shall be decreed to be the I owners in fee simple of the above described real estate, which has lieen set for hearing on the 24th day of July, A. D., 1941, at 10 o’clock A NT. Dated at O’Neill. Nebraska, this third day of July. A. D., 1941. LOUIS W. REIMER, 8-3 County Judge, (COUNTY COURT SEAL.) (First Publication July 10, 1941) NOTICE OF PROBATE Estate No. 2862 Estate of A. E. Swisher, deceased, in the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to all persons interested in said estate, his creditors, and heirs, take notice that George E. Hector is the owner of, The Southwest Quarter of Section Thirteen, Township Thirty-one, Range Eleven, West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Holt County, Neb raska, and interested as such, and has filed a petition in this court which alleges that A. E. Swisher was a resident of Johnson County, Iowa, and died in said Johnson County on August 29, 1909, that decedent was the record owner of an undivid ed one-third interest in the land tie scribed above; that there was filed with said petition a true and per fect copy of the last will of deced ent with transcript of the certifi cation of probate in Johnson County Iowa; petitioner prays that the court dispense with the regular ad minstiation of this will and the court shall fix a time for hearing on said petition and that said will may be allowed, filed and recorded in the county court of Holt County, | Nebraska, all of which has been, set for hearing on July 31st, 1941, at it o’clock A. M., in the county court I room in the Court House in O’Neill. Hated this 9th day of July, 1941. LOUIS W. REIMER, 9-3 County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL.) Our Economic Status tlf' 1 -- The fiscal year 1941 has passed into history. It ended on June 80, just a few days ago. Economicallj the picture was not so encouraging ftx*m the point of the taxpayer, his sons, daughters and offspring tc the 4th or 6th generation. \ balancing of the books showed that Uncle Sam had gone into the red in this fiscal year 1941 for the eleventh consecutive year. In other words, speaking in baseball lang uage, he has lost eleven straight The national debt now is around $49,000,000,000. But that is only the beginning. It is expected tc reach $56,000,000,000 by the end of the fiscal year 1942. There is no longer talk of even approach ing a balancing of the budget Money must now be spent for de fense even more lavishly than it was spent for social experiment ation. When all the figures are in (and they are not completed as this is being written) it is expected that the spending in 1941 will in round numbers approximate $12,600,000. 000. In 1918, during the World War, the figures was $12,697,000, 000, so there is still a bare pos sibility that we spent a little less in 1941, a year of peace, than in 1918, a year of war. Receipts were up in this fiscal year of 1941. This wras because of record breaking income tax collect ions, due to record breaking in come tax rates. It is believed that the receipts were something like $7,012,000,000. The national in come for the calendar year 1941 is expected to > reach $90,000,000. 000, having been greatly helped by war orders. But one cannot be cheered too much economically by the rise in receipts. • The worst is yet to come, according to the 'estimates Briefly, the ;{rear<#tufc fiscal*" pic* ti^re showed :.V‘* - . •' . , * — -- *■- * * ; . •*>*%•* * is* .****., - -jtT-s-*. V Recipts . % 7,®00,0OO,WO Expenditures 12,009,000,090 Deficit _ 5,000.000,000 Expert estimates for 1942, based on passage of the nefc tax bill be fore Congress, included: Receipts . $11,000,000,000 Expenditures . 22,000,000,000 Deficit -_ 11,000,000,000 Here is the story of Uncle Sam «■ economic situation, according to the latest figures. The only trouble is that the figures are so great the average man is unable to compre hend them. We all hope that some of the^e days the time will come when Unde Sam can balance his books. But that time is far off. This is in dicated by the fact we had a $5,000, 000,000 deficit in the year 1941 with) an anticipated one of $11,000,000, 000 in 1942. They’re Not On W. P. A. — A New York local Highway de parment and a colony of beavers have been struggling for months the beavers insisting on building a dam which threatened to flood the highway, and the road workers tearing it out. Finally the high way department has relinquished the field to the beavers. The busy little animals showed that they were not going to be licked by a damsite. Russia Surprises The Nazis The Past Week Russian soldiers are putting up an unlooked for battle against the Nazis troops in their native land and it begins to look as if Russia] is not going to be the walk-away that the Nazis leaders had con templated when they started the war against them. Will history re peat itself, Russia caused the down fall of Napolean and it might just be possible that it will also mark the end for Hitler and his consorts. Happy Homemakers News Friday June 27 we went to Neligh to a judging demonstration meet ing. We learned how to judge our projects. Monday June 30, we met at the home of Secretary Treasurer Ju Ann Wright for our regular 4-11 meeting, we judged our second project. Happy Homemakers and Little Ranchers plan to have a picnic in Ted Hopkins grove July 13. Little Ranchers will give a calf judging demonstration. The Methodist Church V. C. Wright, Minister Church School 10:00 A. M., H. B. Burch, Superintendent. • > Public Worship 11:00 A. M. Junior Chair will render with the trumpets and the pastor will preach. Youth Fellowship will meet in the park 7:00 P. M. There is to be a worship period under the leader hip of Bonnie Yarnall and recre ation with picnic lunch. The Men’s Club with their fami lies will have a covered dish lunch eon and a recreational evening in the park on the evening of July 31. Presbyterian Church l)r. J. E. Spencer, Pastor Sunday School at 10:00 A. M. Preaching at 11:00 A. M. Sermon Subject—Christ and the Church The regular quarterly Communion Service will be observed at this hour. C. E. Society will meet at 7:00 1 o’clock. A special meeting is be ing prepared by the delegates from the Blair Conference. All the young people are asked to study the first three chapters of Luke A full attendance is desired. Session Meeting Friday evening at 8:00 at the church. Farm Labor Shortage (Jetting Quite Acute Farmers are reporting to the local county agent’s office that the problem of securing hay and harvest laborers is becoming in creasingly difficult. The numbei of available laborers registering at this office has been very small in comparison to the requests re ceived for help. In a good many cases the shortage is requiring farm women and boys to take the place of a man. In ordeT to meet the situation with the least dif ficulty every available farm laborei is asked to register at the county agent’s office, in O’Neill. Club Camp At Long Cine Next Week Applications are being received from 4-H club members to attend the annual 4-H club camp at Long Line from July 14-16, Each yeai Holt County has been represented at the camp by a fine delegation, This year indications point to a smaller group attending because of the harvest and haying, Jpit.any 4-H member or leader whp is-intysr «p£ad. ip. attending can. sector* thv • detariU'from their loca}''4j»ad«c rt ‘ Si * -* ■•*(• »»• > j—iir: *&* j..w,yr Clarke-McNary Plantings V ery Successful In County Nebraska Extension Forester Earl G. Maxwell was in the county this week inspecting plantings of Clarke-McNary trees on local farml and ranches. Mr. Maxwell expres sed satisfaction with these plant ings, of which Holt County has been the leader for the past several seasons. , Encouragement of the narTow shelterbelt plantings of fast grow ing trees at 20 rod intervals in andy fields is believed by the for ester to be the solution of r^uch nf wind erosin problems in , the county. The use of such varieties as black locust to grow posts for local use was sugested as a method of using tree plantings in a more practical way. Mr. Maxwell stated that Clarke-McNary seedling would be available through the county agent’s office in 1942. Never Too Old To Learn, Says P. J. _____ i P. J. McManus says a man never gets too old to take on new duties Although he is nearly 83 he says that for 'thd' first time in his, life he ran a binder last Tuesday, while cutting rye oh his ten acre tra«tt in) the northern part of the city. The! next morning lie was up at daylight and assisted* in shocking the trye. j Not bad for a youngster of his age | Nebraska Banks Make, Splendid Showing During First Six Months 1940 Thirty-five per cent of the banks in Nebraska made more than 173, 000 loans totaling $111,000,000 to business firms and individuals throughout the state during the second half of 1940, according to the semi-annual survey of bank lending activity made by the Re serch Council of the American Bankers Association. * The A. B. A. loan survey was participated in by 148 Nebraska banks, or 35.4 per cent of the 417 banks in the state. These 148 banks reported that they made between July 1 and IJee ember 31, 1940: i 106,092 new loans tolg $58,164*285 67,182 re’wals loans 52,407,023 656 new M. - loans 1,257,841 173,930 $111,829,149 The survey showed that business firms in the state used only two thirds of the “confirmed upon lines of credit” maintained for their use on the books of banks. A 1*ota] of seven banks in the larger centers of the state reported that they carried on their books $892,511$ in “open lines of credit” offered to and kept available for regular borrowers for use as needed by them. Of this amount $588,312 oi 65.9 per cent was used. The average number of new loans made pel bank during the six months period under review was 717 and the average size of tloan was $548. ‘ The average number of loans re newed per bank was 454 and tm average renewal was for $780. The aver age number of new mort gage loans made per bank was 4 and the average new mortgage made was for$l,917. 4 In County Court Donald Mille of Chambers, ap peared before County Judge Louis W. Reimer on July 9th. on a'com plaint signed by Patrolman John Meistrell, charging him with reck less driving. He pled guilty^ and was find $10.00 and costs of $3.10 Francis Senn of Bartlett, Neb raska, appeared before the County Judge on July 5th, on a complaint signed by Patrolman Brt, charging him with overloading. He pled guilty, and was fined $12.00 and costs of $3.10. Harry Green of Valentine, ap peared before Judge Reimer on July 5th, on a complaint signed by Patrolman Brt, charging him with overloding. He plead guilty, was fined $12.00 and costs of $3.10. Marriage Licenses The following marriage licenses were issued by the County Judge during the past week: Clyde A. Peterson of Chicago, and Aneeta J. Humphrey of At kinson. on July 5th. A. F. Furley of Willow Lake, S. D., and Rudy Schenck of Bryant South Dakota, on July 8th. Leonard Shane of Stuart, and Yvonne Schmidt, also of Stuaft, on July 3rd. Leonard W. Morrow of O’Neil) and Marie A. Brown, of Chambers on July 1st. OLD SETTLERS PICNIC MEET The annual Old Settlers Picnic meetinghe held «t the Mid way’ stoi'e. Saturday; night, July ,12. .Rdhertsoti. tSecretafy .4 , . — tt* %.rr * - v* * > BRIEFLY STATED J. B. Slate of Omaha, of the Travelers Insurance Company wa in O’Neill, Wednesday on business Gus Cad well of Huron, S. D., was in O’Neill, Wednesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Luca.-, spent the 4th at the Haive Derrick ranch at Bassett. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shoemaket announce the birth of a daughtei on Thursday morning, July 10th. Allan Crandall of Fremont, spent Tuesday here visiting at the home of Dr, and Mrs. L. A. Burgess. Dean Dickson of Ames, Iowa spent the Fourth of July here visit ing at the home of Mrs. R. R. Dick-i son. Miss Nadine Kilpatrick of Omaha spent Sunday here visiting her par ents, Mr. and rs. O. A. Kilpatrick, j _ Mr. and Mrs. Cordis Walker of. Pege, announce the birth of a daughter on Thursday, July 3. Merle Hickey spent Tuesday and Wedne>day in Valentine on business..-' Sheriff Peter W. Duffy returned; on Sunday from Omaha, where he attended the race meet. Ralph Vorecks of Omaha, spent Sunday here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Kilpatrick. Orville Green returned Sunday to Milford, Nebr., where he is tak ing a course in airplane mechanics. A lot of interventionists are now trying to move our frontier from the Rhine to the Near East. Harold Connors and Bill Miller both of Washington, D. C., are ex pected to arrived the first of the week to visit relatives and friends. Latest report about the motive of Rudolf Hess’ trip to Scotland is that he went over to plant some Hess-ian flies. It is said that the roily car in a few years will he as rare an object as the old one-hoss shay. Time marches on. Miss Doloris Backman has accept ed a position with the Northwestern Bell, and started upon her new duties on Tuesday. Miss Patrice Robertson of Sheld on, Iowa, spent the week-end here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Robertson. John Lee Baker left Monday for Stuart, where he will spend several days visiting his cousin, Eugene Baker. Mrs. C. J. Gatz entertained her bridge club at a seven o’clock dinner, followed by cards at her home on Thrusday evening. E. E. Cole, of Star, was a pleasant caller at this office yesterday after noon while on his way to Norfolk to consult an occulist. Miss Helen Galagher left on Monday for Lincoln, where she will attend an educational conference being held there this week. Homer Mullen of Omaha, spent the week-end here visiting Mrs. Mullen and with other relatives and friends. Miss Grace and Louise O’Don nell of Omaha, spent the Fourth of July week-end here visiting their mother, Mrs. J. F, O’Donnell. Mrs. Bill Kellogg of Omaha, spent the Fourth of July here visiting her father, Paul Schwisow and Miss Grace Suchy. Dr. M. E. Daugherty of Sioux City, Iowa, spent the Fourth of July week-end here visiting at the home of Mrs. John Carr. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Don Pilger drove to Valentine on Friday and spent the day there fishing. Maurice Downey of McKeesport, Pa., spent last Saturday here visit ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Downey. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Covy of Columbus, spent Thrusday here __ DANCE Crystall Ball Room ATKINSON . Wednesday, July 16 MUSIC BY VERN WII.SON AND HIS 9 PIECE BAND _ ___;—;-i- I •- v'-- .*.*'•» «* .♦v-t* • i • -Va H riaitiag at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Walling. The world pauses to bow a mo ment ou\ of respect to the great patriot and pianist, Paderewski. The world may well do this as it has seldom known a better man. Miss Elizabeth Graves, who has been here visiting her mother, Mrs. Julia Graves for the past ten days expects to leave on Friday for her home at Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter and Clyde Streeter and daughter, Bar bara drove to Bruinswick on Sun iay and spent the day there visit ing relatives. Mrs. M. J. Connelly and daughter Mary Ann left on Sunday foi Creighton, Nebraska, where they will spend the week visiting at the home of Mrs. Connelly’s parent-. Mrs. Frank Griffith will leave on Saturday for North Platte, Neb ; raska, where she will make an ex tended visit at the home of hei son, Cecil and family. Mir. and Mrs. George Vitt return ed to their home in Omaha on Sun ; day, after spending several daysj I here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Vitt, Sr. - | Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Birrriinghani | and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Froelieh drove to Omaha last Saturday and I attended the last day of the race] ] tournament Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hill and child ren, of Orchard, spent Sunday here visiting at the home of Mrs. Hill’s parentss, Mr. and Mrs. 0. A. Kil patrick. Mrs. Lee Layman and children of Long Meadows, Mass., arrived on Saturday to visit at the home of Mrs. Layman’s mother, Mrs. John Carr and other relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Don Pilger of Loup City. Nebraska, left on Sunday foi their home after spending the fourth of July holiday here at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Miller. Miss Margaret Hammond left on Sunday for her home in Omaha after spending the Fourth of July holiday here with harr parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Hammond. ■ H. J. Hammond, Ira Moss, P. C.* Donohue and Hike Hortskey left on Tuesday morning for Park Rapids, Minn., where they will spend the next week fishing. According to the Neligh Leader of ia»t week William A. Snwardt and Miss Elizabeth M. Slack, both of this city, w ere gi anted a marriage license in county court there last week. The i'.oosevel; library, containing thousands of official and unofficial state papers, has been dedicated ut Hyde Park. Wonder if it h Ids any copies of the Democratic p.at form of 11)32. Mr. and Mrs. Clff Pfeifer ol McCook, returned to their home on Sunday afternoon, after spending the week-end here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack David son over the Fourth. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Miller and Mr. and Mrs. D. A. BakeT drove to Plain view on Friday and spent the day there visiting relatives and friends. * ‘ - !• Ed O’Donnell left on .Sunday foi his home at Okmulgee, Oklohoma, after spending the past month here Visiting his daughter, Miss Patrica, and other relatives.;and friends. - The first Treasure hunt of the season will be held this Friday night, 'beginning at eight-thirty and the cars will leave from the residence of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cronin. “Wanted Parachute FOR ANYTHING YOU NEED | TRY OUR WANT ADS H Charter No. 5770 ' Reserve District No. 10 REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF The O’Neill National Bank * of O’Neill, in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on June 30, 1941 Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes. ASSETS ■» Loans and discounts (including $228.95 overdrafts) . $150,478.22 United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed . 172,741.00 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 50,196.29 Other bonds, notes, and debentures. 69,676.43 Corporate stocks, including stock of Federal Reserve bank ... 3,000.00 Cash, balances with other banks, including re serve balance, and cash items in process of collection . 387,586.46 Bank premises owned $3,000.00, furniture and fixtures $500.00 ....r.. 3,500.00 Real estate owned other than bank premises .... 1.00 Total Assets . $837,179.40 LIABILITIES Demand deposit of individuals, partnerships. and corporations . $496,745.22 Time Deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations ..,. 81,630.40 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) . 1,011.67 Deposits of States and political subdivisions_ 81,667.67 Deposits of banks 21,120.30 Total Deposits . $682,075.26 Total Liabilities. $682,076.26 CAPITAL ACCOUNT d Capital Stock: Common stock, total par $50,000.00 . $50,000.00 Surplus . 50,000.00 Undivided Profits . 50,604.14 Reserves . 4,500.00 Total Capital Accounts .„ 155,104.14 Total Liabilities and Capital Account . $837,179.40 MEMORANDA Pledged assets (and securities loaned) (book value): United States Government obligations, di rect and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities . 30,000.00 Other assets pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities (including notes and bills rediscounted and securities sold under repurchase agreement) - 18,000.00 Total . 48,000.00 Secured liabilities: Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to requirements of law. 51,029.27 Total .- $51,029.27 State of Nebraska. County of Holt, ss: I, S. J. Weekes, President of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. S. J. WEEKES, President. Sworn to and subscribed before me this 6th day of July, 1941 [SEAL] MARJORIE DICKSON, Notary Public. My Commission expires June 5, 1947. - ■ , Correct—Attest: Emma Dickinson Weekes, E. P. Quinn; P. N. Cronin, Directors. > - : '• r> „ ■ •’ f' (This bank carries no indebtedness of Officers or stockfr.vMsnf^. Member Federal Deport ■'Insurance, Cdhyjrisjti'on.^. ' ■ : b ^' ■'? ' * j- * - it. r - Sm** *■ <• --* -***