The Frontier D. H. Cronin, Editor and Proprietor Entered at the poatoffice at O’Neill, Nebraska, as Second Class Matter. BRIEFLY STATED Miss Patrecia Beha, of Minnea polis Minnesota, came Sunday to spend the summer with her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Beha, and other relatives. Harry Wright, stationed at the Naval Reserve Radio and Signal School, Los Angeles, is home for a abort leave. Mr. Wright is the son of Rev. and Mrs. V. C. Wright. Mrs. Clyde Johnson and daugh ter, Barbara, who have been here visiting at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Protivinsky, left on Friday for their home at Sioux Falls, S. D. Rev. V. C. Wright, dean of the Summer School of the Board of Ministerial Training in Nebraska Methodism, returned home last Fri day evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. Mann of Carroll Iowa, arrived here on Sunday to at tend the annual golf tournament and to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Max Golden. Mrs. Louise Murray and son, John, and daughter, Ann, of Chi sago, Illinois, arrived on Saturday and are visiting at the home of J. A. Mann. Anton Ruzicka and his daughter. Miss Irene, left for their home at Clarkson, Nebraska, on Tuesday after spending the week end here visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka. Mrs. Russell Weingartner and hildren, Gary and Ann, of Houston, Texas arrived in the city Sunday evening for a visit with Mrs. Wein gartner’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Leach. Miss Lenore Brown, of Sioux City. Iowa, who has been here vis iting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. King for the past week, left on Tuesday for her home. Dr. and Mrs. Paul Tipton and Mrs. Bill Wagner and son, Jack, of Omaha, arrived on Saturday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. .Max Golden and to attend the golf tournament. Chicken Sandwieh-5c- St. Johns —Sun. June 29th. Dr. and Mrs. Hunt, of Battle Creek, left Wednesday for their home after visiting here at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Hunt and attending the golf tournament. Miss Kay Coyne left on Tuesday afternoon for Sioux City, Iowa, from which point she went on to NEW Lingerie for Summer BRASSIERE.white tea rose.29 URGE ASSORTMENT,”'"" .IjOO REGULAR SIZES EXTRA LARGE $1.1» RAYON SUPS FOR CHIDREN AT. 35 PERFORATED PANTIES 25* SCANIIES INDIVIDUALLY WRAPPED 25 PERFORATED GIRDLES 50c THIN WHITE GOWNS embroid d front 50c LAST CHANCE to buy from our regular stock of many styles of IIKASSIKKS FOR 25c EACH. Week End Specials FLOUR 48 LB 1.39 POTATOES HEW NO. 1 sh^kks^ 25c LEMONS FANCY 1„„slsK,sr,to, IT CRACKERS 2 „ , 15 7FDHCP THE SUMMER DRINK QPC LXXnCll ALL FLAVORS 3 BOTTLES . *>V GRAPE NUT FLAKES 25c LUX TOILET SOAP 3 BABS18C COFFEE GOLDEN GLOW LB. 18c COFFEE CHASE & SANBORN , n 28c ! CABBAGE lb. 3C !! TEA SALADA ORANGE “»3T SAUCE SARDINE ”BX cl 10' We have a Complete Stock of Heinze foods j Vinigar, Dill Pickles, Sweet Pickles, Old Style j Cucumber Pickles Sweet Jerkins, Baby Food, Baked Beans, Ketchup, Sandwich Spread, Steak Sauces, and Soups, WE DELIVER - PHONE 230 Buy Better Food For Better Health t: O'Neill, *'-• 5 z ■ #h» in 4 _ Nebraska her home in Chicago, after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. E Coyne over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Frenking and children of Omaha, arrived here on Sunday to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gallagher. Mr. Frenking returned on Monda> morning, while the others remained for a longer visit. J. B. Ryan returned on Saturday from Chicago, Illinois, where he attended the graduation exercises of his son, Joe, from De Paul Uni versity, and visited his daughter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Doyle. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cronin and daughter, Frances, of Grand Island, left on Tuesday evening for their home after visiting here the first Auto Loans Our auto loan service is fast and complete. Cash is avail able at once, with just your car as security. BUY WITH CASH Need auto rpairs, a better car, new home equipment or furniture. A loan from us will enable you to buy with cash. Repay on convenient terms. Furniture Loans Are made to those with a steady income. See the Central Finance Corporation Low Rates Courteous Service C. E. Jones, Mgr. 1st Natl Bank Bldg. O'Neill of the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cronin and attending the annual golf tournament. Rev. and Mrs. George Longstaff, of Hansen, Nebraska, arrived in the city last Friday for a few days visit with old time friends and parishoners in this city and county. The years are treating Rev. Long staff very lightly and he looks a bout as good as when he left here something like ten years ago. They left for home Monday afternoon. Presbyterian Church Bible School every Sunday morn ing at 10:00 A. M., C. E. Yantzi, superintendent. Morning Worship 11:00 A. M. The subject of the sermon will be, Experts in God’s Service. The Christian Endeaver Society will meet Sunday evening at 7:00 o’clock. # <■' Circle No. 1 will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred Robertson on Thurs day afternoon, June 26, with Mrs. Toy assisting. FIRST IN SALES because it's FIRST IN DESIGN among all low-priced trucks FIRST IN POWER (WITH "LOAD-MASTER" ENGINE) among all low-priced trucks FIRST IN FEATURES among all low-priced trucks FIRST IN STEERING EASE among all low-priced trucks FIRST IN VALUE - among all low-priced trucks MILLER BROS CHEVROLET CO O’NEILL NEBRASKA 4 ' 4 • f • " * */' *• ^.-'3* •• •* < *-v £'-vUaSw«Ki- v/ Os / £.'.&&:'**? * *V >' ' T Effective with JULY BILLING With this ne,w savings you can enjoy better electric living at no more cost! LIGHT CONDITION YOUR HOME WITH I. E. S. LAMPS A Sight to Priceless . . . Light is Cheap. WWti electric rates reduced to the lowest point la the history ol electricity, you can afford to have better light with I.E.S. lamps. You’ll ttod a lamp to suit every purpose. AN ELECTRIC RANGE WILL MAKE SUMMER COOKING A PLEASURE An Electric Range wUl give you added comfort and convenience this summer. With these new Low Electric Rate# you can afford to £ook elec trlcally. Take advantage of this low rate to enjoy better living, with electric cooking. AN AUTOMATIC HOT WATER HEATER .... Something The Whole Family Will Appreciate You'll find an Automatic Electric Water Heater real economy during the hot summer months. This new low Electric Rate makes possible this added convenience for the entire family at only a few cents a day. Hot water at fee turn of fee faucet. OUR POLICY of &'***!*' flsctAidty. bhinyA. thsuoi. laboJc Acwiny. ricuiroA within, the. Attack, of sosAy. fanuly.. CansamusPuBucPouiaDsnucf