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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 12, 1941)
Axis Seamen Arrive at Canal Zone Some of the 102 German and Italian seamen who sabotaged and •cnttled the vessels Eisenbach and Fella off the coast of Costa Rica, pictured when they arrived at the Canal Zone quarantine station prepara tory to deportation to Europe via the first Japanese vessel. For Better National Nutrition At the National Nutrition conference held in Washington at the re quest of the President 400 physicians and health officers were told that “diet standards of 75 per cent of our population need to be raised to withstand the strain of total defense.” Picture shows (left) Paul V. Mc * Nutt, federal security administrator, who opened the conference; M. L. Wilson (center) and Russell Wilder of Mayo clinic. Drilling America’s High-Fliers Flight test crews of Boeing Aircraft company at Seattle undergoing program that precedes stratosphere hop in the strato-chamber. At top, men are exercising and breathing pure oxygen to wash nitrogen out of the blood. Below, men are shown in the strato-chamber. All are now de nitrogenized and must wear masks even at sea level. U. S.-Canadian Arms Meet The four members of (he International Material Co-ordinating com mittee of the U. S. and Canada shown in Montreal before settling down to task of examining raw material resources of both countries for arms t production. L. to R., W. L. Batt, Washington, D. C.; H. J. Symington, Montreal; Edw. Stettinius *r., Washington; and G. C. Bateman, Toronto. Wins Revere Award Eugene Phillips, 33, of Fort Worth, Texas, who heads list of winners in the Revere award for best contribu tions made by workers at the bench to America’s defense plans. He was awarded first prise ($5,000) for his creation of a system for the blind landing of airplanes. 100% for Defense President William Green of the American Federation of Labor, pre sents the President with an original oil painting bearing legend, "A. F. of L. 100 Per Cent for Defense.” Fifty thousand large color posters were reproduced for local A. F. of L. unions. First of Its Kind First all-welded hull of a steam ship ever built in an American ship yard shown as it was launched at Pascagoula, Miss. The ship was built by the Ingalls Shipbuilding cor poration, for the U. S. maritime commission, and purchased by the U. S. navy. Dies Informant Dr. J. G. Matthews (left), counsel for Dies committee, and Jean Val tin, author, and former member of German Gestapo and Russian GPU, examining copies of Daily Worker. Valtin stated Nazi secret police keep , elaborate files on many Americans, j For Freedom of the Seven Seas Midshipmen of the United State* Naval academy, Annapolis, Md., pass In review (right) during presenta tion of the colors ceremony. Graduation time takes on added significance with the expansion of our navy. In set: Miss Fay Ann Albrecht of Columbus, Win., presents colors to Midshipman William Heroneumus, of Madi son, Wls. At right, beside girl. Is Rear Admiral Russell Wilson, commandant of the naval academy. Haile Selassie Stages ‘Comeback’ Officers and Ethiopian patriots are shown above listening to a speech by Halle Selassie, emperor of Ethiopia, who, with British co-operation, has once more entered Addis Ababa, capital of Ethiopia, from which he was chased five years ago by the Italians. Inset: This road sign is also a sign of victory, for It shows British Imperial troops in Addis Ababa. Play Is Curing Bomb-Shocked Children The power of play Is credited with helping these children recover from the effects of bomb shock. At left, children are climbing in the “Jungle gym” at the Anna Freftd nursery center In Hempstead, England, maintained by the foster parents plan for war children. Right: British children enjoying the adventures of Mickey Mouse. New Type Army Troop Carrier First new personnel carrier built for the army by the Diamond T Motor Car company in Chicago. The truck, which will carry 13 men, is shown as it was inspected by company and army officials. L. to R., in vehicle, Brig. Oen. N. F. Ramsay, Fred A. Preston, C. A. Tilt, presi dent of Diamond T, and Col. Donald Armstrong. ‘Boche-Buster’ England is proud of its biggest gun, pictured here, said to be the largest caliber gun in the world. This is the first picture showing the huge railway gun being fired. Army’s Latest Lieut. R. O. Norton, public rela tions officer at Edgewood, Md., ar senal, wearing army’s newest type of gas mask which offers many ad vantages over the older type. Exercise Ends Bulges That Give an Old Look Middle Age Starts at Middle. THAT discouraging matronly bulge at the waist! You push it in, girdle it in, but out it pops— unless you exercise it away! Or is your special problem fatty hips or heavy legs or a drooping bust? .... Our 32-page booklet has exercises to remedy those flgui'e faults, too. Tells bow to correct poor posture, faults of shoul ders, bust. arms, waistline. Gives exer cises to relieve foot troubles. constipaUon, nervous tension, also ■ dally routine for the entire body; Send order for your booklet to; READER-HOME SERVICE •35 Sixth Avenue New York City Enclose 10 cents tn coin for your copy of BEST EXERCISES FOR HEALTH AND BEAUTY. -Today'* popularity1 of Doan't Pills, AHJliJ^^ many years of world MWHHII wide use, surely must ■ ■"JllH'Bt’' accepted as evideneg B 1 llH BIB of satisfactory use. HnDMRlBB And favorable public opinion supports that of the able physicians who test the value of Doan’* under exacting laboratory condition!. These physicians, too, approve every word of advertising you read, the objective of which is only to recommend Doan’t Pith as a good diuretic treatment for disorder of the kidney function and for relief of the pain and worry it cauaes. If more people were aware of how the kidneys must constantly remove waste that cannot stay in the blood without in jury to health, there would be better un derstanding of why the whole body suffers when kidneys lac, and diuretic medica tion would be more often employed. Burning, scanty or too frequent urina tion sometimes warn of disturbed kidney function. You may suffer nagging back ache, persistent headache, attack* of diz ziness, getting up nights, swelling, puffi ness under the eyes—feel weak, nervous, all played out. Use Doan't Pills. It la better to rely on a medicine that has won world-wide ac claim than on something leas favorably known. Ask your neighbor I Time of Life A long life may not be good enough, but a good life is long enough.—Benjamin Franklin. KJ. WHAT TOBACCO ROLLS FIRMER, SMOOTHER, YET QUICKER, EASIER f U BELOW /prince ALBERT’S ^ f CRIMP CUT TO ROLL FAST, I V FIRM, TRIM-STICKS 4 / TO THE PAPER LIKE \ ( AN OLD FRIEND-SMOKES) MILD AS A ^ BREEZE /Ltasty as RIPE FRUIT. . IP A. PUTS ME f NEXT TO ECONOMY, TOO! 70 An* roll-your-awn cigarettes In ovary handy pocket tin at Prince Abort TkfNcedcBBtr THE NATIONAL JOY SMOKE B. J. Beynold«Tot)»cooCa.Wlnrton-B»Iti0.N. C. WNU—U 24—41 BARGAINS —that will save you many a dollar will escape you if you fail to read carefully and regularly the advertising of local merchants » » » IN THIS PAPER